
Reincarnation: Is this really happening?

Seth is a 35-year old loser stuck at a dead end job. He wasted his youth in a vain attempt to stay popular, forgoing his studies just to party. Seth, like many others, regrets the path he chose himself. He wished everyday for a chance to prove his life was worth something, but such things only happen in fairy tales...right?

Otaku_Central · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Second Week Of School (2)

"It's okay. Everyone should know the truth." He looked at the girls beside him and smiled. "In reality, I actually have four lovers. Well, technically it's five, but one of them is a special case." He admitted the truth and shrugged his shoulders. "Things just happened."

"WHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTT?!?!" The four girls screamed in unison.

"How do you have five lovers?"

"How old are you? Are you that strong?"

"If you have five, and three of them are here, where's the other two?"

These three girls were bombarding Sona with so many questions he felt his head beginning to spin. "Easy, easy. I'll tell you what I can." Sona put his hand up to silence the girls. They calmed down when he started to speak. "I'm seventeen. I don't consider myself especially strong, but these ladies apparently think so, seeing as how they want to--" Sona's mouth was covered by three sets of hands as Ellie, Kono, and Del rushed over to silence him.

"Excuse us for just one minute!" Deltune apologized and Sona's three lovers picked him up together and dashed for the exit.

"What's up with that?" Sulris pondered out loud.

"You don't think..?" Artemisia looked at Aki and Sulris.

"I guess they all wanted some alone time before class." Aki giggled sweetly as these three girls blushed at the thought.

"Sorry, ladies. My master can be a bit insensitive when it comes to matters such as these. I will reprimand him and try to instill a proper sense of etiquette. If you'll excuse me, I must see to his safety. Who knows what sort of things those four could be up to right now. My poor Master is probably having his innocence devoured as we speak." Junichi bowed, his hair covering his smirk. 'I didn't warn you, Master, that I like causing trouble just like Subaru.' Junichi dashed off after Sona and the girls, bounding out of the class in a hurry.

"He's quite the charmer." Artemisia smiled and followed him with her eyes until he was gone.

"Those girls are..." Sulris' face turned a deep pale color.

"...Devouring Sona's innocence..." Aki's face lit up like a cherry.

Junichi couldn't help but stop and burst into laughter once he put some distance between himself and the classroom. "Oh, Gods. I thought for sure I was going to lose it and ruin everything." Junichi wiped a tear from his eye, laughter still escaping his lips.

In a nearby empty classroom, Konotsune, Deltune, and Elandeli tried to catch their breath. Breathing heavily, the three girls kept their hands over Sona's mouth, their face red as the fires of hell. "What were you thinking??" Deltune snapped once they were sure they were alone.

"Yes, just what was running through your mind, darling?" Elandeli removed her hands and sighed, placing one hand over her racing heart.

"Jaesu knows because he was there, but given our age, we should limit how many people know we want to conceive your children. It's only rational to keep quiet." Konotsune added her two cents.

"Hm." Sona pondered out loud. "I suppose you all make valid arguments." Sona bowed his head. "I'm sorry." He felt three sets of arms wrap around him as these beautiful ladies pressed themselves against him.

"It's nothing you need to apologize for, Sona." Deltune cooed.

"That's right, darling. For the most part, we don't care." Elandeli ran her hand backwards through his fiery locks.

"However, there are some things that should stay between us. Just remember that for future reference." Konotsune's arms were wrapped around his waist and her head rested on his lap.

"You three really do love me, don't you?" Sona already knew the answer, the question was rhetorical. He wrapped his arms around all three of them and held them close.

"Of course we do." The three of them answered in unison.

"Don't ask such silly questions, darling." Elandeli kissed his cheek.

"Big Sis Ellie is correct, Sona. It should be obvious how we feel." Konotsune piped in her opinion.

"We all feel strongly for you. We will do whatever it takes to make you happy." Deltune smiled sweetly.

"I don't deserve this..." Sona whispered and started sobbing softly. "I was a horrible person."

"Was being the keyword. That's not who you are anymore." Deltune cupped his face in her hands. "You've always had a kind soul, but that world corrupted you." She dried his eyes using her thumbs.

"Deltune speaks true, Sona. No human has ever voluntarily offered himself to a vampire. You care for us like nobody else has before." Konotsune buried her face into his lap.

"If that doesn't show that your a kind and compassionate man, then I don't know what will, my darling. Just keep moving forward. Do your best. We will be by your side always. Okay?" Elandeli smiled sweetly at the sensitive soul in front of her.

Junichi stood outside the door to the room in which Sona and the girls had sequestered themselves away. 'Well spoken, ladies. Bare your souls to him. Let him bask in your feelings, it will make him stronger.' Junichi smiled and simply stood outside until they were ready.

Sona sobbed quietly as the women surrounded him and tried to sooth is aching soul. 'They are so gentle and loving. I still don't believe I deserve this life, but...' Sona squeezed the women around him tightly. "I love you. All of you." Sona whispered softly and hid his face in Ellie's pink hair.

"R-really? Are you sure?" Deltune's face was overcome with joy.

"You don't need to decide right now, Sona. You can take more time." Konotsune added.

"Darling, we can wait longer. If you need more time to discover yourself." Elandeli quipped in her opinion.

"I've reached my decision. That's how I feel about you three. I don't know if I can succeed in making you happy, but I'll do all I can. I still think we should wait on everything else, I just wanted you all to know that I understand my feelings. Please continue to be patient with me, and be kind to each other. You three are wonderful friends." Sona sniffled and leaned down, kissing each girls lips for a brief second.

"We will be as patient as it takes, darling." Ellie returned the kiss and smiled.

"However long it takes." Konotsune was next and closed her eyes when their lips met.

"The three of us will remain friends and be your lovers." Deltune was last but not least.

"Thank you. All of you." Sona smiled. "Okay, we really should head back. After all, you basically abducted me and dashed out of class." Sona teased as he stood back up. He dried his eyes on the sleeve of his uniform and slapped his cheeks between his hands.

"Yes, we need to head back. You haven't had the chance to finish eating, Master." The door to the empty room slid open. Junichi stepped inside and bowed his head, folding one arm across his chest. "I'll escort the four of you back."

"Thanks, Big Brother Junichi." Elandeli walked over slowly and leaned up to kiss his cheek. "Please keep him safe." Elandeli whispered to Junichi.

"Even my death would not prevent me from protecting my Master." He whispered back as Elandeli slid past him and into the hallway.

"Hm? Is something wrong, Junichi?" Sona watched the interaction but couldn't hear a word. Deltune and Konotsune latched onto his arms from each side.

"It doesn't matter, Sona. Come on, Del. We have to go back and finish eating." Konotsune gently tugged on Sona's arm.

"She's right, Master. She was just thanking me for checking up on you." Junichi kept a straight face. 'Sorry, Sona. It's a secret.'

"Alright, alright. I get it. Lets go. Junichi, I've got my eye on you." Sona teased as he left the room with a girl on each arm.

"Whatever you say, Master." Junichi chuckled and shook his head as he followed after Sona.

Elandeli walked in front of Sona and Junichi trailed behind him. The melody of voices grew louder the closer they got to homeroom. The door slid open and the five of them walked back inside.

"Ah. You're back?" Aki's three tails stood up and swayed side to side happily.

"I can't believe you would show your face after such embarrassing acts." Sulris chided and looked away, face still pale pink from the earlier conversation.

"Is your...innocence still...intact...?" Artemisia struggled to ask this question, her bright green leaves turned red.

"My innocence...?" Sona questioned and looked at the women in front him, a confused expression graced his face.

"Don't act coy. Your familiar told us that these girls stole your innocence!" Sulris slammed her fist on the desk. "How could a strong man like you allow these women to take advantage of you?" Sulris was angry. Sona became even more confused and then sighed.

He lifted his arm up and with finger, motioned Junichi towards him.

"Yes, Master?" Junichi bowed his head low. Thump! Sona slammed his fist into the back of Junichi's head. "Owowow. That hurt, Master! Why?" He fake sobbed and rubbed the bump on his head.

"What have you been saying about me in my absence, Junichi?" Sona's eye started twitching. His face was red from anger and embarrassment. "Answer honestly, or I'll smack you again."

"Oh, nothing really--" Thump! Another bump appeared on Junichi's head. 'Damn you, Sona. How do your punches hurt so bad?' He thought and rubbed the new bump on his head. "Alright, alright. I may have told them that, Deltune, Konotsune, and Elandeli were possibly trying to..." His voice trailed off and was a mere whisper when he spoke again. "...steal your innocence..." Thump! Thump thump thump! Four new bumps appeared on his head within two seconds. "Son of a bitch!! How do your fists keep getting stronger?!" Junichi covered his head.

"Junichi how could you say that???" Del, Kono and Ellie shouted at the same time.

"I see Subaru isn't the only one who plays tricks on people. I'll make you pay, Junichi." Sona scarfed down the rest of his food.

"So, it isn't true?" Sulris looked to Sona.

"No, this idiot was playing you girls like a fool." Sona nodded as Aki walked up to Junichi.

'Good. If he allowed himself to be tarnished that easily against his will then I...' Sulris breathed a sigh of relief and tried to still her racing heart. 'How can a man, let alone a human, bring out these feelings in me?'

Aki pulled out a small box and grabbed some bandaids. "Junichi. What you did was mean, but Sona shouldn't have hit you so much or so hard for that matter. Here." Aki pushed the bandaids towards him, her tail covering her blushing face. 'What am I doing?' Aki was all smiles.

'You got a little admirer, Junichi. Say something to her.' Sona transferred his thoughts to his familiar.

"Ah, that's very sweet of you, Aki. Thank you very much." Junichi flashed a dazzling smile at Aki and she nearly fainted. "I'll put these on right away." Junichi popped on several bandaids where they were needed. He winced a few times as he finished his task. "Much better. Here." He went to hand the rest back and Aki shook her head.

"Keep them. You seem to be a trouble maker who causes your Master a lot of worry. And he seems abusive." She joked and winked at Sona.

"Then please allow me to repay your kindness." Junichi extended his hand towards her. Aki looked back at Sulris and Artemisia before turning back to Junichi. Slowly, she extended her hand. Junichi brought her hand to his lips, kissing the back of her hand lightly. "You have a kind heart, Aki."

Aki squealed in delight and blushed deeply. She retreated from Junichi's gaze and behind the other two girls, face red and trembling. "Wow. Aki looks like he might be interested in you." Artemisia whispered excitedly. She was happy for her newfound friend.

"Alright class. Two minute warning. Be in your seats or you will stand in the hall." Reyna looked up from her books. Everyone started to return their seats.

"Sona. We need to talk after class." Sulris smiled and turned around shyly. She made her way back to her seat as Reyna stood up and faced the blackboard again.

"What does she want?" Konotsune questioned, a hint of jealousy gracing her delicate features.

"Who knows?" Sona shrugged and looked back to the front of class.

"Okay. Now, we got a little side tracked and that's my fault. We jumped ahead a little bit so please return to page 56. We will be covering Brunfar's ruling class." Reyna explained as the flipping of pages filled the room.

"Sulris. Please start us off." Reyna turned around and looked up at Sulris. Her gaze was fixated on Sona in the back. "Miss Sulris? Is anyone home?" Reyna called for her.

"Pst. Sulris, Miss Reyna is calling you." Aki poked her neighbor.

"Hm? Ah!" Sulris jumped up out of her seat. "Yes, ma'am?" She blurted out.

"What's so fascinating that's captured your attention so?" Reyna was intrigued. Something had Sulris' attention and it wasn't book learning.

"N-nothing!" Sulris lowered her head and peaked through her hair towards Sona.

Sona caught her gaze and smiled sweetly at her. "Nhg!" A stream of red slid down from her nose. 'So handsome.' She wiped the blood on her sleeve and turned back to face the teacher. "Sorry, Teacher. It won't happen again."

'Hah. Young people are so readable. Sona, Sona, Sona. What draws these women and causes them to flock to your side?' Reyna shook her head and returned to the lesson. "Well, anyway. Miss Sulris, page 56 please."

"Right. The Brunfar Empire. It is one of the largest kingdoms on the Ayesian Continent. It is the only Kingdom on the continent of Ayes that still possesses an Aristocratic ruling system. Of the three great nations on Ayes, it is the only one still advocating the use of slaves and segregation of humans and non-humans. The King and Queen of Brunfar hold the majority of power, but the nobility that stocks the King's coffers hold sway over his decisions. His final decision is law, even if the nobles oppose it. They are granted autonomy in regards to the ruling of their lands. The King nor any noble has the right to control another noble's territory unless it is won through legal means. Duels, gambling, and dowries are just several ways to name a few." Sulris paused to catch her breath.

"Very good. Next. Mr. Toshiyuki, you have been very quiet. Let's hear from you. Continue where Miss Sulris left off." Reyna pointed to the boy with three tails.

"Sure, Teacher." Toshiyuki stood up and held his book in his hand. "Brunfar Empire is considered the most technologically advanced of the three nations. They boast the highest deposits of low to mid grade Magitech Cores and many genius Magitech Engineers. There culture is one soaked in ancient traditions and family lines. Blood relations and one's descendents determine social status and financial wealth." Toshiyuki finished page 57 and returned to his seat. Once done, he put his head down on the desk once more.

"Very eloquent, Mr. Toshiyuki. Thank you. Now class, that's all we have time for today." Reyna threw some papers into the air in front of her. With a wave of her hand, the wind carried a sheet to each student. "Your homework is to research one of the men or women from this list. Each one of them was influential to the progress of the Brunfar Empire. One thousand words are the minimum requirement. Enjoy your day, students." Reyna bowed and left after packing up her things for the day.

"Well, we have the next hour free. I'm going to pop by Ayame's class and check on her." Sona stood slowly and stretched his arms above his head.

"Sona. If you are going somewhere, I'd like to accompany you. We can have that discussion." Sulris walked up to Sona, a dark pink color singed her cheeks.

"Then I'm going--" Deltune went to speak but Sona raised his hand to cut her off.

"Del, I get the feeling this is hard for her. Let me speak to her alone. Based on what happens, I'll tell you all what I can. Well, Sulris, shall we?" Sona walked out of the classroom with Sulris following behind him.

"I don't like the way she was looking at my darling." Elandeli pouted and watched her beloved Sona leave.

Stopping several times to look at the maps along the way, Sona finally got uncomfortable with the awkward silence. "Miss Sulris. Is everything okay? You've been awfully quiet."

"Yeah. I was just..." Sulris looked down at the ground. 'Just do it. You are a daughter of the Pale Elves. Grab him and make him yours.' She bit her bottom lip. 'You should be forceful. It's your people's way.'

"You can tell me, Miss Sulris." Sona stopped and looked at another nearby map. "How is this place so confusing?" Sona scratched his head.

"Sona." Sulris whispered his name. He turned around as she stepped into his arms. Her hands reached up and cupped his face.

"S-Sulris--" Sona's voice was cut off when Sulris pressed her lips firmly against his, kissing him passionately.

'What...why?' Sona shut his eyes and wrapped his arms around her waist. The kiss they shared lasted almost a minute. The clacking of heels hitting stone pulled them apart quickly. If it weren't for the sound of footsteps echoing down the hall, who knows what would have happened.

"Well, that's one way to get my attention." Sona joked and scratched his cheek shyly.

"You are mine now, and I am yours." Sulris whispered and looked up, her golden eyes locking onto Sona's red and green hues.

"What do you mean?" Sona played coy and lost himself in her eyes.

"You know damn well what I mean." Sulris snapped and quickly covered her mouth. "Sorry..." She looked away shyly.

"Don't apologize. I like this side of you." Sona grabbed her chin and turned her head to face him again. "I take it this is part of your culture?"

"Yes. When women in my tribe find a man they want, they get forceful with them and show them their strength. I never thought I would find a human man who could bring these feelings to the surface. There's something about you, Sona. I want to be by your side." Her eyes held such an intense look.


Hey guys. Otaku here. Sorry for the delay. I've been sick the last three days so it's been hard to find the strength to write, let alone think. I'm still weak and in recovery but I'll do my best. Another Note: I will be starting A New Book! It's called From Slave to Savior. Please check it out and let me know your thoughts. Reincarnation won't be ending anytime soon even with this new book. I'll keep writing both of them. Hope you continue to enjoy my writing. <3

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