
Saving Gale Wicherton

After inheriting an unfinished novel from his late best friend, Sam is thrust into the pages as Gale Wicherton, a side character in a magical world. With a determined smile, Gale seeks to rewrite the political struggles, navigate two enigmatic princes, and discover the powers he's concealing—all to save his destiny and the fantastical realm Max left behind.

AtharvisAJ · แฟนตาซี
33 Chs

Embers and Negotiations

Gale stood before the injured Nicolas, concern etched on his face. However, before he could express his worry or inquire about the incident, Nicolas spoke up, his voice strained yet determined.

"These guys, those satanic fuckers..." he winced in pain, "those satanic cult members had backup. Someone came to break them out."

Gale's eyes widened in disbelief, "What? It was them?"

Nicolas nodded, "Well, not them—the people who came to get them. They had their faces obscured, but they were definitely from the same cult."

"This is a bit disconcerting," Gale muttered, a swirl of thoughts racing through his mind. "We'll talk later. Let me help the people outside."

Gale made his way out, the flames still dancing and casting shadows on the guild's exterior. The scene was chaotic, with adventurers scrambling to control the fire and ensure the safety of the guild members. Gale took a deep breath, his focus shifting to the immediate task at hand.

Channelling his concentration, he envisioned a powerful stream of water. With a swift and controlled motion, he directed the magical water hose towards the flames. The thick stream of water cascaded onto the fire, his control precise and effective. As the flames sizzled and smoke billowed, the fire began to relent.

"Any firefighter would be proud of me!" He said turning towards the audience.

The onlookers, guild members, and fellow adventurers watched in awe as Visage's water magic quenched the flames. Applause and cheers erupted from the crowd, gratitude evident in their eyes. Gale, still in the Visage persona, acknowledged the praise with a nod, his thoughts lingering on the unsettling revelation about the cult's backup.

It took till the crack of dawn to help all the injured people, people stuck under rubble and some unfortunate casualties. Nicolas now, hobbling came out of the Guildhall. People flocked him asking if he needed help, other than guild staff, Gale and Maximus, it seemed that most people did not know Nicolas was the guild master.

"Man, those bastards..." He said through gritted teeth, "They had some very strong mages with them.

"I'll bet," replied Gale. "Is there something that I can do?"

"Nothing for now. Thanks for all the help till now." Nicolas said with a wry smile. "I think the guild would have to be closed for a month or so till we get this repaired, we will shift the guild to a temporary building so if you want to take any request come there."

"Will do." Gale replied coolly.

Back at the estate, exhaustion clung to Gale like a heavy cloak. The events of the night had drained him, physically and emotionally. Stumbling wearily, he made his way to his bed. The softness of the mattress welcomed him as he crashed onto it, and almost instantly, he succumbed to the embrace of a deep, dreamless sleep.

The morning sun had long given way to the tranquility of the estate as Gale slept, recovering from the ordeal that had unfolded at the guild. It wasn't until Wayne's persistent nudging and gentle voice reached his ears that he began to stir. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, Gale found himself waking up to the midday sun.

"Master Gale, it's lunchtime," Wayne announced, his voice carrying a mix of concern and familiarity.

Gale groggily sat up, rubbing his eyes, "Lunchtime already?"

Wayne nodded, "Yes, sir. Cook has prepared your favorite steak today. Thought you might need a good meal after last night."

A grateful smile tugged at Gale's lips, "Thanks, Wayne. And pass my thanks to the cook too."

As he made his way to the dining area, the enticing aroma of sizzling steak filled the air. The table was set, and Wayne had ensured everything was in order. The cook, a seasoned expert in culinary delights, had indeed outdone themselves.

Seated at the table, Gale savored the perfectly cooked steak, appreciating the thoughtful gesture from Wayne and the cook. The flavors danced on his palate, providing a moment of respite amid the tumultuous events that had transpired. As he enjoyed the comforting taste of the meal, Gale's mind gradually shifted from the challenges of the night to the simple yet profound gestures of kindness that surrounded him.

eeling refreshed from his meal, Gale decided to present himself with a touch of elegance befitting the occasion. He adorned a nice emerald green suit that not only complemented his name but also brought out the rich hue of his eyes. As he inspected himself in the mirror, he couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence. Today, he was not just Gale; he was the potential owner of the coveted emerald mine.

Dressed sharply, he made his way downstairs, where Wayne awaited him. The emerald green suit exuded an air of authority, a visual testament to his readiness for the negotiations ahead. With purposeful strides, Gale led the way, his emerald eyes gleaming with determination.

Together, Gale and Wayne left the estate, setting out for the heart of business transactions in the city. The family carriage, polished to a shine, awaited them. As they boarded the carriage, the wheels creaked to life, propelling them towards the Merchant Guild.

The Merchant Guild stood in stark contrast to its adventurer counterpart. It exuded an air of opulence and sophistication, a hub of commerce where deals were made in the language of gold. The interior was pristine, adorned with polished wood and exquisite tapestries. The ambiance spoke of wealth and prosperity, catering to the refined tastes of the merchant elite.

Upon entering, Gale couldn't help but admire the surroundings. The air carried a subtle fragrance, and the well-dressed patrons engaged in hushed conversations about deals and trade. The staff, unlike the rugged adventurers, consisted of elegantly dressed individuals.

Gale, turning toward the audience, couldn't resist a playful comment, "Finally, some beauties."

As Gale entered the Merchant Guild, he instinctively straightened himself, his noble training dictating a posture befitting the surroundings. The polished floors beneath his polished shoes echoed with each step, resonating with the quiet hum of commerce that permeated the air.

Approaching the reception desk, a poised receptionist greeted him, inquiring about the purpose of his visit to the guild."Welcome to the Merchants Guild, how may I help you?"

Gale, with a confident demeanor, introduced himself, "Hello I am Gale Wicherton. I am here to meet the Guild Master on some important business." The mention of his name elicited subtle reactions from those nearby, as the Wicherton name carried weight, signifying his position as the de facto authority in the Southern Province.

The receptionist, momentarily caught off guard by the revelation, quickly composed herself and, with a courteous nod, gestured towards a secluded VIP room. "The Guild Master will be with you shortly," she informed before gracefully departing to fetch the guild master.

As Gale waited in the VIP room, he couldn't help but ponder the significance of this meeting. The emerald mine, a venture he hoped to acquire, was integral to his plans for the Southern Province. The room exuded an air of exclusivity, adorned with fine furnishings and subtle opulence. The atmosphere heightened Gale's anticipation, and he mentally rehearsed the points he intended to convey during the negotiation.

A servant brought some tea and refreshments with them and placed them on the table. After a brief wait, the door to the VIP room swung open, revealing the Guild Master.

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