
Sovereign Dragon System

Long ago humans ruled the world as the dominant race, well that was until mana was introduced and elves suddenly rose to the top of the race tree. Humans had mediocre mana mastery and plummeted down to become the lowest race, even goblins sat above humans. --------- Aaron Plight a human slave who was constantly been sold off to the elves since he was six until he finally settled with the Aeravansels, An elven family who ruled over a little human village called "Bryxlyn". On one unfaithful day, Aaron got himself into a pinch and was thrown into an underground dungeon and was constantly been punished for months. He had become the embodiment of despair and self-loath as he could no longer stomach the pain of being below all races. Well, that was until he heard a light-sounding bell in his head and a message popped before his face. [Ding! You've met the requirements for a race reset... Would you like to proceed?]

KhingOfPages · Fantasy
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19 Chs


"Nnnnggghhh!!!" Ysera moaned out loud which echoed through the throne room.

"A-Aaron? Wha-what do you think you're d-do... doing?" Eleanor walked into the room to see Ysera kneeling before Aaron facing his crotch.

"Uhhh? what do you think?..." Aaron responded. "I'm giving her my healing potion"

"Uwaahhhh!!!!... Master's healing potion's going down my throat..." Ysera let out rolling her eyes to the back of her head with her tongue sticking out.

"Your heal... Healing potion?" Eleanor faltered.

"Anyways that's beside the point, so how are you feeling now Ysera," Aaron inquired.

"I feel alive master, your liquid has given me life," Ysera said seductively as she gets off her knees.

"Eleanor go clean her up and get her a change of clothes" Aaron ordered. "Ysera go along with her"

"Yes, master..." Ysera bowed down before leaving the throne room.

'Her entire attitude and demeanor changed in a split second... Almost caught me off guard when she moaned out like that' Aaron deliberated as he climbed up his throne.

"Okay, now that's settled unto the next item," Aaron said with a sigh.


"Master, I'm baccckkk!!!" Ysera could be seen jogging down the throne room.

Her tremendous cleavage swung like a pendulum with every step she took... She had on a black elegant dress that slit at the base revealing her thighs.

"Hey, Ysera holds up, don't run out wearing that dress... It's too revealing," Eleanor warned as she ran after the busty ogre.

"She'd look exactly like an elf if not for her green-colored skin" Aaron's thought leaked out his mouth.

As Ysera was about to approach Aaron he held her in place with [Ancient Dominion]. "Don't get ahead of yourself Ysera" getting down from his throne he remarked.

"Awww, I just want your hug master... Please let me hug you" Ysera pleaded extensively.

"Fenrir..." Aaron called.

"Yes master, how can I be of service?" the large cat said as he strolled towards his master.

"We're heading into a dungeon," Aaron informed his two... two... (Tbh even I don't know what they are to him. *Sigh.)

The instant Aaron broke the news about entering a dungeon the two ladies' expressions changed.

"Don't concern yourself with me, just protect 'Dragon's den' while I'm gone" Aaron passed a command as he claimed on the back of Fenrir. "I'll be back in no time"

"Fenrir, take me to the nearest dungeon."

"With pleasure, hold on tight master"

Finally releasing his grasp on Ysera Fenrir sped off with Aaron riding tall on his back.


Fenrir had carried Aaron to a certain dungeon North-west of Dragon's Den.

"We've arrived..." Fenrir notified Aaron who hopped down his back.

"So this is it huh? A dungeon," Aaron spoke out loud.

Placed in front of Aaron and Fenrir was the mouth of a dark and broad cave, it emitted a creepy aura and not even Fenrir knew what sort of creatures nested in this very cave.

But Aaron was still determined to proceed knowing he had to level up somehow or else his journey would be cut short by the scythe of the unforgiving reaper.

With great caution and awareness, the two stepped into the cold, bitter, and mysterious cave.

They both could see all right in the dark so the lack of any form of light wasn't a big deal. Aaron and Fenrir had been attentive to their surroundings when from the distance a small orange light could be seen closing in on them.

In a wink that one small orange light had several orange lights flying toward them at an alarming rate. The light had gotten quite close when Aaron finally figured out what they were.

Those orange lights were flames at the tip of an arrow and about a hundred of that orange lights were heading straight for them.

Aaron suddenly stretched forth his right hand and began pulling his katana out of nothing. As soon as he drew his blade he began cutting the flaming arrows in two, the ones he didn't cut he avoided.

"Shrekmestrufling," A male coarse voice resonated through the hollowed cave.

"Master that's goblin lingo," Fenrir informed. "what he said specifically is irrelevant, all you need to know is he's calling for a fight and he's not alone,"

'Glad its goblins who welcomed me and not some high leveled beast'.

"If its a fight they crave, it's a massacre they shall get,"

Aaron said pulling his katana along the floor creating a metallic noise as he walked toward the direction in which the arrows had departed from.

"Or don't you think so Fenrir," Aaron raised a question. He had a peculiar grin on his face which he had just developed recently.

"These laughable bone feeders shall rue the second they decided to stand in the path of my master," Fenrir let out as he grew exponentially in size.

Just as the two approached pair of red eyes began popping out of the dark one after another and not too long over two hundred red-eyed goblins stood ahead of Aaron and Fenrir.

"This dungeon is a farm and I've come to harvest," Aaron let out. "Fenrir don't hold back, let's sweep this dungeon clean of every creature that may have settled here".

Fenrir spread his four legs slightly apart, raised his head high, and let out a mighty roar.

[Ding! Fenrir has used the skill "instigation"]

[Ti-ring the goblins have been affected by Fenrir's "Instigation" skill]

Paying no caution to the wind, the 200+ goblins began charging violently toward the two dungeon raiders.

Aaron and Fenrir not going to sit and wait for the goblins to come, both began charging right back and in no time the two forces had clashed and goblins began flying into the air.

[Ding! You've slain a goblin... You've earned 3 stat points... +4XP]

[Ding! You've slain a goblin... You've earned 3 stat points... +4XP]

Ding! Fenrir has slain a goblin... Fenrir has earned 3 stat points... +4XP]

'Huh? So Fenrir gets to level up as well?' Aaron thought. 'This is astonishing, so we'll both greatly increase in strength by the time we're done here'

[Ding! You've slain a goblin... You've earned 3 stat points... +4XP]

[Ding! Fenrir has slain a goblin... Fenrir has earned 3 stat points... +4XP]

[Ding! You've slain a goblin... You've earned 3 stat points... +4XP]

[Ding! You've slain a goblin... You've earned 3 stat points... +4XP]

[Ding! Fenrir has slain a goblin... Fenrir has earned 3 stat points... +4XP]


[Ti-ring! To assign the stat point to Fenrir you'll need to buy the "Superior's insignia" skill from the skill shop]


Name: Fenrir

Race: Feline <Rare>

Level: 8

Title: <King of the forest>

HP: 82/91

Mana: 78/89


Strength: 113

Agility: 118

Intelligence: 91

Stamina: 101

Durability: 94

(Extra distributional points: 9)


~Instigation (unique - Level 1)>




