
Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on t

Reincarnation of predatory plants: starting with being a parasite on the heroine’s body One day, Yaming participated in the new and exciting Desire Grand Prix from another world. [Winning Conditions: Whoever can turn the strongest and most arrogant princess into an exclusive doll will gain victory in the Grand Prix.] Well, that's nothing, but the problem is that the identity assigned to Yaming... is actually a predatory plant! Compared to the identities assigned to the other contestants, such as Brave Man, Prince of a Neighboring Country, and Noble Young Master, the predatory plant in the cave looked extremely weak and pitiful. However... When the plant finally controlled the princess to beat all the contestants, everyone's expressions were stunned! Why do we, all children of fate... lose to a plant? 30 chapters ahead on patreon patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 And if you want to support me with a tip go to my kofi, I'll be grateful ko-fi.com/hana_chan1 And this is my discord if you want to discuss about the story https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 7: Be the boss by yourself!

Chapter 7: Be the boss by yourself!

Based on my experience playing the game, goblin shamans are very shy. They usually use illusionary magic to create an illusionary body as a disguise, while the real body hides under the mud, not far from the illusion.

I have to say that this method is very cunning; imagine the embarrassment when the adventurer rushes in front of the goblin shaman and cuts him down, only to discover that it is just an illusion.

But fortunately, while Yaming knows the information, he also has strong cognitive ability. At first, the goblin shaman directly in front of him did not attract his attention, but he focused on searching for the goblin's aura underground and knew its location in a short time!


At this moment, the goblin shaman suddenly raised his hands with a ferocious expression and continued to throw fireballs at Yaming! Even if his body is infused with poison, his resistance is still much higher than that of ordinary goblins, so at this time he wants to fight to the death.


"However, in the next second, a green branch sprung out from Yaming's mouth and directly pierced the Goblin Shaman's shoulder. In an instant, the goblin Shaman felt that the magical power in his body was rapidly draining, and the fireball in his hands also dissipated.


The angry shaman subconsciously wanted to pull the branch on his shoulders, but at this moment, Yaming's tail also bound his body, and then the surface of the body and branches began to pick up magical power.


The goblin shaman felt his body being sucked dry, and all the magic in his body quickly disappeared! The goblin shaman, no longer able to use his magic power to resist the poison, quickly trembled, and he was poisoned to death by Yaming.

[Magic power until next evolution: 820/1000]

"As expected of a goblin shaman, one of them possesses 300 points of magic power!"

After pulling out the predatory branch, Yaming felt that the magical power in his body was filled again. Although the taste of the Shaman's magic power is not very good, the quantity is truly amazing! In this way, as long as he parasitizes Linsha's body tomorrow, he will develop in a short time.


However, at this time, Yaming was suddenly startled! Because he realized a problem, today he killed the goblin shaman, so what will Linsha do when tomorrow comes?

Originally, Yaming wanted to take advantage of the opportunity when Linsha and her guards were focusing on the goblin shaman! But now that this living target for attention has been eliminated, how will he intrude on her tomorrow??

I originally came here to look at the treasure chest, but why did I accidentally absorb the goblin shaman? If I had known, I would have saved him!

Thinking of this, Yaming was a little upset because he had just gained inhuman strength. He felt a little distracted and made a big mistake!

"Forget it; let's see what's in the treasure chest first."

Yaming shook his head, bent his body, and swam to the side of the bone chair, and with a flick of his tail, the chair shattered into pieces! Then the key flew from the remains of the chair.

Yaming picked up the key with his tail, swam to the deeper part of the field to find the treasure chest, and then opened the treasure chest with the key.

The lid of the treasure chest was lifted, and what caught Yaming's attention was a large number of golden treasures that shone with a golden light. Soon, the sharp-eyed Yaming discovered a purple crystal in the treasure pile.

[Magic Amethyst: A pillar that contains a lot of magical power and melts in your mouth. Important props for magic power replenishment and leveling! Of course, the host can also use it to add magic power]

The system also gave a timely comment, but Yaming would still recognize it even if the system didn't mention it. After all, magic amethyst has value in this world, and it can be said that this stone is much more expensive than the money and other jewelry in the box!

According to the system, you can also take this thing yourself. Yaming was still thinking about whether predation would be effective, but he felt relieved after hearing the explanation of the system. So he twisted the crystal and swallowed it in his mouth. The crystal instantly turned into magical power and exploded in his throat.

For a moment, Yaming felt the magic power in his body surge again!

[Magical value: 820→1320]

["Ding! Congratulations to the individual named Yaming for obtaining 500 magic points. Since the upper limit has been reached through predation, the host can now evolve from a forest anaconda to an orchid scorpion at any time]

[After the host evolves into an orchid scorpion, it will gain new skills: shapeshifting and division]


[Ding! Individual name: Yaming, started from a predatory plant – anaconda, evolved into a predatory plant – scorpion orchid]

Just like that, Yaming's body changed again. After receiving a beam of light, he was pleasantly surprised to discover that he could actually move his hands and feet!

Quite simply, it has a pair of pincers and two pairs of articulated legs. Although they are still very different from human hands and feet, they are better than nothing. Every time I want to move my arms and legs, I find that I have no arms or legs, and it doesn't feel good.

After that, Yaming clicked the value bar again and saw the 3D model in the lower left corner, which looked like this:

Overall, this time Yaming turned into a big scorpion! Well, it's really big. Regardless of the length of its high tail, it is two meters long when it is lying on the ground, not to mention its five-meter-long high tail. The big black thorns with a cold light at the tip of the tail are even more impressive.


[Race: Predatory Plant - Orchid Scorpion]

[Level: LV10]

[Skills: Predation Magic, Parasitism, Shapeshifting, Dividing]

[Magic power until next evolution: 1320/5000]

"Then there are the skills..."

Then Yaming clicked on a new skill. Shapeshifting: As long as this skill is activated, the host can transform itself into any form during the evolution process.

"Not bad! It just so happened that I had just adapted to the snake body. I thought it was a bit unfortunate..."

Yaming shook his tail in satisfaction, then looked at the next skill: division. This skill literally means that you can split your body up into three!

And as the amount of magic power splits, the split body will have the same amount of magic power, but Yaming cannot recover the split magic power, and the lost magic power of the main body can only be restored slowly on its own.

Not only could he split into an unconscious, remote-controlled split body, but Yaming could also split his consciousness together while splitting. If you use this skill before your current body receives a fatal injury, it is equivalent to saving an additional life.

And at this moment, a new idea appeared in Yaming's mind!


So when Linsha's team reached the depths of the cave again the next day, it was no longer the original ogre shaman who greeted them, but a huge black scorpion!

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