
Mortals Meet Gods, & New Ability

"Come on out, Anubis and Godzilla command your presence. It's time to talk." Odin said in a loud but calm voice.

After some hesitation Serizawa walked out from behind the bend of the cave they were hiding behind "We don't mean to intrude" he said while only his assistant dared to follow him

"I know. You mortals don't know much about these beings, so you follow them to study them? It's more than just curiosity, I'm assuming" Odin responded

"Yes. We know of a dozen creatures like them around the world. We keep track of them to make sure they aren't a threat to mankind" he admitted

"I would advise NOT calling them creatures. They are intelligent beings, that have been around for more than a quarter of a billion years. And they can speak you know" Odin informed them

"A quarter of a billion years?" Serizawa was speechless

"Yes. They were there long before the first of what you call the dinosaurs came to be. They have watched humanity since its conception and have been protecting them ever since" Odin said

"And what about you? We never knew there was a civilization here" Serizawa asked

"I am Odin of Asguard. And our continued existence is only thanks to the great ones here beside me. We have never been found because we have hidden ourselves from our mortal counterparts, you, for mellinia. And we would have kept it that way, was if not for the insistence of Anubis here" Odin said, while indicating in my direction

"You said they are intelligent and can speak?" Serizawa finally registered what Odin had said earlier

"Yes. Their language is far older than the human race. We call it the monster language because we thought they were mere beasts when we first came upon them. But we learned...we did not know the truth of our world at that time. But now we do" Odin said

"You call us mortals, and yourself Odin...and yourselves gods" Serizawa said hesitantly

"Yes, this is a dark mark on our history, but we admit, we were stupid back then" Odin said while a man with a hammer beside him also looked down in shame

"How so?" Serizawa asked

So Idin explained the history of Asguard and Anibis, and by extension Godzilla and the moth twins. Eventually telling the stories of Egypt and their encounter with Anubis

"There used to be a fourth pyramid??" Serizawa was so shocked he unintentionally interrupted Odin

I finally had to respond since this was the story of me right now (Yes, they made a pyramid to use as a weight to hold me underground, not that it helped) I said and then chuckled along with the Asguardians and my fellow Kaiju

"Anubis says that yes, they made the fourth pyramid to use as a weight in the hopes it could help hold him underground, they had found him during one of his naps and, fearing he was the guardian of the underworld, they tried burying him. Unfortunately for them, it was unsuccessful" Odin elaborated with a smirk

Finally getting back to outer histories, Odin continued. After a long couple if hours, the story had concluded

"Since Anubis and Godzilla have deemed the mortals ready for the revelation of my people, I must ask. What do you plan to do?" Odin said with all seriousness

"What do you mean?" Serizawa asked

"Do you plan to go to war with Asguard? Do you plan to tell everyone that we exist and where this entrance is? What do you plan to do?" Odin asked patiently

"Honestly? I do not know. We thought humanity was alone on Earth..."

Battra and Mothra started growling at this

"Ah yes. These 2 are the children of the planet herself. And her name is Terra. She is the only being from this planet that is older than Anubis and Godzilla. So you understand why they would get a little testy when you call their mother by another name" Odin said calmly

"I understand, but I don't have the power to change what all humanity calls her. And besides that, I'm already old, the name I've been calling her all my life can not be changed overnight" Serizawa said apologetically

"They know, it's just been a sore spot for them since they first interacted with humans more than 5 thousand years ago, when humanity started to name the very thing that gave them life" Odin explained

"And what about you? How do you want to proceed with us mortals?" Serizawa asked

"So long as the peace is kept, we don't mind talks. But we have no desire to merge our societies or share our technology" Odin said

"Alright. And what do they want?" Serizawa asked while pointing at both Godzilla and myself

"To have some privacy. Could you imagine having some intelligent beings following you around 24/7? That would have made me destroy your vehicle long ago myself. But, fortunately for you, both Anubis and Godzilla have a lot of patience and are very forgiving" Odin said

"If they have a language, can we learn it? It would be very useful when communicating with other Kaiju" Serizawa asked

"We learned the language by listening to them and learning over a period of hundreds of years. This is not something that can be learned by mortals. You won't live long enough to start to even understand anything but roars and growls" Odin said

At this point I decided to purchase an ability that had been in my Shop for several million years.

'System, purchase my human form' I said internally

'Yes Host' System responded

'Ding, Host has unlocked human form. No cost to use. Major cool down between uses. Host can not use most abilities while in human form, but will be capable of human speech' System said

(I'll just make this easier, I'm going to transform into a human form) I said aloud so nobody thought I was in trouble or an enemy

'Human Form'

First, my size started to shrink. Then, my crystal fur started to recede to only my head. Finally, my tails, while not vanishing, they did become less obvious.

After almost a minute, I stood in front of everyone in a new body which looked remarkable similar to both an Uchiha and a Saiyan.

It was time for me to speak "Hello. You may call me Anubis, my brother Godzilla. And these are our twin sisters Mothra and Battra. And we've been protecting this planet together, since about the time of the Petmian extinction event according to what you humans call it. And before our sister were born, Godzilla and I have worked together for more than 250 million of your human years" I revealed in my deep voice

After a lot of shock that I could tell would need explaining to everyone preset, Serizawa asked "You keep saying you protect Ear...Terra. Protect her from what??"

Deep suspenseful music

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