
Reincarnation: Is this really happening?

Seth is a 35-year old loser stuck at a dead end job. He wasted his youth in a vain attempt to stay popular, forgoing his studies just to party. Seth, like many others, regrets the path he chose himself. He wished everyday for a chance to prove his life was worth something, but such things only happen in fairy tales...right?

Otaku_Central · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

Sulris' Feelings | Sona's Realization

"Sulris..." Sona whispered her name and she put a finger to his lips.

"Don't say no." She looked down at the ground and then back up and met his gaze. Her golden eyes were beautiful and Sona found himself captivated by her intense gaze.

"There is much you must know if you wish to stay by my side." He reached one hand up and caressed her cheek gently with the back of his hand.

"Then tell me." She grabbed his hand and held it against her cheek.

"It will be dangerous." Sona wanted with all his heart to not drag Sulris into this war. Hell, he would prefer to keep Del, Kono, and Ellie out of it, too, but they were so strong spirited that nothing he said would convince them. Somehow he felt that would be the case with Sulris, too, but, he had to try.

"I'm not going to leave you, Sona. You won't persuade me otherwise." She brought his hand around and kissed the palm of his hand. "I'll stay by your side, no matter what. Dark Elves choose a mate for life, so your stuck with me."

Sona's face became flushed and all he could do was smile. 'She is so tender and affectionate. She knows what she wants.' Sona sighed helplessly and decided it was best to acquiesce. "Okay. However, you'll have to move out of the main dorms and into our place in the woods. You are now tied to my destiny so you'll have to know everything."

"As long as I'm by your side, nothing else matters. Now come, we were going to check on your other lover, right?" Sulris held onto his hand as she gently pulled on his arm. "Walk by my side." She commanded and smiled cutely.

'I don't like being bossed around, but...' Sona held onto her hand as she leaned into him while they walked down the hall. 'It's kind of hot.' Sona blushed at the thought. He was certain his face would turn permanently red. After another stop and several minutes of looking at the map, Sona found the classroom at last. He peeked inside and noticed all the students were eating lunch. "They must be on break." Sona whispered to Sulris.

"Go on, sweetie." Sulris gave Sona a gentle push and he stumbled into the room. Sulris walked in behind him with a smile on her face.

"Oh my god. It's a Dark Elf." One of the students whispered.

"My dad says Dark Elves are demon worshipers."

"Be quiet. I heard they can curse you just by looking at you."

Sulris dropped her gaze and shifted nervously on the balls of her feet. 'It is okay. I'm used to this. We get this treatment everywhere. I'm strong.' She tried to psych herself up.

"Please watch what you say about my woman." Sona stepped in front of Sulris and stretched his arm out to the side in his attempt to shield her.


"A human and a dark elf?"

"No way."

The students all fell silent and went into a stunned state. They had no words for what just happened.

"Sona..." Sulris smiled happily. 'I'll have to thank him properly.' She made a mental note to herself for later.

"I came here for one reason. Where's Ayame Harata?" Sona questioned the class, but they were silent, still stunned from the news.

"Ah, you must be Mr. Harata. Ayame has spoken very highly of you all day. She even told us quite a story about how she was your fiance." A short, stocky woman laughed at that remark.

"It's true." Sona spoke plainly.

"Um. What?" The teacher stopped mid laugh and looked at Sona in a confused manner.

"How is Ayame your fiance if you're dating that dark elf?"

"Dude don't you know? Strong men usually have a harem following them."

"Guys do you not read the school newspaper? That's Sona freaking Harata! They say he possesses an affinity for five different elements!"

The room went so quiet you could here the floors creak. "Yeah. That's me.." Sona put his arm behind his back and scratched his head nervously. 'Even kindergarten students have heard of me. That's a bit overwhelming.'

"Well, we must speak about Ayame, Mr. Harata. This way, please." The stocky woman led Sona and Sulris out of the classroom and down the hall, passing several rooms along the way. "Miss Harata is a special case. It's quite obvious you didn't know about her condition. Otherwise I'm sure you would have informed the school."

"Condition??" Sona ran in front of the woman and grabbed her shoulders. "What happened! Is she okay!" Sona's eyes were wide and filled with panic.

"Oh, I assure you it's nothing like what you're thinking. I should have phrased that more delicately. I do apologize." She quickly explained herself.

"Sona." Sulris walked up and grabbed his hand. "Come on. Let's see what she's trying to tell us." She gently pried Sona's hands from the teacher. Sulris held one of his hands in both of hers. Bringing his hand to her lips, she kissed it gently. "It's okay. Just breathe."

"Oh, Gods. I was scared. When Doctor Ishimura told me nothing was wrong with her, I-I panicked. I was ready to send him up the Styx." Sona's breathing was sporadic until Sulris held onto his hand. "S-Sulris?" She brought his hand to her lips and kissed it softly. She was speaking, but Sona couldn't make out the words at first.

"She's okay, Sona, and so are you. I'm here for you." Sulris cooed and did her best to calm him down. His trembling subsided and he gently squeezed Sulris' hand. "I'm sorry, Teacher. He just really cares for her."

"I can see that. It was all my fault. Please forgive my poor word choice. I'll take you to Miss Ayame now." The woman picked up her pace, eager to pawn of this man on someone else. 'His eyes. I don't know what Styx meant, but he had a murderous look.'

The couple fell behind, walking side by side, but still kept the woman in view. "Are you okay now?" Sulris had both her arms wrapped his right arm.

"Whoo. Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay now. Thank you, Sulris." Sona reached his hand out and placed it on top of her head.

"W-what?" Sulris blushed as he started rubbing the top of her head. 'That feels nice.' She blushed and could only giggle at his actions. 'He is so compassionate.'

"It's right down this way." The teacher's voice pulled the two away from their moment.

Sona grew confused as he looked at the door in front of them. "This is..."

"...Our classroom..." Sulris finished Sona's sentence. They turned to look at each other and then back to the stocky woman in front of them.

"She's in here now." The teacher opened the door and then turned around as she quickly dashed away.

"Master Sona!" A feminine voice called out. It sounded familiar, but it was more mature. More grown up. He looked over in time to see lavender ears and a head of blonde hair jump into his arms. "Master!" The woman giggled and latched onto Sona's neck.

"A-Ayame??" Sona pulled back to look. It was. The little girl who barely came up to his waist this morning, had now grown up within half a day. She now stood as tall as his chest. "What happened?" Sona wrapped his arms around her.

"It's a long story, Sona." Subaru walked down and stood beside them. "You don't know about the Wolfborn race, I take it? Well, they're appearance isn't based on age, but on their strength. As they learn to harness their mana and control it, they grow into their true age. So, yeah, Ayame's been the same age as you this whole time." She scratched the back of her head.

"Well, that's news to me. Ayame why didn't you tell me? Oh, I've got some stuff to share, too." Sona looked back at Sulris and smiled.

Sulris waved to him and decided to leave them alone for now. She had only recently expressed her interest in him, after all. Who knew how long those girls had been with him. She would just wait until he introduced her to them officially.

"Well, I figured you knew. That's why I was confused when we bathed together and you said I was to young, but I wasn't sure you would have believed me if I just came out and said it. I'm sorry." Ayame's ears dropped to the side.

"You don't have to apologize, I'm just shocked. After everything I've learned, there is still so much about this world I don't yet understand." Sona gently scratched behind Ayame's ears and smiled at her softly.

"Hehe. I'm just glad you aren't mad at me." Ayame sighed happily as he scratched behind her ears.

"Sulris!" Aki called out to her friend. Sulris bashfully made her way over to Artemisia and Aki. "What happened? What did you talk about! I want the deets!" Aki couldn't contain her excitement. Her tails were wagging back and forth in a frantic display.

"W-what? Nothing...happened..." Sulris thought back to the kiss they shared and her face lit up. She looked down to the ground, her short silver hair covering her face.

"My leaves are tingling, Sulris. Something happened. I'm curious now, too." Artemisia leaned over her desk so she could hear better.

"We...we...." Sulris lost her courage and her voice was barely audible when she spoke again. "...kissed..."

"You what?" Aki heard her but needed to hear it again.

"We kissed!" Sulris blurted out loudly. The entire class froze and looked back at Sulris. Realizing what she said, Sulris quickly covered her mouth, but the damage had been done.

Aki and Artemisia were squealing in delight and giggling happily. "Wow. You are so brave, Sulris!" Aki giggled loudly.

"Hmhm." Elandeli cleared her throat and stared at Sona. "You what?"

"Hehehe. Master has another girl in his party! Big Sis Ellie is maaaddd." Ayame teased and burst into laughter.

"Yeah. That was...one of things we needed to talk about today..." Sona blushed and turned his head to the side. "Sulris is now a member of my harem, too..."

"Oh, my. If you add anymore girls I might start to get jealous, Master." Subaru walked up behind Sona and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Auntie Subaru! Not you, too!" Ayame pouted.

Atsuhide Nazawa sat off to the side and tried to ignore the disgusting things happening beside him. Eventually, though, his patience wore thin and he slammed his fist through his desk. "Enough!! Sona you are a disgusting man! Associating with these lower life forms. Have you no shame!" Atsuhide's face was red and his eyes bloodshot.

"Um. Excuse me?!" Elandeli stood up but Sona grabbed her shoulder and gently pulled her back down.

"Don't engage him, my sweet Ellie. He's a despicable man. Sorry, he isn't even worthy of being called a man." Sona shrugged and ignored his childish outburst. "Subaru, if you wanna be a part of my harem, just ask." He joked and chuckled a little bit.

Subaru moved her lips next to his ear. "I just might." Her voice was barely above a whisper and nobody heard her except Sona.

"I anxiously await that day, Subaru." Sona rolled his eyes, not taking her words seriously.

"I won't be ignored by a filthy devil lover!" Atsuhide stood up and stormed towards Sona.

"Are you still running your mouth?" Konotsune's voice was cold.

"Don't speak to me devil woman!" Atsuhide raised his hand high in the air, causing Konotsune to flinch.

Atsuhide brought his hand down but his momentum was stopped. "I don't know what you think you're doing to my woman, but you better rethink your next words carefully." Sona stood behind Atsuhide, his hand gripped tightly around the boys wrist.

"Who do you think you--Ahh! Ow. Stop, you're hurting my arm!" The boy screamed as Sona bent his arm behind his back. Flames started erupting from Sona's hand.

"Choose. Your. Next. Words...carefully." Sona's voice was calm, but his eyes were burning with hatred. "I would hate to accidently make this arm unusable." Sona twisted on it causing the bone in his elbow to crack.

"Sweetie. Don't break his arm." Sulris made her way to Sona's side. She placed her hands on his face and turned his attention to her. "He isn't worth it."

"I can't let his utter disrespect slide. He insulted you. He insulted them. He even raised his hand to Konotsune. How can I just let that slide?" Sona's body trembled in anger.

"Sona you aren't that guy anymore. You don't hurt people just because you can. That isn't who you are." Deltune walked in between Atsuhide and Sona. She placed her hands on his chest and pressed herself against him. "You protected her. You stood up for us. You don't need to hurt him. Just knowing that you would is enough for us." Deltune's eyes teared up. "Please..."

"Del..." He whispered her name. "Great. I made you cry..."

"Don't ignore me, jackass!" Atsuhide used his free arm to elbow Sona in his face.




All the girls panicked. "He...he just hit Sona in the face. No! Sona don't hurt him!"

Sona looked back at Atsuhide, blood flowed down his chin and dripped to the floor. "Thank you, sir. May I have another?" Sona grinned and threw Atsuhide to the floor.

"How dare you! Do you know who my father is?" The boy's words were filled with venom.

"No, and I don't rightly care. Run to daddy, crybaby." Sona walked back to his group with Sulris and Deltune in tow. "I'm sorry. I didn't want you to see that."

"This is ridiculous!" Atsuhide stormed out of the classroom, calling Sona several unpleasant names along the way.

Ayame stuck her tongue out at him as he left. "Good riddance!"

"Sona...here." Aki bowed and stretched her arms out towards him. In her hand was a small handkerchief. "Please use this." It was pure white with pink flowers.

"Ah, I can't use that, Aki. It'll get dirty." Sona scratched his cheek shyly.

"Isn't that the point of a handkerchief, Master?" Junichi pointed out. 'She is being kind for what you did. Look around you. They are all demi-humans except for you and Deltune.'

That's when it dawned on him. He saw the way humans treated Ayame, but because he didn't see Ayame and the other girls like they did, he just never thought about it. 'You are right, Junichi. I've gotten so used to this world, and because of that, I've stopped seeing them as different from me.'

'That is a good mindset to have, Master, but you also must remember, that not everyone you meet will see these girls the way you do.' Junichi preached some wisdom to this young human.

'Thank you, Junichi.' Sona lifted his hands slowly and took the handkerchief from Aki. "That's very sweet, Aki. Thank you." Sona still felt bad, but he was certain she would feel worse if he denied her gesture.

"No, thank you, Harata. You stood up for all of us. I'm glad to know that there are some decent humans in this world." She smiled sweetly, her tail wagging back and forth slowly.

Sona smiled back and stood up. "I'm going to the restroom to clean up." He made his way to the exit and left the room, heading down the hall to the men's room.

"Junichi. Can you go with him? I don't want him left alone right now. Something about that boy Atsuhide is giving me bad vibes." Subaru whispered to her brother.

"I feel it, too, sister." Junichi left and chased after Sona. When he rounded the corner, he saw Sona head into the restroom. A few minutes later, a dark robed silhouette went in the men's room after him.

"His murderous aura is so thick I can almost taste it." Junichi approached the door to the men's room and stood guard outside. 'Forgive me, Master. You need to do this alone. I won't let you die, though. I will keep you alive if it comes to that.' Junichi bowed his head to pray for Sona's safety.

"That self righteous asshole. Gah." Sona winced in pain as he wiped the blood off his face. "Who does he think he is? Insulting my women like that." Sona sighed and turned the water on to wash his face off. "I should have just ashed his ass right then and there." Sona paused and slapped his face hard. "Don't talk like that. You'll upset the girls again. You've changed, Sona." He stood up straight and started to wash the blood off of Aki's handkerchief.
