
Reborn in Game of thrones with LOHP as Arya Stark (DROPPED)

This is my Third life but it is the first time being a girl. I woke up in this cold place surrounded by loving parents and kind people but i know the future of this family and it is a TRAGEDY. My name is Arya Stark

Schooldean · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
14 Chs

Chapter 8

3rd person POV

It has been a few days since the arrival of the royals in Winterfell, Sansa has been very wary of the prince which didn't go unnoticed by the queen who thought she thinks herself superior to her beloved Jeffrey somehow. As the results she went after Sansa making her feel uncomfortable with snide comments but Sansa did not get flustered because Arya had been unknowingly training her tolerance over the years now she can withstand almost any comment with a stoic expression frustrating the queen to no end.

The king has been interrogating Ned about his bountiful wealth which Ned produced all the books recorded showing how much he made and how much he couldn't send to the South because of the storm but had kept safe to be shipped South at any moment. The king is surprised to to find that almost all their wealth has gone to buildings or food, the north almost has no access coins as they have all been spent to feed and clothe the people.

Shamed by the comparison between himself and the friend the kind looses interest in continuing with inspection and insist on calling the one person Ned kept bringing up on their conversations. Ofcourse the king didn't believe that a child would be capable of such a feat but then again he admits he doesn't think anyone is capable of such thing either.

The child comes in to the offices with a straight back long dress that looks warm on the inside but has flowers embroided on the outside long lace that reaches the floor. Making her look like a maiden in a sea of flowers as she approaches the King who sits next to her father and the queen sitting on the side with a permanent sneer as she looks at the girl said to have been the back bone of all the changes in the north.

She curtsey to all of them and then stands still waiting for whomever called her to commence with the interrogation instead of starring at her she however stands firm looking back at them without showing the slightest sign of discomfort impressing the king. He stands up walking towards her he stand imposing infront of her, his large figure enveloping hers entirely. He notices that she barely flinches at his intimidating behavior and keeps the same expression on her face. He addresses her as lady Arya she looks at him as he continues speaking.

"Your father tells me you disappeared and then came back having built the wall and everything inside it

. Is this true?" Robert looks at Arya in the eyes trying to find any sign of deceit.

"My love, you can't possibly believe what he said it is obvious he is pushing the blame for his crimes of lying to the crown to his unsuspecting youngest daughter. Did she build it by her hands then?" Cercie says as she is aslo in the room along with her brother and Robert, and the spider.

"My father tells the truth."Arya answers simply ignoring the queen's screeches.

"You are saying you are responsible for the high quality wall and the three cities built inside the wall including the improved roads and the soil level of quality that has suddenly risen? I need you to explain yourself and try not to leave any details out."

"I was coming from the wall when a group of travelers found me and we had a trade agreement. They are a great family with a secret to building structures of great quality."

"So you admit that is was your doing? Answer the question."

"Yes. It was my doing, all of it." She says without fear.


"They had a team who uses machines to turn the mud a chemical solution when put into mud it will harden, they use it to build sturdy structures in a short period of time." No one spoke because this sounds more plausible than a child single handedly build the entire thing on her own during a ranging storm.

"Why would they do this for you?"

"Because they wanted me to give them one of my own solutions good for sturdiness in a structure." She answered without missing a bit.

"What is it?" She looks at him and smiles for the first time.

"No." Robert frowns, now he understands why Ned had told him to be patient.

"I just want proof of what you say."

"Fine, I can make glass as hard as iron." Everyone sucked in cold air. Robert narrows his eyes at her but she doesn't flinch and just points to her father's balcony glasses.

"Every glass attached to all of the structures built that time is indescribable to men, or woman." She looks at Cercie who immediately jumps up as if someone stepped on her tail.

"What are you looking at me with that expression I'll have them remove your eyes." But the girl smiles at her.

"You tried to distroy one of my windows in an inn didn't you? and it bounced back and hit you in the face."

"You are lying."

"We'll all know if I'm lying or not. You have a body wriggled with internal organ failure but you are a very strong man. In this room only you can test my windows." Robert frowns worried if the girl is lying it will be very bad for his friend.

He still goes to test it out but Cercie stops him and wait for a servant to bring his hammer which seems ridiculous. When the hammer came back Arya spoke. "Please test ones away from us, we wouldn't want a repeat of a bashed face." She says smiling at Robert who realizes this girl is a handful.

He goes out to the balcony and lightly taps the window with the hammer handle but nothing happens so he increase his strength but still then he hit it with half his strength still nothing happens. All the people are watching on their feet now Robert got confidence and raised his hammer but there was finally a reaction the hammer was repelled back taking him with it.

He uses his all his might to bring it under control. Everyone is looking at Arya with respect and awe at what she has managed to accomplish. "Are we done with the 20 questions now can I go?" She looks back at her father who points at the king. She turns to look at him.

"Why haven't we heard anything about such glass?" Robert looks at the Spider.

"I had no idea of Lady Arya's accomplishment your grace I just found out all my Northen birds were confiscated." The spider says with a polite pleasant voice.

"Where are your friends now? The ones who built the structures?"

"They left as soon as the last structure was finished, they are on the run from being hunted for their formula so they are always looking for more formulas but don't stay in the same play twice. No, I don't have a way to contact them. I also signed a contract with them I'll not sell or give my formula to anyone else. That was the was requirement for building Winterfell, Your grace." She says as if anticipating his next question.

"To tell the truth, I don't even remember much of the steps in making the solution for the glass." She continues as if un aware nobody believes her.

"If you try to remember it I'll betrothed you to the next king. What do you say about your memory now?" Robert ask with confidence.

"I would rather not your grace. Prince Jeffrey reminds me of all the stories I heard about the last Targaryen king. If your memory is failing you, Mr Spider over here will remind you what that king used to do to his wife every night. Your grace." Robert got angry now.

"You will do well to remember your place." He says raising his hammer she goes to meet him mid way with blinding speed, her small hands both reach for the hammer and before Robert could withdraw it she yanks it out of his hand. She plays with it spinning it and then tossing it back to the king as he struggled with getting it under control but won but then Arya sends a spiritual force to make it heavier and then grasped it with her small white hands that seem delicate she then proceeded to rest it under his chin then uses it to put the pointy front to his neck.

"No, dear king YOU will remember where YOU are, dare to draw your weapon inside a pack territory. And this black wolf is feeling famished." The office feels cold as those present shiver from the sudden chill.

"Hahahah. Ned your daughter is a warrior, a true Northerner indeed." He lifts his hands with a loud laughter and makes mock surrender.

"Now I realy want you for my son." He smiles a genuine smile confusing Arya.

"My king please forgive my daughter she is impulsive. Arya apologizes." Arya just lets go of the hammer having it dropped suddenly made Robert's eyes widen as he hurriedly takes it. before it touches the ground.

She turns and leaves them there stupefied at her. "You were right Ned, This young lady is really a handful. You are lucky old friend, I wish any of my children could be warriors." Robert says going for the alcohol cabinets pulling out bottle and sniffing before he takes another one."

"You would let her threaten to eat you without consequences?" The queen finaly found her voice.

"Yes. She earned my respect because I had lost my barrings there for a second at the mention of those white haired fuckers. I was in the wrong, king or not I drew my weapon on her inside her ancestors home. Any true warrior wouldn't stand for that."

"What of her formula then? Are you going to ask for it?"

"Why should I? Do you realy want a window that won't break, what if there's a fire? She probably did it because of the snow in the North but in the South?" Robert finally finds a bottle with something he likes he takes a sip and then his whole body tenses then he shakes as if to shake off something. "Great staff Ned, Where did you buy it?"

"Not bought your grace, made here. Sometimes her experiments come up with something delicious, sometimes not so much but if she made them in bulk to sell, she'll be rich."

"Why doesn't she then?"

"She gives those she deems worthy of some effort to me so I can have them made in bulks and sell them. She only does so when she runs out of funds for her experiments."

Ned goes to open a cupboard full of bottles. "This one is brandy. Very strong stuff, you all know it." They all nod.

"She gave me the recipe but she told me not to make too much just enough that we have some coins we don't need much because that way we will have to send the money to Kingslanding." Robert spits out a mouthful coughing non stop.

"I knew it. The North does want to pay taxes."Cersei finaly having an argument to grant she held on to it.

"Yes, but what can you do? We are not making money? What money are we going to send if we are not making it in the first place." Ned s ays enjoying the stunned look on her face.

"Does she have anything against the crown?" Jaime finally speaks.

"I don't think so, I have seen how she treats people she doesn't like. The way she treats your group is more like how she treats people she doesn't trust." Jamie nods in understanding.

"I don't blame the girl, Southerners have a bad reputation in the north as schemers and criminals with smiles." Spider adds.

"No, it's more than that she is too smart to believe in rumours." Cersei says

"I think she just doesn't like those belonging to the kingdoms. She didn't have a problem with me yesterday though." Robert says but finishes with confusion on his slightly drunk face.

"Yesterday you were a funny uncle calling her father fat, today you were prying into her business. Your grace." Ned says.

"Her business? He is king and this is one of the seven kingdoms." Cersei shouts.

"Shut up woman or I'll start using your face to test the sturdiness of that window." Cersei shuts up.

"The queen has a point she needs to understand what a king of seven kingdoms mean. And what was that business about my son?" Now Robert is drunk.

"Ned you need to seek more of this stuff don't worry about taxes, just help spread the happiness in my kingdoms." Robert slumps on the bigger couches and starts singing something inedible.

"Her making that kind of glass will make her a target, is she not worried at all? What if her family gets targeted instead?" Jaime asks

"When the glass masters across the seas found out about our glass making, They sent the faceless men to kill her. She never did anything but dealt with them silently. However, when they were sent to me she stoped her research and nothing happened after that."

"You don't know what she did?" Spider asks.

"I'm afraid to know."

"Coward." Cersei spit out but got ignored.

"I can shed some light on what has happened to those masters, she didn't commit massacres if that's what you are worried about, she just broke into their secure facilities and made copies all their secret recipe to making glass and spread it to all their competitors and enemies. I heard the one who did it put a recipe on a desk and disappeared without being seen."

"Your daughter is formidable." Jaime speaks

Ned rubs his eyebrows I exhaustion. The meeting is over the knights and soldiers have gone to visit the famous fairies club. The imp disappeared as soon as the party made it out of the Moatt.

The girls here are so lovely and have tight cunts he went ahead and spent all the gold coins he has on him now he was trying to hustle a free quickie but was thrown out gently by the security guards who looked at him with sympathy of having been through the same thing.

"There you are, our sister has been asking for you? I heard a word. Does fairies mean anything to you?" Jaime taunts his younger brother.

"Don't laugh that place really is magical. Very expensive, here they have never heard of 'a Lannister always pays his debts' they thought I have started to hallucinate. They took my armor and sword brother please give me some money."

A lady like snort came from behind them. "There you are, I have been looking everywhere for you." Arya says with a smile looking at Tyrion who stands stunned at the beautiful girl infront.

"My good lord, I'm a child." She says and Tyrion coughs to hide his embarrassment.

"And how old is this child?" He asks forgetting his brother who is watching on the side. He sees a new side to Arya Stark this very moment. She is a girl looking at his brother without any of the usual unpleasant expressions he usually sees whenever people look at his brother.

This makes him appreciate her, even if she doesn't fear a king and is apparently stronger that a bull, she is a decent person. "I'll have you know I am 17, My lord." She curtsey and Tyrion bows his head in response.

"You are no child, infact you can bear a child at that age." she gasps holding her slightly generous bosom.

"Mother will have you flogged my dear sir, best not to say such things in the future to keep ones head...relies on the mastery of one's tongue."

"Relies on the mastery of one's tongue."

They both say at the same time making Jaime dazed As they laugh and continue to chat like old friends. After a while he is remembered by the girl as she gives him a card. The likes of which he has never seen if he lifts it up to the light is shows flying small fairies with small little wands. It's a wonderful drawing but no matter how he looks at it he can not see how it can be made.

"Be a good brother and take this to fairies club 3 Borrow city and retrieve your brother's belongings. You can have whatever you want there with that card, the girls will take good care of you." She says pulling Tyrion towards her tower. He knows it's her tower because he asked from a maid so he can do what his sister wants and perform his duties.

This little girl is interesting, either she is very powerful or she is stupid enough to not be afraid of royalty or his sister. But for now he's going to go look around in her establishment, "I can't believe Ned Stark let his youngest daughter own a key to a brothel." Jaime says to himself as he moves on to the large gates where two people side by side can walk.

He walks out and reaches Borrow town, along the way he saw peasants walking and talking. It is easy to see they live well, their clothing designs are weird but looks beautiful and comfortable to wear. Their faces are flushed from the cold but they don't look miserable at all, he soon realized there are no small villages all the way to Borrow city. He asks the guards on the city gates.

"The lord of Winterfell building housing district all around the three cities he then made it illegal to live in a village, called it an informal settlement or something." The guard talks because he had given him coin.

"Illegal? that's abit much don't you think? wants to control where everyone lives?"

"Otherwise? How safe is it to live in a village with no walls or guards protecting your wife when you go out hunting?" The guards both turn to look at him with incredulous.

"But to go so far as to forbid it."

"It will help the lord to know when people need help if they are put together in a safe place. Plus there is a place for the kids to go out and play without being killed by the wild animals."

Jaime nods and walks in, the city is buzzing with activity and the streets are clean there is no beggar anywhere the people all look healthy and most importantly clothes on their backs are clean and of good quality. The North seems prosperous from where he is standing.

The buildings are made of smooth stone that shines in the light there is a clear cut road between the buildings making the overall place a pleasant sight. A child did this, Kingslanding could use some pointers from her. Jaime thought to himself as he goes to the entertainment center. The brothels are on the high floors, the theaters are in the middle and the bars on the lower floors. Six floors for each.

It is easier to see from outing all the balconies which he now knows are indestructible. He got there and a security guard who looks to have normal body build but he gives a dangerous aura making Jaime apprehensive about lady Arya.

He got in easy using the key, stunned again after getting inside because the tacky taste of little finger's brothels is no where in here. This place is better decorated than a royal chamber. Its comfortable inside making people want to stay here.

There are chairs and round tables with a few guests watching a beautiful woman wearing classy but revealing clothes. Not too distasteful she has just clothing to enhance the seduction making his throat parched. He takes a seat and watches. By the time she finishes her dance he is hard and is not thinking straight, the women here are realy beautiful and clean they have enhanced features without relying on makeup.

He had a woman chatting him up as soon as she saw the key in his hand. Not that it took too much effort but he was taking a sponge bath with three top beauties taking turns to bath, massage and when he gets hard enough they would take turns sucking him off.

What he did not know is that Arya had showed his face to all the women and offered great prices if they can seduce him and then allow the psychics to get into his mind. She wants to get Jaime to be repulsed with his sister and their relationship. The queen of the seven kingdoms is just a figure head without any real power because of her brute husband and her overbearing father who never believed in securing her position some other way.

The most important allie she has is her brother who also happens to be the apparent heir to the Western lands giving her influence over him a boost in her power. If she were to mo longer have such an alie it would be another story. Arya wants to see whatbecomes of her then.

The girls took him out of the water laid him in a soft white leather thing where he lays on his stomach and they use their little hands massaging him, while subtly influencing his thoughts. When he woke up it was the next day an aroma waking his appetite. He realizes he didn't come to bed on his own but he was probably curried to the bed.

A slight embarrassment at that and then he went to brush his teeth at the recommendation of the young lady who brought in his food. They had brought him his brother's armor and sword yesterday. He eats and by the gods this food is even better than the food in Winterfell and he had thought it was the best.

With reluctance he decided to leave. However on his way he sees a performance of one of the ladies who tended to him yesterday. She is doing very good, Where did they learn such erotic movements. A suspicious tent grew on his crotch. He sighs in defeat and just picked a girl. Just this one time he thought, It not like Cersei doesn't have to sleep with Robert.

He doesn't realize that it was easy for him to make this decision. This is because he had wanted her sister to have a lover who only belongs to her because her husband is a whore who sleeps with m2

He doesn't pick the highest on demand he chooses a normal beauty and goes back to wait for her. She doesn't take long to show up in those seductive dresses others were wearing but she is in green color which brings out her eyes. She almost look like Cersei now he realizes why he chose her.

She helps him into the bath and then takes him into the bed. She expertly handles his every need. The moment he got inside her fireworks exploded in his head and he came. She didn't dislike him but had him in her little mouth with vigor and passion making him hard again and then she let him fuck her as much as he wants.

She did not just sucked and licked his cock she was committed and sucked his balls and licked his ass and in between them making the knight pant hard sooner than expected. She then ride him while he lays down she used his hard cock to bring them both to a climax higher than before. He enjoys it the way she asks him where he wants her and let him do as he please to assert his dominance.

She let him rest when he got tired and massaged him making him fall asleep again. When he wakes up she is sucking him off again. He loves this place. All day long he spent with this woman whose name is laria. The whole day went by and he put stars under her name in the board and left at night.

He was very relaxed when he got out and he realized that before he was inadequate in bed since he had only been with one person but after today sex has become a house with many doors. He smiles as he walks back to Winterfell.

He heard his screeching sister as he got into their floors. He sighs and gets inside just in time to catch a cup going straight towards a maids face. "This is why they quit every month. Your anger is always let out on the innocent." Jaime says and shows the maid the door. As if granted amnesty she bolted for the door with great speed.

"Do you ever get tired? You are always so full of energy dear sister." Jaime says with a smile.

"Joke, that slut is holding medicine hostage, medicine that could have cured my face a long time ago. Varys told me she grew back the tongues of his little birds." Cersei says

"Medicine that can grow body parts, he's using you to test is she will give him his cock back. Don't be so easily used dear sister."

"Your face will heal in time but his cock needs that medicine. Watch and see how he will craw it out of her grumpy hands." Cersei realizes that Varys is really using the fact she will start scheming for the medicine to get it for himself. "What a conniving fat sack of shit." She narrows her eyes at him.

"Since when are you so smart?"

"I just took a break and relaxed all day long far away from everything."

"Far away from me you mean? where were you?"

"No, I'm not your child nor am I your husband. I am your guard and I was off duty. If you'd excuse me I have a brother to find." Cersei snorts at that.

"He's attached to that slut at the hip as if best buddies."

"Maybe you should have him seduce her instead of me. To tell you the truth she is surrounded by handsome men if you think she will be tempted by my face you'd be disappointed." Jaime remarks.

"That dwarf is not heir to Castleyerock you are."

"You think she will be tempted by our superior collection of stones? or is it the gold? are you forgetting she has means to make money but she doesn't because she doesn't want to send taxes to you and your husband." Jaime remarks lightly.

"She will be the lady of Westhern lands it should suffice."

"She rebuilt the entire Moatt towers on a whim, she had magical medicine she doesn't want to be queen. Why would she fall for me? I'm old enough to be her father?"

"She is smart, all that brain coming up with all sort of new things she doesn't see herself as a child." Jaime laughs at her.

"She just said she is still a child to Tyrion when he was batting his eyes at her."

Jaime leaves to find his brother while his sister shouts bloody marry.

Jaime finds the two new close friends arguing. "I still don't understand why not just kill them? I mean if they are around, another Targaryen will find it and send it to burn your home." Tyrion's voice sounds.

"That's because my buildings absorbs heat. The more years go by the more they can take. I will not kill beautiful beasts just because they are controlled by mad man. I say kill the man." This little girl is talking about killing as if it's an easy thing for her. But she has survived the faceless men. It takes a certain mind.

"But that is a waste because another one will find it and they will want to be Aegon the concour." Tyrion argues.

"They can come. It will surely be more exciting than your sister's screeching voice and that hateful glare." She says smiling making Tyrion wince.

"You should be afraid of her though, even if you are strong you have a family."

"Don't worry about me worry about yourself. She hates your guts. Which proves she is not learnt because your mother was poisoned. Slowly over the course of months before she gave birth to you. Your family shout be finding this culprit."

Tyrion and Jaime are both surprised.

"Do you speak the truth? Tell me please." Tyrion asks with a choking voice. "Come out Ser Jaime sneaking around is unbecoming of a knight."

She says looking at the place behind the tree and Jaime comes out taking a seat next to his brother. "Please continue."

"A fetus is formed using both parents genetic makeup. It's like the fact that a parent with green eyes and black eyes will never get a child with brown eyes."

"Sometimes scholars who's study medicine will find a way to change this genetic makeup but it's never done in an instant atleast with the current medicine."

"A woman who has given birth to perfectly healthy couple of twins suddenly runs out of healthy Gene's in her body to give to her child? Highly unlikely. Someone messed with her ability to pass her features to her child, and her ability to provide the fetus with enough nutrients to help him take form."

"This kind of poison was put through a period and she must have taken it atleast once a week. The disruption of genetic makeup is no small matter, I'd be surprised if she survived. She would need and intense genetic cleansing."

"Botom line she was poisoned?"

"With something nasty. Your father was a Lord Hand that time? or was is after? Anyways someone didn't want him to have another son. and seeing how Mad king used Jaime over here to put a hold on him, he'd be my first suspect."

"But that would be nonsense that man was mad in the head, he would have said it at some point because he liked to torture people. He would have said something and me being always by his side I'd find out." Jaime speaks.

"Well then start there, who else wanted to curb your father's growing power? Someone with connections at the Citadel?"

The brothers look at her in horror and realization. Only those rats will cook something like that. They both realize.

"Do...do you know how to cure this ....genetic corruption?" She doesn't answer.

"If it was your mother maybe, because she would have been herself at some point. You.."

She stops talking seeing the despair on her new friend. She rushes to him and takes him into her arms. "Hey, don't despair okay, there's still hope in no hope. Come let me show you something."

They both leave poor Jaime as if forgotten. They walk towards that damn tower again. He is not ready to go back to his sister, after finding out where is his brother's room is, he gets there and opens the door and find the same room he got, same number of rooms same balcony same furniture just different colors.

It seems they did not discriminate against his brother at all. He puts the armor inside the wardrobe and goes out to watch the soldiers training. The grounds allocated for training sure are enormous but then again every part of this place is massive. It shows it was made by a child with grand structures in mind.

The design is said to be the same as the old one just bigger and had water running inside. That is a wonder, latrines inside the house. He gets to the training and found them training in separate groups. Some are sprinting in high speed, some are using the various places to train. He as a renowned swordsman has never seen but they don't seem to be playing.

"Looks like some sort of play doesn't it? I thought so too and I joined them for fun but then the difficulty of these activities is astronomical especially if you had recently been drinking or visiting those brothels." A random soldier from the south says looking a little worse for wear.

"They do these exercises everyday no wonder they are so strong. I was feeling good after concouring a beautiful fairy last night so I challenged one, I didn't like the look about him." The soldier points towards a very handsome looking instructor who is training the others. Jaime smiles at this guy.

"What is your name?"

"Bronn. Sell sword. Are you hiring?"

"No, I'm fine sell sword huh? how did you get in here?"

"Hired by some bold fuck to protect him but he has disappeared since coming in."

"I'm sure he'll turn up when he needs you."

"I just agreed because I wanted to see the Northern wall. You know they are building a bridge right next to the one belonging to the Twins?" Letting people come from the other side but closing their walls on them. Bronn laughs.

They end up arguing about the difficulties of the activities and so they took the offered uniforms and got in. After a training session.

"If I wasn't worried about my family's name I'd crawl to my bed." The other man is actually crawling to a stone bench and then fell asleep there.

He got into his room and took a shower slowly after that he got into the bed but he is not feeling good all over his body. He remembers the massage from those girls and swore he is going there as soon as he can move his body. He remembers lady Arya did not take back her card.

What he doesn't know is that Arya finds him with her soul force and put ideas in his head. 'Your sister is a shrew' 'Siblings shouldn't copulate, it's disgusting' 'Cersei is a slut, she is always fucking your cousins' 'Her kidd might not even be yours' 'She uses her body to control men'.

Soon a week is over but the royals are not thinking to leave. Cersei is always writing to her father, she doesn't know that none of her letters made it to him a group of guards read and burn them. Arya want all the Southerners to know the North is no bird zone. She allows some to go. However the Citadel's spying all over the North and their cryptic reports are all burned without failure. Now that the North is under complete control of the Starks the North is where birds go to die.

The training is going well, most youths and able Northman and women are working making coins to spend on the mall and feed their families. Now it is almost done and 86 percent of the squad is released from their duties. Those Missing are the ones overseas still gathering materials of all kinds bringing them back and putting them in the storerooms.

Caitlyn knows where to go to get her materials for making clothes. The rest of the Stark children are always training with the soldiers wearing the same training suits and doing the same exercises. Robert has been there but only watched he realized how abnormal these soldiers are so he rushed and pressure Ned into marriage with the crown.

He didn't go back to the training grounds after that fist time and spent most of his time in the fairy clubs he has sampled all three cities. They also make him very jealous of his friend and that daughter of his who is a warrior at heart and a scholar in the mind. He is still lamenting the fact she took his hammer with those small hands and put it against him without breaking a sweat.

In the office of the Lord of the North, Arya walks in after knocking and is surprised to see her mother part of the meeting. She stands as the one called on to this meeting "Good morning Father, King, mom." Ned holds back a smile at his daughter's antics of not even bowing to the king.

"You uncivilized savage doesn't know how to greet." Cersei says loud enough that everyone hears her but Arya doesn't rise to bate.

There are people she has never met but they are wearing colors of Martel, High garden, and a lion? She coughs to hide her surprise. "Dear father, we have foreign guests? Mother you should have helped me atleast comb my hair. I am of marriage age you know."

Robert laughs hard and ends up coughing because of the alcohol he was drinking. Cersei snorts in disdain but is again ignored.

Others are taken aback before they too join the king in laughter. "Father please explain before words start coming out if my mouth." Caityln panics and urges Ned to explain while people snicker by the side. Cersei is staring daggers at Arya by the side and occasionally gives her a scornful look but the young lady ignores her completely as if she is not there.

"These friends from the South are here to propose marriage with you we have been un able to come to a conclusion because of differing opinions." Ned says with obvious displeasure at having people over.

"In the end we decided to let you chose one yourself on the seat next to the king is Lord Tywin Lannister, if you have any questions for him you may go ahead." Ned says holding his breath knowing his daughter is not one for flowery words.

His daughter looks at her father for a full minute before clearing her throat. "You have been my father from the day of my birth, I have spent most of my earlies childhood time helping you with paperwork and playing playing board games." She looks at her father with curiosity as she continues.

"Tell me father do you think I should open my mouth and speak to each of them while the others are within hearing distance?"



Her parents both say at the same time. "No." I have only met you for a week but I also think talking to everyone here is stupid. With that kind of mouth and harsh unforgiving words you speak. You are going to tear them to shreds, but we have been discussing and fighting over who gets to marry you for long hours every day. I want some entertainment." Robert says following which he laughs loud. She shrugs.

"Well, I am pressed for time and my project is starting to show results, this works for me." She says.

"Wait before you start, Are you sure you don't want my son? any of them will do and whomever you choose will be the next king."

Robert says and looks at Arya with what should have been a smile but disappears as Cersei throws a cup to the floor. Arya looks at her for a passing moment and then continues to ignore her.

"My king I'll keep it short. No." She says.

"To everyone else I realize I have a strong bloodline but I also know that is not why you are here. No you are here for something that I have no right to give. That formula is gone with one of my assistants who was helping me to make it. I sent her away to learn from the group who were building the structures."

"But if by any chance you want to buy something else you can ask nicely and maybe I'll charge you for it and we can all go our separate ways, you especially are welcome to leave the N..." Ned clears his throat. She stops talking but most people are amused.

"Can you sell me the medicine then?" Spider asks she looks at him.

"No." She answers flatly.

"Why? if I may ask you just said....."

"You should have come to me straight from the start instead of setting your vicious queen on me. Scheming against me in my own home are ya? You are lucky I haven't taken something else from your body. Spider man." She says making Varys flinch remembering the worrier from before.

The room erupted in loud laughter as most people take delight in the misfortune of Varys and Cersei being called a vicious queen.

"You slut, you think just because you brought people to build a wall that you're special? hha who knows what you realy gave them in return? they were probably tossing you all over this filthy frozen pit of shit." Cersei shouts in anger at being called vicious.

"Marriage? I wouldn't let you anywhere near my children you disgusting Northern whore!!" The Lord and Lady of Winterfell got on their feet but were stopped by Arya who had an amused expression on her face.

"Lord Tywin what brings you here?" Arya moves on to the next topic disregarding Cersei.

"Well that was unpleasant to say the least but I came because I heard there is a lady who is perfect to rule Casterly Rock with my son Jaime Lannister Heir to Casterly Rock." Tywin says in a proud but managed tone making people know he is proud of his keep without making them feel he's overly arrogant.

"No." Arya says.

"Why? Is it because of my daughter? I can assure you she has nothing to do with Casterly Rock for she is a Baratheon now with Baratheon husband and children." Tywin explains in an evenly manner.

"Yes one reason is because of his sister, but not in a way you think, I find her explosive hate for all things women adorable and easy to exploit, what I'm worried about is how submissive Ser Jaime is to his sister. The other reason is you. But I'll rather not elaborate on that."

"That is.."

"My apologies Lord Tywin but I'll trust my own judgment over a man who hardly spent any time with his children." She looks to her father so he can introduce the next person.

"No, I am a lord of a great respected house with thousands of soldiers at my disposal. If you are going to reject my proposal after traveling hundreds of miles to this frozen land without a spec of sunlight the least you will do is explain yourself." Lord Tywin's strong voice sounded in an office making Arya's eyes sparkle as a legend come to life right infront of her.

"I will not be dismissed by a child in a few words, so answer and tell me the reasons. All the reasons you are rejecting my first born son as your husband." Tywin says with a loud and a stern voice quieting the room making the spectators turn to see what the young girl will say to the lions raw.

Instead of a cowering form of a teenager they see a girl with clear amusement on her face as she turns to look at Tywin. "They don't make lions like that anymore. A lion's roar, how delightful. Since you asked don't blame me for what I'm about to say infront of your..... friends." She says with

"My second reason for not marrying Ser Jaime is you. You took the mantle from your father all those years ago disapproving of his friendly strategy you changed yours to be ruthless instead. In your pursuit of making people cower at your feet, you made enemies, when you die they'll come for a pound of flesh, your flesh which at that time they would only find from your children whom you forgot to teach your ways.

You ignored your children busying yourself with your duties and forgot that whatever you do will not last if your children can not hold that mantle properly and your legacy will be lost.

You let your first born son who is to be heir of your legacy to go play guard for two kings instead of showing him how to carry your torch and light the way. You let him be exposed to your domineering daughter who has been overwhelming him and putting him under her control all these years. He has been bowing and nodding at her all these years I doubt he knows how to stand up straight. He might as well have no spine.

"How is a man like that going to stand against the enemies you made who by the way are very tall? Alright let's not talk about outsiders let's talk about your people. The Westerners. You have been running a tight ship over the years making sure no one goes out of line through numerous means.

That army you've trained to be a group of vicious dogs who will bite whomever you set them on, are they loyal? or are they afraid of what you'd do to them and that's why they are obedient to you?

Does your son have that kind of aura to make them afraid or they'll be like a group of dogs without a leader when you're gone and scatter around biting down on every unsuspecting victim they come across?

"How do you expect your son to handle that kind of army when all hes known all his life is to take orders from....you .....the king or his precious sister? Most importantly what kind of husband would that kind of man make? So I thank you for wasting your time coming here but I'm not interested." She says with an apologetic smile but the old lion has a sour face.

She didn't just insult his son and called him a wimp, she just called his entire army as a group of vicious dogs

*Whistle* Oberyn whistles "Should have left it alone when she refused to say. Ow well, lesson for the next guy."

"hahahahahaah" Robert bust out laughing at Tywin Lannister's expression. "I have never seen a young person whose not afraid of the old lion."

The girl ignores all this and looks at her father who turn to gesture at an old lady next to Tywin. The old lady turns to look at Arya.

"This is Lady Olenna Tyrell."

"Yes Mi lady what can I do you for?" Arya says with an innocent smile as if the brutality from before was a dream.

"I have a capable grandson you and him will make a fine couple, his name is Loras, Down there in the High garden, flowers bloom and a beauty like you shouldn't be stuck in frozen land of snow, not that I dislike it but you'd love it even more there."

"My grandson is also very handsome our two houses have had business dealings with each other over the centuries why not make it official? and the food we provide will be even cheaper now that we will be family." The old lady takes one of her hands and hold it in her own with fondness.

Arya looks at her performance with a smile in her eyes. Everyone graons at the queen of thorns putting up such a grandmotherly performance, which young lady will deny an old lady with such a kind smile. The room is quiet for a long moment.

"It certainly a tempting offer had I not known you were condemning me into a loveless marriage, quiet the heartless sharp thorn aren't you?" Arya tilt her head and the old lady loses her grandmotherly smile and looks aside avoiding eye contact.

People are dumbfounded in the room at what just happened between the two. Arya is not paying attention to any of these she just looked at her father. "Wait what do you mean?" Robert asks in confusion.

"My apologies King, I won't be answering your question."

"I order you to answer me."

"My apologies King that doesn't mean anything to me. Perhaps you can order someone

else?" Robert huff's and ignores this little devil.

The queen of thorns breaths a sigh of relief at this.

"The next and last one is Prince Oberyn Martel."

"My brother is not in good health so he sent me in his stead." The prince stands and bows but he is not close enough to kiss her hand so he sits down. "Dorn is a freeing place, my brother has given his son the title of heir so you can be his queen when he ascends as the sun." He stops here looking for a response but got none so he moved on with his speech.

"I have it. You can follow me or wait in my father's study so we can talk about the price." Oberyn stops with his long speech and looks at her with wide eyes. She knowns why he is really here and she is willing to sell? He smiles and takes his seat. She stands up looking to her parents "Parents, King. I'll be on my way since we are all done here."

"Wait, you didn't choose a husband, what about my young brother Renly?"

"Same answer as the Tyrells." Robert frowns looking as if he is thinking. She looks at everyone of them and turns to leave but her parents call her back.

"You were not dismissed by the king." She rolls her eyes in exasperation. "Like in the dinner table?"

"Arya, pearl."

"Not the pearl mother, that is an alarm signal. You do not just say it out to a take me from my precious research." She complains but she still sits down to wait to be dismissed. Moments later nothing happens and she gets impatient but she doesn't fuss. Robert uses this opening to make her squirm for a while but he sees her leting her mother hand comb her hair instead.

"Do you really brush her hair yourself?" Ollenna Tyrell asks. Lady Caitlyn exhales.

"Yes, Otherwise she will wash it and let it get tangled as long as its clean. When she realized how long it gets she wanted to cut it all and leave enough so she is not bold." Olenna looks at Arya for the first time after their conversation. "Do you not like hair?"

"I'd like it fine if only it didn't take so long to comb."

Finally Ned opens his mouth to talk to his daughter