

She gripped the edge of the stove and dropped her chin into her chest, despite the risk she put up no protest and I think the risk made it hotter for her too.

''Doc, I'm gonna cum.'' she whispered as best as she could, she got louder as the sentence progressed, I knew that I was about to burst too and picked up the pace once again. My hand that had been gripping her breast released a little, before I pinched her nipple between my thumb and fore-finger. She moaned again, louder this time. I could hear the sound of my cock collide with her clitoris, her juice was splashed over my balls as they smacked against her.

Her knees buckled a little, she struggled to hold herself upright, I felt her tighten around my shaft and it was then that I burst my load inside of her. My left hand squeezed her hip while my hand was back wrapped around her breast, I felt each jet leave my body and enter hers, feeling the warmth of her play with the sensitivity my cock was now feeling.

My face was pressed up against her back, her head hung low as the smell of burning pancakes filled our nostrils. She flicked a switch on the wall switching the cooker off, and pushed the pan off the hob, I slowly backed up a little as she steadied herself.

''Good morning,'' she panted.

''Morning Mom.'' I replied.

Moments after breaking away from her Bobbie came into the kitchen, I took a seat at the table to hide what was left of my erection as Mom turned the stove back on.

''Bobbie honey, your pancakes are they but I have to re-do Doc's, they burned.'' she told her. Bobbie smiled and looked at me before delivering a ''Ha!'', she took her plate and laid it on the table, pulling out a chair and then sitting on it.

''Mom's taking me out later to buy underwear.'' she said in a very 'In your face' manner.

''So you're getting underwear, what for Bobbie? Keep your boobies warm?'' I asked playfully. She shook her head, ''No because some boys at school make fun of me when my nipples poke in my t-shirt.'' she said.

''They're making fun of you now Bobbie, but secretly, they want to see them nipples, they'll wish you never wore a bra.'' I told her. ''Why?'' she asked. Mom cast a dark look at me, and maybe Bobbie was too mentally innocent to be corrupted but then maybe she wasn't.

''Well because boys like boobies.'' I told her as she stuffed her mouth with pancake, ''Does that mean I'm supposed to like willies?'' she asked. Mom's eyes had slammed shut, and I knew that she desperately wanted to call a stop to the conversation, but I kept on playing with her curious mind. ''Maybe,'' I said, ''Or maybe you'll like boobies too.''

She thought for a moment, chewing her mouth-full before saying; ''No, I think I like dick better.''

Despite the eyebrow raising conversation that was going on downstairs, I decided waiting for the pancakes to be re-done whilst checking my emails was a good option. Zak had said that he was going to dedicate this weekend to trying to find more videos online of Miss. Whittle, I told him that I thought the video he found was a one time thing but he didn't seem convinced. His bin was going to be full of tissues during this research.

There was another email in my inbox from FRAM, but this one had a subject titled 'Doc!', I scanned the email with anti-virus and it came back clean, so I opened it. In it was a short paragraph;


You probably deleted the last email I sent because you didn't trust it. That's cool, no worries.

It's Faye. FRAM is my screen name. I got your email through a friend and had to talk to you.

Basically, what're you playing at? Our parents have this idea that you can come round here and tutor me. I don't need tutoring. I've never needed tutoring.

No offense, but what have you said? Is this afternoon going to be some kind of weird date?

Reply ASAP.


PS- You call yourself Doc? :-/

I stared at the email for a good two minutes, Faye was thinking that I set this up. Would she believe me if I told her that I didn't? No, probably not. But she seemed smarter than I originally thought she was. I had to play this right, not for the sake of her being my obsession, but for the sake of getting a camera in there to see what was going on. So I sucked in a deep breath and began typing;


I was told about tutoring you yesterday by my mother, it seems as though all of this was your mothers idea as it was her who asked. Why your mother thinks I give a damn about the industrial revolution, I don't know, but apparently you're struggling.

I'd love to change the plans but with your mother being at the helm of it then I can't imagine her taking it too kindly, she'll probably blame you so it's best if I show my face, even if it's just to check over your work.

Doc is a name I've had for years, BTW. And what is FRAM supposed to mean?

I hit send and left the bedroom, on my way out I had a quick peek through the telescope, Faye was led on her bed with her laptop. She seemed to be typing pretty quickly, it was probably a scathing reply to my email. Later it was going to be fun, I thought to myself.

I walked across the landing to the top of the stairs, Dad was now occupying the bathroom and a brief feeling of hatred swept through me as I continued downstairs. The smell of pancakes filled my nostrils as I entered the kitchen, there was a nice little stack on a plate for me next to a mug of coffee.

Mom was standing at the back door and I went up behind her and slid my hands underneath the jersey, her nipples were standing on end, you could hang a wet towel on them if you wanted to.

''Thank you for the pancakes.'' I said. She turned to me and kissed me on the forehead as I dropped my hands and went to the table.

That's when Bobbie came into the kitchen wearing Mom's bra. My eyes locked themselves on her body, she wore her jeans and seemingly nothing else, Mom's bra hung off her chest like a rucksack on backward. Her puffy little breasts were in plain sight and her nipples were pointed towards me.

''This is what a lady wears, and after today, I will be a lady.'' she told me.

Her dirty blonde hair was tied back in a tight ponytail, her big blue eyes stared back at me as she leaned against a chair. I dropped into my seat and did so with a throbbing erection, pancakes may have been on my plate but they weren't on my mind. This strange back and forth between me and my sister was reaching new heights. I knew where it began but what I couldn't predict was where it was going to end.

Mom walked back into the kitchen and stopped in her tracks, ''Bobbie, what the hell?'' she yelled. Mom didn't swear much at all, if she did it was usually aimed at Dad and it was always under her breath. I was surprised though that seeing Bobbie stood in the kitchen like she was didn't raise a 'fuck'.

Bobbie turned around and left the kitchen, ''Mom,'' I started, ''She used to wear your clothes all the time.'' I said.

''But she's older now, she has to learn that standing in the kitchen with your boobs out isn't very lady like.'' she said, I couldn't help but smile, the thought of fucking her earlier whilst she stood at the stove flashed into my mind. Mom sensed my thinking and lightly slapped me on the back of the head, ''That wasn't lady like, that was adult fun.'' she told me.