


( melting his icy heart...)

Chapter 15❣️16


Today was a hard day of training. Derek wasn't kidding when he said he won't go easy on me. I feel quite exhausted and my bones are aching.

I quickly headed to the library to dust the shelves and the other furnitures. It seems like no one has used this place in ages. It's covered with dust and cobwebs.

I use my fast reflexes to clean up. I accidentally knocked down a book. It looks really ancient and gave off magical energy from it.

As soon as I touched it, the pages started flipping open until it got to the middle. It began to glow like water and I could see something on its pages.

I came closer to see what it was displaying. I saw a black haired lady. She was very beautiful yet her eyes revealed devilish intent.

She walked into a midst of villagers. They had cat eyes like me but they looked like humans.

She released a cackle and immediately ghouls came forth from a portal and ran wild in the village. The people were caught unawares and almost everyone was brutally slaughtered.

A white haired lady was holding a young boy in her hands and another brown haired lady with cat eyes like mine stood beside her with a little girl in her hands.

The black haired witch turned towards them. Her hands stained with blood from her feast of hearts. I wanted to look away for the sight was absolutely gruesome.

The two ladies held their young children tightly by their hands and took to their heels. Two men stood between them and the black haired witch. They seemed to be their husbands. " Maleficent, don't go any further. If you do not summon your army and return back to your realm, I will unleash my army on you" the red haired man spoke with authority. By his dressing, one could tell he was a noble.

Maleficent released a cackle and faced them. You think you can stop me, I will destroy this place and take over your kingdom. I will rule forever, hahaha!

You brought this upon yourself, the other dark haired man spoke and immediately an army of soldiers lined up ready for battle.

The ghouls also assembled on maleficent's order and soon the battle began. I watched how soldiers of different species killed ghouls and were slaughtered as well.

The two men charged at Maleficent. The noble manipulated fire and the other attacked with claws and speed but they struggled with Maleficent as she seemed to be growing stronger by the minute.

She overcame the noble and in one slash severed his head from his body. It fell heavily on the ground, eyes rolled up. Blood ozzed out of his body and his red hair turned black.

The other man fought even harder, but he too was no match. Two ghouls held him in place and Maleficent drove her fingers into his chest and ripped out his heart.

Blood spilled everywhere. It seems the wife of the black haired man saw her husband's heart being brutally ripped out. She let go of her daughter's hand and ran towards her husband.

The white haired lady tried to stop her but it was futile. She charged at Maleficent and managed to scratch her neck with her claws but soon after, Maleficent held her in place with a strong force and ripped her heart out as well. I felt a sharp pain in my heart but I endured and continued watching further.

It seems like Maleficent's power level grew immensely. She turned her gaze to the white haired lady who was now with her son and the other lady's daughter.

The white haired lady made a huge ice barrier and ran towards the forest with holding the two kids as she ran.

She ran quickly and it seemed like the wind carried her making them run faster. She stopped in front of a rock and used her powers to open it. Then she hid the children inside.

She placed the girl's hand in the boy's hand. " Protect her for me my little prince" she said to the boy who was looking confused. The little girl tugged on the lady's gown. Where is my mama and papa? She asked in a tiny voice and I could feel my heart cry out.

Just wait here okay? Mama and papa will be back soon, she said and kissed both the kids foreheads before leaving.

The kids looked at each other, their hands holding each other's hands tightly.

They heard screeches on the outside and soon after the head of the white haired lady rolled into the hiding place.

Tears rolled down the cheeks of the young boy and the girl hid her face in his chest.

Maleficent staggered into the place. Her eyes narrowed down the two kids who were terrified. I felt like I was the one in that position and my whole body feels numb.

She approached the kids with a devilish smirk on her bloody lips.

One more lynx, I will have that power for myself... I will, Maleficent muttered and grabbed the little girl's hand.

Let go of me, the little girl cried. The young boy held her other hand firmly and wouldn't let go.

You want to be the hero at your age, well... it seems like I'll have your limbs as appetizer, but first the main course, Maleficent grinned and lunged at the young girl but a powerful force sent Maleficent flying to the wall.

It was the young boy. Half of his body was in flames while the other half had a blue aura. His eyes were closed and he's grip on the little girl had loosened. The little girl took to her heels and ran away.

Maleficent became outraged and unleashed her spider like limbs sprouting from her back.

She now had eight eyes that were completely black, her fangs long and sharp.

She lunged at the young boy but immediately he opened his eyes, a torrent of fire and ice came out of a portal behind him.

Maleficent screamed out in pain as it began disintegrating her spider limbs and her power seemed to be draining. Her hair melted off and she was left completely bald.

She looked skinny and her ribs were visible on her bloody body.

It seemed like the boy ran out of energy and passed out giving maleficent the opportunity to escape threw a portal.

Immediately, the book closed up. I could still feel a sharp pain in my heart like I just watched my past. I looked out the window and noticed that the sun was already setting.

I picked up the book and kept it back on the shelf before walking out. My hands were still shaking and my head was spinning.

What was that I saw and why did it feel so real? I rubbed my hand on her chest in a bid to calm myself down. I was so exhausted and I felt physically and mentally drained. I need rest.

I fall heavily on my bed and wait for sleep to take over.


I could feel a great energy that seemed to have been released. It was a strange one and didn't seem like it belongs to anyone I know.

I traced it to the library although it seemed faint. I could see the remnants of the energy lingering above a peculiar book on the shelf.

I grabbed the book and tried opening it but it seems to be locked with magic. I couldn't open it no matter how hard I tried.

This book must be for a specific person but for me to have felt the energy, the person must have opened it.

I went outside to a guard who stands guard by the entrance of the library.

Who was the last person to enter this place? I asked.

It was the slave Avia, my princess, he replied with his head bowed.

I couldn't understand, why would something meant for Avia be in this palace? Something is up, I can feel it.



I jolted up from my slumber. Beads of sweat on my body. I don't know why I had this dream. It's been a long time since I had this dream.

It is so troubling. I wake up and I can only remember the face of a little girl.

My hands reach to my chest clenching it tightly. It feels like it's all choked up. I stand up and resonate my fire energy through my body to calm myself down.

I suddenly feel a dark energy that is in conflict with my energy. I traced it all the way to Avia's room.

It seemed to be a very dark force from another realm. I opened the door and see a three shadow demons swarming round her with mouths wide open.


I hear the screeching sounds surrounding me. I slowly open my eyes and I almost wished I didn't. Three dreadful demons were circling me with mouths like a black hole into a void of nothingness.

One of them lunged at me but a powerful force drove it back. That created an opening for me to escape from their circle.

It turned out to be Darren who came to my rescue. I run behind him for safety. His blue aura giving me a sense of protection.

He closed his eyes and opened it almost immediately. His aura changed. He seems to be exuding more power than I have ever seen him use but he still looked like he wasn't tapping into his full power.

Immediately his eyes opened a blast of fire and ice well fired at the demons. They screeched out in pain as they were taken apart piece by piece.

I felt lightheaded. I feel like I've been in a similar situation and the aura is the same.

My heartbeat keeps fluctuating and I feel a sharp pain in my chest.

The demons were completely incinerated in less than seconds. Darren turns to me. " Are you alright? He asked and for a moment I felt that he genuinely cared about me for a moment.

My heart is aching badly. I feel embracing him. His aura feels so safe and calming and for some odd reason I feel like he is my only safe place.


I see the fear in her eyes. Was she really startled by the demons or is it something else. I can feel her heart reaching out to me. I feel a strange connection with her, I feel like we've known each other for a long time. I feel like comforting her in my arms.

Why am I feeling this way? I see her eyes close slowly and she hugs me. It wasn't like an embrace when you are scared, it was gently and warm.

She placed her head on my chest like she was listening to my heartbeat...A minute and I felt her body weight on my body. She must have fallen asleep.

I pick her up in my arms and take her to my bedroom, the dark energy is still lingering in this room, it's not safe for her.

As I place her on my bed, her hands wrap firmly around my neck and pull me to herself. I quickly detach myself but she held my hand. She began mumbling in her sleep

Please don't leave me, please