
Reincarnated as Spider-Man in the MCU

A 28 Year Man, was standing in line at the theatres waiting to see 'Spider-Man Far From Home' which was premiering today when suddenly a gigantic Truck crashed through the premises and squashed the Man to death. Next thing he knows he's in a dark place... *This will be an AU where Peter Parker was born 14 years before the Chitauri Invasion [I do not own any of the characters except some OC I will create. The cover isn't mine either and I will quickly take it down if the original owner asks me to.]

KhadaFourJhin · ภาพยนตร์
10 Chs


Seeing that Connors had already left the area, I decided to not give chase for now.

That is because the shot that hit him would have either caused him to bleed to death or make him out of commission for quite some time. Having half your head being blown out isn't something to scoff at, I'm not really sure how Whitebeard managed to survive that.

Anyways, even with Otto there to give him medical attention, and even with his insane healing capability, it will at least take him a few days to completely heal.

I also need to get back to the others before they start worrying or get suspicious.



Once reaching back into the building while being camouflaged, I went towards the bathroom where I dissolved my suit and went back to my normal clothing.

Walking out of the stall, I looked at the large mirror in front of me. It is almost appalling how much I have grown...

I am currently 5'10" at the age of 11 and a half. Pretty much this means I'm still going to be a behemoth in the future. I'm guessing no matter which world, some things just can't be changed.

Unlike the original Peter Parker, I rarely ever wear baggy clothes that completely overshadow all my muscles. I don't plan to show them off to everybody but I won't purposely hide them... Honestly, I didn't really understand why he did that, Peter is such a weird kid.

Well after finishing my daily monologue, I walked out of the restroom, looking around, noticing that the entire hall was empty. The building must've gotten evacuated sometime during the fight...

Wondering where to go, I decided to just walk down the stairs and see what happens. Once reaching the first floor, I caught sight of the entrance. Standing there was my father and a police officer. With my enhanced sight and hearing, I could clearly see and hear them.


"I'm sorry sir, this entire building is currently under lockdown and inspection. Nobody is allowed to enter unless granted special authorization. We'll try our best to find your son but the chances are slim... I apologize but you must step back and follow procedures."

Seeing my father worry about me so much, truly did put a smile on my face. Although I never really treated them like my actual parents, I still do love and care for them a lot, somewhere in this heart of mine, no matter how much I wish to deny it.

It might become one of my weaknesses someday, but I'll figure something out, I always do.

"Dad, what happened?"

Both the officer and my father turned their heads, staring directly at me before quickly coming in my direction.

"Peter! You're okay... Thank God."

"Sir. What were you doing inside this building and why haven't you evacuated yet?"

The officer asked suspiciously as he was sure that the entire force managed to search every nook and cranny of the building, evacuating people. Right after asking, I responded.

"I was taking a dump officer. 14th-floor bathroom, I'm sure if you searched the footage I'd be there."

"Oh... ugh well we will confirm that, unless told so, do not leave yet."

Once I nodded, the officer hurriedly went to report his situation.

"Peter! Where were you??"

"I was telling the truth, Dad. I ate some chipotle this morning."

After some tiny white lies and convincing, my father finally dropped the questions and the officer confirmed that I had been in the bathroom throughout all this time which led to them getting a good laugh.

He began explaining what had happened and how things escalated from his point of view. Apparently, he was also supposed to be there for the presentation but was kept busy and lost track of time. What he didn't tell me, however, was that he was busy trying to find Dr. Connors as they agreed to show up together.

After saying some exaggerated stuff about the lockdown and stuff, he finally said the part where he was trying to find me during my fight.



The staff and security present had already asked everybody in the building to evacuate once Dr. Otto's experiment went haywire and caused a scene, but when the Goblin and I showed up, it just caused the panicking citizens to become even more disordered with panic. When my dad had evacuated and reached the ground floor, he saw Gwen there standing worriedly.

He went up to ask questions on what had happened.

{30 minutes ago}

"Gwen! Are you okay? What happened?"

"Mr. Parker... Dr. Octavius' experiment had malfunctioned and caused some type of magnetic impulse, and some guy in green started throwing bombs everywhere, causing everybody to flee. I... I tried looking for Peter but he was nowhere to be seen, and when I was about to go look for him. My father had found me and forced me to leave the building while saying that he'll look for him... Mr.Parker, I'm sorry...."

She began tearing up, thinking about the worst possible outcome. If Peter had truly died, she would've believed that it was her fault as she failed to protect him. Even though she was only 2 years older, she was still the more 'mature' and responsible one.

"Gwen... "

Not knowing what to say Richard just stared before speaking up once again.

"It is... not your fault. Has your father brought back any news regarding Peter?"

Her tears then started falling even faster, as she thought of the traumatic scenario of her father being pulled out of the building on a medical bed seriously injured. Although this was only imagination and not even real, the thought of losing both him and Peter had mentally destroyed her, but she still continued talking

"I'm not sure, he just went rushing in and hasn't said anything since. He went in alone since the police hadn't arrived yet. I'm.... scared...."

Richard looked at her with eyes of pity. Currently, He would really like to comfort Gwen and ensure that her worries are for naught but he had something more important to worry about. Opening his classic briefcase, he pulled out his Colt 1911 and stormed into the building, leaving all the authorities just arriving in shock.


We had finished speaking to the cops and went back home to rest. Once reaching the household, my mother, and aunt stormed out of the front door holding back tears. Hugging us with more force than anything I've experienced before, probably stronger than Norman if I were honest.

After about 5 whole minutes they let us go and bombarded us with questions. Luckily Uncle Ben and my dad got them to calm down.

Speaking of them. None of my relatives have died yet, and although I'm not even slightly complaining, this is weird. I keep surveillance of them 24/7 just in case something does happen but there has been nothing. I have been quite paranoid recently and this isn't helping. Is fate fucking with me, random shit keeps occurring...



Sitting down on the couch, with a whole box of pizza next to me, I turned on the TV. It was on the News Channel so I decided to just watch it. All the TV shows in this Universe are pretty bad, they have shittier versions of all the bangers. 'The Awesome City of Candy' 'The irregular series???' 'Relative Girl?!?!?!?!?!?!?'

I gave up on that man.

The news was still talking about the large outbreak of Osborn Industries, it looks like they haven't revealed Norman's wrongdoings nor identity at all so it isn't really that interesting. They then started showing Interviews of the victims, the first one being a little boy.

"Hello there kiddo, can you tell me about what you saw in there?"

"YEAH!! I saw this cool dude in a superhero costume, fighting against some evil scary villain. He was saving all of us while holding a shield like the 'Captain America' guy my grandpa talks about."

"Do you think he's a real superhero? They are people that save other people."

"Hell yeah! I know what a superhero is lady. I'm a superhero too, I saved my grandpa from falling once hehe."

The interviews continued but this was the only one I actually found interesting, I couldn't help but smirk at his description and comparisons. That was it though as the rest were just people complaining or exaggerating everything.

'Well, today was quite hectic.'



{The following week}

On a bright and sunny day. The doorbell of Peter's house was sounded multiple times by a similar, bright and sunny person. After a few minutes of the ringing, the door was opened by a young man looking to be in his late teens. He was wearing only sweatpants and looked quite tired with his dead eyes.

"Good Morning Peter!"

The young girl rushed into the young man's arms, hugging him tightly.

"I'm so glad you're okay... I was so worried about you..."

Fully opening the door, Peter gently pushed the young girl off of him.

"Gwen? I don't know if you notice but ugh I'm half-naked right now... anyways what are you doing here so early..."

"Huh??? Oh.. sorry... but it is already the afternoon Peter! You promised to come and have dinner with my family today. Plus my dad said he wanted to meet you, and you agreed yesterday, remember???."

She began pouting and blushing at the same time. If you looked closely steam was coming off her head.

"Oh looks like I lost track of time, I apologize. Let me get changed first, you want to come in?"

Gwen, still looking embarrassed hurriedly walked in. Peter then pointed at the large messy couch in the middle of the house.

"Alright, you can sit there for a bit. Sorry, I was just sleeping there, oh also snacks are in the fridge if you want"

Peter stated before going upstairs and quickly changing. Leaving Gwen, quietly sitting on the couch while meekly looking at everything in the house, before landing on a T-shirt next to her, that Peter often wore. Hesitating a bit, she picked it up and began sniffing it all around. Showing no shame, she laid down on her stomach and started fluttering her legs.

{1st Person POV}

I had finished dressing in something pretty good and started walking down the stairs, I had heard the couch blankets ruffling so I presumed it was Gwen as everybody was out of the house. When reaching the last few steps of the staircase, the sound completely stopped as a tomato red Gwen gently stood up.

Looking at her, and the shirt she was trying to hide, Peter could already deduce what had happened. He turned a blind eye to her since she has been quite stressed lately but seriously this is worrying.



{An Hour Later, Stacy residence}

Walking in the door was Gwen and Peter dressed in very nice clothing. Greeting them was Gwen's Mother and Father. They had been told by Gwen that her 'friend' was coming but was surprised when they saw such a large person. This of course confused them.

"Gwen, didn't you say your friend was younger than you??"

"Dad! You're embarrassing me, he's Peter. He is only 11 but he had his growth spurt early.."

"Ugh, Hello Mr. and Mrs. Stacy, thank you for inviting me here, and yes I am 11. It seems my height is a little abnormal with today's standards."

Peter spoke while rubbing his head, trying his best to not freak them out too much.

"No, not at all. You're welcome to come at any time."

Gwen's mother said before whispering towards Captain Stacy.

"George! Stop ogling him, it's making him uncomfortable!"



After some awkward tension, it finally settled down. Allowing us to have proper conversations without me getting the Death Stare. Although I'm not even slightly intimidated, Gwen is scared out of her mind that her father might throw me out of the apartment out of impulse.

At one point in the conversation, one of the sons spoke up.

"Hey dad, did you really meet the superhero?"

It looks like word has seriously gotten out about me being a superhero. Funny honestly but I will still be enjoying this.

"He's not a superhero and stop asking me about him. He's merely a random joe trying to do something he's not supposed to do. He isn't even a real hero in the first place, I saw what he did with.... the Green guy. He had completely disabled him."

"But didn't he save everybody?"

"Yes but that's the cops' job, not his. He's only going to make things worst."

I didn't speak up but I was still slightly irritated even knowing he was going to say something like this. I don't do this hero stuff for admiration but a simple thank you would've been appreciated.

Once that short but aggravating topic was finished, everything went quite smoothly. It seem that Gwen's brothers and mother had grown to like me as a person and even inviting me for dinner next week, while Gwen's father is still was wary and suspicious of me. He probably thinks I'm a groomer or something.

Well, it'll eventually get cleared up. Unless I show him hardcore evidence he'll keep doing that. Hopefully, he checks the police records to see that I am indeed 11.

After staying until 11 PM, I said my goodbyes and left the area as it was already late and I needed to take care of some business.

I put on my costume and started swinging around the city in a certain direction. When swinging, I saw a jewelry store being robbed.

Now, I'm not some insensitive person and I do feel bad for whoever owns that store, but I have much more important things to deal with. This I agree should be left to the cops, I don't really want to deal with street-level thugs. Before leaving, something caught my eye.

Watching the random white-haired lady climbing the rooftops with a stash of items on her back, I finally realized who it was. Finding out this information I thought,

'Well well well, with all those shitty surprises I finally found a delightful one...'



{Somewhere in the outskirts of a village.}

Walking into a warehouse was a large figure covered in dark clothing. Following him was a normal-sized figure with four mechanical arms attached to his back. They were of course the evil villain duo, Lizard and Octavius.

When reaching the middle of the warehouse, they heard a subtle sound coming from the sky, so they looked up only to see a bright light coming their way. Lizard, then grabbed Otto and started running but things were too late, something had crashed through the roof.


From solely the impact, The Lizard and Octavius were sent flying around the place, breaking the walls and eating dirt. When they got back up, the dust and smoke had cleared up, leaving a bright white figure standing with a menacing laugh.

"Howdy Motherfuckers"


Not including Author's Note:

2523 Words (Pretty long)

SORRY! Had lots of school work to do and still do. My teachers are cramming me with work for some reason, I don't really understand it. Anyways this chapter took way longer than anticipated. I initially planned to upload this an hour ago but writing this took too long. Editing and fixing the chapter up also took a long amount of time so I am indeed sorry.

This was mostly interactions and wholesomeness so don't get too excited. I wanted to further certain relationships for the future. Gwen is still 14 so sorry if what she does is really cringe. 2/4 love interests have been introduced, vote for them in chapter 1.

Anyways, with this, we have reached 15k Words. Please drop a review, we are 1 away from getting an official score and I'd appreciate it :3

Leave comments with your thought as I read all of them and thanks for reading, have a nice day.