
Return of Supreme Emperor

Being a king or Emperor is no easy task, you have to sacrifice many things, including love... You have to make decisions that is painful, but you have to make it and live with a regret, But what if you were given a second chance? This is the story of a man who is reborn to meet his love, also gets a chance to decide if he wants to stay by the side of justice or chose his love why is he Hated by Gods and Demons? Will he ever be able to meet his love again? Let's know it in this story . . .

mrCat · แฟนตาซี
207 Chs

Chapter 27: RUN

Return of Supreme


Chapter 27: RUN

Mo Yuanjun kept on walking in a dark alley with a small flame ball floating in front

One thing he is happy about that bone ring is that, after the bone ring absorbed his 90% of his Qi and then he used his talisman and remaining Qi

That time he comes to know just how much Qi he had been wasting all this time

Also, his every step made his whole body heavier and heavier but it also made him stronger and stronger as he had been getting used to the pressure now.

Though running is still not possible still, so far the ring is a problem but also a good reward also

One more thing that is going on his head is that the first name that he used after coming to this world was Qin Shi Huang

And all those images, bone ring made him see, also have that name, Qin Shi Huang

What does this mean?

Is he been teleported to this world by someone?

There were many questions on his mind but so far, his no.1 priority right now is to get the hell out of this temple

Also, his curiosity is now picked about that person called with the same name, Qin Shi Huang, his 10 rings and other objects, which are hidden all around the world

And right now he only has 1 ring so far.

. . .

2 hours passed-

Mo Yuanjun doesn't know where he is moving, all he knows that he has to keep moving, or else he will die for sure.

Sometimes he gets to see stairs, so he climbs up or there is a turn, so he takes the turn

"When the hell will this end?" Mo Yuanjun asked himself as he kept on moving

Right now, more than 2 hours have passed, and so far Mo Yuanjun is used to the pressure, so he is walking as he normally walks



From that voice alone, it was clear that something or someone is behind him

But he is for sure not a human

Is Mo Yuanjun scared?

Off-course, its dark alley and you suddenly hear a weird noise behind you, will surely give you goosebumps

Mo Yuanjun knew that if he looks back, he will surely see an open mouth of a monster who is on the verge of eating him

Well that is what he had seen so far in horror movies



Mo Yuanjun took a deep breath and with a smile, he said "Time to run"



Mo Yuanjun, with everything, he was literally running with every ounce energy he has in his body

Don't forget, he is right now under pressure, so he can't run fast

But the rush of adrenaline has made him so much strong that, right now his whole body wants to detach and run in a different direction

Due to his fall, he had already lost his weapons and there was nothing inside the bone ring, so all he could do is just run


The same black monster that had eaten the hands of other people is here also, running after Mo Yuanjun

*right turn*


*left turn*




Mo Yuanjun doesn't know where he is right now or how long he has come but he kept on running.

Suddenly he noticed that there is no sound behind him

Though he doesn't want to look behind as he has a weak heart when it comes to horror stuff, still 'this curiosity' was killing him

So he looked behind him

"AAAH?" There was no one

"aaahhh???" Mo Yuanjun, with same running expression, looked around and then sighed a relief

"That was simple?" He said

. . .

A man is running with only one hand on his body, as for other hands, only blood is coming out of shoulder area

"FUCK, just someone helps me" He said as he kept on running with a face full of blood

He is none other than Xie Wuhan, as for why he is alone?

His friend Fu Cheng was eaten alive by the monsters and the only thing he could do was just see and run away

On his way, he saw other people's belonging also, including the head and some other body parts.

It was clear that all of them were eaten alive

Suddenly he saw a faint light

"Finally" he said with a smile and ran towards that light


Following that light, he appeared back into the same hall, for where he falls down

He could see the temple's door closed but still, he was happy, as at least the hall had some light as compared to those dark alleys

As he walked towards the open hall with some hope that he will finally get out o here, he saw something

A few bones here and there

And a very familiar girl on the floor, unconscious

It is Cao Su and she is all naked, still unconscious

Xie Wuhan didn't really care much about the person bone that belonged to, or who was eaten

All he cared about is the nude girl in front

'You know, it is said that we all are animals (us humans) and when our life is on the verge of end, the first thing we desire is sex?


Because it's our animal nature, we desire sex because we want our genes to be passed on to someone. It's the same for other animals also. Just a simple natural or instinct which shows we all are still animals'

And the same is going on here

Xie Wuhan knew that the doors won't open so easily, as they had to take the help of a celestial realm, so he won't be able to open up for sure

With death near, it won't hurt so much to have some fun with a girl, right?


His fear has all gone now, what's left is his animal instinct, desire to reproduce or pass his genes

. . .

Thus with that in mind, he stepped towards Cao Su

If you are wondering about the story of Cao Su, well that's for some other day or when Cao Su herself wants to talk

. . .

Xie Wuhan walked near Cao Su and was just a step away

With some wild desire, he held the cloth which was covering her private parts and was about to remove it when something landed on his shoulder


"Qin Shi Huang?" Xie Wuhan was shocked to see Qin Shi Huang appearing behind him with no noise

Mo Yuanjun could easily guess what the situation is right now, this made him all enraged.

Cao Su is no one to him; she is just a simple friend which he met just a day before so why should he be all enraged?

Is she worth for him to be all enraged?

But, when he talked to her that night, he could feel the pain she had been through

Living inside a forest, between all beasts/monsters and trying to survive is not a simple thing

They deserve better, they deserve to be equally treated

You can say, it was just sympathy for her

. . .

"what are you doing?" Mo Yuanjun asked him

Xie Wuhan took his hands back and then said "nothing, just checking if she is ok, or not"

Xie Wuhan could clearly see that Qin Shi Huang is all right, who know-how, but he is not that good right now

His condition is not so good to fight him.

Both of them were at spirit realm (that's what he believe, he doesn't know the truth)

Mo Yuanjun didn't care much about him and walked towards Cao Su, looking at her naked body; he took his clothes off and put it on her body.

(So that when she wakes up, she won't feel all nervous or weird)

Then he tried to wake her

*eyes open*

Cao Sun opens her eyes and saw both Qin Shi Huang and Xie Wuhan

Suddenly she remembers everything and looks at her body

Mo Yuanjun stands up and turns around, Xie Wuhan also turns around.

Mo Yuanjun walked towards the bones lying here and there and said "Lang Yimu is dead, it's his clothes so we can assume that he is dead for sure"

*crying noise*

Hearing that, Cao Su started crying

Xie Wuhan understood everything now, as to why she was all naked


Suddenly a roar came from the darkness

"FUCK, they have come" Xie Wuhan yelled

The door is close, no place to run and its dead end

What to do now?

Cao Su is in no mental condition to think properly

Xie Wuhan lost his one arm

The only person who is all right is him alone

Mo Yuanjun has no strength to fight, all thanks to bone ring, so he didn't even think about fighting those beasts.

He looked around the area if something will help him; there he saw a golden ring near the bones of Lang Yimu

He took the ring and looked inside that storage ring.

Inside the ring, there were 1000's of spirit stones and various sword and talisman but nothing worth to help them in the situation

As, if those monsters could eat a celestial realm cultivator, then who are they in front of them?

Xie Wuhan was also looking around to see if there is something good so he didn't see Mo Yuanjun pick ring

Mo Yuanjun walked towards the door and tried to read those letters in it and also try to search for something which could open the door, like a lever or hidden switch?

But so far nothing was found out



Those monsters roar kept on increasing as they came nearer and nearer

Mo Yuanjun suddenly remembers something from those memories at that time

He remembered that the last survivor made a spell which only allowed the right-full person to enter or someone who is all devoted to his emperor

But among them no one knows about the great emperor Qin Shi Huang, even if they knew, he would be considered as an evil person, so no one will follow him


But something is common here

Mo Yuanjun knows this name, that person and also, now mater why, whenever he talked about himself, he could only saw Qin Shi Huang as his name, no Mo Yuanjun

From all those things which have happened so far, Mo Yuanjun could understand that there is a link between him and the Great Emperor Qin Shi Huang

Thus, he wanted to play his bet

He put his hands on the door and calmed himself


Those monsters are near now

Xie Wuhan doesn't know what to do here so he yelled at Cao Su "You, you are from the beast race, cant you talk with them?"

Cao Su didn't say anything as she still hadn't recovered from her trauma

"Fucking, dirty peasant race can't do anything" Xie Wuhan kept on yelling and cursing her

Because that is the only way he could keep his heart calm

On the other hand, Mo Yuanjun calmed himself

And in a calm tone, he said "I, Qin Shi Huang, your great emperor orders you to open this door now"

If there is a link between them, then for sure this door will open as the ring has chosen him and he has a feeling that it had always belonged to him only

For a second nothing happened


The beast has appeared in the hall now

Not just one or two, but in the '50s or 100's in number

"We are dead" Xie Wuhan said

*door opens*

Suddenly the door opens up


That was the only thing, all 2 of them could think as Cao Su is still under her shock

Mo Yuanjun held the hands of Cao Su and dragged her outside.

She was not willing to run away, but Mo Yuanjun could not leave behind

He grabbed her hands and carried her in his shoulder and ran as fast as possible

As for Xie Wuhan, he had already run long ago, with no care for anyone


Suddenly cracks appeared on the stairs as Mo Yuanjun was stepping down, it was clear that the stairs will break down very soon


With a loud roar full of pain, Mo Yuanjun ran as fast as possible while carrying Cao Su in his shoulder

Don't forget he is still under pressure due to bone ring

His every step made him feel like his bones have broke but it was no time to care for that, as the stairs have already started breaking up

And soon the remaining stairs also broke


With a loud roar, Mo Yuanjun jumped towards the ground, which was still all right, as the area around the temple have all sunk


Mo Yuanju landed on the ground but with all those weights, both of his legs broke


. . .

To Be continued-

Authors word-

This was the longest chapter I had ever made so far.

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