
Reds Reset

The line between life and death is thin. With the numerous religions giving some glimmer of hope, people started hanging onto their thin rope. In an attempt to ease their minds about the unknown. But what if death is not the end? What if Death is only the beginning? Red lives in a vulnerable world, one where Windows to other planes of existence open often. Monsters and dangerous creatures reside in each, and the awakened are humanities only hope. Our story starts with Death and ends with Glory. Follow Red as he breaks through Worlds, practicing and growing stronger with each experience. The chosen Champion of the mysterious God.

Fairn · แฟนตาซี
197 Chs

The Test (2)

Link headed to the Library as usual. He used to go after his Missions to study, And now he had an even more reason to.

He needed to learn as much as he could about the plants and wildlife. What is valuable and what isn't. If he takes it easy he might not be able to earn the money required of him that easily.

Link, Fei, Tom and Samuel entered the Library, greeting the old man at the desk and walking in. Each one got his own table and started to study by themselves. This was something they had to do alone.

"Hey Link" A voice came from behind Link. He looked behind him and saw someone he recognized.

"Hey Chloe. What're you doing here?" Link asked.

Chloe looked at the books in Link's hands and smiled "The same as you i guess"

Link got a few book suggestions from her, after their small talk they each went to do their thing.

Link sat down and started to read when he heard something.

<Skill Recommendation: Scholar>

"What? Was that you Zero?" Link asked, frowning.

<No. But this is interesting. That was 'Instinct'. This Skill is extremely odd>

"First it warns me about Lyrius's attack and now this? What is this Skill exactly. Even the System isn't giving me a proper description" Said Link.

<Well, we'll learn more about it as we go. Let's search this Scholar Skill>

The Shop Window opened, showing a single Skill.

<Scholar: Allows the User to Record books and save them inside the Scholar's Library. Will show an Items Description if recorded>

"This feels like Appraisal, but i have to work on the Database Myself" Link said "No wonder i couldn't find Appraisal in the Shop. It's because it is not there"

<Because Appraisal is a Skill that does not exist in this world. When you return home, the System will update and you'll find it>

"What? So I'll have to start over when I go home? I swear if that happens you're catching these hands Zero" Link joked.

<No, it happened last time due to certain circumstances. Do not worry, as I've said at the time. That will never happen again. Just don't die>

"Ok ok. Let's see how we can afford this Scholar Skill without selling any of our Skills" Link said, looking at the price.

<Scholar> <5 Skill Points>

Link left the Library, heading towards the Mission Hall. He had been saving up on Points for a while now, and he decided to gamble with some Cores.

Since his constant Mission completions, he started getting harder and more rewarding Missions. Earning him a good amount of Points.

"I can get around three Level 3 Cores and one Level 2. Let's hope for the best" Link muttered to himself. He bought the Cores and went back to his room.

"Ok Zero, let's do this"

<New Permanent Mana Points: +100>

<New Permanent Mana Points: +100>

<New Permanent Mana Points: +100>

<New Permanent Mana Points: +65>

<New Active Skill: Superior Harden>

<New Active Skill: High Jump>

<New Active Skill: Float>

Link was shocked after reading the new Skills Descriptions. He couldn't believe how useful these Skills would be.

"For fuck sake. I needed trashy Skills to sell, not these" Link sighed. He found each one extremely useful.

The 'Superior Harden' Would allow him to become as hard as iron. Average Weapons would not be able to leave even a scratch on him.

The 'High Jump' Skill would turn his feet into cannons. Sending him 50 feet up into the air.

Then last but not least, the 'Float' Skill. As the name suggests it allows for a temporary hover in the air, or a slow descent after falling from high up.

Link found each one good. And wanted to sell none of them.

"What should i do?" Link muttered to himself.

<Sell 'Counter Instinct', 'Consume' and 'Wind Blade'>

"What? Why would I sell those they're good ones as well" Link said.

<You haven't used 'Counter Instinct' for a long time now due to your powerful physique. Your reflexes are already so good that you can perform that Skill perfectly yourself.

For 'Consume' I don't believe you need a Skill to fasten your digestion.

Then Wind Blade is a Basic Level 2 Skill. Even if you spend Skill Points to upgrade it, it won't be that powerful. I suggest you purchase a new attack skill, you need one>

Link listened and agreed. The skills she spoke of were good for the old him, but now he has to move on to something stronger.

As he checked the total price, Link had enough to buy the Scholar Skill and another offensive type one

"What Skill should i get?" Link asked.

<Mana print>

"What is that?" Link asked, looking it up in the Shop "This doesn't even have a Level"

<You can circulate Mana into your weapons and body easily, can you not?>

"Yes, i can"

<What happens when you let that Weapon go after circulating Mana into it?>

"It disperses since there is no source or control anymore"

<Exactly. What do you think about using a Bow again? Or Throwing Weapons? This Skill Imprints Mana into an object that you can release. It's temporary but a wooden arrow will easily break and penetrate a tree if it was imbued with Mana. How about using Hidden Weapons and things like that?>

"Hold on, you're onto something" Link said, getting interested.

He had just enough to buy it.

<New Active Skill: Mana Print>

Link went into the Forest, using the Skill to add Mana into his Dagger and throwing it.


The Dagger went through a tree, breaking it into pieces. It continued and stabbed into another tree in the back.

"This is good" Link said "I can use this as a surprise attack. Nice" The trees inside the Forest are as strong as stone, and destroying a tree with a width just like that was surprising.

With the few Points Link had left, he purchased an average Bow with 5 Arrows and Throwing Knives. The System allowed him to hide the Knives in his Inventory, in which he can easily call upon when he needs them, saving him time.

"We're making progress" Link muttered to himself.

The bow was cheap since it was an average one made of wood, Link couldn't afford anything more since he had only a few Points at the time. The Throwing Knives were average in quality as well, buying 3 of them did not cost much.

Link headed back to the Library, grabbing all the Books he had before and sat down.

"Scholar" Link muttered. A Window appeared suddenly in front of him.

<Save 'Basic Plants and Herbs' In The Library?> <Yes / No>

Link pressed yes and the familiar 'Recording' Message appeared. He repeated this process with all the books he could, until night time.

Link looked around, finding the place empty, only the librarian and himself were left.

"Sorry for keeping you here, sir" Link apologized. The library would stay open until all Students left. So Link felt a little guilty.

"No worries young man, you seemed to be doing something so i did not want to bother you" The old man spoke, a gentle smile on his face.

"I'll be taking my leave now." Link bowed politely and started to leave.

"Wait" The old man called "You're a first year, correct?" he asked.

"Yes I am" Said Link.

"Then you'll be having your test tomorrow?" The old man scratched his beard "You seem like a polite fellow. Unlike those snot nosed brats. Here, this should come in handy" The old man handed Link a book with the title 'Sky Tips'

It was an odd looking book and Link found it strange, but he accepted it with a bow and left. He did not want to seem rude by declining.

When he got home, Link opened the book out of curiosity. As he read through it a smirk appeared on his face.

"Thank you old man" He muttered.


Thank you for the votes and comments, please keep it up <3




Currently :


-- Beast Souls :

<Wind Wolf's Beast Soul> <Dagger> <Intermediate Level 1>

<Sky Turtle's Beast Soul> <Armor> <Basic Level 3>

<Ruby Python's Beast Soul> <Glove> <Basic Level 2>

<Water Fox's Beast Soul> <Halo> <Intermediate Level 1>

<Dire Wolf's Beast Soul> <Pet> <Basic Level 2> <40 / 1 000>


-- Status :

<User: Link>

<Race: Divinity>

<Level 2> <2nd Tier>

<2 500 / 30 000 Exp>

<HP: 60 / 60>

<MP: 3 090 / 3 090>

<Strength: 13>

<Agility: 15>

<Stamina: 11>


-- Skills :

<Shadow Walk> <Active Skill>

<Blink> <Active Skill> <2>

<Instinct> <Passive Skill>

<Heal> <Active Skill>

<Air Boost> <Active Skill>

<Ambush> <Active Skill> <2> (10 Minutes)

<Heat Vision> <Active Skill> (1 Minute)

<Soul Possession> <Active Skill>

<Shadow Clone> <Active Skill>

<Dungeon Search> <Active Skill>

<Alertness> <Passive Skill>

<Scholar> <Passive Skill>

<Mana Print> <Active Skill>

<Superior Harden> <Active Skill>

<High Jump> <Active Skill>

<Float> <Active Skill>


-- Martial Arts :

<Viper Sutra> <0 / 200> <2>

<The Story of Genes> <0 / 2 000> <3> <Apex Predator>


-- Quests :

<Main Quests :>

<Reach Level 10> <Second Tier>


New Quests people, let's do this <3


200+ Stones/Votes = 1 extra Chapter.

250+ Stones/Votes = 3 extra Chapters.

300+ Stones/Votes = 4 extra Chapters.

400+ Stones/Votes = 5 extra Chapter.


Fairncreators' thoughts