

It was in place, a wave of relief and excitement swept over me. Now all I wanted was to go home. I heard the stairs creaking and soon Faye walked back into the room, she handed me a glass of what looked to be Cola. ''I didn't know what you wanted, but then I didn't really care so, enjoy.'' she said, sitting back down on her.

''Brilliant, let's have a look at your work then.'' I suggested. Again her shoulders dropped and her eyes rolled, she crossed the room and grabbed her laptop. She opened the lid and after a little typing showed me her essay.

My eyes scanned through it and I handed back her laptop, ''Seems to me that you have quite a brain inside that head of yours. I think this work is better than mine.'' I told her, she smiled a little, ''You sound surprised.'' she said.

''Well,'' I began, ''It was the airhead move of dying your hair blonde that must have fooled me.'' I told her. I wasn't sure why, but sitting here with her gave me this feeling of confidence. Not having her as my obsession was a comfort, a comfort that allowed me to be blunt and honest with her. Even if it was in a joking manner.

''There was more thought to me going blonde than you think, Doc.'' she said. ''Oh really? You used to stand out from everyone else, now you just mold into everyone, like your wearing camouflage.'' She took her laptop and sat back on her bed. ''Maybe that's the idea.'' she answered.

My eyes narrowed, she had piqued my interest. ''There's more to you after all then. I'm glad to hear it.'' Was I flirting with her? I'd begun to wonder what this was, an innocent conversation or a chess match of the mind.

''Oh well I'm glad that you're glad. It's nice to know you think highly of me, means a lot.'' she said with a cheeky half smile. I wandered out of the window and up to the sky, ''Well I better be going. Wouldn't want this to get awkward.'' I told her.

''Before you go,'' she said, ''I for some reason feel the need to demonstrate to you exactly what FRAME is. It's better than explaining it anyway.'' she opened her laptop up and began typing, I got up and switched from sitting in the corner to sitting on the edge of her bed. I could now smell her, either that or I could smell the bed sheets.

''FRAM is me, obviously. But it's my online signature. I'm sure your pal Zak sent you the link to the Miss Whittle porn video? Yeah well I was the one who uploaded it.''

''You what?'' I said in shock. She nodded, ''I found it on her computer and decided to upload it. Then all it took was to make sure it landed in front of that horny little rat's eyes. I knew he'd show you, I guess you were too drawn to Miss Whittle to notice the uploader was FRAM.''

''So, you're a hacker?'' I asked her, she just delivered that half smile from the corner of her mouth.

I found myself a little turned on by her, her green eyes met mine and that half smile of hers was still there. I narrowed my eyes a little and looked back at her laptop screen. I couldn't help but wonder how a fifteen year old hacker wouldn't know about some of the things her Dad was getting up to in her bedroom. I was almost compelled to say something, but her Mom appeared at her doorway severing any thought I had of saying anything.

''Mom, put some clothes on.'' Faye muttered, her Mom flashed me a grin as I did my best to maintain eye contact with her. Her glowing green bikini lit up her eyes like lights, she had the same green eyes as her daughter.

''I thought by now you'd be the one with your clothes off.'' she said to Faye, whose face was starting to go as red as hair used to be. ''So you thought you'd stop by?'' Faye said back to her. ''Well dear, I'm sure your moans would have warned me to turn around.'' she said, taking a step forward and holding out her hand, ''You must be Rosie's boy. I'm Pamela, It's a treat to meet you.'' I took her hand and gave it a little shake, ''Pleasures mine.'' I replied.

''Oh Faye dear, look at the lad trying to not stare at my body. Looks like he's a real gentleman.'' she said, ''Much more of a gentlemen than your Daddy anyway.'' she finished. ''Okay Mom you can go now.'' Faye replied.

The first mention of the Dad, and her Mother almost spat out the term Daddy in the same way my Mother would. Maybe the Mother knew something about what was going on, maybe Faye did too. Either way I wasn't sure what was going on, whether her Dad's bedroom antics were tolerated or if they weren't.

''Well, Pamela,'' I began, ''Faye's work needs no help from me, in fact I could probably use tutoring from her.'' I exclaimed. Pamela smiled as Faye delivered a ''Ha, told you.''

''Well then, you're welcome to come around any time you want. I'm sure my darling daughter would be only too happy to tutor you.'' she said with a suggestive smile.

''I wouldn't say no to that, I'm sure there are a lot of things she could teach me.'' I said, casting my gaze toward Faye, she returned the look and realized what I was talking about.

''No problem.'' she said shortly. I gave a quick smile and got to my feet, ''Well I'd better make a move. I'll email you later then Faye.'' I told her.

''Sure no problem.'' she replied, brushing something off her bed. She closed the laptop lid and her Mother stepped to the side to allow me to pass. ''It was a pleasure meeting you, young man.'' Pamela said to me. ''Likewise.'' I replied and headed for the stairs, Faye followed me down to the door and after opening it I turned to her. We paused for a moment, ''Well lets no make this awkward, speak later.'' she said putting a hand on the door latch.

''Agreed.'' I replied and walked out of the door and down the driveway. Fresh air hit me and was followed by heat from the sun.

I made my way toward my house and thought about my time in Fayes. She was more than what I thought she was, dying her hair so she could hide herself amongst the pack. I guess that's what hackers do.

But going there didn't answer any questions I had, questions about her Father. I didn't even see him there, it made me think that he might work weekends. The Nanny-cam only had a limited amount of battery, I just hoped it would catch what I wanted it to.

I entered the house and headed straight upstairs, I caught sight of Dad in the kitchen sorting himself some food and had no time for him right now. I went straight up the stairs and into the bedroom to sit at the computer.

I tapped a button on the keyboard and it awoke from sleep mode, the email page was still up and after refreshing itself I saw that I had an email from Faye already.