
Rise of Hyuga Neji- a fan-fiction

A hard core Naruto fan gets reborn in Naruto universe as Hyuga Neji. Will he stick to the original story and sacrifice himself?, hell no. ************************************ Disclaimer!!!!! i do not own Naruto or its characters, this is just another fan-fic. Release schedule-2 chap/day. The writing quality might not be good- i am a novice author.

Wicked1 · อื่นๆ
33 Chs

The plan.

Neji was currently enjoying the view before him. He was currently sitting in the same place Hashirama and Madara sat.

Neji knew that he cannot be carefree as he was now, so he drew a long breath and finally started to concentrate. He didn't have any tacky interface assistants like in the novels he had read in the previous life and had to fend for himself. Even though he felt that his current bodies talents were decent it will still fade out when one compares it to the incarnates of Ashura and Indra i.e Naruto and Sasuke. He always felt that the descendants of Hamura weren't as powerful as his brother Hagoromo's descendants. So Neji now has to fight a uphill battle to gain power.

Neji's only advantage was he knew how the story will play out if his birth hadn't changed anything significantly already.

He cleared demoralizing thoughts from his mind and started to plan, he made a mental list on things he needed to do.

1. learn some ninjutsu, the original Neji always concentrated on taijutsu despite having fire, water and earth natural releases, his jonin instructor was a taijutsu specialist whose only major accomplishment was mastery over the Hachimon tonkou. Also if he could learn the Hachimon tonkou it would be great. Neji in the anime had failed to learn the prerequisite "omote renge" and gave up on it. But this time he had to put in extra effort.

2.learn medical ninjutsu, he knew the benefits of medical ninjutsu as he had watched Yakushi Kabuto and his talent to mimic Hashirama's regeneration. Also Hinata became a medical nin so it mustn't be to hard.

3. Obtain a bijuu, the only available options were the 3 tails and the half of 9 tails sealed within Minato. Others were with jinchurukkis

4. Learn senjutsu, he knew the seals for the kuchiyose no jutsu and also knew the story of how jiraiya became powerful. He had a shot at the shikkotsu forest and mount myoboku but he would be finished if he enters the Ryuchi cave where he will be eaten alive. Neji believed in a fan theory that the descendants of the otsutsuki kaguya were fated towards the Shikkotsu forest and Naruto broke the rule as he was influenced by his teacher Jiraiya and sasuke by orochimaru.

5.Research the ruins around Konoha for some jutsus and artifacts, the anime featured lots ruins like the uzumaki ruins and other such explored by itachi. But to stumble upon something good he had to access the hokage's private library which was a treasure trove of information.

6.Make a copy of the shodaime hokage's scroll of sealing that Naruto stole from Hokage's office in the first chapter of the manga.

7.Extract some tissue sample from Naruto and Sasuke and culture them. Neji had a wild idea of combining Hagoromo's and Hamura's chakra to obtain the power of the otsutsuki clan i.e the pure Rinnegan.

Neji's plans were preposterous ,some were time constrained, others were outrightly dangerous for himself, he wasn't sure where to begin and was mulling over the ways he should use to succeed in his plans. Neji was so engrossed in his planning that he didn't realize the 3rd hokage was standing behind him.


Hokage office

Hiruzen had a busy day as always and had come out to get some fresh air. He was smoking his pipe and looking at the peaceful village of konoha. As he shifted to see the faces of the previous hokages he could see a tiny figure atop the shodaime's face. Hiruzen who was considered to be the most powerful of all the hokages naturally had better eyesight and he could see the person seated above was a kid with a curse mark on his forehead which he recognized as the Hyuga clan's fuinjutsu. He had heard that Hyuga Hizashi's son had recently undergone the caged bird sealing ceremony. Since he was free he decided to talk to the young sapling about the will of fire.

Hiruzen teleported behind Neji.


Neji felt an the presence of someone behind since he had yet to activate his byakugan he had to turn around to see the person.

" Nice instincts, Neji is it?" asked Hiruzen.

" Yes lord Hokage" politely replied Neji.

" I too come up here when i am need of answers, what troubles you kid?" enquired Hiruzen.

"Nothing troubles me anymore, i just came to enjoy the scenery" calmly replied Neji.

"Do you know of the game shogi" asked Hiruzen

" I have heard of it but i have not played the game" said Neji.

" Do you know which is the important piece in it" asked Hiruzen

" The king" said Neji.

" Do you know the King/ most important piece in real life" asked Hiruzen

" Anything that i love and cherish is the king, for me my family, my clan and this village is the king" said Neji.

Hiruzen was suprised at Neji's answer, if he had answered wrongly hiruzen was prepared to recite a new poem he wrote to educate Neji about the real king, he was particularly fond of the new poem,but when Neji answered correctly he could only swallow his poem. When had kids become so mature thought the hokage. So he continued to talk with Neji to understand him better.

" You remained me of another kid i know, he was also awfully mature for his age, i think he has just entered the academy, his name is Uchiha Itachi." said Hiruzen.

" Oh is that so" was all Neji offered, Hiruzen was stumped , he couldn't think of ways to prolong the conversation. Neji got up and slightly bowed towards hokage and started to move out. Just as he was about to leave Neji turned back and asked Hiruzen" Lord hokage is it possible for me to access your library."

Hiruzen was yet again surprised, his(hokage's) private library contained rich knowledge of various jutsu, history and other subjects. He had previously had bad experience with one of his students who had accessed these library and became obsessed with Jutsus. He was remainded of Orochimaru. Hiruzen could see no deep malice in Neji's eyes unlike orochimaru. He sucked on his pipe for sometime and answered " if you want you could only borrow books related to history and culture, it is now forbidden for others to access the jutsus present in the hokage's office."

Neji was surprised that Hiruzen had accepted his request and nodded that it was enough. He once again bowed and started to leave. Hiruzen was left standing there thinking about how the next generation had already took over the will of fire.

hey guys, thanks for the support.

Do keep following the novel.

yours truly.

Wicked1creators' thoughts