

What happens when a normal anime lover gets reincarnated into the one piece world. this is my first time writing a novel. so keep the criticism coming. DISCLAIMER: I do not own any rights to one piece or DBZ. all the rights belong to the original authors.

Kai_sensei · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
66 Chs


"Nami-san! We are approaching a storm," reported Sanji. "Then we are on the right course," said Nami. "YAY!! We are finally going to the Grand Line," said Luffy, started bugging Zoro and Sanji.

After a few minutes, everyone sat around the dining table. "I have already heard the rumors, but I didn't believe in them. But it looks like we have to cross the Red Line to reach the Grand Line," said Nami, showing everyone the map.

"It says that there's a canal that goes up the mountain. That's the route to the Grand Line," said Nami. "Goes up the mountain? How is this possible?" asked Zoro. "She is correct! The current in that place is so strong that it takes ships up the mountain. That's why it's called REVERSE MOUNTAIN," said Gohan.

Everyone looked at him. "How do you know this?" asked Nami. "Didn't I tell you before leaving for sightseeing that I will look for information about the Grand Line? I talked to an old man; he told me so many things about the Grand Line," said Gohan. 'Now I don't have to worry about them getting suspicious. I can give them information about anything I want,' he thought.

"Really!! What did he tell you?" asked Usopp. "NO!!! I don't want to know anything," Luffy got angry. "Don't worry, Captain, he didn't tell me anything that could spoil our adventure," said Gohan. A smile came back to Luffy's face after hearing that.

"I will tell you some key information that we have to know about the Grand Line before going there. First of all, the Grand Line is divided into two parts. The first part is known as PARADISE. This is the part we are going to enter right now. In this part, the enemies we might face can have the strength equal to a vice admiral. And we will not encounter a Marine admiral in this part unless something major happens," said Gohan.

"The second part is known as the NEW WORLD. If One Piece exists, then it should be in this part. But this part is the real graveyard of the pirates because all the powerhouses of this world reside in this part," said Gohan, as Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji looked excited, while Nami and Usopp looked horrified.

"Speaking of the powerhouses, there are seven Warlords and four Emperors. We might encounter Warlords at any part of the Grand Line. As for their names, you already know about Hawk-Eye, and he is also the strongest one. As for the others, I will tell you when we face them," said Gohan with a smile.

"Emperors are the most powerful and influential pirates of this world. There are four of them: Whitebeard, Big Mom, Kaido, and Red Hair Shanks," said Gohan. "Shanks? He is also an Emperor?" asked Luffy. "My father is a part of the Emperor's crew!" said Usopp in a daze. Everyone was shocked by the revelation.

"But those do not require our immediate attention. This information is for you, Nami. We cannot sail in the Grand Line with the help of a normal compass," said Gohan. "What! Why?" asked Nami in confusion. "Because every island in the Grand Line has its own magnetic field. So normal compasses don't work there. What we need is a Log Pose," said Gohan and showed them the Log Pose.

Nami took the Log Pose from him. "There are two types of Log Pose, the normal one that you are holding right now and the eternal Log Pose. When we enter the Grand Line, this Log Pose will start pointing towards an island. When we reach that island, it will take some time for it to reset. Then it will start to point to our next destination," explained Gohan.

"That means we cannot decide our next destination. This thing will decide it for us," said Nami with a shocked look. "Thank you, Gohan! This should be my responsibility as a navigator. I am sorry, everyone, for being incompetent," said Nami as she bowed down towards Luffy and the others.

"What are you saying, Nami?" "You are already amazing, Nami." "Yes! You are great!" Everyone started encouraging her. "No! This mistake might have cost us our lives. But I promise that I will never repeat these kinds of mistakes," said Nami with sincerity.

"Oh, come on, Nami! Even if we didn't have a Log Pose, I would not have let anyone die. If we had gotten in a tricky situation, I would have just flown to the nearest island to get the Log Pose," said Gohan with a smile. But everybody got silent after hearing that.

"YOU CAN FLY!!! Show me, please!" shouted Luffy with stars in his eyes. "Ok," Gohan started levitating while still in a sitting posture. "AWESOME!!!" said Luffy. He grabbed Gohan's shoulders and started swinging. "Hahaha.... this is so much fun." "Really? let me try it too," said Usopp as both him and Luffy started playing around.

"Why didn't you tell us that you can fly? And why even sail with us? If you can fly, you could visit any place in the world you want, and you don't have to face all those difficult situations that we are going to face in the future," said Nami in confusion.

"You are correct; I could go anywhere in this world if I want to. But this world is built for the people to sail. I could explore this world by flying, but I want to be an adventurer, not an explorer. I would prefer to sail with my friends over flying alone," said Gohan with a genuine smile.

"Yes! He is our friend and our crewmate. I will not allow him to leave, even if he wants to," said Luffy while he and Usopp kept swinging.

Luffy let go of Gohan's shoulders. "Gohan! Please teach me how to fly," said Luffy with a wide smile. "You guys won't be able to fly, even if I teach you," said Gohan. "What! Why?" said Luffy in shock.

"That's because the ki inside your body is tainted by Haki, so it will be impossible for you guys to have the kind of control required for one to fly. Even the ki blast Usopp is practicing right now will not be powerful compared to the standards of my world," said Gohan.

Everyone looked deflated. "What's Haki?" asked Zoro. "Oh yes! The energy in your body is called Haki. There are three types: Observation, Armament, and Conqueror. Because of my ki, you guys have unlocked your Haki. And your Haki has also evolved because of the ki," said Gohan.

Suddenly everyone felt a jolt. "It looks like we have already entered the current. We will talk about everything else later. But first, let's get to the Grand Line," said Gohan. Hearing that, Nami got into action. "Sanji and Usopp, hold the r

udder; Luffy, to the sails; and Zoro, help Luffy. As for Gohan..."

"I will protect Marry by covering her with my ki. You guys take care of everything else. Nami, just sail without worrying about Marry getting wrecked. Because I will not allow Marry to have a single scratch," said Gohan as he walked towards the deck.

"You heard him, everyone! Don't worry about Marry and follow my orders," Nami said with a smile. "Ok, everyone, let's cross this mountain and go to the Grand Line," said Luffy. "Yes!" replied everyone. Gohan stood at the upper deck. 'This should be a good place to stand. I will not get in their way from standing here. This is going to be a bumpy ride, Marry. Let's cover you up.'

Everyone felt Marry getting covered up in the ki. They started doing their work. "Guys, I can see the Red Line," said Gohan. After a few minutes, Sanji said, "This is going above the clouds." Nami added, "Zoro, look with the binocular; I can see the crack, that should be the canal."

Nami looked at the mountain, "The current! It's really flowing upward. Sanji! Usopp! Hold the rudder; let's sail straight ahead," said Nami. This time the rudder didn't break because it was also covered in the ki. So they were able to enter the canal safely. "Yahoo!!!" shouted Luffy. "Wow! It's like a reverse water slide," said Gohan.

"What's a water slide?" asked Sanji. "It's just a slide with water flowing on it," said Gohan. Sanji nodded. When they reached the summit, Zoro said, "You guys better hold onto something," said Gohan with a smile. The ship got thrown into the air because of the current and landed after a few seconds.

"That was awesome," said Luffy. "'NO!! IT WAS NOT!!!'" everyone except Gohan shouted back. "Beautiful.." muttered Gohan while looking ahead. Everyone else also looked ahead. "Grand Line," said Luffy. 'This is it! One Piece is out there somewhere,' he thought. 'All Blue is somewhere in that ocean,' thought Sanji. 'Hawk-Eye...' thought Zoro. 'I will navigate through this ocean,' thought Nami. 'I will definitely become a brave warrior,' thought Usopp.

Gohan started grinning. 'A place full of chaos, dangers, and adventure. Also death.' Everyone else felt a shiver down the spine. 'That bastard is definitely thinking about something evil,' they thought. "Hm? Why are you guys looking at me like that?" asked Gohan with a smile.

"No! we were just looking back at the summit." "Yes." "It looks beautiful." They started making excuses. "Hey! there's something ahead," said Gohan. "What! A mountain?" said Sanji. "But there shouldn't be one. There's nothing on the map in that position," said Nami in panic.

"That's not a mountain. Whatever it is, it's alive," said Gohan. "What? That thing is alive!" said Usopp as he started shaking. Suddenly, they heard a loud noise. "That sounded like a whale," said Gohan. "But how can a whale be so big?" asked Nami.

"Well, that's the Grand Line for you. There are some creatures who are bigger than an island. And we will be seeing many of them," said Gohan. "We have to do something, or we will collide with that whale," said Nami. "I see a path on the left side of that whale. We can go around it and hope that it will not notice us," said Zoro while looking with the binocular.

"Luffy, Sanji, and Zoro will move the rudder. Gohan will keep the ship protected, and Usopp, keep an eye on that whale," ordered Nami. Gohan looked at Laboon. 'That's some nasty wounds. I wonder how big Zunesha is?' They started sailing around Laboon. But when they got near the whale, it made a loud noise. Everyone covered their ears, and the whole ship was shaking because of it.

Suddenly, they heard Luffy's voice. "SHUT UP!!!!" Luffy hit Laboon in the eye. Since Luffy was stronger this time, Laboon felt pain from his punch and got angry. Before they could reprimand Luffy, it swallowed them. Inside the whale's mouth. "GOHAN!! DO SOMETHING OR WE WILL DIE," cried Usopp. Everyone else was also looking at him with hopeful eyes.

Gohan stopped Luffy from punching the whale from inside. "Don't worry! I can sense some people in this whale, that means there might be people living inside this whale. So we will not die," said Gohan and continued, "Also don't you guys want to see what a whale looks like from inside?". "No!!!" they shouted.

But Gohan kept smiling at them. "You are crazier than that rubbery idiot."