
Reincarnation: Is this really happening?

Seth is a 35-year old loser stuck at a dead end job. He wasted his youth in a vain attempt to stay popular, forgoing his studies just to party. Seth, like many others, regrets the path he chose himself. He wished everyday for a chance to prove his life was worth something, but such things only happen in fairy tales...right?

Otaku_Central · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Life or Death | Sulris and The Girls


Sona tensed up and looked in the mirror at the hooded robed man behind him. 'What the hell?' He turned around as the person in front of him raised his arms. Two pitch black tentacles sprung out from the sleeves of his robe. "Damn!" Sona jumped to the side as the tentacles slammed into the wall behind him.

"Come forth and burn my enemy, Dragon's Breath!" Sona opened his mouth wide and a massive wave of fire spewed forth from his mouth, incinerating the area in front of him. The flames persisted for several seconds before Sona closed his mouth and the flames subsided. The robes fell to the ground and burned into a pile of ash. 'Did I get him?' The hairs on Sona's neck stood up and he ducked as a pair of hands reached over his head. "You're a persistent one." Sona leaned forward on his hands and kicked his legs behind him.

"Guh..." The man grunted and tried to grab Sona's leg, but he missed as Sona used the momentum from his kick to flip forward.

He jumped to his feet and turned around to prepare another spell but froze. "It's...you..." Sona stumbled backwards and lost his fight or flight instinct for a moment.

Atsuhide looked up and growled. "Yoooouuuu....made me loooookk like a....fooooolllll...." The voice coming from Atsuhide wasn't his own. It was cold and vile, filled with hate and anguish.

"What did you...do, Atsuhide? Look at what you've become!" Sona tried to reason with the other boy, despite what he had done, nobody deserved this fate.

"Kill...you....kill you....I'll kill you!" A circular sphere made of pure hate enveloped Atsuhide's body and started expanding rapidly.

"Oh, gift of life, oh heavenly rain, that which nurtures and sustains us all. Grant on to me your erosive power. Water blade!" Sona slashed his arm in a diagonal motion and a high pressured water blade shot from his arm.

"Buuuurrrrnnnn....." Atsuhide created a wall of flames in front of him that quickly evaporated the water before it reached him. "Diiiiieeeeee."

'Damn it! I don't have choice! I need to transform, maybe my Dragoon Form can purify the evil inside him.' Sona backed up to the door leading out into the hallway. 'I have to stop him here. I can't endanger the other students.'

"Ssssssttttttaaaaaayyyyy ssssstttiiiilllll....

" Atsuhide charged at Sona and crashed into the bathroom door.

Sona had ducked outside the bathroom and shut the door, causing Atsuhide to be trapped inside for the moment. "Damn it, Junichi. A little heads up would have been nice!" Sona looked to his familiar standing nearby. "Hold this door! I need a moment."

"As you wish, Master." Junichi stepped forward and took hold of the door as Sona took a step backwards.

"Ancient White Dragon, hasten to my side. Clad me in armor of Dragon Scales. Be my armor, be my blade, and help me end this evil shade. Come forth, White Dragoon!" Sona chanted out loud and a bright, warm glow enveloped his body.

"M-Master?" Junichi looked back for a second but was forced to look away immediately when the light from Sona's body overwhelmed his sight.

"There. This will be my first time using it in an actual fight. Junichi, I'm ready." Sona looked at his familiar and nodded.

Sulris and the girls watched Sona leave to clean up. Junichi followed him after Subaru whispered something to him. "I hope he's okay." Aki put her hands together and twiddle her thumbs. "He got hurt because we distracted him." She buried her face into her hands.

"I should have just let Sona burn his arm. I'm the one at fault, Aki." Sulris walked over and gently hugged the crying girl. "If I hadn't intervened..."

Subaru walked up to Sulris and whispered in her ear. "If you hadn't intervened, one of us would have. We all care about Sona. There is something about him that you must know if you are to be his woman, Sulris. There is much you need to be made aware of, but that will have to wait for now."

"That man, Sona, he's really something else, isn't he?" Artemisia giggled and swayed back and forth in the sun.

"Yes, he is truly unique for a human." Sulris chimed in and looked at the other girls. "I guess we should talk about me." Sulris sat down with the other girls. "I know I'm new to the group, but by the tradition of my clan, I am now Sona's wife. He's agreed to accept me as his lover..." Sulris lost her confidence towards the end and blushed. "A-anyway, I hope we can all get along." Sulris bowed her head, her silver hair bounced with her motion.

"It's okay. We figured this would happen." Konotsune giggled softly.

"Yes, my darling has such a way with women. We knew it wouldn't be long before at least one of you fell for him." Elandeli giggled along with her sister.

"Yeah. He's quite the player." Deltune sighed helplessly and shrugged her shoulders. 'But still, I can't help but love him.' She smiled and blushed at her thoughts.

"Master has to many women. I don't want to share him any more." Ayame pouted and folded her arms across her chest. "Even Auntie Subaru is putting the moves on him."

"Well, I can't help that. I've been single for a long time. There aren't to many cute guys in the World of Spirits. For a human, he's not bad looking at all, and he's powerful, too. He would give me a strong child." She giggled and cupped her face in her hands, blushing at the thought. 'Sorry, girls. I think I'm in love, too.'

"C-child...?" Sulris blushed deeply. 'But to have a child they have to...' Sulris screamed. "That's not fair! You haven't even kissed him yet!"

"Oh so the requirement to be his lover is to have kissed him? I guess I don't have a choice then." Subaru smiled devilishly and took a seat.

'What is with...that look? Sona what have I done?' Sulris swallowed hard and looked at the other girls.

"Sulris, have you not offered to bare Sona's children?" Elandeli looked at the dark elf beside her.

"What? Of course not! H-how could I? I'm a dark elf and he's..." She sighed and looked down at the ground. "Who would have a child with me except another dark elf?"

"You obviously don't know Sona very well, Sulris." Ayame walked up to her and wrapped her arms around the dark elf.

"That's right. My sister Konotsune and I are Devil-kin. Vampires. He accepted us without question. Fed us. We will give birth to his future children. That's already been decided. The choice is yours, Sulris, darling." Ellie yawned softly and looked back at the classroom door. 'He has been gone quite awhile.'

"H-how can you say that with a straight face?" Sulris was in shock. 'They are serious...but what about me? I've never had a boyfriend. Hell, he's the first guy to catch my eye. But do I deserve that happiness? I would only bring misery to his life...' Her face held a pensive look and her eyes reflected sadness.

Subaru walked over and flicked Sulris on her forehead. "I know that look. Master has it all the time. You can't think over every little detail, my dear. Search your feelings. Stay by his side. In time you will find your answer."

"I understand. I'll do that. Thank you, Subaru." Sulris rubbed her forehead. "You're right. In the short span of time since we met, I could tell he was different. He doesn't discriminate. When he looks at us, his eyes are kind and his touch is warm and gentle."

"I know. Sona is a wonderful man. His soul shines so brightly. That's when I knew he was the man I wanted to love." Deltune sighed happily. "I'm so glad he found so many wonderful friends and lovers." Deltune wiped a tear from her eyes and smiled sweetly.

"Big Sis Deltune!" Ayame left Sulris' side and ran over to hug Del. "Please don't cry. I know you're happy, but if Master sees your tears, he's gonna think someone hurt you." Ayame's tail moved up to Deltune's face and dried her eyes.

"She's right, Del. You know how over protective our darling Sona gets when it comes to us." Ellie, Kono, and even Sulris all walked over to Del's side to hug her.

"Don't leave me out." Subaru walked over and wrapped her arms around the big group.

"Haha. Friends!" Ayame shouted happily.

Junichi looked back to his Master. "You have to tell me what that's about, Sona."

"Later. For now, I have to focus on protecting the school, and if possible, save this idiot's life." Sona took in a big breathe of air and exhaled slowly. "Let's go, Junichi!"

"Right!" Junichi flung the door open wide and Atsuhide dashed through the open door.

'Speak these words. By daylights end, by waxing moon. Grant to me your heavenly boon. I, Sona Harata, seek your power to purify the darkness. Baenthor bare witness to my righteous spirit. Blessed Light!'

'What? Who are you? What are you doing in my head?' Sona called back as he avoided Atsuhide and punched him in the face. His new strength, combined with the armor, sent Atsuhide into the nearby wall.

'It does not matter now. Speak those words.' The voice echoed and retreated.

'What the hell? Shit!' Sona looked up in time to see Atsuhide attack. He managed to bring his guard up in time. "Damn it, Atsuhide! I'm trying to save your life!"

"My...my life...?" Atsuhide looked down and as if for the first time, saw his own body. "Helllppp..." Atsuhide stretched his arm toward Sona.

'There's my opening!' Sona jumped backwards and lifted his hands up, pointing them towards Atsuhide. "By daylights end, by waxing moon. Grant to me your heavenly boon. I, Sona Harata, seek your power to purify the darkness. Baenthor bare witness to my righteous spirit. Blessed Light!" Sona chanted loudly, his voice rung outward and echoed through the empty halls. An aura of pure light radiated off his body, getting stronger with each passing second.

"S-sssssooooooonnnnnaaaaaaa..." Atsuhide hissed, but it wasn't his voice. "I'm....cooommmmminnnnnngggg for you...." The voice continued and then howled in pain as the light became too much and overwhelmed the darkness.

Atsuhide dropped to the floor and fell unconscious. Sona dropped to one knee, breathing heavily. "Junichi. Check on him, please?" Sona's armor slowly disappeared from his body. 'Damn. That took a lot out of me. I need to get stronger.'

Junichi walked over to the young Atsuhide. He crouched down beside him and put two fingers on his throat. Ba-dump. Ba-dump. "He's got a pulse, Master. We should get him to the infirmary and alert the Headmaster."

'He's coming for me? When? Was that...Eslios? Also, who's voice was that in my head? I didn't recognize the tone.' Sona placed his hand on his face and sighed. 'There is so much I don't know. I'm completely in the dark. Arzotz, what have you gotten me into? We need to talk. I have so many questions.'

Junichi reached down and picked up Atsuhide's unconscious body with ease. "Can you stand, Sona?"

'Hatchlings are always so full of curiosity. There is much you still need to learn, young one. For now, be content with my name. I am Baenthor, The Heavenly White Dragon, and the one who was partners with the last White Dragoon. We will talk later, for now I must rest.' Baenthor's voice faded from his mind just as quickly as it arrived.

"Master? Can you hear me?" Junichi shifted Atsuhide's body to one side and placed a hand on Sona's shoulder.

"Hm? Oh, Junichi. Yes, I can stand." Sona rose to his feet slowly and stumbled forward. He managed to catch himself on the wall nearby and stabilize his feet.

"You appeared to be in a trance. What happened?" He looked to his Master as they made their way to Doctor Ishimura's office.

"Honestly? I'm not even sure myself. I heard a voice in my head. He called himself Baenthor." Sona searched his mind and shook his head helplessly. "Apparently he is sleeping. He said there was much we needed to discuss."

'Baenthor? It can't be...' Junichi looked to his Master and chuckled in his mind. 'We sure picked a mysterious man to serve, Subaru.'

'I need to go to the library. This Baenthor says he was partners with my predecessor.' Sona looked to Atsuhide who was still passed out. 'I feel like I can trust him. He helped me save this idiot, after all. Despite how much I despise him for his actions, I couldn't let the darkness consume him.'

"We are here, Sona." Junichi slid the door open and the two of them walked inside. Doctor Ishimura was sleeping in his chair when they first walked inside. "Doctor. Doctor Ishimura?"

"Hey, Doc!" Sona shouted loudly.

"What the--?' Ishimura jumped up so quickly he fell out of his chair. "I-I wasn't sleeping, I swear!" He looked up to see Sona, Junichi, and Atsuhide. "Oh, whew. I thought you were somebody else. Don't scare me like that." He patted his chest trying to still his beating heart. "What did you guys need?"

"It's Atsuhide, Doctor. Something happened to him." Sona explained everything that had happened, leaving out the parts about his transformation.

"I see. He was possessed by the darkness in his heart. His uncertainty made it easy for someone or something to control him. How did you drive it out?' Doctor Ishimura looked Atsuhide over and ran a few tests on his patient.

"That's just it. We are unsure what happened. Sona was engaged in combat with him and then it was over. They must have fled Atsuhide's body when they realized he was weak." Junichi shrugged and looked at Sona. 'I have your back, Master.'

'Good. Arzotz knows I need a big brother looking for me.' Sona laughed and looked at Junichi. "So is he going to be okay, Doc?"

"Yeah. Whatever you did to make the the creature flee was great timing. Any longer and he would have been swallowed whole. His personality and memories gone. You saved his very existence. After some much needed rest he should be right as rain. Be proud, Sona. You saved his life. Not an easy feat for someone so young." Ishimura walked up and put his hand on Sona's shoulder. "I'll explain this to the Headmaster. Go on back. Class should be starting soon."

"Thanks, Ishimura. Take care of him. Come, Junichi." Sona nodded towards the door and the two of them left. Sona sighed heavily and pulled out Aki's handkerchief. "I need to clean this still." They stopped by a different bathroom and Sona ran in quick. 'I can't let my guard again. I must always be vigilant.' He ckecked every stall and made sure to look everywhere. Once he was certain it was clear, he rinsed off the handkerchief and made sure it was white again before leaving.

"All good?" Junichi looked at Sona and he nodded. "Good. The girls are probably worried sick so let's hurry back."

Sulris paced back and forth near the door to the classroom. 'Sona...' She chewed on her thumb nervously. 'I hope you're okay.' She looked up and down the hall trying to find him. After some time, two figures rounded the corner and made their way towards Sulris. 'Sona?'

The two figures eventually came into view. Sona and Junichi saw Sulris waiting outside for them. "Hey, Sulris. I didn't keep you waiting, did I?" Sona asked when he got close enough to her.

"No, not at--" She paused when Sona's face came into her sight. "Sona, what happened?" She ran to his side and wrapped her arms around him. "You look beat up. Was it that Atsuhide guy again?" His face was swollen slightly and possessed several new cuts that would heal with time.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay, sweetie. Long story. Ah." He winced a bit when she squeezed him, his body sore from the fight.

"I'm sorry!" She went to let go but he wrapped her in his arms and held her close.

"No, I'm the one who's sorry. I worried you and the other girls I'm sure. It won't happen again." He placed a hand on top of her head, rubbing her head gently.

"Okay. I trust you, Sona." She closed her eyes and smiled when he started petting her head. "I love when you do that." She blushed.

"O-Oh, really? Then...." He scratched his cheek shyly with his other hand. "I'll do it more often then..." He smiled and looked down at the beautiful dark elf in his arms.

"You won't hear me complain." She blushed and backed Sona into the wall. "You are being so gentle with me. It makes my body hot..." She cupped his face in her hands and stood up on her tippy toes.

"S-Sulris we are at--" His sentence was cut short when her lips pushed against his and she pressed her body into him. 'She is so forceful. I kind of like it. It's hot.' He sighed happily into the kiss and wrapped his arms around her neck loosely.

Junichi had disappeared to give them some alone time. He ducked back into the classroom and left the two lovers alone. "Hey, Sis."

"What happened?" Subaru looked to her brother when he walked back inside.

"Long story." Junichi pulled her to the side and explained everything that had happened. After several minutes, Subaru shook her head.

"You're sure he said Baenthor?" Subaru looked around to make sure the others weren't listening to them.

"I'm positive, sister. That means...." Junichi looked to Subaru.

"I know." Subaru sighed and looked back at the girls. "Things just became a lot more complicated."