
Rise of Hyuga Neji- a fan-fiction

A hard core Naruto fan gets reborn in Naruto universe as Hyuga Neji. Will he stick to the original story and sacrifice himself?, hell no. ************************************ Disclaimer!!!!! i do not own Naruto or its characters, this is just another fan-fic. Release schedule-2 chap/day. The writing quality might not be good- i am a novice author.

Wicked1 · Others
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33 Chs

The hidden village of Konohagakure

Neji had just woken up , he didn't think that the caged bird sealing technique would be so mentally tiring and make him faint. Neji saw that his father was seated besides him when he woke.

Seeing Neji wake up Hizashi gave him a melancholic smile, he felt that his son was let down by the clan even when he saved their successor and averted a big war.

" Father don't worry, i am alright , i don't feel any different from before" said Neji.

" It is good that you are fine, make sure to rest properly as the ceremony would have drained your mental strength. The chakra in your body is derived from both the mental strength and physical strength, so an imbalance in them will affect the chakra output." said Hizashi caringly.

"En" nodded Neji.

Just then the door opened and in came Hyuga Hiashi. Both Neji and his father stood up to greet him. Neji was surprised as to why the clan head came to check up on him, but he didn't show anything and maintained a poker face.

" How are you holding?" inquired Hiashi.

" I am feeling alright lord clan head" respectfully replied Neji.

"Hmm, make sure to rest well and regain your strength, Hinata will be starting her training in a few days and she will need a sparing partner" concluded Hiashi and walked away before the father-son duo could reply.

Hizashi who had felt happy when Hiashi came to check upon Neji was now seething, after all the things that happened his brother still wanted his son to be the clan's servant.

Neji saw the anger in his father's eyes but he didn't feel humiliated or betrayed as he saw this as an golden opportunity to study the main families techniques. And he knew he will not be bound for too long as only main family successor's were allowed to be home schooled. He will sooner join the academy and meet his team mates.

With these thoughts in mind Neji asked his father for some money. Hizashi didn't know why Neji had asked for some money but he gave it to him anyways.

After Neji got the money he informed his father that he will visit the village as he had been cooped up in the house till now. Since the main families fuinjutsu had been placed Neji was now free to leave the house hold and play.

So Neji changed into a new kimono and started to leave when his father stopped him.

" Neji, here use this bandage to cover your forehead" said Hizashi as he handed the bandage to Neji.

Neji smiled and said " Father why should i have to cover the seal?"

Hizashi didn't know the answer so he said" We usually cover it because it will feel weird when people see the curse mark on our forehead"

" Father acceptance is the path to happiness, just because we hide the curse does it disappear and more over its now a part of my identity and so i will showcase it as my pride and the shame of the main family"

Hizashi was worried that Neji was holding a childish grudge and he feared that the higher ups may punish his son.

Neji just smiled and proceeded to walkout of the compound, he was too excited to see the village of konohagakure for the first time with his own eyes. He didn't have the time to worry about what others thoughts about his appearance as it was inconsequential to him.


As Neji made his way out of his house a hidden figure was constantly following him, usually the branch members don't get an escort but seeing his potential Hiashi had appointed a guardian for Neji without the knowledge of the other clan elders.

Neji was unaware of this and cheerfully went towards the village. His memory of the city layout was as not good as he thought and so he started to make himself familiar with the village.

The village was divided into many districts , there were

the academy district,

the commercial district,

the residential district,

the seperate estates of hidden clans like the Uchiha, Nara etc.

then there was the Hokage office and other governmental buildings before the famous hokage stone faces.

Neji walked slowly around the village and making himself familiar, along the way he could see some familiar faces. He saw Asuma and Kurenai walking towards the dumplings shop were Anko was already seated and waving at them. He saw Kakashi before a book shop, today was the release of the first series of Icha Icha tactics it seemed.

Watching all this Neji controlled himself from grinning like an idiot as it was so familiar and similar to his memories.

Kakashi lived up to his fame as he sensed the gaze of Neji.


Kakashi was standing in a queue to buy the book penned by one of the sannin. He was so hyped to buy it, but just like always he was late as he stood motionlessly before the third Ninja war memorial in the morning and ended up forgetting the time.

As Kakashi was patiently waiting in line, he could feel a sharp gaze towards him, he searched to the source and saw a cute little kid in a kimono looking at him with a smile on his face. By the color of his pupil and the curse mark on his forehead Kakashi determined he must be from the famous hyuga clan.

He felt pity in his heart when he saw the curse mark on he kid's little forehead, but that was life. Kakashi slightly waved his hand towards the kid and smiled. Kakashi had been depressed for long after the loss of his teammates and teacher and was recently discharged from the ANBU by the 3rd Hokage. So Kakashi was still sorting out how he will deal with his pentup grief. Looking at the innocent smile on Neji's face Kakashi was reminded of 3rd's proposal to become a jonin instructor. Kakashi made up his mind to think about the offer once more when he saw the hyuga kid bowing slightly and walking away.

" It seems the Hyuga's are so strict that even a kid is taught etiquette" thought Kakashi.

Soon the line moved and Kakashi once again concentrated on his current mission " buying Icha Icha tactics" and forgot about the kid.


Neji having familiarized with the village design proceeded to head towards the commercial district to buy some ninja gear like scrolls and kunai etc. The shop owner was surprised at the things Neji asked seeing his age but he sold them anyways. The hyuga clan would provide him all that but he wanted to keep a secret stash for emergencies.

Neji only had some loose change now after he bought some supplies. So he made it towards his next destination the ichiraku's Ramen shop.

He had half expected to see naruto but he guessed naruto would not show up here until he was 5 or 6 years old.

As Neji entered the establishments he saw the familiar faces of Teuchi and his daughter Ayame. Both were younger looking than the anime. They were also surprised to see a little kid with a weird forehead tattoo trotting into their shop, but they welcomed him the same. Ayame lifted him and placed him in the stool and poured him some water. Neji ordered a takeout for small miso pork topping ramen and left the establishment when it was ready. Neji had always wanted to visit a place if he ever reached konoha that was atop the hokage stone faces. Neji made his way towards the top and sat on the shodaime's head as it was more comfortable(no pointy hair), and enjoyed his ramen while watching the most scenic view in all of konoha.


Hiashi was having some tea and dumplings when a messenger came and reported young Neji's activities. Hiashi nearly choked on his dumplings when he heard that Neji flaunted his curse seal.

There were no rules in the household to cover up the curse mark but this was a first. Eventhough Hiashi might seem cold and stern he always had a soft spot for his brother and his nephew. So Hiashi didn't think of punishing Neji for embarassing the main family as they were the ones who placed in the first place. He ordered that this information mustn't reach the ears of the other clan elders. Hiashi just let it slide as a small prank that will die out after sometime, but he couldn't have been more wrong in his whole life as after some time all the branch members would openly flaunt the cursed seal and it would lead to a massive pressure on the main family and stop the practice that had been going on for ages to come to an abrupt halt within a few decades.

Hey guys,

Thanks for all the support, i am trying to maintain the timeline as much as possible and if i make a mistake do forgive me.

Do keep following.

Yours truly.

Wicked1creators' thoughts