
Sovereign Dragon System

Long ago humans ruled the world as the dominant race, well that was until mana was introduced and elves suddenly rose to the top of the race tree. Humans had mediocre mana mastery and plummeted down to become the lowest race, even goblins sat above humans. --------- Aaron Plight a human slave who was constantly been sold off to the elves since he was six until he finally settled with the Aeravansels, An elven family who ruled over a little human village called "Bryxlyn". On one unfaithful day, Aaron got himself into a pinch and was thrown into an underground dungeon and was constantly been punished for months. He had become the embodiment of despair and self-loath as he could no longer stomach the pain of being below all races. Well, that was until he heard a light-sounding bell in his head and a message popped before his face. [Ding! You've met the requirements for a race reset... Would you like to proceed?]

KhingOfPages · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Hidden Skill.


Name: Aaron Plight

Race: Dragon <Night breed>

Level: 14

Job Class: None

Title: Dragon Lord

HP: 185/298

Mana: 212/230


Strength: 218

Agility: 209

Intelligence: 211

Stamina: 159

Durability: 172

(Extra distributional points: 26)


°Primary Skills.

~Sovereignty (Legendary - Level 2)>

~Dark flames (Unique - Level 2)>

~Ancient dominion (Mythic - Level 2)>

°Tertiary Skills.

~Darkness (Rare - Level 1)>


"Alright, daughter of 'Ner'Zhul the weak' come at me with your life," Aaron taunted Ysera with a wicked grin on his face.

"Keep my father's name out of your mouth you dishonorable man," Ysera let out racing toward Aaron with her daggers in both hands.

"How am I dishonorable for taking the head of lousy troll... He should have been more aware of his surroundings," Aaron remarked.

"Yeah says the coward too afraid to fight fair and clean" Ysera countered as she swung her daggers at Aaron.

They both engaged in blade fights and for some time Ysera was dominating Aaron, she had way more experience than him topped with her cat-like agility on the battlefield. Aaron noticed he was been outmatched and was beginning to develop doubts about himself.

"She's better than I expected, Did I make the wrong decision to accept her challenge?" Aaron said in a low tone.

Ysera was completely dominating Aaron and before long he was on the defensive side of the fight. He had to rely on his skills for most of the battle.

"Do you know why my father had the title 'the undefeated'?" Ysera raised a question suddenly ceasing her attacks.

Pant... Pant...

Fatigue had begun to catch up to Aaron having to defend almost throughout the entire combat, he had finally gotten a few minutes to catch his breath.

'I should have invested more points in my stamina' Aaron thought, 'I imagined with overwhelming strength and speed my battles wouldn't last long.'

"The reason my dad was undefeated, was because I was by his side," Ysera answered the question she had raised. "You know where I'm getting with this right?"

"So one could say 'the undefeated' title belongs to me," Ysera declared as she bolted towards Aaron with meticulous speed.

As she drew closer Aaron began using his [Dark flames] but Ysera kept evading them with explicit footwork.

Aaron even tried using [Ancient Dominion] to hold her in place so he could land his [Dark Flames].

[Ding! Your opponent's mana is above 350... Ancient dominion was ineffective]

"Ineffective? What the hell?" Aaron let out frustrated by his condition.

Ysera had closed up the gap that Aaron had been trying his best to keep and without hesitancy began to attack with both daggers.

'How is this possible? I can't lose here... I've lost all my life, this system gave me power so how am I still losing?' Aaron thought as pure anger began flowing through his mind.

"There's no way I'm losing here... I've gone from being the lowest race now I'm at the peak of all races"

"So how am I losing to a bloody female ogre?" The anger grew even more.

"Know your place... VERMIN!!!!!" Aaron yelled with utmost rage.

[Ding! You've unlocked a hidden skill: Dragon's Madness]


Ysera could see claws protrude from Aaron's hands but that wasn't what throw her off.

Aaron screamed as two massive bat-like wings tore out from the flesh on his back and that was what threw Ysera off.

Huff... Huff... Huff... Aaron's breath sounded as he laid his bloodshot eyes on Ysera who was looking bewildered by this update.

Before Ysera could gather her thoughts together Aaron shot at her, with impeccable speed he closed the distance she had created during the period he was experiencing his transformation.

Ysera had no time to react as Aaron landed a mighty blow on her bare tummy which sent her flying through the air.

"Gurghha" blood fled her mouth as she rode through the air crashing through rocks.

Aaron instantly flapped his mighty wings and like a bullet, he flew straight at Ysera who was still crashing through rocks and trees.

Catching up to Ysera in seconds he grabbed her face and planted it into the ground as he flew around the pastures surrounding the tribe creating separation in the ground.

He then pulled her out off the floor and threw her into the sky, and pursued her like a missile till he was above her. As she approached him. He knotted his fingers together and clobbered her back to earth with immense strength.

Ysera was no match for this sort of animosity as she lay in the hole on the ground created by her impact when she landed.

Flying above the unconscious ogre, Aaron opened his mouth and inhaled deeply then in a few seconds, dark flames could be seen swelling down his throat.

Incapable of holding the flames down anymore Aaron yelled as robust black-colored flames exited his lungs and shot into the light blue skies which created a hole in the white clouds before he got a notification.

[Ding! You've depleted your mana... The skill: Dragon's madness has been deactivated]

Tired and weak like a lifeless bird, Aaron fell from the sky and landed on the soil below him.

[Ding! You've defeated the Ogre 'Ysera the shadow commander' Rewards would be delivered shortly]

[Ti-ring! You've acquired 15 stat points]

Ding! You have leveled up!

Ding! You have leveled up!

Ding! You have leveled up!

Ding! You have leveled up!

Ding! You have leveled up!

[You've acquired 25 additional stat points for leveling up x5]



~Dragon's Madness (Mythic - Level 1)

[When this skill is used you're able to tap into 25% of your true potential. Warning: You'll go on a rampage if your intelligence is below 300]

-Consumes 5 mana/second.

-Cooldown: 72 hours.


Name: Aaron Plight

Race: Dragon <Night breed>

Level: 19

Job Class: None

Title: Dragon Lord

HP: 43/298

Mana: 2/230


Strength: 218

Agility: 209

Intelligence: 211

Stamina: 159

Durability: 172

(Extra distributional points: 66)


°Primary Skills.

~Sovereignty (Legendary - Level 2)>

~Dark flames (Unique - Level 2)>

~Ancient dominion (Mythic - Level 2)>

°Tertiary Skills.

~Darkness (Rare - Level 1)>


~Dragon's Madness (Mythic - Level 1)


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