
Return of Supreme Emperor

Being a king or Emperor is no easy task, you have to sacrifice many things, including love... You have to make decisions that is painful, but you have to make it and live with a regret, But what if you were given a second chance? This is the story of a man who is reborn to meet his love, also gets a chance to decide if he wants to stay by the side of justice or chose his love why is he Hated by Gods and Demons? Will he ever be able to meet his love again? Let's know it in this story . . .

mrCat · Fantasy
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207 Chs

Chapter 26- Bone Ring

Return of Supreme


Chapter 26- Bone Ring



*horse steps*

In stormy weather, a man riding on a horse came towards a building, which was like a temple in the shape


Lighting flashed in the sky as the rain kept on dropping at high speed


The wind blew as wild as if the world has come to its end

The man in horse landed on the ground and said "Under Lord Yui Fei, the general of GREAT Emperor Qin Shi Huang, this soldier has come to deliver an object"

*door opens*

The door of that temple opens up and few people came towards that soldier

An old man asked the soldier "Why didn't you go with our great emperor in war?"

The soldier, with a firm expression, said "I was given orders, not just me, but all soldier of this empire were given order by the majesty that no one shall accompany him in his fight"

The soldier continued "Our Emperor has already decided to die; we can do nothing about it"

"NOOOOOO- our great emperor can't die"

"Just for that girl, why is emperor so obsessed with that one girl?"

Many people started getting angry with the girl that is the reason why their Great Emperor decided to move out all alone. The reason why their emperor already decided he will die

The soldier gave a sad smile and said "We are the soldiers of our Great Emperor. The very loyal subject who has been nourished for years by our Emperor. What our emperor does is nothing related to us, we just follow what his desire is"

The soldier's words were full of loyalty and devotion towards his emperor as he stood in the rain and talked

"Our general has commanded us all to spread his belongings to places where no one could get it. Thus today I am here to give an object that belongs to our lord." The soldier said as he took something out of his pocket


With a clap of thunder in the sky, the object brought by the soldier is a ring made up of bone

This shocked all the people of the temple as they looked at the ring and then the soldier

The soldier continued "This ring is one of the 10 rings our Great Emperor used to wear, thus today this ring shall be under your care. Protect it till our Great Emperor comes back to get it.

*looking at the sky*

The world will end very soon and a new era will begin. I don't know if I will ever be able to see my Great Emperor again, but my loyalty and my soul will forever be with him."

The soldier also said "This place used to be a small training ground for our new recruits, especially for increasing their physical limits thus, this ring shall now be under your care.

Protect it with your life, no matter what, it should not be in the hands of anyone"

The old people took the ring with a deep bow and said "Don't worry great soldier of our great emperor, we will protect it till we are alive and after that, it will be protected by our pets.

Those pet monsters will look after this place for eternity till our great emperor comes back��

The soldier nodded and then left the place

Time passed by and many seasons came, with many enemies attacking the temple to steal the ring

But no one, no one was able to break the walls of that temple.

Those old people who used a stick to walk wore armors and fight against every single enemy. When they were about to die they asked their remaining friends to bury their body into the walls of the temple so their body could nourish the temple

One after another everyone died and when the last person was left, he made a strong spell and sealed the whole place under a mountain, making it impossible to be detected by anyone and then he released monsters from the underground

Those monsters had shiny black scales with a long tail.

They had no eyes on their head but a snake-like tongue

They could walk on walls with ease and blend into darkness as if they are a part of it, and make zero noise when they walked

After that, the last person used his very body to act as a source of nourishment to those monsters and disappeared into ashes.

This is the story of Lost Temple

. . .

Present time-



Mo Yuanjun had seen all these images and have to the conclusion that all those images were about this temple

Right now he is flat on the ground as after wearing that one ring, his whole body is under great pressure as if someone has sucked him all out

Also, there was something worst

He was feeling like he has ranked down in his realm, from the spirit realm to 1st stage of flesh and bone realm

This was something that he never expected or wanted but no matter how much he tried to take the ring out, he couldn't do it


Mo Yuanjun tried to stand on his feet as he dragged each part of his body up under massive pressure.

It was like his body will break soon, but still, it was not breaking, something was holding him up.

Mo Yuanjun also noticed that a big amount of Qi has been sucked out of his body by the ring, don't know why but it is gone

After standing up, Mo Yuanjun tried to calm his mind and start thinking about his next plan

He looked at the bone ring and thought 'Should I scan it?'

The ring has taken almost 90% of his Qi so maybe something is inside it, with that in mind, Mo Yuanjun scanned the ring


At that time his hide goes all wide as he comes to know that this ring is a storage ring, not some ornament

And the main thing, the size inside this ring is enough to even fit 10 or maybe 20 of these temples inside it.

"I guess it's a jackpot?" Mo Yuanjun asked himself

There were still many questions like why is his body feeling so heavy after wearing this ring or why his Qi was sucked

But he had no time for these things, if he doesn't get out of this temple as fast as possible, he will die for sure under this pressure

Thus he again took out a fireball talisman and lights the way

. . .


Xie Wuhan and Fu Cheng are walking in a very narrow alley

These 2 are also a member of Wild Eagle group who got separated for others

"hey, Xie Wuhan, how long are we gonna walk?" Fu cheng walking behind him asked

Xie Wuhan, without even looking behind said "This is not my father's place so I know the way"

"aaahh, I am done. Let's take a rest now" Fu Cheng said as he sat on the ground

Seeing him down, Xie Wuhan also sat down

"DO you think we would get out?" Xie Wuhan asked Fu Cheng

"Off-course, we will get out, we are great immortals and are at Spirit realm, who can defeat us?" Fu Cheng said with a proud tone

After this, they started talking about here and there stuff, you know men's talk

But, little do they know that they are not alone in this alley

In the ceiling, a monster is aiming at them


The monster has shiny black scales and has four legs with a long tail. It has no eyes but its tongue is like those snakes

And in this darkness, no one could see or sense them

The monster walked near them

And on the wall, where both of them (Fu Cheng and Xie Wuhan) were taking support, he walked to that wall and slowly-slowly walked towards them with no noise

"You know what, If I find that Cao Su all alone. I will surely devour her" Xie Wuhan said as he scratched/massaged his private place

"woooow- dude, don't you know senior Lang Yimu has already set his eyes on her. I am damn sure, she is already been devoured and is in all filthy state"


Both of them don't know that death is above their head but they are talking all dirty and dreaming about weird things


Something dropped on the shoulders of Fu Cheng

"hmm? What is this?" Fu Cheng tried to remove that stick water like object that falls on his shoulders

But it didn't get removed


*hot air*

Suddenly, they felt a hot blow of air above their head

And at this time, their whole body was on high alert and their heart started beating as fast as possible


They gulped their dry saliva as they both turn their heads above to see where the hot air and that sticky liquid fall


And at that time, they saw sharp teethes and all-black colored skin

It was the mouth of that beast who was about to eat their head

"HHHHHHAAAAAAAAA" Both of them yelled as then jumped back and tried to run away

But the monster roared and jumped on Xie Wuhan, grabbed his left hands and tore it apart

Still, somehow, he was able to run away

"FUCKKKK, how the hell did he pierced my 3rd-grade armor" Xie Wuhan said as he ran with one hand

More than losing his hand, he was much more shocked about the fact that the beast was able to pierce his defense with ease as he had worn a 3rd-grade armor on his body

. . .

Soon, cries of people could be heared all over the place and the whole temple is resonating with that voice

At the temples hall-

*eating noise*

*bone breaking noise*

More than 20 monsters are around a person dead body and eating its each and every part of the body

On the other side is a girl with cat ears and tail, lying flat on the ground all unconscious.

And her clothes are tattered and blood was coming out of a place between her legs

Tear marks could be seen around her face with some other injuries on her body as if she was violated by someone

. . .

What happened?

And who is the person being eaten by those monsters?

Will Mo Yuanjun be able to get out of this temple?

. . .

To be Continued-