
Bombs & Modern Humans

When we woke up we could instantly tell the difference in the air quality. Luckily Kaiju weren't affected by such things.

We decided to go to an island with no human habitation for some sunbathing. We found it helps to wake us up after even the shortest nap. During our time here I noticed some battle ships in the distance that took off as soon as they noticed us. I knew what would be coming next but did nothing as I knew what came next would only serve to make us stronger.

After 3 days, it finally came. Godzilla looked to the sky hearing a plane flying far over head. "What do you think it is?" he asked me

"Probably a new human contraption. We shouldn't interfere unless it's absolutely necessary. You know what's to come in the future" I told him

"Yes, you're right" he answered as he watched the plane curiously

Just before flying right over our heads, they dropped it

"Is it falling apart?" Godzilla asked with a little worry

"I don't think so. I think they dropped that on purpose" I said, trying to sound unsure

Standing up, Godzilla walked directly underneath the item to try and catch it while I stayed right by his side

Before it could get close, I activated my Sharingan. At only 2 tome I was able to clearly see what it was, confirming my theory. This would be interesting

Reaching out to catch it just before it could reach us, Godzilla was completely focused on the bomb. Just as it touched his hand it exploded. The reaction was enough to blow us off our feet, but that was it. The radiation actually pushed my Sharingan to 3 tome and Godzilla grew an additional 20 feet, pushing him above me in my lupin form.

Standing up, we looked at each other and looked around at the devastated landscape as fires were stuck to our bodies, but unable to harm us. We looked into the distance and noticed some ships that were rocking roughly in the sea which was in turmoil from the explosion "Let's go make sure they're ok" I said "That would have killed them if they were much closer I think"

Agreeing, we both headed into the water, in the humans direction, as they were clearly panicing thinking we were going to attack them

Someone had half a brain on board, because nobody fired at us or even aimed a barrel our way as we swam up to the ships to check on their conditions. After swimming around the ships a few times, making sure they weren't sinking, we noticed our fears were unnecessary. We decided to head on out to resume our job of keeping the peace

The humans realized they could do nothing to us. We literally walked away from an atomic bomb. They instantly decided this was top secret and a new department was to be made for dealing with our kind.

Little did we know, this was the start of Monarch. And it would be much further along since they knew we weren't going to kill them on sight



At a site in South America

A scientist was going into a radioactive hole that had been dug up. This man was the # 1 expert on Kaiju ON THE PLANET. Walking down, into the cave in a radiation suit, he noticed a gigantic skeleton.

"Is it 1 of them?" the man's assistant asked him

"No. This is older than the last time we saw them." he stated confidently

"What are those? Dr Serizawa, I think this is an egg?" the assistant said

Unsure, Serizawa didn't respond

"This 1 looks broken" the guide spoke up

Walking along further, they noticed a new opening in the cave. Further out, there were long drag marks going all the way to the ocean "I have to go back to Monarch. This information needs to be reported directly" Serizawa said as he turned around directly


In Japan, later that same day. The creature that escaped that cave made its way to the nuclear power plant for its radioactive material.

It ended up killing so many humans just because it had evolved to the point, it could hide its energy so we couldn't sense it. Admittedly, one of the better genes I'd seen in any Kaiju. This guaranteed its safety until it grew to the next stage of its life


During all these years, everything remained quite peaceful. No fighting, no new enemies from the stars. We were basking in the calm times.

The only thing that did happen was Monarch started observing us very closely. Neither Godzilla or I minded, though Moyhra and Battra would get a little testy if they got to close. Eventually they learned what they could and couldn't do in our presence. They developed a submarine/airplane that would follow us wherever we went so they could study us 24/7.

Imagine their shock when a rogue Kaiju decided to go on a rampage in Africa. A giant snake looking creature from the local legends. After reviewing the footage, they noticed both Godzilla and I stood up at the same time and flew off after this creature. Godzilla swam up through the ocean and then flew, while I took a more leisurely pace so we would reach there at the same time.

Unsurprisingly, they went nuts trying to record the fight. They came to realize we were the rare case of 2 alphas working together. We were brothers in arms, gaining combat experience together and saving each other from injuries.

Afterwards, we decided to go visit Asguard, curious if they could make it in. Although I did warn them we were coming, I wasn't sure how this meeting would go. I only did this because I was confident that Asguard could defend itself if the rest of humanity joined together to wipe them out. But I wasn't to worried since Monarch was pretty good at keeping its secrets.

Flying into my cave, with Godzilla, Mothra and Battra right behind me, we moved to the end of the cave that had an entrance into Asguard for us to come and go. It took them awhile to decide to send in a drone to make sure it was safe. Noticing the size of the cave, and not finding us in sight, the 2 ships moved in slowly, 1 after the other.

Shortly after entering the cave, the ships landed out of the way of the entrance. Getting out of the ships, they started exploring the cave system trying to find us. After 2 hours, they finally appeared in front of us. To say they were shocked to see us seemingly conversing with really tall humans, they were shocked.

"Come on out, Anubis and Godzilla command your presence. It's time to talk." Odin said in a loud but calm voice.