
Saving Gale Wicherton

After inheriting an unfinished novel from his late best friend, Sam is thrust into the pages as Gale Wicherton, a side character in a magical world. With a determined smile, Gale seeks to rewrite the political struggles, navigate two enigmatic princes, and discover the powers he's concealing—all to save his destiny and the fantastical realm Max left behind.

AtharvisAJ · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Emerald and Amethyst

As the door to the VIP room swung open, the Guild Master of the Merchant Guild made her entrance. A hushed air of respect and admiration filled the room as she stepped in. She was a vision of elegance and authority, a stark contrast to the rugged environment of the adventurer's guild.

With platinum blonde hair cascading gracefully around her shoulders and amethyst-coloured eyes that held a subtle intensity, she exuded both strength and sophistication. Her choice of attire, a dress that harmonized with the captivating hue of her eyes, further accentuated her regal presence. Adorned with gold accents, she wore accessories that spoke of wealth and influence.

In her hands, she held a book—a symbol of knowledge and wisdom. The intricate details of the room seemed to bend to her aura, creating an atmosphere of refined taste and opulence. Accompanying her was a secretary, a figure of smaller build with auburn hair and piercing blue eyes, complementing the Guild Master's presence.

Gale, acknowledging the entrance of the Guild Master, rose from his seat. His emerald green suit seemed to resonate with the luxurious ambience of the room. Wayne, standing discreetly by his side, observed the unfolding interactions with a keen eye.

"Guild Master," Gale greeted with a polite bow, using the title that resonated with her position. "Thank you for meeting with me. Allow me to introduce myself—Gale Wicherton."

The Guild Master returned the nod, a subtle smile gracing her lips. "Mr. Wicherton, the pleasure is mine. My name is Viola. Please, have a seat. I trust your visit is tied to matters of significance."

Gale and Wayne resumed their seats, and the negotiation began. Viola, with a poised yet inquisitive expression, inquired, "Now, what brings the esteemed representative of the Southern Province to our humble guild today?"

Gale, with a tactful blend of diplomacy and confidence, began to lay out his intentions regarding the emerald mine. The negotiation dance had begun, set against the backdrop of the Merchant Guild's refined surroundings. The air crackled with potential deals and the unspoken understanding that every word carried weight in this realm of commerce and trade.

As Gale presented his intentions regarding the emerald mine, Viola, the Guild Master of the Merchant Guild, listened attentively. Her amethyst-coloured eyes studied Gale with a discerning gaze, revealing little of her thoughts. The atmosphere in the room held tension, the weight of potential deals and strategic moves hanging in the air.

However, to Gale's surprise, Viola's reaction was not what he expected. As soon as he broached the topic of the emerald mine, expecting a negotiation dance, she seemed indifferent to the matter. Instead of engaging in a strategic back-and-forth, she offered an unexpected twist.

"I must admit, Mr. Wicherton, the emerald mine is dry and a dead project. It is also teeming with monsters. It's been a rather lacklustre investment for us," Viola remarked with a thoughtful expression. "In light of your interest and the current circumstances, I am willing to offer you a discount for the acquisition. Consider it a gesture of goodwill between us."

Gale, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected turn of events, quickly recovered his composure. Concealing his surprise with a diplomatic smile, he replied, "Guild Master, I appreciate your willingness to negotiate. A discount would indeed be a favourable arrangement for both parties. However, I must inquire about the specifics of this offer and any conditions attached."

Viola, with a shrewd glint in her eyes, leaned back in her chair. "Mr. Wicherton, I believe in fostering mutually beneficial relationships. The discounted price would be thirty per cent lower than the current valuation of the mine. As for conditions, I propose a collaborative effort between our guild and the Wichertons for future trade and business ventures. This, I believe, would be a fair exchange for the discounted acquisition."

Gale, considering the proposal, weighed the potential benefits of such collaboration. The negotiation had taken an unexpected turn, and the dynamics of the deal seemed to shift in a direction that could alter the landscape of their interactions.

After a thoughtful pause, Gale spoke with a diplomatic tone, "I appreciate the offer, Guild Master, but I cannot accept that deal."

"Viola, please," she replied.

"Guild Master Viola," Gale corrected himself. "I am a very private person, and I like to keep my businesses private as well. As you mentioned yourself, the mine is dry and full of monsters." Gale paused for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "I would take the discount, but I cannot guarantee collaborative efforts on any future trades. How about this? You sell me the mine at a discount, and I'll take that dead investment off your hands."

Gale's emerald-green eyes held a glint of determination, signalling his resolve in the negotiation.

Viola, momentarily taken aback, quickly recovered. She studied Gale with newfound respect, realizing that he was not as naive as she might have initially thought. After a brief contemplation, she nodded, "Okay, Master Wicherton, I concede. But please keep goodwill between the guild and the Wichertons."

"Of course, Guild Master Viola," Gale responded with a business smile, sealing the agreement with a nod of understanding.

With the negotiation settled Viola gestured to her secretary, who began the necessary paperwork for the sale of the mine. The room, once filled with the tension of negotiation, now transitioned to a more amicable atmosphere. As the ink dried on the contract, Viola extended her hand, and Gale shook it, marking the beginning of a new chapter for the Wichertons and their venture into the emerald mine.

Gale, feeling triumphant after the successful negotiation, turned towards the audience with a self-satisfied grin. "Did you see how I negotiated that deal? I am the best."

As he was preparing to leave, Viola, the Guild Master, caught up with him. "Mr. Wicherton," she called, "before you go, I was wondering if you would join me for dinner. A small gesture of celebration for our new venture."

Gale, momentarily flustered by the unexpected invitation, quickly composed himself and replied, "Certainly, Guild Master Viola. Dinner sounds wonderful."

Viola suggested meeting at the town square, and Gale agreed. As he made his way back home, the excitement of the successful deal mingled with a touch of nervousness about the impending dinner. Wayne, perceptive as always, noticed Gale's demeanour.

"Giddy about your date?" Wayne teased with a playful grin.

"It's not a date," Gale retorted, attempting to brush off the notion.

Wayne, ever the instigator, raised an eyebrow, "Well, then what is it?"

"Shut up," Gale replied, a faint blush betraying his true feelings.

The banter continued as they made their way back to the estate. Gale, now feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness, couldn't help but wonder how the evening would unfold. The celebration of the successful deal seemed to have taken an unexpected turn, leading to a dinner that held the promise of both business and a hint of personal connection.

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