
Somewhat Normal or Not In Marvel

What do you do when you ended up in Marvel with a Cheat you can’t fully understand? Follow along and find out. I don’t own photo found it on google wanted something better but went with it.... if owner wants it down let me know.

KillingSoftly · ภาพยนตร์
25 Chs

9) DNA and Doom......

The group went quiet they didn't know how to explain it to him, they assumed that he had seen the news over the passed tow days but seeing his face they knew that wasn't the answer, Reed was the one to speak out, "It's hard to explain but the storm on that day changed our molecular structure all the way down to the DNA, you know they say that everyone has the Mutant gene right? Well it's kind of like that but what the storm did was accelerate the process of unlocking the gene and growing upon it. Sue is the expert of DNA so we had her look into all of ours before we started and then seeing it after it turned more complex like it evolved while at the same its structure was a complete illusion." He stopped there since he knew that Jayden wouldn't understand if he went to a more technical way of speaking he had already given the same explanation to Ben and Johnny the other day.

"So what happen to you all like what abilities did you gain?" Jayden said even though he knew what powers they had gotten.

"Oh my time to shine," Johnny said stepping forward, "My sister here got invisibility and some sort of barrier type power, but she can only activate it when she is embarrassed so just make her blush and she will go invisible, Next is Reed here he is like rubber he can stretch and bend at unbelievable angles honestly it's kind of creepy dude can turn his whole head around like that possessed girl in that move. Number three is our friendly neighbor hood giant freak thing here, well his is self explanatory just looking at him he rocks.... get it he is made out of rocks," Seeing everyone give him a deadpan stare he coughed and laughed it off going back to his explanation making a pose first, "Then there is me the man, the myth, the legend, The god of fire. Flame-on!" his whole body covered in flames making the temperature in the room increase by a large margin before he shut it off appearing naked in front of everyone.

"Dude clothes!" Jayden and Ben yelled at the same time while Reed grabbed his forehead like he was exhausted, Sue turned around making gagging noises like she was getting ready to throw up. He just smirked strutting out the room pleased with himself that he was able to show off to Jayden he had friends but most were after his money but he saw a real friend in Jayden so he was hoping that the could be come closer. But not to close.

Jayden felt like he needed to rub his eyes with bleach but stuck with walking to the sink and rinsing out his eyes he would probably have nightmares about that tonight or probably need therapy. Sue sighed looking at him for a reaction they were shocked when they found out themselves but Jayden looked completely calm to be seeing all this for the first time, "Why aren't you surprised?" she asked him as he walked over clearing up the water from his face.

"Oh this is nothing new for me my best friend is a mutant and I have been training her to control her powers recently so yeah." he said shrugging while taking a seat across from Ben. He looked down and noticed all the torn newspapers and raised an eyebrow at him making him look away while using his large fingering and scratching his face embarrassed but still sad that he couldn't enjoy his morning paper. Jayden didn't say anything but looked at the shocked expressions of Sue and Reed they had never met anyone who had awakened their mutant powers so they never got the chance to study them.

Jayden saw the look in their eyes which was practically begging him to call her in so they could run test on Jean and use her as a lab experiment, putting on a scowl he spoke out, "Get that expression off your face I'm not bringing my friend here so you guys can use her like some lab rat."

They had the decency to show ashamed expressions before looking away it wasn't wrong to say lab rat since they were going to run test on his friends powers differed from theirs and see what made them come to be. Sue was the one to speak up first, "Sorry it's just we think it is interesting that they can awaken their mutant gene and we were going to see if you could ask them if they wouldn't mind donating blood so we could see the differences in ours and their DNA. I promise if you can get them to come we will just use a blood sample."

Jayden looked at her for a moment and knew she was more honest than Reed in theses manners so he nodded taking out his phone, "Hey Jean do you mind doing something for me?.... Thanks Sue from the Baxter building was hoping to get some of your blood so she can compare it to theirs.... Yeah alright I will see you then..... alright bye Birdie." He ended the call but didn't need to say anything since they could tell from his side that she had agreed to come, right when the call finished Johnny walked back into the room.

"Alright guys who wants pizza I'm ordering." He said not even bothering to get conformations before ordering ten of them all different kinds.

They waited forty minutes before Jane showed up but she wasn't alone with her was Mary Jane and Liz who looked excited to be here, seeing Jayden Jane let out a beautiful smile and walked over to his side bumping his hip with hers. "So you going to introduce me?"

Jayden rolled his eyes, "Guys this is my best friend Jean and her friends Mary Jane and Liz, other guys this is Susan Storm, Johnny Storm, Reed Richards, and Ben Grimm." He didn't think they were listening to him right now because for some reason they were in fan girl mode but remembering that they had fought Doom once and won he could understand.

Johnny stood there with his mouth hanging open staring at the girls and Jayden could understand they were all beautiful girls so it was no wonder that he would be staring at them, Jean didn't seem to notice or didn't care cause she started talking to Sue with the rest of the girls. While they talked to the side Johnny speed walked over to Jayden and put his arm around his neck grinning like a fool, "So that Jean girl..." he stopped when he saw Jayden's glare before swallowing and smiling, "I mean Mary Jane and Liz do you think that they are single?"

Jayden wasn't laying claim or he was but he didn't notice since he was still trying to keep her in the friendzone he wasn't looking for more than friendship from anyone right now until he finished some of his plans. "I don't know, there was a night we went clubbing and there was guys waiting for them but I'm not 100% sure if they were dating the guys or not." Jayden put his hand on his chin he spent some time with these girls and didn't know much about them it might be time to change that since he was changing himself.

"Good." Johnny said looking like the big bad wolf before walking over and stealing the attention the girls were giving to Ben, Sue and Reed to Jean before walking downstairs to the nearest lab so he decided to tag along with that.

Walking into the lab they entered they were just sticking a needle into Jean who just smiled and continued her talk with Sue about some new handbag that came out, he didn't think that Sue actually followed fashion stuff. Seeing him come in Jean let out a even bigger smile if that was even possible while Sue raised an eyebrow seeing her affection for Jayden letting out a small smile she focused on drawing blood. "Don't forget that we are going to the Xavier Mansion tonight so be at my place by eight okay?" Jean reminded him he had forgotten it was Friday so they were spending the weekend there.

"Yeah no problem." He said nodding they then started talking about random things while Sue and Reed went and started looking at her blood making low comments every now and then about it. Jayden got curious and went over tapping Sue's shoulder he knew if he went to Reed the man probably wouldn't even notice, "So what did you find out?"

"Well what I can say is that it is unique, while there are some similarities it's also completely different, ours is like taking a phone that is ten years old and upgrading to the newest brand in one go while hers," She paused furrowing her brows looking between Jean and him, "Hers is like a never ending upgrade-able phone while ours would be the peak of the phone companies hers would be if they put out a phone that could change shape and upgrade on it's own without having to trade it in. Truthfully speaking we could never grow more than what we are now other than training to actually use our powers, while she can make leaps and jumps, what's also weird is I can see little burst of flames in her blood."

"Can you tell me the exact nature of your powers?" Sue asked looking at Jean.

Jean looked at Jayden but he didn't say anything if she wanted to speak about her powers she could it was her decision, Jean understanding smiled at Sue, "Well I have Telekinesis and Telepathy." she didn't bring up the Phoenix she was keeping that sealed hoping that Jayden would find out more information about it telling Sue wouldn't further their cause seeing as she was a normal person until a couple days ago.

Sue saw that she was holding something back but didn't push her about it she would study the blood more and find out some stuff on her own, Jean clapped gaining their attention again, "How does ours compare to Jayden's?" It was like a bomb was set off in the lab with Reed looking up from the microscope showing interest while Sue had shinning eyes, Jean seeing their reactions knew she said something she shouldn't have so she gave Jayden a apologetic expression. He just rubbed her head giving her a small smile before taking a stool and rolling up his long sleeve, Sue wasted no time rushing for a clean needle to get some of his blood.

When she got it a loud gasp came from both Sue and Reed as they looked it over both ignoring Jean when she tried to ask them what was wrong the just rushed around the room trying to find out something. Finally when they stopped they both had a frustrated expression on their faces before turning to Jayden with scary eyes, it was Reed who spoke this time, "What are you?" that just made Jean and Jayden throw him a 'what the hell are you talking about look' Sue was the one to clear it up.

"What he means to say is that we can't analyze your blood it's..... different. You see on the surface your blood is red like everyone else's but as you zoom in and get a closer look at the cells it's not clear most of it is grey and looks dead but after test it is completely healthy so yeah weird. Then there is parts of your cells that are Golden, Blue, and Red which make no sense because it's like looking at a kaleidoscope once we are close enough everything becomes jumbled. In laymen terms you are an enigma even more so then Jean, so what can you do." She explained looking at him like he was a puzzle she couldn't figure out they both were for that matter.

Jayden didn't say anything but suddenly thirty-eight red petals, forty blue ones, and one golden floated around the room and he was slowly starting to sweat from the sheer power of having to keep it up but managed. After letting go of his former demons his mind grew and he could do a lot more now plus constantly keeping two out for Jean and Miss. Grey helped him grow stronger and keep them longer, reaching his limit he called them back. "Red ones are for attack very deadly trust me, Blue is defense but I don't know it's limits yet, Lastly Golden which is knew can heal as of now it could heal someone who is at about 75% health I can't really be clearer than that, well maybe from a big wound as long as it's not deadly but if it was deadly it would help the person last until they made it to the hospital."

Both of their mouths were hanging open Reed was more and more curious seeing something knew he wanted to immediately see the limits and test out many things while Sue, well, "They were so beautiful!" was all she said staring at him with stars in her eyes. "Wait but that doesn't answer for the grey parts though." Reed said pointing out what was left out.

Jayden didn't want to explain his hunt for the petals to them so all he did was raise his hand up showing the tattoo which held the three colors, "I don't know but it seems as I grow stronger than I unlock more."

"CHEAT!!!" Reed shouted pointing at him.

Sue just giggled, "Johnny thinks he is the best better not let him know or he will probably start a fight just to prove he is number one."

Reed grinned hearing that and took off out the lab since Johnny had been teasing him and Ben since this happened he finally had something to bring the kid down a peg, when the three started to follow him there was suddenly and explosion from up top. Sue was the first to take off with Jayden and Jean right on her heels, when they came to the lounge what they saw baffled them Liz and Mary Jane were hiding behind the island top, while Reed, Johnny, and Ben stood facing a man wearing all silver armor. "Well are you ready for your Doom!" he said they could hear the smile in his voice even if they couldn't see his face.

"Victor is that you?" Reed asked cautiously.

"Foolish ant Doom is your Doom! Now bow down as Doom brings you your reckoning." He laughed sending force blast at them that looked like electricity, the shot hit Ben in the chest sending him flying back and embedding in a wall.

Seeing what happened the other three attacked, while they went to fight Jayden pulled Jean over to the two girls who were cowering behind the island, "Jean get them out of here quick!" He said. She was going to argue back but he shut her up by putting his hand over her mouth, "Please you can come back and I won't stop you but first get them to safety they are your friends and normal humans that should come first."

She didn't happy but knew he was telling the truth so she grabbed there hands and started out the door, "You better not get hurt or I will kill you Jayden!" She shouted as she ran.

He chuckled even when her own life was on the line she was still worrying about him he couldn't help but smile, maybe he should just put a ring on her finger, letting go of his thoughts he came out from behind the island. What he saw was Johnny covered in flames trying to fend off Dooms attacks while Sue was trying and failing to pick herself off the ground, Reed was stretching all over the place the blast had little effect on him but in a huge amount he was delayed. Right when Doom went to send another blast to Sue blue petals cover it and while it stopped the blast she was still push back.

"You Petal pusher dare to stop the amazing Doom! Doom will crush you and little your grave with the petals." Doom shouted noticing Jayden entering the fight, while distracted he didn't see the golden petal that went into Sue.

Rushing out Jayden turned half the red petals invisible while use the others as a direct attack, soon Johnny caught on noticing the pattern that the petals went into and use that chance to shoot through the gaps. Doom was soon on the losing in but started to absorb the electricity from the building before sending out a powerful blast towards them all, right before it touched Jayden he was lifted into the air. Smiling he knew Jean was back and she was helping him out she didn't even try to help the others out her first thought was saving Jayden she didn't want to see him laid back in bed again.

Doom got furious seeing that he missed one but he didn't even notice that Reed was still awake and crawling down the stairs that lead to the lab with the portal to Planet Zero, but Jayden saw it out the corner of his eye and ran that way. "Get back here little petal and face the magnificent Doom!" He shouted following Jean and Jayden they arrived in time to see the portal start up but Reed was nowhere to be seen, Doom didn't even bother with that and sent a blast towards Jean who was becoming annoying to him.

Jayden blocked it with his petals before it could touch her though making Doom scream in madness but at that moment the petals that were invisible all stabbed into his armor, while not all the way through they did reach his skin. Drops of blood leaked from the metal suit and Reed used the moment he was distracted by that to fall from the ceiling pushing him towards the the portal, not expecting it he wasn't able to stop himself from falling forward. Jean using that moment gave him a bigger push sending him through it, Jayden not needing to be asked ran and pushed the big red button before he could come back through.

They let out a sigh of relief Reed passing out from exhaustion but they weren't ready for the force blast that Doom had sent through that was heading straight for Jean, Jayden had already put away the blue petals by the time he notice. It was seconds but it felt like hours when he jumped to her pushing her out the way, his arm got the burn of the blast making him scream out in agony, it was a hundred times worse than getting shot. Jean looked petrified about what just happened and seeing him screaming rushed over with tears in her eyes, with nothing better thought of she immediately called the cops who were already waiting outside.

Jayden was carted off to the hospital with a mangled arm the bone sticking out from all over it, he couldn't hear it clearly but Jean did they were talking about how his arm would most likely never be usable again. When they got to the hospital Jean was shouting for them not to cut it off like they planned and until they agreed she didn't let them take him back, they needed his consent before they could anyway. A couple hours later Sue and the gang showed up but Jayden was still in the back because they were still setting his arm, in the middle of it they could hear his screams though the anesthesia not working on him. Hearing his screams Jean cried harder but there was nothing she could do was sit and wait, Mary Jane and Liz sat on either side of her holding one of her hands.

Hours later Jayden was in a room sitting up in bed the doctors had no clue house though seeing as he should be in tremendous pain but when they left him alone for a moment he used a golden petal cure the pain. It didn't completely heal his arm seeing as the nerves and muscle was completely destroyed it would probably take about ten of them over time before he was completely back to normal. He couldn't do it all at once or his arm wouldn't heal straight, while most would get a full cast he asked for the doctor to just wrap it with full gauze making his arm look like Naruto's from when he lost his arm in the fight against Sasuke. He thought it looked pretty cool.

When guest were aloud back the whole group came in with Jean rushing in first, while being careful of his arm she jumped into his chest sobbing, her mom gave them a kind smile while the rest had teasing smile. "So how are you feeling?" Sue asked looking at his wrapped arm.

"Better than what I was nothing to bad." He said rotating his arm to show he wasn't lying.

"That's good. We will let you get some rest don't worry about coming in tomorrow we have to do some construction on the top floor anyway." Reed said leading everyone out, even Miss. Grey left but she mouthed that she would be waiting on Jean outside.

When it was just those two Jean looked up her eyes red and puffy, "You idiot what were you thinking!!" She said fiercely but he could see the love and concern in her eyes.

"Well I would rather myself be hurt than you Birdie." He said honestly it was in his nature to put himself in front of danger for others that he cared about that part of him would never go away no matter what.

Jean looked into his eye and accepted that she looked liked she wanted to say something but held it back, "This is the last time that something like this will ever happen again you hear me. Next time we fight together we will be the unstoppable Hero duo you hear me, and don't give me that bull about protecting me. This is both of us if one of us get hurt so do the other that is my new rule, alright?"

Jayden couldn't help but smile but he had to correct her about something first, "I hear you Birdie but never call me a Hero again, I won;t fight for those I don't know and if it came down to it I would pack up my loved ones and leave before ever fighting a big battle. You might call me a coward but--" He didn't get to finish because she hit his stomach.

"Stop it you will always be a strong person in my eyes I don't care if the entire world is your enemy we will fight side by side taking them all down. I will never call you hero again but know in my heart you are mine, and if you don't want to save everyone then I wont either we are a duo and they always fight together." She said with conviction laying her head on his chest holding his good hand tightly.

Jayden smiled he knew it was a good thing to make this girl his best friend she was someone who saw the world like him it wasn't black and white but colorful, they saw the hidden dangers but didn't see it as their problems unless it came knocking on their door. Jean got up from the bed when the doctor came in telling her it was time to leave but she didn't before reminding him about going to the Xavier Mansion she wanted to master her Telepathy now more than ever. After his agreement she left and he sat in the dark room clenching his fist promising himself to train harder he didn't want anything like this ever happening again he almost lost her tonight, he would never lose anyone again.

Hey give me ideas he won’t be a hero but even antiheroes need a villain to fight who is going to be Jaydens????

KillingSoftlycreators' thoughts