
Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on t

Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on the heroine’s body One day, Yaming participated in the new and exciting Desire Grand Prix from another world. [Winning Conditions: Whoever can turn the strongest and most arrogant princess into an exclusive doll will gain victory in the Grand Prix.] Well, that's nothing, but the problem is that the identity assigned to Yaming... is actually a predatory plant! Compared to the identities assigned to the other contestants, such as Brave Man, Prince of a Neighboring Country, and Noble Young Master, the predatory plant in the cave looked extremely weak and pitiful. However... When the plant finally controlled the princess to beat all the contestants, everyone's expressions were stunned! Why do we, all children of fate... lose to a plant? 30 chapters ahead on patreon patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 And if you want to support me with a tip go to my kofi, I'll be grateful ko-fi.com/hana_chan1 And this is my discord if you want to discuss about the story https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · แฟนตาซี
67 Chs

Chapter 6: I'm No Longer a Human!

Chapter 6: I'm No Longer a Human!

I really... don't want to be human anymore!

Then Yaming moved, shifting his tall body on the ground, but it was strange...

He wasn't a snake before; he always walked on his legs. Now, he can move forward by rubbing his belly without any guidance. Is this instinctive?


Although he did not have legs, Yaming moved much faster than the goblins. It only took him a few seconds to catch up with the goblins. Then he opened his mouth in their direction and pulled out a lot of saliva. A poisonous green juice came out of his mouth and sprayed at the goblins.



Suddenly, the goblins fell to the ground and rolled in pain. Their agony could be seen in their distorted expressions.

Even a drop of poison that Yaming spat out caused excruciating pain to enemies, and then they lost their ability to fight due to the pain. This skill seems to be the physical ability of the anaconda.

"Speaking of which, I remember that anacondas are obviously not poisonous, so my essence is still an animal-like plant."

Yaming complained in his heart, swam in front of the goblins, then wrapped his body around them affectionately and began to absorb magical power.

Then, about twenty minutes passed.

[Magic power until next evolution: 520/1000]

After throwing aside the last goblin whose magic power had been exhausted, Yaming tapped on the board. He could absorb about 20 magic points from them by entangling and preying on magic power. Considering that they would also lose some magic power due to their struggle, he only absorbed 418 points from them in the end.

Although… Yaming could absorb more magic power if he bit the goblin directly with his mouth. Just looking at those dirty goblins made him inexplicably unable to swallow, and the magic power of goblins was not attractive to Yaming.

The magical power that could trigger Yaming's predatory instinct and make him eat it no matter what method he used... Linsha was the only one at the moment.

"I'm waiting for you; come back quickly!"

Thinking in his mind, Yaming subconsciously wanted to assume a comfortable position with one hand supporting his chin, but then he realized that he no longer had any hands. He moved his body from back to front to look like an arched bridge, then placed his head on top.

Well, it feels very elegant.

However, it was only when Yaming was enjoying his so-called 'elegance'. Suddenly he felt a powerful goblin aura, and then... Yaming began to feel his body being hit by some force.

"This is...?"

Immediately, Yaming saw two skeletons that appeared out of nowhere and were holding white bone swords, cutting his skin with one sword after another. The power was... a little stronger than the goblins now.

Skeleton soldiers summoned by goblin shamans? That's right, there was so much noise here that it was impossible to miss. At this time, an idea came to Yaming's mind.

How about... I'll go see what's in the treasure chest first. If it's useful to me, I'll take it first!

I remember that the level of the goblin shaman in the game is LV15, but because of his summoning and invisibility skills, it is difficult for higher-level human warriors to deal with him. For example, the two Linsha guards, one at level 30 and the other at level 25, couldn't win easily.

Of course, if Linsha didn't back down, they should still be able to kill the goblin shaman in the end. I also want to thank Linsha; if she doesn't panic, how can I intrude on her tomorrow?

However, even though the level of the goblin shaman was 10 levels higher than Yaming, Yaming did not feel fear in his heart. After becoming a predatory plant, it seems to have developed a habit similar to the perception of breathing. He could feel through the breath that the shaman was letting out... It shouldn't be his opponent!

Quite simply, this is the ability to bully the weak and fear the strong. Although Yaming didn't know what the principle was, his instinct told him... Just pass the level and do it!

"Bang!"  "Bang!"

With two muffled sounds, Yaming suddenly knocked the two skeletal soldiers outward, then moved deeper into the cave, quickly emerging from the hole and arriving at a huge open space like a battlefield.

Yaming looked around; the traces of the battle between Linsha and her party were still visible. Then he saw a very short goblin wearing a cloth robe sitting upright on a bone stool, holding a wooden staff in his right hand.

It is worth noting that Yaming's eyes had been on the pendant hanging around the goblin shaman's neck from the beginning. This is a pendant containing a large number of bone teeth, and a large number of small purple runes are carved on each bone tooth.


As soon as he saw Yaming, the goblin shaman immediately raised the staff in his hand. Suddenly, a purple light flashed, and ten skeleton soldiers appeared out of the air. Then they all charged towards Yaming to kill him.

Immediately, ten skeleton soldiers surrounded Yaming and started beating him with the bone knives and swords in their hands. Compared to the previous goblins' scraping-style attacks, these skeleton soldiers' hitting was a bit stronger...

Crack, Crack!

With a single flick of his tail, Yaming threw down all the skeleton soldiers surrounding him! But at this moment, the goblin shaman began chanting an incantation, and then a large ball of flames began to appear in front of him...

The moment the flames went out, Yaming felt an instinctive fear! What plants fear most is fire; he predicts that if fire burns his body, even if he does not die, he will be severely disabled!


The moment the fireball flew, Yaming dodged extremely quickly; the fireball exploded somewhere close to him, and the sudden increase in temperature made him feel extremely uncomfortable!

But despite this, the goblin shaman couldn't do anything to Yaming. Because the fireball he shoots flies so slowly, no matter how strong the attack is, it is meaningless as long as it misses.


At this moment, Yaming suddenly opened his mouth and spat out a bunch of poisonous saliva. However, the direction of the poisonous saliva was not the shaman on the bench, but a small piece of land to the left!

In an instant, the poison penetrated directly into the ground. Then, as Yaming expected, a heart-wrenching wailing sound came from underground!


A figure whose body had been corroded to the point of smoking emerged from the ground, and it was the goblin shaman who was supposed to be sitting on the bone chair! The goblin shaman, who was originally sitting on the chair, turned into an afterimage and disappeared after wailing.

"Sure, I remember the goblin shamans in the game would do this."

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