
Somewhat Normal or Not In Marvel

What do you do when you ended up in Marvel with a Cheat you can’t fully understand? Follow along and find out. I don’t own photo found it on google wanted something better but went with it.... if owner wants it down let me know.

KillingSoftly · Movies
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25 Chs

10)Past 3 Months and Dance......

After the day of Doom attacking Jayden spent it hanging with Jean at the Xavier Mansion where Charles taught them more about the mind and how to control or expand it, with letting him access both their minds. Of course they didn't agree to let him do it without him promising to not look at stuff without their info, what was surprising was the Jayden's mind was like a maze with puzzles at each starting point. He could see the center of it and even go into it where it was a Rainbow Tower that held different colored orbs that showed his life but no one else could even get passed the puzzles.

Inside the orbs were memories from his past with all the movies he had seen along with anything he had ever done, when he had let Jean in to see the maze she was pretty excited to finish the puzzles. That was until she realized that she could never find out the answers not because she didn't try hard enough but because all the answers had to do with his past and they were vague questions at that. Like one went 'In 1998, this was the start of what major event in history?' while most would look through a history book this was something Jayden knew on instinct.

In the Summer of 1998 not only was he five and was beaten the first time by his father, it was also the day he had met Ghost, well a member of Ghost an up and coming hacker group. This was the year that he had met a member who was attacked by another one and was bleeding in an alley way Jayden seeing this took him somewhere that no one would find him. Once the member of the group woke up he was startled but seeing the young Jayden he couldn't pay him with anything else but knowledge of computers, that was the day the handle 'Raven' was created.

After seeing his mind space, Jayden took the time to learn more about it reading books that dealt from memory to simple explanations of the human mind, it was long and boring but helpful. Now his power took a massive increase while he didn't gain any extra petals of healing factor it could be said that he didn't need to make any actions for his petals to appear, with a thought they were just there. Jean was also making large progress on her Telepathy though going from hearing multiple voices to being able to take it down to one.

She still couldn't just enter someones mind without permission but she wouldn't really need to learn that until later on they weren't in a great hurry to master that one yet. Also during their time training in that the world came to know more about the group now known as the fantastic four, the world came to know more about them after the Doom incident but they mainly stuck to their normal lives. Well all except Johnny who took to showing off where ever he could while he still seemed childish after losing the battle against doom he took his training more seriously.

*3 Months Later*

At a Boxing gym on 135th street in Harlem there was a shirtless guy who was moving around the ring his opponent standing on the other side of him in a leisure manner, while the challenger was looking for openings. Throwing out a right jab that missed his target he got a little pissed seeing the smug expression on the other guys face so he went for a jab again but made a feint and sent a left hook to his stomach. Right when his hand was about to hit though it was blocked being held in by an elbow and his side.

Seeing the situation he was in he was panicked and tried to pull back only to be hit twice with jabs to the face stunning him, seeing that he was the other guy went in for the kill. With a combo of right hooks and left jabs, he made the guy dizzy but he didn't have time to gain his barrings before a right uppercut took out his chin making him fall back flat knocked out. The guy with a man bun walked away his golden eyes gaining a bit more green in them, this was of course Jayden and he didn't need to see the other guy to know the fight was over.

When the ref finished counting to ten Jayden could hearing someone cheering his name and looking out to the side he saw Jean jumping up and down cheering loudly even if it was just a sparring match. Shaking his head he climbed down the stairs and took the towel she offered him wiping the little sweat he had on himself, "You know it wasn't a real match right? why are you cheering so loud?" he asked with a chuckle.

"Well obviously because you need someone in your corner." she shot back handing him his water bottle.

Jayden had started training here on his off days from work but after three months found it pointless seeing as he naturally fell into the rhythm of boxing, he had never taken it before but was a natural. He was looking into other fighting styles too such as; Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Boxing, Etc. he was also learning how to fight with a rapier. It was actually a cool thing because he thought about what fighting he wanted to do and taking influences from TV shows and books he thought of something.

Using his Red Petals he changed their properties to one of metal like he did with Jean's necklace but instead of making a single one he took it a step farther. Taking the handle of a Rapier he made the thin sword with both edges having sharp edges, the needle point was still the most deadly though. After taking fencing classes he found someone who an ex-Marine who had trained fighting with the sword to keep up his flexibility which he taught to Jayden. Now instead of just using the petals freely he was using the as a surprise attack while his main weapon was the sword and fighting hand to hand.

While he wasn't a master at using the Rapier as long as it was a novice he could beat them easily it was one of the main practices he worked on when he wasn't doing twenty other things. Getting out of those thoughts though he was staring at Jean with a pleading look, "I know I promised but do I really have to go tonight?"

"Yes you do. Why do you think I'm here if i wasn't you would have just went out to the woods after this and trained on your sword work wouldn't you?" Jean said hands on her hips with a raised eyebrow challenging him to deny her words, seeing he couldn't she smile, "It's just a dance it will be fine."

They were in the end of December now and Jean's school was having a danced which she tricked him into going with him last month at thanksgiving when she acted pitiful like she was going to be left out. But you know what? It wasn't true she was asked by countless guys according to Liz but turned them all down saying she already said yes to someone. The person who asked the most though was Flash but seeing she wasn't going to say yes to him he finally asked who the guy was and told him it was Jayden which just made him seethe in anger.

It wasn't that Jayden was upset she tricked him or anything but the fact that he didn't do dances, it was the one thing he thought he would never need but apparently he did now. That was why every day that he was free from everything else until now which was about an hour a day he went to a dance class learning different forms of dancing, he was starting to feel like a spy. Shaking those thoughts away he looked at the Redhead who had busted out her puppy dog eyes "Jean there is going to come a day you over use that expression and when it comes I will have the last laugh."

She scoffed before taking his hand and walking out of the Boxing gym after he put on his clothes it was already snowing here and the, place was a blanket of snow which Jayden loved. Living in Texas his past life that place didn't get actual snow, no they got ice if you wanted to see real snow you had to go somewhere else. They were headed back to his apartment to meet Liz and Mary Jane who wanted to all go together, Mary Jane ended up getting asked by Harry, while surprisingly Liz was going with Johnny.

When they got to his place the two were already waiting outside for them, over the past three months he had gotten closer to the girls while not anywhere near the same level of Jean if they called he would show. Opening his door the rushed in and started to get ready while he went to his work room which he used the last extra room he had for, why last when it was a three bedroom? Well that was because the girls claimed his other one that had it's own bathroom going as far as to putting a lock on the door that needed a key.

In his work room things were scattered everywhere plans pinned to the walls and on his desk, in the closet to the side though is where he kept his new prized possession, it was his 'Hero' suit. It was made from materials Sue had gotten him for Christmas last week.

*Christmas Baxter Building*

At the top floor of the building everyone was there well almost it was the regular people, Sue and her group along with Jayden, Jean, and Miss. Grey, they were invited last week to celebrate it with them. They had just finished dinner and were exchanging gifts to one another Johnny had given Jayden 'Remodeling Cars for Dummies' as a gift while he gave Johnny 'Coding For Dummies'. The two had grown as close as brothers usually pranking each or trying to one up the other person in a subject or activity usually tying except for these two subjects.

Miss. Grey, Reed and Ben all got him normal gifts just on subjects he was interested in or a sweater since he wasn't really the gift type of person he usually just focused on the same things. Jean though went all out getting him a real rabbit that was black and white, when he pointed out that he liked them she decided to get him a real one of his own. Jayden though said he wouldn't have time to take care of one which made her give him a funny face, Holding up a key she said, "I have a key to your place right here I will do it myself." While everyone else was laughing he kept asking how she got a key but she was being tight lipped.

Ignoring that he brought out her gift it was a little unique but at the same time he saw it was plain, since she now had control of her Telepathy he took the rose petal from her which she was mad about. So when she open her gift releasing a squeal of delight seeing what he got her he felt better, it was a diamond shaped tear drop on the inside was a little red carving though of a feather. "It's called the Phoenix tear I had to ask around but I found a guy who could do it. He took two uncut diamonds and I shrunk down a petal shaping it like a feather before he compressed it all together. It's not well thought out but I saw how much you liked the petal necklace and thought this up."

Jean was only half listening though as she admired the necklace, two streams of tears rolling down her face, without thinking she went on her tip toes and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips. "Thank you it's perfect, help me put it on." She turned around lifting her hair but when she didn't feel him helping she turned around to see him dazed, rolling her eyes she flicked his forehead, "It was just a friend kiss now help me." She lied but he didn't know that but it did bring him out of him dazed state helping her put on the necklace.

While the two were having a sweet moment everyone else moved away since they couldn't take it, Sue sent a small glare to Reed who look confused about it but she didn't explain. When they came back they every kept giving out gifts until Sue decided to give hers to Jayden now, "I tried getting it all, I hope you don't mind but I looked into your shopping list on you phone when you left it out one day."

Jayden was confused but after opening it he saw everything he needed to start what he wanted to make, inside was; a blank white mask made of metal instead of plastic it was a combination of steel and aluminum, Kevlar fiber, and Rolls of Polyethylene. He was going to buy the stuff for himself off the dark web so it couldn't be tracked even though it was common material that he could buy legally he didn't want anyone to know what he was making. Smiling he got up and hugged Sue thanking her for it, seeing his reaction Jean looked in the box and asked him curious what he was using it for.

"I want to make a suit for when I fight and I needed something durable these were all I could think of right now so yeah." It was the truth but at the same time he held back that he was also buying Vibranium from Ulysses Klaue in two weeks at the Salvage Yard in Africa. He didn't even tell Jean about this since she would only beg to come and he didn't want her around Klaue so he was taking the trip alone, damn man didn't do online shipping and only deals in person. Jean looked at him with pleading eyes, "Of course I am making you one too don't worry I haven't forgotten our deal." He also held something back again, it might sound creepy but he got her moms measurements and was going to help make her some clothes from the material, he currently had five Blue invisible petals protecting her heart but it wasn't enough.

Happy Jean gave him a hug holding him for longer than necessary but he didn't mind and let her be, "How is your suit going to look?" Johnny asked thinking about their own which was just skin tight suits that they had used previously on their trip to Planet Zero which had adapted with them, he wanted something cooler.

Jayden wasn't much of a designer but he was able to find someone who could make it for him and keep it a secret, this was in fact Crow Master who lived multiple lives and was a master of little. Though he was a man that sold information Crow's true passion was designing so when Jayden asked him to design it he jumped at the opportunity.

*End of Christmas*


In the closet was his suit that wasn't full finished but a prototype it wouldn't be fully done until he could get the Vibranium next week. The design was something that was simple but fitting to his style, it was a hoodie that was fused with the mask but with the added Kevlar and polyethylene it was something that could with stand bullets. The hoodie was black with a giant Rose on the back that was a rainbow color petals Jayden knew what the end result for his own Rose was so he went with the design. The mask had a small single hole the mouth with just two eye holes it looked ominous when he put it on since all they could see was golden eye with flecks of green.

Since he didn't care if people knew if it was him or not he didn't get contacts to change his eye color it's not like he was the only person in the world who had these eyes, Right? The mask was painted also not just looking white anymore he used the the card the suicide king which was now painted on it (couldn't think of anything if you have a suggestion put the number 1) and explain it to me) Jeans had the queen of hearts (same thing here). He just used Kevlar infused black pants with some sneakers that were basically the same as a bulletproof vest, he was going to wear it to meet Klaue.

Getting out of his thoughts he went to his room and took a shower before changing into his tux for the night it was one he bought instead of renting, because gross. It was a simple one but when he wore it along with his hair tied but in he signature man bun then he looked dashing his baby blue tie and handkerchief. Coming out the room he waited in the living room for the girls to come out the still needed to go get Harry and Johnny, they all pitched in for a limo just for tonight.

While he was on his phone he looked up when he heard the door to the room open up and the first one out was Jean who was she was wearing the dress that she picked out that he hadn't seen until today. It was a baby blue dress that almost matched her eye it went just to her knees, she looked stunning matching them with black heels. Her hair was draped over on one side of her shoulder covering one eye making her look sexy as hell, usually she was like a cute fairy but tonight she looked like a temptress.

Gulping he stood up looking her over again while she had on her usual playful smile the smokey eyeliner and tempting look promised more if he only asked her for it. Walking over he held out his arm which she looped hers through, "Well I would like to say all of you look absolutely beautiful," Which was true Mary Jane wore a green dress that matched her eyes and hair, while Liz went with black that made her look like a punk rocker rather than a cheerleader, "But you still look the best." He finished leaning in and whispering into Jeans ear, leaving a small kiss on the side of her head.

Jean gave a megawatt smile and they all left piling into the limo that waited downstairs, after picking up the other two guys and Flash who decided to crash their group since he was with Harry. His eyes kept drifting to Jean who felt uncomfortable but he stopped when Jayden pulled her into his side sending a glare to him making him back off. The ride was filled with laughter and fun except for Flash who got into the minibar and was drinking away his sorrows, the guy needed to slow down though.

This was a little time skip just to get closer to the Events of Iron Man 2 and Thor there wont be another for awhile after this maybe just a week or two at a time in later chapters.

Also I know what you are thinking trust me I'm moving the romance at a good pace he is over his past trama but their is still something holding him back just wait you monsters!!!

KillingSoftlycreators' thoughts