

[A/N: MC's hero voice sounds like Jason Todd from the Arkham night games]




"Jesus Christ. First I had a crazy octopus trying to kill me now I've got Shrek playing with bombs..."


"Cut the evil monologue dude, you're not even scary with your ugly ass Halloween costume!"

Quickly shooting a web grenade towards Otto to prevent him from escaping, Peter then dashed towards The Green Goblin while shooting his repulsor beams.

Feeling the threat of the incoming beams, The Goblin decided to glide away while throwing some Razor Bats to Peter followed by Pumpkin grenades.

Instead of dodging, however, Peter just stood still and took all the hits head-on.


"Oh, will you shut up already!"

Once the smoke cleared, You could see Peter standing there, completely unharmed, not even a speck of dirt. This is obviously due to his suit being more than just durable, it was practically semi-indestructible.



Noticing that his opponent wasn't harmed at all, The villain continuously threw Pumpkin bombs and the other weapons within his arsenal. This, however, just led to the attacks getting more and more off-target. Causing it to go everywhere, injuring some people who have yet to evacuate.

Noticing the damage, Peter decided to stop playing around before any innocent lives are lost. Using his insane speed and flexibility, he swung all across the room saving people. Dodging Pumpkin grenades and protecting the others by creating a human-sized transparent shield.

[A/N: Shield Picture Here]

Once noticing that his opponent was still unharmed, Goblin got extremely furious at the fact that nothing was working. After realized that he should escape in order to not get caught, he then started speeding up his glider.



"Sorry weirdo, I can't let you leave just yet."

Right at that moment, a loud bang was heard. Goblin, feeling a large amount of pain in his left leg, looked down at his leg, only to see a hole blown right through it. He then turned around seeing the same man in a white costume holding a weird-looking gun, aiming at him.

[A/N: Gun Picture Here]

With no options nor weapons left, while also being injured, he got desperate and began looking around to see if anybody could be used as a distraction/decoy. Luckily for him, he saw a naive Harry Osborn still standing around looking stupid.

Knowing this was his last chance, he lost all common sense and sent his glider straight towards Harry before starting to run away as fast as he could. And although he was limping from the injury, he still could've escaped the building.

Peter seeing this, could only sigh at both of the Osborn's stupidity. Before deciding to create another gun on his empty hand. He then aimed the first gun at the glider and the newly made one at the limping Norman.



The shot aimed at the glider caused it to explode while the other shot, aimed at Norman, injured his remaining functional leg.

Before The Goblin could even react to the pain, Peter had already gotten right behind him. Who then proceeded to place both hands on Goblin's helmet, followed by a large spark release of white electricity.

*zZZZZzzzZz* (Shock sound effects)

1st Person:

Norman had passed out after using a 'Venom Blast', an ability derived from Miles. It was only meant for stunning people but when used with a higher amount of power, it can completely knock out opponents. After wrapping up Norman's injuries, so he doesn't bleed to death, in webs while also detaining him, Peter began thinking.

'What should I do with the Villains now...'

Although the easiest option currently is to outright kill them, I'm not really sure if that's the best option. They would label me as a Villain to the public, no matter how many people I saved today, that's just how stupid society has become. It also would be giving the police a reason to try to arrest me, and although I don't really care about their view of me, nor will the police be a threat, it might attract other unwanted guests to become interested in me.



Hmmm, Dr. Otto can be easily fixed since I can just shut down his mechanical arms and regain his sanity.

Norman, however, is mentally unstable, and I also don't think he is sane enough to receive any help from a psychiatrist ... I mean he was literally ready to kill everybody in this building just so he could escape, and more than willing enough to sacrifice his son with zero hesitation.

Meh, I don't really care, I think I'll just kill Norman... Oscorp Industries has already been mine since the beginning so having him is useless. I just left him alive since I can't really kill him with the weird force and he takes care of the annoying business stuff, as long as I just replace him with Harry, it'll be the same thing.

'Yes! That's what I'll do.'

Speaking of Harry, he was still dumbfounded and in shock at the situation. Which changed when he started staring at me before screaming with excitement,


Is this supposed to be some joke? He almost died like twice and one of those attempts was by his own father that went insane. Well, he doesn't know that... yet. Let me be the one to break it to him.

"Oi Kid. Stop being a fanboy and listen up."

While saying those words, Peter grabbed Goblin's helmet and pulled it off his head revealing the face of the famous Norman Osborn. Which led to Harry's face going from an excited expression to a horrified and worried one.

"WHAT?! FATHER?????!!?!"

"Your father's a criminal kid. Sorry to tell you this but I'm gonna need to 'take care' of him."

"YOU...YOU CAN'T DO THAT! He hasn't even done anything wrong!"

"He tried killing me, moron! He's also been throwing grenades inside a building filled with innocent lives, with you being one of them! If I wasn't here to stop him then wouldn't this entire building be wrecked with bodies? If that isn't something wrong then I don't know what is... Stop being a wuss and head back to safety before some other villain shows up."

Standing there, Harry was speechless. It was because he knew that I was in the right and he was in the wrong. He knew that his father has done something unforgivable by putting so many lives in danger, but the feelings he had now were too complicated to be placed in words.

Finishing those words, Peter grabbed Norman and was about to leave the building, when he suddenly heard a gun being armed.


" *Sigh* Even the police won't give me a break... *Turns around* why hello there, Mr. Stacy."

At first, he kept quiet but then out of curiosity, he asked with a serious tone.

"You know me?"

"Of course! You're the most famous cop in this city! *Sigh* I wish for this conversation to happen at some other time and... other means, but this works too. Now how about we put down our weapons and talk this out like civilized people."

With that being said, the weird guns in Peter's hands had completely disappeared into thin air. Before gesturing for Captain Stacy to do the same. After not saying a word for a few moments the officer spoke up once again, this time with an exclamation.

"You have the right to remain silent! We will have this building completely surrounded, so your best option is to leave with us and cooperate with our investigations..."

I sighed once again, this time, really meaning it. I am quite disappointed. I wished to not injure or put Gwen's father in danger solely for the 'care' I have for Gwen, but it seems it is currently impossible.

At this thought, I moved faster than any human eye could see, getting behind Captain Stacy.

"Sorry about this."

I then used another 'Venom Blast', but this time with less power so I don't injure him too much. He was, after all, just doing his job and still a normal human.

Once he was knocked out, I was about to leave again when I heard a gunshot. I lifted my hands, catching the bullet before it even reached me. I was ready to say some witty joke but the person who came shocked me.

"Fa---, What are you doing here Richard Parker."

"I came looking for my son..."

"You sho--"


I could hear loud sirens and doors being jammed open, most likely the police once again. I've already wasted too much time chit-chatting with other people. I crushed the bullet in my hand and left while being camouflaged.

Crawling out the building, I saw my webs ripped and Dr. Otto was nowhere to be seen. This of course couldn't be Dr. Otto himself. Most of his mechanical arms were no longer functional and one isn't enough to break through my webs. Another evidence of there being a third party is the... claw marks.

I changed my mind. Norman, you get to live to see another day. I have another problem to deal with.



'Do these people have a group chat or something?! They all decided to become villains on the same fucking day.'

Looking around the perimeter, trying to see if I could find any clue on which direction they went. I ended up seeing a large figure on a skyscraper.

The figure was of course 'The Lizard. He was still wearing the ripped shreds of a lab coat. He was also larger than the movie version but still looked similar even with the shitty CGI they had. On one of his hands was a duffle bag filled with what I presumed to be the Lizard Serums. On the other, was the one and only Dr. Octavius.


Looks like the Lizard still has the same plan as the movies but this time he has the help of Otto. This means that his chances of succeeding have increased. I finally decided to stop playing around and actually stop him before anything bad happens, and I have to create an anti-serum because this time Gwen doesn't know about my identity nor the Lizards.

Climbing onto the roof, still camouflaged, I lifted my hands. Small particles started forming, more and more formed until they finally connected in the shape of a sniper rifle. I then aimed it towards the Lizard who was still on the skyscraper, without hesitating, I shot.

[A/N: Sniper Picture here]


Unlike the handguns I used before, this one packs a lot more power. The bullet broke the sound barrier while still going in the same direction intended.




With the Lizard, he was currently talking to Otto.

"Octavius~ How much longer do you need to set it up!?"

"STOP HURRYING ME! First of all, your formula isn't even usable, we need to fix it if you want satisfying results. It's a miracle you survived that experiment. Second of all, I have been severely injured, you idiot, I have lost 3 of my arms already, I need to rebuild them... We need at least a few days before trying your stupid plan of turning the entire city into you reptiles..."

When The Lizard was about to respond to Otto's complaints, his instincts began screaming at him to move, so he obviously listened. Sadly, he wasn't fast enough to completely dodge the attack coming towards him as half his face was completely gone.



Back with Peter, he was actually surprised that he could dodge something like that.

'Tch, do you have spider senses or something...'

Getting ready for another shot, he had realized that they already left the area. It looks like I managed to scare them off with only one shot. Looking around once again, I see a giant screen on a building playing the News.

'Tony Stark presumed dead'

Well... it begins.


Not including Author's Note:

2026 Words (Sorry shorter chapter ;3)

Sorry folks. I was at my uncle's birthday party yesterday, and I was too tired to write a chapter last night so I just procrastinated. I started doing this chapter about 3 hours ago so if the quality is pretty shit, then ugh sorry.

I hope you liked the action as this is my first time trying it. As I explained in this chapter, Peter isn't really in any danger, it's just others that he has to protect that give it stakes. A LOT has changed with his existence as you see Richard hasn't left, and 3 villains appeared on the same day, I wonder why...

Anyways thank you very much for reading. Drop a review and comment your thoughts I do read all of them. I still have school so chapters might be cut short these days. Probably only 1 chapter a day, I can't keep up with 2 unless I just don't pay attention to school. Don't worry though I only have about a few weeks left, for some reason classes end until June 14 :(

See you soon!

Gwen Stacy - 13 votes

Mary Jane - still 1 and a half

Felicia Hardy - 36 votes

Natasha Romanoff- 30 votes


Felicia has surpassed Natasha, I am shocked. Well I'm

introducing one of the other girls soon so be ready ;3

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

KhadaFourJhincreators' thoughts
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