
★ DARK PLANS ..........★


( melting his icy heart...)

Chapter 13❣️14


Hmmmm, this feels so good, it feels so warm and firm. Wait a minute, what am I holding? I open my eyes slowly and I see a fair broad chest right in front of me. I slowly raised my head up and I could feel my blood dry up.

What the hell I'm I doing, cuddling with Darren in his bed. I quickly sit up and it seemed to have woken him up.

I suddenly feel a cold breeze caress my body. I look down and noticed that I'm not wearing any covering, I am naked and in bed with Darren. Ahhhhhh! I screamed out and wrapped the blanket on my body.

I tried to remember what happened yesterday... I remember almost being eaten by a ghoul and Derek saved me before I passed out, how did I end up on Darren's bed?

Did we sleep together? I ask in a tiny voice.


She looks so innocent. Nobody knows how she ravaged my body, almost crossing her boundaries last night. It seems she is addicted to broad chests.

Her question makes me chuckle, Of course we slept together, I mean you are in my bed with me, I say and watch her cheeks turn bright red.

How could you take advantage of me? She mumbled, her eyes beaming with anger and disapproval.

Take advantage??? How insolent and ungrateful after I saved your life, I mutter and stand up.

Derek saved me from the flesh eater so what are you talking about... don't lie to me! She yells angrily

I hate you, I absolutely hate you! She screams and runs out. I run my hands through my hair * sigh *


I see Avia running out of Darren's room. She only had a blanket wrapped around her body. Did Darren sleep with her last night? Did they get intimate? Oh gawd! This is driving me crazy! Darren never let's anyone on his bed but that slave slept with him all night.

I hate her so much. I won't rest till I destroy her completely with no chance of recovery. I will ruin you Avia, Mark my words!


I am so worried about Avia. Is she okay? The fact that she slept with Darren in his chambers is making my blood boil.

As I walked to my favorite spot in the garden, I noticed her sitting down on the pile of leaves staring into space.

I walk up to her and she quickly stands up. I couldn't help but embrace her, although she didn't hug me back.

How are you doing? Are you alright? I ask her, my hands on her shoulders.

I'm fine thanks to you, If you hadn't saved me from the ghoul, I would have had my heart ripped out. Thank you, she says

It's okay, I'm just glad you are fine, I replied.

By the way, what happened after I passed out, she asks. Doesn't she know that Darren saved her from the poison?

I stay silent, I know I should tell her so that she can thank Darren for saving her life but... I don't want her to think so highly of him.

She is the only person who is not worshipping and praising that maniac. I don't want to lose her to him, I can't


I noticed the silence that reigned after my question. Let's just forget about it, I say. I really don't want to know anyway, Darren has finally had his way with me. I never knew he was so despicable as to take advantage of me in my vulnerable state.

My hatred for him has deepened. I hate him to the core.

I have decided to become tougher. I will no longer be a pushover. I will practice hard and sharpen my skills and grow my energy.

I want you to train me. I no longer want to waste my powers. I want to learn how to use it, please help me out Derek, I ask and I could see the affirmation in his eyes.

Your training will start now. Don't expect me to go easy on you, he says and I smile. I am more than ready, bring it on!


I walked over to the balcony for a little solitude and to feel the breeze blow through my hair.

I inhale the air and a familiar scent graces my nostrils. It's Avia's scent. I don't why I sense her presence and why she is the only one with such a peculiar scent.

I look down and noticed Derek and Avia doing something. I could recognize some of his stances. He must be training her to harness her energy. I was about to walk away when I noticed that he placed his hand on her waist.

The distance between them wasn't enough. Why was he so close to her and holding her in such a manner.

She doesn't seem to be uncomfortable and she isn't making faces unlike when she is with me. Does she like him?

It shouldn't be my concern but I can't bare to see them so close with each other.

Should I just lock her up and chain her? That way she would be reserved for only me, but she will be at the mercy of the guards and cell workers.

I have no idea why I behave this way. This little lady is ruling my thoughts and is driving me crazy. If this continues, I might not be able to help myself.


I noticed Darren was just above us and I quickly grab Avia by the waist in the pretence of training. I wanted Darren to see that there is no place for him.

If I could lay a mark on her I would but this is the next best thing. I don't want her to fall for Darren or for Darren to have her in mind.

I can't let go of her and I'll do everything in my power to keep her by my side. I don't know if this is love or comradery or out of spite for Darren. All I know is that I can't bare to see her with Darren.


In a dark corner of the garden, a creature with four eyes watched Avia from afar. The rest of it's body was hidden in the shadows but it's orange glowing eyes narrowed her down to every movement she makes.

After a while it disappears and reappears in Maleficent's chambers.

Any news about the lynx? Maleficent asked and placed an eye ball in between her jaws.

She seems to be close to Derek, the Ice lord's werewolf cousin, the ghoul answered.

That could be a problem but as long as Darren doesn't pick interest in her, things will work in our favour.

Take this serum and drop it in her room in front of mirror. At twelve in the morning, shadow demons will come forth from it and devour her. Immediately she is devoured she will instantly be transported here so that I can feed on her heart, Maleficent said and handed it over to the ghoul. It transformed into one of the maids and disappeared.

Maleficent released a cackle at the gradual actualization of her plans...