

After clearing my plate I headed up stairs, I stopped by Bobbie's room on the way to mine and pushed open her door. She was sitting on her bed with her legs crossed, still in Mom's bra and still with her breasts on full display while the bra hung in her lap.

''What's up Bob?'' I asked, she hated me calling her Bob, but was in too much of a sulk to put up much of a protest and shout at me.

''Mom shouted at me. I was only seeing what it would look like.'' she muttered. My eyes fell down onto her chest again, with the way she was developing I had a strong feeling that she was going to grow up and have a huge pair of breasts, just like Mommy.

''When you were younger it was a little more acceptable for you to run around half naked, but now you're older, it's not such a hot idea.'' I told her, as any responsible big brother would have. She looked up at me a big pair of puppy-dog blue eyes, ''But you've never shouted at me.'' she said with a slight whine.

''Well, I'm your big brother. It's not my job to moan at you whenever I see your boobs. It's my job to make sure some half-wit boy doesn't get to see them.'' As I spoke she took off Mom's bra and tossed it onto the floor, she then got on all fours and crawled to the edge of her bed bringing her ass around to face me. The waistband on her jeans was riding a little low and the crease of her ass was poking out of the top. She seemed to fumble for a moment before reaching down into a drawer at the side of her bed and bringing out a t-shirt.

I pictured kissing her nipples one after the other, holding onto her back side as my tongue ran over her breasts. Pinching her nipples between my teeth as I slid my hands down the back of her jeans to feel her peachy cheeks.

My erection started to grow in my pajama pants and I knew that it was time to get out of there. I stood up from the bed as she turned to face me. ''Say goodbye to my boobies,'' she told me. My eyes dropped to her nipples once again, words were trying to escape my throat but I couldn't say a thing. Her eyes then dropped to my crotch, and before she could realize what she was looking at, I turned and left the room.

I burst into my bedroom and shut the door behind me, sitting down in the chair at my computer I brought my hands up to my face. Having a sexual relationship with my Mom was one thing, but whatever it was that was stirring inside of me for my sister had to be fought. There was wrong and then there was this. I stared down at my floor for a moment before tapping my keyboard, there was a new email from Faye. I opened it and silently thanked her for providing me with a momentary distraction.


Well aren't you the Mommy's boy? Cute.

I don't need tutoring, but feel free to keep the Mothers happy and pop round.

Still not convinced that you don't have another motive, but I guess we'll see.

Come around any time, doors unlocked (you'd probably be knocking forever!)

and BTW, FRAM means nothing to you, so don't worry about your little brain.


This chick started to annoy me, maybe it was a good thing. There certainly seems to be more inside her head than air anyway, but if that was the case then why wouldn't she know what was going on with her Dad? But then maybe she did. Either way, I'll find out.

I checked the Nanny-cam once again, everything seemed to be working fine and the stage was set. I'll know everything soon enough.

I shut off the computer and dropped my pajama bottoms. I pulled on a pair of boxers and the first pair of jeans I could find when my door opened and Mom appeared at the doorway. She was now dressed, much to my disappointment, ''I'm off now, taking Bobbie shopping. I've just talked to her and she said you had a word with her about what she should and shouldn't be displaying. I'm proud of you, being a big brother.'' she told me. I crossed the room slowly and kept my eyes locked on hers, she smiled a little before taking a step closer to me and leaning forward a little, I met her in the middle and our lips collided.

We kissed for what felt like a second before we heard Bobbie's bedroom door close, we broke our lips away and Mom turned to see Bobbie standing in the bedroom doorway.

''What're you doing?'' she asked.

''Just kissing Doc goodbye and thanking him for his talk with you earlier.'' she told her, she was so quick minded. My little spell in front of Bobbie earlier proved that when confronted with an awkward situation I was nothing but a dear in headlights.

''Okay, I better kiss him too then, then we can go shopping.'' she said as a grin flashed across her face, she bounded forward and I dropped to a knee, she grabbed me by my ears and kissed me hard on the mouth. It wasn't a peck, it was a smooch. She didn't break away immediately, she held me there for a few seconds before breaking off and then walking out of the bedroom.

I looked up at Mom and her face read the same as mine, it looked as though her eyebrows were going to merge with her hairline.

''Well she certainly knows how to say thank you.'' Mom said as I got back to my feet, ''Looks as though you have competition,'' I told her.

Mom then moved forward and took my hand, placing it on her breast. ''I don't think I have anything to worry about.'' she said before leaving the room.

I watched the car leave the driveway and gathered my things, I shoved the Nanny-cam in the leg pocket on my baggy jeans and left the house. I took a slow walk across the street and walked up Faye's driveway. I was sure she knew I was coming, but instead of opening the door to me I was left to open it myself and walk in.

The hallway stretched down to the kitchen much like my own home, and like mine, the lounge was opposite the stairs. I slowly appeared in the doorway to the lounge and saw that no-one was in there so I made my way through to the kitchen. I had a view of their garden from the doorway, I saw Faye's Mom, Pamela, was hanging some laundry out on the line. I took a step toward the door when I then saw she was in a bikini.

It was a nice day, but nice enough for a bikini? I didn't think so. She had a pretty good figure though, her breasts weren't as big as my Mothers, but there was still something there. I took solace in the idea that I was living in the age of Soccer Mom's, Yoga Mom's and Gym Mom's. Pamela's long red hair was tied back in a loose bun. She hadn't noticed me yet, and that was probably for the best. I turned around and walked to the bottom of the stairs, I looked up and saw Faye standing on the landing peering down at me.

''Come on up, I'll make sure to tell Mom you're here.'' she said before vanishing, I began walking up the stairs and was hit by a tickle of anxiety. Whether she was my old obsession or new obsession, she was still at one point all I could think about. All I could want. But my Mom had changed all of that, I was in love and in a relationship, fair enough a taboo one, but nevertheless I was with the woman of my dreams. Faye now was an interesting distraction, providing me with a mystery for me to solve.

I followed Faye into her room, Faye was looking good in a mini skirt and an off-the-shoulders summer top. There were no straps but she was wearing a bra underneath, giving her breasts a firm and perky look.

''Yellow looks good on you.'' I told her, she turned to face me with her face a little screwed up, ''Complimenting me? You're sure this isn't a weird an awkward date, right?'' she asked. I smiled at her, ''Believe me, it isn't.'' I assured her.

She sat down on her bed and I took a seat in the corner of the room, ''So what now?'' she asked. I took a little look around her room and then my eyes fell back on her, ''A drink would be awesome.'' I said with a sly grin. Her shoulders dropped and she rolled her eyes, she got to her feet and left her bedroom, ''If you go rooting through my underwear drawer, I'll know.'' she called from the stairs.

''Oh I somehow doubt that.'' I muttered under my breath, above my head was a shelf filled with stuffed animals, I ran a finger across one of them and saw a small dust cloud lift off the surface, clearly they weren't being used, I thought to myself and pulled out the Nanny-cam. I lifted one of the animals and put the camera underneath it, I twisted it to face the bed and carefully hid it from view.