


( melting his icy heart...)

Chapter 17❣️18


What rotten luck! I thought that this wretch will finally be out of my hair. I saw a maid sneaking into her room, she seemed to have a strange aura but it was quite faint.

Nevertheless, I followed her without being caught. I saw her reflection through the mirror and I was beyond shocked. She was a ghoul in disguise.

I saw her dropping a serum in front of Avia's mirror. From what I know about ghouls, nothing good can come out of this, but I was oddly happy and a smile found it's way to my face.

I have been contemplating on a way to destroy Avia and get her out of my hair. But an opportunity for her to die without my intervention presented itself. It seemed like the universe was in my favor... not until Darren decided to go to her quarters.

I couldn't follow him any further least he senses my energy but I saw him carrying that wretch in his arms. He took her to his room again!

I think I have reached my limit! I will not be defeated. I met Darren first, I came into his life first. Only I have the right to him and I won't let anyone else come in between us, never!


I woke up again and this time, I was perfectly aware of where I was. I am once again on his bed but this time with my clothes on.

I looked at my side and I saw him standing by the balcony. I couldn't even greet him. I was the one who threw myself on him last night.

I have no excuse for my actions. I gave in to the weird emotions I was feeling and made the mistake.

I'm sorry for what I did last night, please forgive me my lord, I mutter and watch him nod with a nonchalant attitude.

He opened the door with his powers without taking his gaze away from the view outside the balcony.

I knew this meant that I should leave. I don't know why I feel guilty for what I said the other day. After what he did for me last night, I feel like he didn't actually take advantage of me. Maybe he did save me like he said.

I stand up and bow before leaving his room. Not once did he look at me and my guilt tripled.

I bit my lower lip slightly and hurried to my room to change my clothes. I hesitate a bit before walking into the room. The mirror seemed to have cracked last night.

I went to the bathroom to bathe and quickly went down to do my duties in the palace.


Last night made me feel nostalgic. Staying next to her, She being in my arms close to me, it feels so right.

I don't think twice when it comes to saving her even if she means nothing to me.

The dark energy after her life last night can be no one but maleficent's doing.

I've hated Maleficent ever since I could remember. Derek's father who was like a father figure to me told me how she brutally killed my parents when I was still a little boy.

According to him, I was found in a cave lying next to my mother's decapitated head. Maleficent had devoured the hearts of everyone in the lynx village to gain power and longer life span but someone banished her to another realm.

I was the only one to survive the massacre and they were no witnesses to tell the tale.

When I woke up, I couldn't piece my memory of that incident together but I have vague dreams about it. In the dreams, I was asked to protect a little girl. That was the only clear part of my dreams.

The rest were blurry and caused sharp pains in my chest and my energy core goes into a frenzy.

I felt the same way whenever I am with Avia. It feels like the way it is in my dreams. Last night was even more intense and I can't explain anything.

If there's one thing I despise, it's a mystery. I need to find out the full truth and how it's connected with that wild cat.


I secretly watch Avia working. She is always sent to the garden which is very dangerous now that ghouls have been spotted.

I can't help but feel worried for her safety. Lynxes are a three course meal in the eyes of predating supernaturals. She needs to get stronger, I won't be here everytime.

Avia! I called out and she turns towards me. Her lips curved into a smile and it was quite satisfying.

I walked up to her, " Derek! She squealed happily. Ready for today's training? I asked and she nodded before using her speed to clean up faster.

Done! She said and dropped the broom. I walked ahead and she followed closely behind me. I felt a dark presence lurking in the bushes. Something is watching her!



I am so happy today. I finally have an opportunity to get rid of that wretch once and for all.

Derek and Calix are going to the south border in response to the ghoul rampage.

I have set a trap for Avia and once she falls for it, she will be under my mercy. Derek isn't here to bail her out. She's finished!

I magically teleport to her room and place my family heirloom, a diamond necklace underneath her bed.

A sweet smile finds it's way to my lips. The trap is set, now time for my performance. Like the humans would say, It's show time!


I am currently in the garden practicing. Ever since I started training with Derek, I could feel my energy being unlocked.

I can go for longer periods with super speed without getting tired. My claws are much longer and sharper than before and I realized that I can jump really high.

I'm curious to see how far my powers go. The thought of being stronger makes my tummy tingle...Oh wait, that's just my tummy grumbling, I'm famished!

I walk to the kitchen and the left overs were still on the table. I grab a chicken lap and dig in, it's so delicious!

I look up to meet Anaya's cold glare at me and two guards were standing behind her. Lauren came in as well and I began to panic, What's wrong?

Come with us, Anaya says in a cold tone, almost devoid of emotions. I couldn't understand what was going on.

I followed them quietly and I was led to my room, two guards beside me and Lauren was behind looking at me at intervals.

Search everywhere! Anaya exclaimed and the two guards came forward and began to ransack my room.

Although I had nothing of value, I felt insulted. Why are they searching my place like I stole something.

May I no what's wrong my lady, I ask with my gaze to the floor.

You may not! Anaya say coldly and she points at my bed, Search it thoroughly! She orders and they both got to work.

They raised the bed up and immediately a diamond necklace fell from the corner. I couldn't understand anything. Why was that in my bed?

I knew that you were no good but a theif ... that's stooping low even for a wretch like you, Anaya said.

Lauren gave me a disappointed look and turned her face away. What are you waiting for? Take her to the dark cell! Anaya ordered and immediately I was seized.

They grabbed my hands roughly and forcefully pulled me away. I didn't steal anything please, My princess, please! I beckoned to Lauren but she wouldn't look in my direction.

I don't know what happened but my image has been tarnished and the dark cell doesn't sound good.

I'm bundled up like a criminal and dragged down into the darkest corners of the palace. We kept moving further down until it was pitch black. Anaya and Lauren were no longer following.

I could still see because of my cat eyes. This place seemed to be filled with dangerous night creatures. Bones were lying around.

Different monstrous creatures were behind metal bars. They looked at me with piercing gazes and I could feel my blood dry up.

I was thrown into a cell with a mysterious creature sitting at the far edge. It was shrouded in a black cloak and it's head was bowed.

I could feel a strong aura coming from it but I couldn't tell if it would be a friend or an enemy. I curl up in a corner and bury my face under my hair.

I felt a chilly breeze sweep through the cell. It was cold. I let my energy resonate to keep me warm to an extent.

I noticed that the creature raised it's head and in a flash, it super sped right in front of me and held up my face. The cloak drew back a bit and I noticed it was a man. Although I couldn't see his face properly.

He sniffed me and his nose came to rest on my neck. You are a lynx?? How is that possible? He mutters and I'm once again confused.

I look closer and I noticed his eyes. They were green but it was definitely cat eyes and the super speed...* gasp * Does that mean that I'm not the only one of my species left?

His eyes suddenly turned dark and he returned back to his corner. Two guards suddenly walk in and pull me to my feet.

I felt like I have met them before... Wait a minute, it's those two guards that brought me to the palace. I have a bad feeling about this.

Come with us! They thundered and pulled me out. They dragged me to a small room which seemed to be their quarters.

Unlike the cells, they had a bed and a window with tables. A few drinks were on the table and I noticed that they reek of liquor.

One of them pushed me to the bed. Finally, I've waited for so long, he said with a large grin on his scarred face and it dawned on me.

Are they going to rape me????