
Reborn in Game of thrones with LOHP as Arya Stark (DROPPED)

This is my Third life but it is the first time being a girl. I woke up in this cold place surrounded by loving parents and kind people but i know the future of this family and it is a TRAGEDY. My name is Arya Stark

Schooldean · TV
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 9

3rd person POV

"Are you going to disappear into that tower of yours?" Ned asks his daughter.

"Yes I am in a critical moment in my project I can not be summoned again."

"I am going to be hand of the King. I'll be going in two weeks with King Robert to Kingslanding.

"I took a couple of green seers many years ago a couple, They saw in their vision a big wolf and a smaller wolf leaving their pack and going south. They traveled untill they came inside a lion's den, not a stag den father a lion's den. A mad in the head smaller lion sitting on a pointy stone demanded the big wolf's head and they brought it to him.

After that they played and tossed the little wolf untill it had no will to live anymore. Tell me father, are you by any chance taking my sister down south with you? I ask because the little wolf the greenseers saw was a red little cub."

"Arya there's no such thing as magic baby just be happy for your sister okay?" Caitlyn Tully tries to stop her husband from going back on her word.

She looks at her father "I see, are you coming back home in a year then?" Ned looks at her in question. "In less than a year the king will be dead." A commotion ensued and the white cloaks surrounded her she looked at prince Oberyn who smiled and gave her his spear which she caught perfectly.

She spins with blinding speed turning the spear around and hitting the men on their accupoints on their shoulders paralyzing them where they stand. They stood rigid in a matter of seconds. She smiled and waved her hand in front of their faces. They followed her hand with their eyes but did not make a move with their limbs.

"Why are you fools standing there kill her she just threatened your king." Cersei shouts but it like everyone has adopted a 'ignore' policy when it comes to Cersei.

"There is a herb that grows between stone cracks it's leaves are deep dark red, it's called lumpy flower but it doesn't bud nor bloom, it's just a lumpy stem with dark red small leaves it's easy to overlook. Those leaves when mixed in with a few others herbs will make the subject hallucinate whatever subject of their deep negative emotions when ever they are sobered.

This is just one of its symptoms the most likely reason for someone to use it would be to degenerate the neuro system of the brain, rendering the subject unable to focus, prone to dismiss anything that requires focus and strategy. The subject will have to be given precise measurements of the concoctions over a period of years before its starts showing.

It's a very slow acting poison that will never show up in most tests, The Citadel has only gotten their hands on it, a little over 3 to 4 decades and we all know they don't share their knowledge to outsiders which means the one poisoning the king is someone who has a relationship with them.

"Yes, it doesn't show on tests then how do you know he is poisoned with it?" Oberyn asks her with interest.

"Because they didn't just give him the leaves, someone really doesn't like you, king." Robert closes his eyes.

"The stem of the lumpy flower disrupts the hormones of the body system much like the leaves does to the brain system. When the poison is working the subject will be in constant state of need, sex or alcohol anything to numb the anxiety in the system.

The more they indulge in these the faster the internal system will collapse, soon they will be dependent on these and will not be able to extricate themselves because when sober they are haunted by their minds when drunk it a little better. However the more they drink they get more addicted to alcohol and sexual relations." That was Oberyn's amused voice.

"Your friends wanted to keep you out of commission and occupied while they run the kingdoms in your stead. They might just want to discredit you so you'll be known as an incompetent drunk who loves whores so it'll be easier to replace you and no one will fight to keep you king." Oberyn is laughing now.

"An obvious symptom would be deep dark redness in the finger nail, that colour resembling the leaves of the lumpy flower. Bad rotten breath because of your dying internal organs.

They are killing you slowly along with your reputation. That's what happens when you surround yourself with vicious people." Oberyn says with delight.

*Boom* *Boom*

Robert stood tall from his sitting position where his chair has been turned to dust. In his anger he splited the chair turning it into dust. "I might be poisoned, but5⁵ poison is not the only way to kill people so you better watch your tone viper or I'm having snake guts for supper." The room becomes quiet in an instant and Oberyn goes back to his sit.

"What's so funny little girl?" Robert eyes

"I just realized why you became king. A furry indeed. You must have been a God on the battlefield." She says with a smile in her eyes.

"I know my own body so leave it alone and you stop deflecting and choose a husband before I slap you with an imperial addit. You know what those are don't you?" Robert says in a loud booming voice.

"Unless you can tie me up and hold me down on our wedding chamber for him, I'm not marrying any of the choices here. Force my hand and see what happens, King." She says as she leaves the room with a sway of her long silver laced dress.


The hammer headed for her head launched a hammer size whole on the door she was heading to, she had crouched down like a cheetah when she felt it come.

The onlookers were horrified at the hammer going straight for the girl's head but in that moment when they were expecting to see a dead girl lying in a puddle of brain matter, they saw the same girl crouched on the ground with one leg stretched out the other leg bent down along with her two arms and face almost touching the floor.

She gets up and face the king. She smiled at him and put her right hand on her heart and her left hand in a fist up to the sky. She said a phrase with a soft tone, but what happened next they will all remember forever.

"Let the wolves woul again."

"Awuuuuu" "Awuuuuu" "Awuuuuu"

It started with a single houl, then two sounded, 10 after that. The sound was only coming from the castle at first, then the castle became filled with houls of people. It is easy to discern that there are thousands of them all making the same sound at once. Soon the houls came from right outside the castle then it came from far away but still inside the North.

Soon it sounded like the entire North buzzing the walls and the ground shaking with each houl. She smiles a blood thirsty smile as she takes out a shiny silvery sword out of nowhere and face Robert with what seem to be a long sword in her hand. "You'd try to take my head in my place of power. This is my home and you tried to harm me the black wolf while surrounded by my pack members, you harm one of us you harm us all. The old lion is right about you. You are a bumbling fool."

She takes a stance looking at Robert straight in the eyes. "Your move...king." She said waiting for him to strike and everyone in the room turn to look at him he still surprised by everything but now he is faced with a challenge and as king he must respond or he'll look weak.

He tries to stand on the new chair since he broke the other but his friend holds his arm. The houls are still resounding all around them, disorienting everyone.

"Arya, come down baby he was just clouded by anger he didn't mean it." Caitlyn is shaking while she tries to talk to her daughter who doesn't even look her way. Caitlyn looks at Ned who stands up and puts his hand on her arm.

"You are right he made a foolish mistake and if you do this, if we cut him where he stands I'll support my daughter." She smiles still keeping her eyes on Robert.

"However, we would violate guests right and be cursed by the gods. Don't worry, I'll be right there taking the brunt of God's wrath for you, you are my little black wolf. We stand or die together."

The smile on her face is wiped away now, she is looking at her father with glistening eyes tears threatening to spill out of her large eyes any moment. Her father looks at her with affection and nods encouragingly. She turns to look at Robert and her face turns cold her eyes red.

"I'll forgive for insolence this one time because you are old and weak. You also have no army of your own, you'd be sending other people's men to war, men you never trained, men who would go because their lords are ambitious and want favor. What's the tril if I'm not severing heads of the men loyal to you King Robert?" She speaks with a harsh tone.

"You will rot in that hell with a pointy chair you all like so much surrounded by scorn and spit of the people of that city because you took the butchers who killed and raised that city to the ground and made them it guardians. You took those kind of men and tasked them with keeping your peace .....King. I will not give you the satisfaction of getting your biggest wish, to die on the battlefield." She turned her back but they heard her next words as clear as day.

"Let the wolves rest." As if on cue the houls stopped as if a string got cut, all they heard was the sound of their beating hearts and the deafening silence that followed.


"What was that?"

"Our mistress called arms for war."


"I don't know but when she calls or any with a Stark name calls, it means it's time for all to join and fight together as one."

"So a Stark called just now?"

"Yes, something must have happened because she call it off. Must be guests rights."

"So everything is fine now?

"Must be."

"Alright then about what you were doing before."

"Right away."

The two continued as the girl took his entire cock down her throat and he groaned in pleasure. This is Jaime Lannister. Usually he would have rushed back because a commotion would likely mean his sister has caused it and he would rush to defend her but these days he had felt like all she does is see him as a foolish follower while he a dignified knight is nothing but a guard dog. So he hasn't gone to see her all this week.

He has been trying to meet his brother though, but has been unsuccessful as he is hold up inside that tower entirely owned by lady Arya Stark, he got worried about his brother seducing the little girl but then he decided if that happened he will be proud of him.

He has been waking up in the morning joining the soldiers training doing all those exercises we found that he became faster in his fighting and his hands are more steady with the sword. He can last for longer in battle now than before so he persisted but the sore muscles has him always coming to the fairies not that he is complaining.


Back at the Castle the room was silent a moment ago and then the guest stood up trying to run away from this place each saying polite goodbye words so they can ne excused. They probably want to put things in order in their own armies after seeing how formidable the North is they are probably going to put Arya as the main power in the North. They will also try to find a way to get in the good graces of the North.

Luckily the Lord of the North has many sons and daughters. Some people are exception to this such as Oberyn's party who seems intrigued more than afraid and the old Lion who is seething with anger especially looking at his daughter. He stands up and tells her they need to talk. After they left only the Spider the king and lord of Winterfell and his wife are left in the large study.

"So your daughter has an army?" Robert asks Ned.

"You should too, She did just mock you as a king with no loyal men." Ned answers without answering.

"So she does have one." Spider says with trepidation.

"My daughter has 300 men. The voices you heard are the Northmen who are loyal to the Starks, I can call them my son can call them any of my children can call them my wife can call them but no one else. She made sure to train every soldier we had on our land so ofcourse they will follow her." Ned looks at Robert

"That is how the North, is loyal to a fault and hate outsiders. Perhaps the king has stayed long enough in the cold. I on the other hand will be staying here where I belong." Ned stands up to leave but Robert stops him.

"I made a mistake, with your daughter I shouldn't have done that you know me, do first and think next, she just has a way of getting under a person's skin."

"Yes, blame the child for being impulsive and hot headed, you are king so if you want to kill, kill, but I'm done with you. King." Ned harshly pulls his long caot from Robert's grasps and takes his wife to leave.

Robert is left there in the study by himself contemplating what the girl said about his poison, the only person he can think of to do this using a coward's weapon is his dear wife.

He is not nice to her but to kill him is overboard he suppose she wants to pass the throne to her precious son Jeffrey. A plan formed inside his head to redeem himself maybe if he does this his people will appreciate him instead of drowning him in spit like the young lady said.

"My king, what should be done?"

"Parcel has been poisoning me no doubt on orders of Cersei or her father but I'm more inclined towards Cersei Lannister my hateful wife. I really should have married some other woman, that woman even smells like hate." Robert rants infront of Spider.

"She could be the one doing it but are you certain my king? She is a passionate woman but she doesn't strike me as patient. Whomever is doing this wants you to suffer slowly over time little by little Cersei seems more of a let's do it as horrible as possible. But slowly? I think not, unless she is not doing this alone and that other party convinced her to do it this way." Spider offered his council.

"I see, well it's done now and she is part of it."

"My king if I may advise." Spider says and the other man looks at him.

"I am certain the lion will launch an attack on the Starks maybe not openly when that happens the Stark girl will retaliate all you have to do is to just wait." Robert frowns but he still has more important things to do.

He nods to Spider and goes out to get a drink and maybe some fairies so he can come up with a plan to convince Ned to go with him.

A week passed and Jaime finally went to speak to his sister who slapped him in the face as soon as he comes in the door. He narrows his eyes at her and just silently looks at his beloved sister who has no regard for anyone else but those she can use. He has been away but had paid a palace maid to check if anything strange happens with his sister when he is away.

The news he got is that his sister has been having sex with the member of the kings guard one is Mandon Moore and lance his cousin, whom she has been pushing to be made a knight. All this time he had saved himself for just her because she had to deal with a promiscuous husband but this is what she does?

He looks at her and something must have shown in his eyes because Cersei panics and tries to rub the place where she slap him with her hand on his skin. This makes him recoil in disgust. She sees this and is offended about to shout at him but Jaime speaks first. "You are alive then I'll be gone." He doesn't wait for her to speak but just leavea making her scream in frustration.

He tries to go and see his brother who is listening to Arya play an odd object but the sound is a delightful, it's the same instrument he saw ladies play at the fairies club but there is something in this one as if his entire body is relaxing coming in what seems to be a music room the instructions inside he had seen them at that club being used to entertain guests.

He quietly gets in and sits on a comfortable chair next to his brother who sees him but just goes back to listening to the sound. After a while his body feels heavier and he closes his eyes and starts snoring making his brother smile at him.

Arya has been taking out the poison from his body but it has been a very grueling experience for him. The pain has been too much at times so Arya would play the Zinger to help him relax and fall asleep. This tune is just to make him relax and not fall asleep.

When the music stopped playing there was a quiet clap of hands by the door Arya had known long ago there was a person there but since he didn't have any malicious intent she didn't do anything. She turns in her light pink light gown that is long enough to pull on the floor as she stands up and gracefully curtsey at the audience. She miles at the older man.

"The old lion in my own tower, what is it that I can help you with?" She speaks to him as if there was no tension between them the last time they spoke.

"I heard you have locked up my son in your tower so I have been trying to get an audience, however it seems the two of you has been very busy that last week."

"I see, yes it we were very busy as you can see the difference in your son's appearance I have removed some of his poisoning he seems like a normal teenager just shorter. The next week we will be tackling the disturbance in his growth system." She says looking at Tyrion who has been ignoring his father.

Tywin looks at his son in wonder, he had seen this young man when he came in but he didn't realize it was his son because this boy seemed like a normal person with normal size head and body just shorter but if one doesn't know his age they will think he was just 14. His son Is two times the height he was before.

"Surprised huh? It turns out someone poisoned mother slowly during her pregnancy making her internal functions disrupted. I DIDN'T KILL HER LIKE YOU LOT ARE ALWAYS SAYING BUT SHE WAS POISONED PROBABLY BY YOUR ENEMIES."

After shouting that he got up with his now almost normal size body and walked to his room. Jaime had woken up when his younger brother started shouting.

"I'll be dammed, you actually did it." Jaime rubs his eyes as he looks in the passageway Tyrion has just walked to, he then turns and look at his father.

"Father." He nods as he stands to leave.

"You are not dismissed." The old lion says.

"Yeah. See you around father I am not in the mood. I only came here to see my brother whom you just chased away." The last words came in a whisper as he was already far.

Arya had prepared tea for him. The kind whose smell makes all your pores open and your body relaxes as you sniff. Even if he had wanted to go after one of his sons but tea is his favorite thing to drink and he just has to take a taste.

He looks at Arya and moves to sit and drinks his tea. Opening his eyes wide at the wonderful taste then deciding to continue drinking. There is silence as they both drink tea Tywin looks around the room with painting of the Mikelsons and His Salvatore family including the three younger siblings, then Qetsiya On one side of the wall.

One the other side is the Starks all of them together and one by one there's even Theon. There is one of the North before and the North after. Then there are paintings of demonic and spirit beasts making Tywin stop for a while befor moving on to the next group.

Three large dragons flying on open seas with the biggest one in the middle having a woman on top of it with white hair. He stands up going to see it closely. It is a woman indeed.

"This one is wrong. The biggest one was not gold with scaled but black and the one riding it was a man not a woman. Learn your history little girl." Tywin lectures her but she smiles in response. And point down under the three large dragons. There he sees it the army of the men with painted chests each with a horse next to it.

Another ship has another group with spears and shields on each hand. They stand in straight discipline lines. He stands up straight touching his chin. Then he smiles.

"I see this is not history then?"

"Not history." She says softly.

"A Targaryen woman on her own atop a dragon, one of three, with an army of dothraki and the unsullied. Interesting." He looks Arya in the eyes for a long moment.

"Is this to be the future then?" He points to a man in the front of the unsullied army "His face is vivid as if you have seen him before. And this one, is this Jora Mormont?" He tilts his head.

"Don't scare yourself old man, come here and drink tea with me." She says pouring more tea for him. and points to a covered painting Tywin opens it to find Kingslanding in ghostly green flames. Cercie standing at the balcony on the red keep watching it born with a smile on her lips and a glass of wine in her hand.

"Try to live longer this time." She says and Tywin takes a cup to her lips with a dazed expression, not something many would claim to have seen even once in their life times, an absent minded Tywin.

"Why is her hair short?"

"All I can say is that Sept is given too much power. Especially with a queen like your daughter who doesn't even pretend to care for the peasants."

"It was that high garden woman who did it 200 years ago. By the time we got there it was too late." Tywin says drinking his tea.

"My son Tyrion came to you asking for your help?" He asks as he continues to drink.

"It just happened. I went to look for him to pick his brain on a project I was stuck on. Heard he is a learnt man."

"And did he help?"

"Yes and no." She says pointing at one of the covered painting. "I still need to find her."

Tywin nods and continues watching the paintings. "They are very life like. Who taught you to paint in this place?"

"You mean the Northerners are not exactly known for their artistic achievements?" She says with a smile and he nods.

"I had to try and do something else that required hand work. For the longest time my sister would tease my sawing calling it monstrous. Which was not far off. So I wanted to train my imagination and put it down, it can't be so hard with a needle once I've done it with a brush."

"You did all that because your older sister teased you?"

"Yes. Siblings have more influence on each other in noble children because our parents are usually busy and the other kids are afraid to play with us." She says looking at him pointedly.

"How did you know I call Robert bumbling fool?"

"I heard you say it."


"When?" She says. Then moves on making it clear she is done with the subject.

"What do you think of your grandson?

"Which one?" He asks but he know which one.

"The oldest one."


She is surprised by him admitting that Jeffrey is sick. "Him on the throne will make your situation worse. You are up against terrible odds, you need a steady hand on that pointy thing."

"What would you suggest?"

"If I had a say in the matter when the king dies."

"If the king dies." Tywin insist

"Fine, if he dies you should take the mantle until Tommen is done with his studies. But he should learn directly from you, Send your son home to run things."

"Which son?"

"Any son."

"No. Jeffrey is the first born, denying him of his birth right will make use look weak."

"Fine, do what you must, you are the lion after all, I'm sure all will go well."

"Untill it doesn't, and my daughter burns Kingslanding to smithereens with wild fire. Where would she even get it from anyways?"

"I enjoyed our tea old lion, I must check on your son our next phase is about to begin. Wish us luck." She says as she leaves him in the room full of music instruments and paintings.

Tywin stands up having not decided whether the

girl is a danger or not. He is about to leave but he decides to look at the rest of the paintings.

The first one he unveiled is a picture of Stannis standing with red woman next to him. Again, the faces on the painting are actually people he just hadn't met this woman.

The next is that of a young boy being pushed down what looks to be a balcony. A man in armor pushed him and that armor is that of a squair. Just as he is studying the falling boy a sound of something hitting the floor hard sounded outside the window.

He rushed out to find the boy Bran one of Stark boys had fallen down and looking at his clothes it is what he is wearing in the painting.

"Interesting." He thought as he runs to his daughter's room not finding her and than going to look for her maids they say she went to find a squair named Lance.

Tywin's brain worked over drive he is remembering the dragon, the red woman then the boy. The boy was in the front, does this mean they are in order? He now knows one thing for sure. He need to know what's going on with the Targaryen siblings. He decides to leave today, he can't let his legacy be taken by those damn Targaryens again.

He has worked so hard all these years building a foundation for his grandchildren he'll be dammed if he let them fly in and take it from them.

A week later Tyrion walked out of the tower but no one could recognize him. He looks like any 24 year old handsome face long thin body but with enough nutrients hell gain some weight. He has cried in joy and thanked Arya now he is going to join his brother as they go back to Kingslanding.

The King managed to convince Ned Stark to go south and be hand of the king also taking his daughter with him. As they leave they try to see if Arya is coming to see them off but soon they see her wearing a beautiful light gown with a flowing linen outer shirt decorating many small Stark segues. She is walking with an unfamiliar handsome youth by her side.

She runs to her father who also goes down on her horse to give her a hug and ruffle her head just like when she was ten. Sansa looks at them with fondness and some jealousy at their close relationship. "Arya I thought you are still angry at..you know."

"Don't worry father there's nothing to be angry at. You however shouldn't be going there and you certainly shouldn't be taking my dear sweet sister to that place. Her colour will shine brighter on the snow. But since you are going I prepared a present for you."

That's when two large Elephans sounds came from where they were coming from. They are each pulling a long wagon that looks like a house. Ofcourse they don't know this is the traveling bus from morden earth with everything they need including toilets and bedrooms with complete furniture and food. The bus will be steady even when traveling on mountains all the inscriptions ensures they don't suffer from weather conditions.

The elephants were ofcourse bought from across the narrow seas. "I figured it will look bad if I gave you guys one buy the royal family members had to travel in carriages or God forbid you had to share a room with them." Robert laughs from behind them.

"What are those big things little Stark?"

"Traveling bus. I love my family I don't want them to travel for months this will take a few weeks and you'll be back home." She says looking at Robert.

"I somehow feel like you are sneering at me little girl?"

"You are taking my good natured honorable father into that....."

"Arya!" Caitlyn speaks and she stops.

"Well, safe travels, king." She gives him a fake smile and he bust out laughing at her being so easily subdued by her mother.

"Well, I know you only gave us one so we don't disturb your precious family but thank you for your hard work lady Arya of Winterfell. It was interesting to know you." Arya nods and smiles a wicked smile at him.

"The overly decorated one that side is the royal bus ofcourse I'm only borrowing you it's will only drop you off outside the city and not come in.....unless." She looks at the king with an irritating smile making him want to punch her in her face.

"Say it while I'm still in a good mood from seeing the bus." He says and she speaks.

"No taxes for the next 10 years and you keep it. You see that Stag design, it will not be removed, ever, even with paint. And it's like a dancing stag from a distance in the night if you pull that pin by the door." Robert goes to check and its true.

"How long did it take you to make this?"


"Fine. HEAR MY WORD, I KING ....I HEARBY ALLOW THE NORTH NOT TO PAY TAXES FOR THE NEXT 6 YEARS." There were shouts of surprise and those of joy and others just shouted because other people are shouting.

Arya smiles and takes him for a tour inside. She gave him a shower, a bathtub and a heating system she told them to put burning coal in the tray and they can cook in the stove and have warm water to bathe. While she is showing the Queen's maid all the places where food is stored and how to work the equipment Cersei comes in shouting at the two.

"You were drawing weapons at each other now you are pardoning them from paying taxes? What of our son when he ascends the Throne he will need the coins. Do you realize how much money you just threw away? Do you? and you don't think I haven't seen you batting your eyes at my brother, he will never go for a Northern whore like you!" Robert prepares for Arya to say something equally horrible but he hears her laughing.

"Your grace." She takes her hand into hers.

"I'm going to miss you the most. I have prepared something for you come let me show you."

Cersei is surprised at the warm smile she is receiving. They all go to the nicest of all the rooms she has a dresser with a comfortable bed and a large wardrobe filled with nice looking clothes and shoes." Cersei is dazzled at the beauty of it all.

"I think this will make up to me calling you vicious no? especially the night wear...very sexy. All this side are skin products and rubbing oils get a girl with good hands to massage you right to your dreams."

"Why did you do this? Is this about you seducing my brother? You want me to help you get him don't you?"

"Please don't misunderstand me with a Southerner girl full of plots and schemes. I'm giving you these because I made them for you together with this bus. I'm still giving you now because despite all that shouting you did, it was okay. You got angry and you expressed it I can appreciate you as a person with a lot of passion."

"Take my gift and pretty yourself. Enjoy while the storm is still brewing." She smiles at her but Cersei is already looking at the things in her room with sparkling eyes. The fashion inside is not something even a queen can resist.

Robert looks at her with narrow eyes."What are you scheming little Stark. Appreciate her? You appreciate her? who do you thing you are fooling?" Robert says rolling his eyes.

They move to the next room which is Robert's Which is a bedroom with mat on the floor the bed is exaggerated big in size there is a table with comfortable couches.

The table has a whole for a bottle and two small ones for glasses. She gets in and opens the long cardboard with rows and rows of alcohol. Separated into wine, whiskey, brandy and strong wine, and spirit wine. "Since you chose to die, do it in style." She says with a bit of sadness in her tone.

Robert looks at her then he is distracted by all the wine bottles in the cabinets. She silently leaves and goes to her sister.

She finds her going through the fully packed bedroom looking very happy. "So do you like it?"

"Yes, Arya when did you make all this? Why did you if you didn't want me going?"

"Because love is a weakness."

Sansa rolled her eyes at her "Not this answer, speak clearly."

"I'm serious. I love you big dumb sister who has grand dreams about southern princes and knights in shining armor." Arya says in exasperation. Sansa laughs at her little sister's disgust.

"Yes the prince is a little mad in the head but the knights were fine. And said yourself that Jaime Lannister is a good man, knights are not so bad."

"One man out of how many? Besides I need you to use this trip to absorb something for me. It will help you see the truth. You are from the North, always been surrounded by normal people now you are going to be amongst beasts in human skin I want you to hear what they realy think of you. Remember, this is to be our little secret." Sansa nods in seriousness.

"I'll send your trusted maids to be here untill you are well enough to continue the rest of the journey, they won't leave your side even when you get there." Arya says as she takes out a blue pill if Aurora were here she would see that it is a smaller version of the one she once ate.

Sansa doesn't even ask and just eats it before lying down on the bed. The rest of the party uses the carriages that would have been used by the royals soon almost everyone has a spot. "Arya. Come out this instant." Caitlyn's shout could be heard by all the people.

"Dear mother what seems to be the problem?"

"Who is this young man using lord Tyrion's voice? he was seen coming out of your tower I swear...."

"Mother please come down people are watching and pointing and probably calling names in their heads...This IS lord Tyrion call his brother he'll recognize his own brother. Besides, a man can never change his eyes."

"As I live and breath, it is indeed Lord Tyrion, Arya is this your doing?" Robert looks at the young man with surprise. Soon Ned and John also comes out.


*gasps* *gasps*

Exclamation of surprise all around the gate all the Lannister men cycle Tyrion picking and probing to see if its true then they lift him up going with him on their shoulders saying the young lord is cured.

"You did that?" Arya look at the woman who spoke she seems beautiful but she knows this is her crazy aunt Lysa. "When did aunt Lysa come? no one told me? Am I even a member of this family?" She runs past Lysa going straight for the twins looking them up and checking them for health.

"They are good, good, good. I have been worried sick about you little boys but the fever seems to have passed now you are going to be as healthy as a boar, good children have to get sick to strengthen..." She rambles on as everyone looks at her old lady manner of fussing over her cousins.

"I made you two a bouncing castle. You are going to love it it's a small castle made of plastic you get inside and bounce around all you want. I'll go get them for you." And with that she is gone leaving everyone stunned.

"She never fussed on us like that." Rickon says with a frown looking at the twins deciding whether to hit them now or wait for next time.

"That's because she was busy trying to sew clothes for you and all the other kids in the North." Caitlyn tries to comfort her child.

"You? she just ran passed me."

"Yeah she did....Hahah"


They all laugh good naturedly at Lysa. Who also smiles and looks at Caitlyn "These bouncing castles are safe right?"

"I refused her when she made it for Bran and Rickon. The orphanage has many playing toys I don't know how she came up with all that." Caitlyn says with a sour face.

"God gods sister, are jealous of the orphans?" Lysa laughs at her sister and everyone including Robert Joins in.

When she comes back she has a sour face. She give the folded Castles to the twins and turns to face her mother and father. "Mother father may we have a moment in fathers room?" She looks at them and they both have an idea of what is happening. They follow her in.

"You two are unbelievable." She looks at her parents..

"Don't raise your voice at us we are the parents. You come down and tell us what happened." Ned says. Arya takes deep breaths

"You are still sending him to the nights watch?"

"That is his decision we had nothing to do with it."

"You didn't call him into your office telling him how Starks have gone to join the nights watch for generations? Isn't it a bit hypocritical of you to call him a Stark when you are tying to get rid of him?" Ned had the decency to be ashamed.

"Well Starks have also left Westeros to foreign lands when their king knelt for a white hair pompous. Good bye." She turns and leaves



Both parents try to catch up but who is Arya?She is already at realm 4 peak in her cultivation technique right now. She sends a message to the 315 original squad that they are leaving for Daenerys camp. When she gets into her tower she starts packing.

a few minutes later three people barge into her study as she points to a painting on the wall and two girls work together to bring it down. "Can we talk?" Ned asks dismissing the working girls who leave as soon as he looks at them. They might work for the lady but she told them to never make that obvious infront of people.

"Arya it is my choice to go there to assist uncle with the wildlings they are getting too agitated with the wall you helped us with now they have no way of coming inside the North so they harrass the Nights watch insistently." John says in his thick accent.

"Don't lie John, you blink too much when you lie." The room gets quiet.

"Mother is it really so bad that John exist he is a kind boy. Helped me with my bow and arrow when I was a kid, Sansa calling me horse face he was there for me. I built the Moett so you will have plenty of land to claim for any of your sons, you still couldn't let this go?" She looks at Caitlyn with tears in her eyes and Caitlyn tries to hug her but she dodges her.

"I have a painting to show you." She takes them to the music room and opens a wall size painting. It is Kingslanding The man with no tongue has his weapon up about to cut Ned's head. They all cry out the painting is too vivid the people in it are all clearly defined even the laughing Jeffrey.

"You all don't ever listen to me when it comes to your southern grand dreams. You are going there to die but you still go, you still take my sister. I know you seeing this you are still going to go ain't you?" He nods.

"Fine. Now that you know you will not see John again why don't you tell him the truth?" She looks at him as he shakes his head.

"Then we have nothing to discuss."

"Ned, you are not still going are you? She has not been Wrong before even Bran was pushed down a tower. Please lord husband."

"Remember father, you separated the pack."

She turns to go back to her study. "It's not that simple Arya it a dangerous thing."

"But when you get to Kingslanding and find out that King Robert has no true hair you are quick to act and report." She points at the painting.

"How do you think that happens? I ll tell you, because you couldn't keep a secret. It's quite convenient when it involves your blood huh?"

"I'm sure your party is beside themselves looking for you." She goes back.

"What truth? Ned what are you hiding?"

"Cat not now"

"Not now? When? After they chop your head off?" Caitlyn ask with teas now. Ned sits down and tell John to sit too.

"John I'm not your father. Your mother was my sister...." Arya didn't listen when it got to this part but she did see with her spiritual energy people including the King coming towards her tower. She goes out to inform her parents.

John has run out leaving Caitlyn glaring at Ned "Your party is here looking for you." Arya informs

"You are not leaving are you?" Ned asks with exhaustion.

"I was always going, what you want to know is am I coming back? A moment ago I was going to build myself a nice castle and stay there forever, but don't worry I'm coming back now that..." She doesn't say as Robert is near.

"Please go before your friend sees the rest of my paintings, he might die in my tower."

She says and the parents go out meeting Robert who looks like he realy wants to see inside the tower where Tyrion was cured inside. Ned pulls him towards the buses and off they go.

She wait for them to go out the gates and then she goes to find John. The young man is punching a dummy with emotions on his face. She joins him and they punch each other till he felt better. "Are you still going?"

"I am, truth is I always felt off here mostly because of your mother and her band of maids but now I really don't want to be here. I'm angry inside I m so angry I want to..to..." He doesn't know.

"You want to roar John, I suppose I shouldn't worry about your safety seeing my bruises. You should do good up there. But are you sho more ice is the way to go? What about some sunshine across the seas? I'm going to meet Deanerys don't you want to come?"

"No. I don't know her."

"Yes but you are leaving all that you know behind."

"I still want to go to the Nights watch it feels peaceful when I think about going there."

"Fine. If the Targaryen madness strikes..." She runs because he is hitting her with snow. She laughs and leaves.

"He was mad too you know? He went after Lyanna so he can get her pregnant with the son who was promised, the son of ice and fire."


She points at him. "Priests are going to be coming to you calling you azzorahhi or light bringer. Don't buy into their shit. They burn people alive as tribute to their gods. Even children. You see a pretty woman kneeling and calling you names, kick her in the face. Infact take out her charm that is giving her power, it will be some sort of jewelry around the neck probably."

"Chances are she's crazy." She makes faces at John making him laugh at her

"Do you really think he was crazy?"

"He was a psycho who got a 13 year old pregnant. What do you think?"

"She was a child and he was a romantic prince who could sing and smile." She make an exaggerated face and flicking her hair. John laughs.

"Atleast I'm not a bastard."

"He divorced his wife, a princess of Dorne, making her children bastards, If they hear about this we are all dead by a thousand scorpions." She makes a face and claws going after John to bite him. He runs in mock horror.

"So he was crazy. Offended an entire kingdom going after some prophecy."

"Yeah it's not like he got his son of ice and fire....no wait..he did." She points at him and he jumps.

"He made a Male child with a Stark it doesn't make me a son of fire and ice."

"Did you know what Starks used to kill those who would attack them with magic and then marry their women to make the Stark blood to have magic?"

"Do you know which powers their children got?"

"No....don't scare me like that. I'm no prophecy child." She keeps quiet when he seems to be loosing it.

"Don't worry too much, you are who you want to be, I atleast gave you that much power." She tells him and he nods as they separate.


"Bran how was being pushed down the balcony?"

"I should have listened to you and stay away from high buildings during their stay. I'm sorry can I get healed now? I keep dreaming of this weird raven with three eyes so creepy. I want to go train."

"Not yet, let them think you are helpless for now untill they have their own problems to deal with, don't worry mother knows what to do. You all never listen to me I wonder if I sound worse than nana when she tell her stories." Bran laughs and a woman who seems to be in her late thirties stands by the door

"I heard that." She says looking at Arya who just ran and slipped passed her.