
Sex book (just some sex story’s)

Lots of sex, don’t read if you don’t like sex

Ellie_Bear321 · Others
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4 Chs

Page four of the first chapter

Lucy smiled slightly, thought she was smiling on the outside she was falling apart on the inside...

"Wow, my children made food for us, how low could I get? I knew I was worthless but having my Children make food for me..." Lucy thought to herself.

she was always taught that women belonged in the kitchen and were supposed to raise the kids and put dinner in the table. If her mom and dad saw this they would beat the shit out of her for sure....

"Mom? You okay?" Lucas asked "oh yes, I'm fine. Just happy that I raised you so well" she said as she smiled.

She sat down and ate some food, after a few minutes she started feeling a bit dizzy, and horny and aroused "w- what did you put in the food?" Lucy asked while panting and rubbing her thighs together

"nothing special... why? Are you feeling okay?" One of her sons asked, faking a worried look on the outside but smirking on the inside. "I— I'm feeling a little sick.... I'll be fine later" she said, reassuring her sons that she was fine. "We'll take you to bed" Alex said, in a way that said 'I won't take no for an answer' "fine..." Lucas suddenly picked his mom up and carried her up the stairs to her room, slightly groping her butt in the process.

He gently put his mom on the bed and shut the door, he and his brother went down stairs and got some medicine and went back up stairs quietly and tried to hear any moans.

Lucy quickly pulled out a small box of sex toys and put a long dildo in her vagina. She became a moaning mess, she was loud enough for her sons to hear her moans.

Soon they entered with a bottle of water and medicine. "*gasp* mom! What are you doing!" Lucas said, acting surprised.