
Rise Of The New Devil : Vampire System

Dive into a post-apocalyptic world where the laws of nature have been upheaved by a mysterious cataclysm. Follow the journey of Aiden, an ordinary young man who is unwillingly thrust into an extraordinary quest for survival and redemption. When an unknown energy, Mana, spreads across Earth, transforming animals into monsters and endowing certain humans with incredible powers, Aiden finds himself caught in a spiral of violence and chaos. Left for dead after defending a stranger, life slowly leaves him. Aiden grits his teeth, a mad desire for vengeance shining in his eyes, tinged with a hint of helplessness. That was until... "Congratulations." "The host has become a vampire." Guided by this strange System that seems to orchestrate his evolution, Aiden must learn to master his new powers while fighting against the bloodlust consuming him. His path will cross with other evolved beings, like Ethan, a gravity manipulator with a troubled past who becomes a valuable ally. Through trials and revelations, Aiden will face heart-wrenching choices. How far is he willing to go to protect those dear to him? Can he embrace his vampire nature without losing his soul along the way?

Anthocs · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Dive into darkness

Aiden delved ever deeper into the bowels of the dungeon, each of his steps echoing in the dark and oppressive corridors. His mind was entirely focused on his goal: the quest, and the promise of power it represented.

He could feel his blood boiling in his veins, his dhampir side stirring, impatient to unleash itself. All his life, he had suppressed this part of himself, fearing losing control. But today, he was ready to fully embrace it. Today, he would discover the extent of his potential.

Around a bend, he sensed them. Creatures lurking in the shadows, their hostile intentions palpable in the air. A savage smile stretched Aiden's lips. This was exactly what he was looking for.

He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. Slowly, deliberately, he lowered the mental barriers he had erected these past weeks. He let the beast within him awaken, unfurl, until it filled every fiber of his being.

When he reopened his eyelids, his eyes had become two scarlet blazes. The world around him was adorned with details of supernatural clarity. He could see in the darkness as in broad daylight, each shadow revealing its secrets to him.

A deep growl rose from his throat, vibrating with barely contained power. His hands clenched, sharp claws bursting from his fingers. His whole body tensed, ready to pounce, to tear, to conquer.

For the span of a heartbeat, an infinitesimal part of him hesitated. Was he really ready to cross that line? But the thirst for power was too strong, the song of blood too intoxicating. With a roar that shook the walls, he rushed to the assault.

It was an unleashing of raw violence. Monsters poured in from all sides, a tide of claws, fangs, and primal fury. But Aiden welcomed them with savage joy, his own predator instinct responding to their aggression.

He whirled among them, his movements of deadly fluidity and precision. His claws lacerated flesh. His fangs pierced throats, tearing away shreds of life.

His heightened senses allowed him to anticipate each attack, to retaliate with lightning speed. He dodged blows with ease, each of his gestures of lethal grace.

Little by little, his conscious mind faded, overwhelmed by the scarlet tide of his instincts. He was no longer Aiden, the thoughtful and measured student. He was the Blood Dhampir, the beast thirsting for carnage. And he reveled in every moment.

Corpses piled up around him, blood formed viscous lakes on the floor. But he continued, relentlessly, driven by an unstoppable frenzy, killing monsters one after the other.

He lost all sense of time, all awareness of himself. Only the next fight mattered, the next kill. He progressed like an implacable scourge, sowing destruction in his wake.

Suddenly, a deafening roar shook the dungeon, stopping Aiden in his tracks. Before him stood a titanic monster, a nightmarish amalgam of flesh, fangs, and hatred. The floor boss.

For a fraction of a second, a flash of lucidity crossed Aiden's foggy mind. The enemy was colossal, its power palpable in each of its breaths. Could he really face it?

But the beast within him swept away those doubts with a disdainful growl. He was the ultimate predator. No prey would resist him.

With a roar that echoed the monster's, Aiden leapt, claws first. The shock was titanic, shaking the dungeon to its foundations. Claws against fangs, rage against fury, they clashed in an unleashing of primal violence.

The monster was powerful, each of its blows capable of crushing an ordinary man. But Aiden was no longer an ordinary man. He was a dhampir, speed and strength incarnate. He dodged, parried, retaliated with supernatural agility, his claws tracing deep gashes in the monster's flesh.

For what seemed an eternity, they struggled thus, in a close combat of devastating intensity. The dungeon resounded with their roars, the floor was littered with debris and stained with blood.

Finally, in a final assault, Aiden plunged his clawed hand into the monster's chest, piercing muscle and bone to reach its heart. With a howl of triumph, he tore it out, crushing it in his fist as the boss collapsed, defeated.

For a long moment, Aiden stood motionless amid the carnage, panting, every fiber of his being vibrating with the energy of the slaughter. Then, slowly, as if emerging from a dream, the scarlet mists of frenzy dissipated.

He looked around, gradually becoming aware of the extent of the devastation. Dismembered bodies littered the ground, blood formed viscous lakes. The metallic smell was so strong it made him nauseous.

"What... What have I done?" he murmured, his voice hoarse from too much roaring.

Confused flashes came back to him. The heady sensation of the hunt, the taste of blood on his tongue, the screams, the sound of tearing flesh... He had been the beast, the monster. He had enjoyed it.

A wave of nausea seized him, forcing him to lean against a wall, overcome with dizziness. The horror of this scene, of the shredded bodies, threatened to overwhelm him. But as he struggled against the nausea, a part of him coldly analyzed the situation.

It wasn't him who had done this. Not really. It was the beast within him, the thirsty dhampir. An entity distinct from his conscious self. A tool, which he could learn to master.

Of course, the loss of control had been terrifying. But at the same time, the power he had felt, the absolute potency of the predator... It was intoxicating. With such strength at his disposal, what could he not accomplish?

His contemplation was interrupted by an insistent beep. A notification was flashing before his eyes.

"Quest: Give free rein to your true nature - Completed. All monsters on the level have been eliminated. Collect your quest reward at the center of the room."

With steps still unsteady, Aiden headed towards the center of the room. There, on a pedestal of black stone, rested two objects. An egg pulsating with a reddish light, and a pair of daggers with organic lines, coursing with regular pulsations.

He seized them with caution, and a new notification appeared.

"You have obtained: A mystery egg (Mystery item - Unknown use), and the Evolving Daggers (Living weapon - Properties to discover)."

Aiden examined his rewards, fascinated in spite of himself.

With a sigh, he stored them in his inventory. Then, with resolute steps, he left the dungeon, ascending towards the light of day.

But as he made his way back to his room, silently sneaking through the deserted corridors, his mind was boiling with questions and possibilities. He had touched upon his true power, and he knew he could never ignore it again.

He collapsed onto his bed, staring at the ceiling without really seeing it, then quickly his thoughts returned to these rewards.

"What if I took a closer look at what I've won," he said to himself, taking out the egg and daggers.