
Rise Of The New Devil : Vampire System

Dive into a post-apocalyptic world where the laws of nature have been upheaved by a mysterious cataclysm. Follow the journey of Aiden, an ordinary young man who is unwillingly thrust into an extraordinary quest for survival and redemption. When an unknown energy, Mana, spreads across Earth, transforming animals into monsters and endowing certain humans with incredible powers, Aiden finds himself caught in a spiral of violence and chaos. Left for dead after defending a stranger, life slowly leaves him. Aiden grits his teeth, a mad desire for vengeance shining in his eyes, tinged with a hint of helplessness. That was until... "Congratulations." "The host has become a vampire." Guided by this strange System that seems to orchestrate his evolution, Aiden must learn to master his new powers while fighting against the bloodlust consuming him. His path will cross with other evolved beings, like Ethan, a gravity manipulator with a troubled past who becomes a valuable ally. Through trials and revelations, Aiden will face heart-wrenching choices. How far is he willing to go to protect those dear to him? Can he embrace his vampire nature without losing his soul along the way?

Anthocs · Fantasy
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42 Chs


Back on the surface, Aiden and his companions emerged from the dungeon, a sense of triumph washing over them. They had overcome the trials of the second level, proving their worth as a team and as individuals. The academy halls echoed with their laughter and cheerful exclamations as they headed towards their quarters.

"We were awesome!" Ethan exclaimed, clapping Aiden on the back. "That minotaur didn't stand a chance against us!"

Mina nodded vigorously, her eyes sparkling with pride.

"And the way we handled that horde... It was impressive, I've never felt so many sensations."

"We're getting stronger and stronger," Kai chimed in with a satisfied nod. "Can't wait to go back and explore the next levels!"

Aiden smiled, sharing their enthusiasm.

"Let's give ourselves a few days to recover and train a bit more. Then we'll go back to face the next level."

His friends approved eagerly and, after wishing each other good night, each returned to their room. Aiden flopped down on his bed, his body still vibrating with the adrenaline of the fight. But his mind was in turmoil.

Images of the battle replayed in his head, especially the moment when he had let his dhampir nature take over. The power he had felt, the ease with which he had decimated his enemies... It was both exhilarating and frightening.

Two soft knocks at his door pulled him from his thoughts. Intrigued, he went to open it, finding Ethan on the threshold.

"Can I come in?" the latter asked in a low voice. "We need to talk."

Aiden stepped aside to let him pass, closing the door behind him.

"What is it?"

Ethan got straight to the point.

"You've gotten stronger, haven't you? I mean, even more than before. I saw how you fought in the dungeon, it was... different."

Aiden hesitated for a moment, then decided he could trust his best friend.

"You're right," he admitted. "I've evolved. I've become a Blood Dhampir."

Ethan's eyes widened. "A Blood Dhampir? That's... Wow, that sounds super cool, but I don't really know what it is. What is it exactly?"

Aiden explained the details of his new condition. The increased strength and speed, the heightened senses, but also the increased thirst for blood, the need to feed regularly.

To his great surprise, Ethan seemed neither shocked nor disgusted. On the contrary, his face lit up with excitement.

"Dude, that's awesome! Can you imagine all the possibilities? You've become a real war machine!"

"But it comes at a price," Aiden tempered, troubled by his friend's enthusiasm. "If I don't control my thirst for blood, I risk becoming a danger. To others, and to myself."

Ethan waved away his concerns.

"Bah, we'll find a solution. I'll help you, you can count on me. And for the blood... Well, we'll find monsters to feed you, or guys who deserve a good beating. There's no harm in that, is there?"

Aiden remained silent, pondering those words. A part of him was touched by Ethan's unconditional support. But another, darker part reveled in this validation, almost seeing it as permission to give free rein to his instincts. He was still oscillating between the two sides.

"Thanks, man," he finally said. "It means a lot to me, knowing you're there."

Ethan gave him a knowing wink.

"Always, buddy. Well, I'll let you get some rest. But don't hesitate if you need anything, okay?"

With those words, he left the room, leaving Aiden alone with his tumultuous thoughts. The young man lay down, staring at the ceiling without seeing it.

Ethan's words kept running through his head. What if his friend was right? What if there was no harm in embracing his new nature, using it to become stronger, to achieve his goals?

An idea took root in his mind, both tempting and terrifying. If he went back into the dungeon, alone... If he faced the third level while giving his dhampir instincts completely free rein... How far could he go? What limits could he push?

Before he had even made a conscious decision, Aiden found himself getting up, dressing silently. His body seemed moved by a will of its own, irresistibly drawn by the promise of challenge and power.

Almost on autopilot, he slipped out of his room, descended the stairs and headed for the dungeon entrance. The academy halls were deserted at this hour, allowing him to move unseen.

When he arrived in front of the founder's statue, his heart was pounding, resounding like a war drum in his ears. With a hand that didn't tremble, he activated the mechanism, opening the secret passage.

The staircase descended into darkness, inviting and menacing at the same time. Aiden paused briefly, aware that he was about to cross a line.

"Just an exploration," he promised himself. "To see how far I can go, what I'm capable of. I'll keep control."

But as he descended the steps, a part of him knew it was a lie. That he was drawn to something darker, more primal. The sensation of giving free rein to those urges.

In front of the crystal pulsing with a bluish light, Aiden stated his request in a clear, confident voice.

"Level three."

The glow of the crystal intensified, then the environment changed around him. In a heartbeat, he found himself in a new corridor, with black stone walls streaked with scarlet veins. The air was heavy, laden with a metallic scent that made his mouth water.

"Welcome to the third level, adventurer," the disembodied voice of the dungeon resonated. "May your bravery match the challenges that await you."

Aiden took a deep breath, savoring the tension that inhabited each of his muscles. Then, without a backward glance, he leapt into the maze of corridors, all his senses on alert.

The first rooms were strangely empty, as if the dungeon was holding its breath, waiting to see what he was capable of.

Then, around a corner, he sensed them. Hostile presences, lurking in the shadows, ready to pounce on their prey.

A deep growl rose from Aiden's throat, like that of a beast. His eyes took on a blood-red hue, his fangs elongated. He could feel his dhampir side awakening, hungry for combat and carnage.

"Let go," an inner voice seemed to whisper to him. "Embrace what you are. Become what you are destined to be."

Just as he was about to comply, a notification suddenly appeared in his field of vision.

"Quest: Give free rein to your true nature. Survive this level by abandoning yourself to your instincts. Reward: ???"

Curiosity and excitement overwhelmed Aiden. What kind of reward could be exceptional enough to be unnamed? His imagination ran wild, painting visions of power and glory.

He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. When he reopened them, all trace of hesitation had vanished.

"I accept the quest," he declared, a feral smile on his lips.

Then, with a roar that shook the walls, he rushed to meet his enemies, ready to unleash hell.

Sorry for the pause, I was sick, but I'm better now. Lots of powerstone to get this webnovel going again!

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