
Sovereign Dragon System

Long ago humans ruled the world as the dominant race, well that was until mana was introduced and elves suddenly rose to the top of the race tree. Humans had mediocre mana mastery and plummeted down to become the lowest race, even goblins sat above humans. --------- Aaron Plight a human slave who was constantly been sold off to the elves since he was six until he finally settled with the Aeravansels, An elven family who ruled over a little human village called "Bryxlyn". On one unfaithful day, Aaron got himself into a pinch and was thrown into an underground dungeon and was constantly been punished for months. He had become the embodiment of despair and self-loath as he could no longer stomach the pain of being below all races. Well, that was until he heard a light-sounding bell in his head and a message popped before his face. [Ding! You've met the requirements for a race reset... Would you like to proceed?]

KhingOfPages · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Returning To Base.

Aaron lay on the floor gazing at the gaping hole he had created in the clouds.

'what happened to my body? I could see my enemy but had zero control over my body.'

"Didn't I have that 'Status Recovery' stone?" Aaron said with a soft tone as he began scrolling through his status window.

"Aha!... Here you are" He let out.

~Status Recovery (+1)

[Status Recovery completely replenishes your mana and heals up 100% of your injuries.

This stone vanishes after use]

Tri-ring... You've used the Status Recovery stone.

Your Hp and Mp have been restored.

~Status Recovery stone (+0)

"So glad I didn't waste the 'status recovery' stone, I would have been in a serious pinch," Aaron articulated as he picked himself up from the ground.

'What was that berserk skill?' Aaron thought as he opened up his status window reviewing his newly acquired skill.


~Dragon's Madness (Mythic - Level 1)

[When this skill is used you're able to tap into 25% of your true potential. Warning: You'll go on a rampage if your intelligence is below 300]

-Consumes 5 mana/second.

-Cooldown: 71 hours: 54 minutes: 23 seconds.

'25℅ of my true potential that comes with 0 control of my body... That right there's the devil's deal' Aaron assessed.

"Master... Are you okay?" approaching Aaron Fenrir questioned.

Aaron veered around to see Fenrir approaching, he had shrunk in size and was striding toward him.

"Master, I might have not been alive back then but I thought your race was extinct," Fenrir interviewed.

"And we still are," Aaron replied as he looked down at the beat-up ogre.

'If there's one thing I learned from this ogre it's I'm still weak, I need to level up faster or I'll be backed into a corner a lot more.'

"The elves will soon come to investigate the death of Chaalmyth and his family, I need to pick my fights more carefully," Aaron spoke to himself.

"I need to harvest more XP before the storm comes."

'Fenrir, pick the ogre up... she'll be more useful in my kingdom'

Fenrir nodded in affirmation, seeing his master's partial form had cleared the doubts in his mind on how a mere human could beat him into submission. He came to a few conclusions but never did it crossed his mind that Aaron was a dragon.

Fenrir raised Ysera with his teeth and placed her on his back.

"Now l believe that's all your leaders and commanders done with, if you still got someone up your sleeves let him step forward," Aaron addressed the distressed trolls.

"If not, I'll be expecting the monthly supply of your hunts," after a little pause Aaron remarked as he hoped on Fenrir's back.

'Let's get going,' Aaron told tapping his side.

"Don't make me come back here or else I'll lay waste to this pigsty of a settlement" Aaron let out one last time before Fenrir took off into the thick forest.


A journey that took over two days only took Fenrir half a day to cover. He ran like the wind evading every obstacle that stood in his path.

"Take me to the mansion" Aaron commanded.

Fenrir raced past the entrance heading straight for the tallest building that stood at the far end of "Dragon's Den".

The residents who had seen their ruler arrive cheered him as the feeling of security set in and they could finally rest easy.

Aaron got off Fenrir at the entrance of the mansion. "Bring the ogre in," Aaron told, Ysera had regained consciousness but couldn't move a muscle due to the injuries she had gained during the battle.

"So you made it back," Eleanor remarked as she approached Aaron, she had a serious expression on but it was all a mask to hide the happiness she felt the moment he walked in.

Eleanor had on a long white dress that held unto her body emphasizing her figure... She crossed her steps swaying her hips as she drew closer.

"And who's that?" Eleanor questioned.

Aaron stopped and looked at her, letting out a smirk as he shook his head before walking past her and into his throne room.

Ysera knelt on the floor before Aaron who sat high on his throne. "So what will it be, I'm entirely at your mercy... You won and a deal's a deal," Ysera expressed.

Aaron heard Ysera but deliberately ignored her, he was looking at his status window trying to distribute his extra stat points.

HP: 297/298

Mana: 230/230


Strength: 218 (+50)

Agility: 209 (+50)

Intelligence: 211 (+50)

Stamina: 159 (+50)

Durability: 172 (+50)

(Extra distributional points: 66)

'I should seriously invest in my stamina, I can't be getting tired after barely fighting for 20 minutes' Aaron thought.

"System, invest 30 points into my stamina, 20 points into durability, 6 points into intelligence, and 5 points each into both strength and agility."



Strength: 223 (+50)

Agility: 214 (+50)

Intelligence: 216 (+50)

Stamina: 189 (+50)

Durability: 192 (+50)

(Extra distributional points: 0)

Satisfied with his stat raising his head Aaron closed his stat window and locked his gaze on Ysera who had been patiently watching him touch the air unable to see what he was interacting with.

Aaron rested his chin on his right knuckle placing his elbow on the throne's armrest, his gaze still locked on Ysera.

Ysera held a different feminine aura different from Eleanor's, with her torn-up leopard bra hanging down her shoulders barely holding her heavy cleavage.

Aaron let out a sigh as he got up from his seat and walked down the red-carpet stairs which elevated his throne, he stopped in front of Ysera who stared at the ground incapable of looking into his blue eyes.

Squatting down to level with Ysera, Aaron aggressively took a hold of her cheeks, slightly lifting her head he stared into her wooden-brown colored eyes.

"From here on out each step you take will be for my purpose... Anyone you cut, you cut for me... You're only alive because I allow it."

Ysera couldn't say a word, she only looked into Aaron's frozen eyes.

"I live to die for you... Master," Ysera declared sounding slumberous.

"Now open your mouth" Aaron got up letting go of her cheeks.

Ysera obeyed without objections, she slightly dropped her jaws as her eyeballs rolled upwards to be able to see her master.

"A little wider and stick out your tongue," he ordered. Ysera closed her eyes as she opened her mouth even wider and her salivary tongue could be seen stretched below her lower lips.

'I don't mind giving it to you master, but isn't it a little too soon?' Ysera thought, her heart ran laps as different fantasies swam through her head.

Finally, she felt a warm liquid run down her tongue into her throat.

"Nnnnggghhh!!!" Ysera moaned out loud which echoed through the throne room.

"A-Aaron? Wha-what do you think you're d-do... doing?" Eleanor walked into the room to see Ysera kneeling before Aaron facing his crotch.
