
Sex book (just some sex story’s)

Lots of sex, don’t read if you don’t like sex

Ellie_Bear321 · อื่นๆ
4 Chs

Page three of the first chapter of sex

What Lucy didn't know was that behind those smiles, was two boys who had come up with a plan to fuck their mom, and to make her happy.

Alex and Lucas had come up with an amazing idea last night, what if they drugged her food and fucked her, it would be the perfect plan!

"Awww, thank you guys for cooking but it's my job to make you guys food" Lucy said, unaware of their plan.

"Oh it was nothing mom. We thought since you always make us food, then we should make you food instead" Lucas said, and looked at Alex, giving him a slight nod no, telling Alex that if their mom asked anything they could say it's because of their dad's death.

"What's going on? Did something happen? Your both acting a bit weird..." Lucy said, wondering why they were being so odd.

Alex looked at his mom, faking eyes full of sadness. "Mom....

I know it's been hard ever since he died...

Lucas and I just didn't exactly know how to make you feel better. So now that we're older we're going to try our hardest to make you happy" Alex said, he was an amazing actor but only when he was telling half lies.

This was only half a lie because he and Lucas were going to try to make their mom happy. Lucy didn't know that they had seen her crying but they did, it hurt them to see her in pain and so sad.