
Saving Gale Wicherton

After inheriting an unfinished novel from his late best friend, Sam is thrust into the pages as Gale Wicherton, a side character in a magical world. With a determined smile, Gale seeks to rewrite the political struggles, navigate two enigmatic princes, and discover the powers he's concealing—all to save his destiny and the fantastical realm Max left behind.

AtharvisAJ · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Questions and Questions

Gale stared at the unconscious-robed figures bunched together in a crumpled heap on the mine floor. The air was thick with tension as he grappled with the weight of his actions. Interrogation was a foreign territory for him. He sighed, pondering his next move.

"I've never done anything like this before," Gale muttered to himself, running his fingers through his dishevelled hair. "What do I even ask them? How do I interrogate someone?"

He looked at the audience, "I need someone with power, level-headedness, who is good at interrogation and also who has the facilities to handle these kinds of situations. I don't know any-"

His mind was a maze of uncertainty when suddenly a thought struck him like a bolt of lightning. "Nicolas! Of course," he exclaimed, his eyes widening with realization.

The former expert-ranked adventurer, now masquerading as a humble receptionist, held a wealth of experience and knowledge. More importantly, he had the necessary strength to handle the situation and the facilities to conduct a proper interrogation. He was the guild master after all. For a moment, Gale marvelled at the layers of complexity hidden beneath Nicolas's unassuming exterior.

Gale had no means of contacting Nicolas. It was not like there weren't any communication devices present in this world. The devices were not set up for personal communications, however. They were large-scale projects used in government buildings and offices.

He looked towards the audience again facepalming himself, "Why Am I Being so Dumb today??? I can just 'fly' there myself."

With a newfound sense of purpose, Gale decided that time was of the essence. While communication devices were not readily available for personal use in this world, Gale concluded that it would be faster for him to fetch Nicolas in person.

Determined, Gale used his wind magic to propel himself in successively longer jumps toward the guild office. His jumps covered impressive distances, allowing him to reach the guild office in no time. As he entered, he found Nicolas behind the reception desk, his burly frame dominating the space.

"What can I do for you, my friend?" Nicolas greeted him with a warm smile.

"Oh, Nick, I need you to come with me. I want your help," Gale replied, his tone urgent.

Nicolas, noticing the seriousness in Gale's expression, questioned, "Did you kill anyone?"

"What? No!" Gale exclaimed, taken aback. "Wait, if I killed someone, you would still help me?"

"Of course," Nicolas said matter-of-factly. "Well, if it's not that, what do you need my help with?"

Gale hesitated for a moment, then decided, "It's better if I take you there."

They both stepped outside the adventurer's guild and Gale, with a mischievous glint in his eye, lifted Nicolas off his feet, carrying him in a princess-style hold.

"Why are you blushing?" Gale teased as Nicolas's face reddened.

Ignoring the comment, Gale, with a burst of wind energy, lifted off the ground, carrying Nicolas through the air.

As Gale and Nicolas descended towards the Emerald Mine, the night had cast its shroud over the landscape. Recognizing the need for illumination, Gale summoned his light magic, creating a gentle glow to guide them through the darkness.

As the magical light revealed the mine's entrance, Gale was relieved to find the robed figures still unconscious on the mine floor. Nicolas, observing the scene, gasped in recognition.

"Whoa, these are the Satanic cult people who have been terrorizing the area. You're amazing, Gale," Nicolas exclaimed, clearly impressed.

Gale, appreciating the acknowledgement, replied, "So, you know who they are."

Nicolas nodded, "Indeed. We've been trying to track down this cult for a while. Why are you here, though, Gale?"

"I want to buy this mine," Gale admitted.

Nicolas raised an eyebrow, "It's a dry mine, a failed project."

Gale shrugged, "Well, it is what it is. Okay, so how do we proceed?"

Nicolas thought for a moment, "For starters, we need to take them to the guild. Alright, you take those two, and I'll take these three."

Gale nodded in agreement, and they each grabbed the robed figures, preparing to transport them back to the guild.

Back at the guild, the atmosphere was charged with an air of anticipation as Nicolas prepared to heal and interrogate the robed figures. Understanding the gravity of the situation, he turned to Gale and said, "It's going to take some time. You can go ahead and head home for the night."

Gale bid Nicolas goodnight and made his way home, still wrestling with thoughts about the mine. The night seemed to carry the weight of both his recent encounter and the unresolved matter of the coveted Emerald Mine.

Upon reaching home, Wayne greeted him, "Welcome home, Master Gale."

"Well, it was an adventure, Wayne."

"Why is nothing ever straightforward with you, Master Gale?" Wayne inquired.

"I don't know, Wayne. I just don't," Gale replied, removing his mask and freshening up.

Entering his study, bathed in the soft glow of crystal-powered lights, Gale found solace. A decanter of amber liquid sat on the table, inviting contemplation. Inviting Wayne to join him, they settled in and shared a drink.

Gale took out a cigarette, igniting it with fire magic. He glanced at the audience with a mischievous grin and said, "I love this part."

Inhaling deeply, he let out a satisfied "Ahhh..."

As the night unfolded, they engaged in conversation about the events in the mine. The talks gradually shifted into a comfortable nothingness, with the passing hours marked by the clink of glasses and the soft glow of the crystal lights. 

Gale, feeling a bit lightheaded from the alcohol, shook off the contemplative mood brought on by the night's reflections as urgency seized the moment. The unexpected arrival of a messenger at the estate's gate disrupted the tranquillity of the evening.

"It is very urgent, from the guild master. He's injured, and we need your help," the messenger urgently conveyed.

"Why my help?" Gale inquired, puzzled by the sudden summons.

"I don't know, but the guild master said to go to the Wicherton estate and ask for help," the messenger explained.

He looked towards the audience, "Only the Guild Master knows that I am Visage."

Gale sighed, a mix of weariness and determination in his eyes. "Fine, let's go. Also, you are to forget that you ever came here to ask for help. Now go, I will follow."

With a sense of duty prevailing over the remnants of the night's calm, Gale donned the fox mask again and set out for the adventurer's guild, the urgency of the situation eclipsing the earlier moments of relaxation. 

The night, once tranquil, had transformed into chaos as Gale approached the guild. The towering structure was engulfed in flames, casting an eerie glow that illuminated the surrounding darkness. Panic and urgency filled the air, with adventurers scrambling to contain the fire and evacuate the premises.

Gale's initial state of inebriation dissipated instantly as the gravity of the situation hit him. Sober and alert, he rushed towards the blaze, determined to understand and address the crisis. The flames roared, casting dancing shadows on the guild's exterior.

Amidst the chaos, he spotted the guild master, Nicolas, sitting on a chair, his burly frame marred by burns and injuries. A chunk of his left ear and arm muscle was visibly missing, his body charred by the fire. It looked like a bombing scene. The resident nurse was diligently tending to his wounds as Gale approached.

Nicolas looked towards Gale, a weary sigh escaping his lips. Gale, now left with more questions than answers, could sense the weight of the situation hanging heavily in the air. The burning guild, the injured guild master, and the pervasive sense of uncertainty left Gale grappling with the unfolding events and the mysteries that shrouded them.

A new twist for the story!

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