
Experimental Subject

-Timeskip 4 years-





"Where am I?"


"Mommy... please save me."


"Someone... Anyone!... please save me! I'm Scared."



Countless voices resound throughout the cold sterile hallway as a middle aged man with a blank expression walks past the kidnapped children who are currently being experimented on in countless ways. While anybody with a sane mind would turn and run or save those being experimented the man just nonchalantly walks and upon seeing one of his scientists he smiles warmly, a smile that if it was in any other place, you would think he was a kind man.

"Sir it is a pleasur-" The scientist was cutoff from his attempt at ass kissing.

"Please, I have little time, leave small talk for later. You are the one who successfully completed the procedure correct?" The man said in a stern voice.

"Y-yessir." Replied the scientist sweat beading on his forehead he didn't want to piss off the devil who gave this place its nickname. The devils Workshop.

"Then let's not waste anymore time show me to the subject in question."

"O-of course sir right this way."

The man gave an evil smirk while walking with the scientist.

'Finally all the risks we took in getting our hands on awakened kids and heavy investment paid off now let's see the fruit of our efforts.'


The room was pitch black but I can still see as if was day time thanks to my race. I look down at my small hands, I was really suprised when I was reborn since instead of waking as a baby I was already a 4 years old kid I got his memories and found out some basic knowledge of this world but this kid couldnt read or write so I don't either.

I should now be a vampire and not just any vampire a primogenitor the oldest and first of their kind with the purest bloodline and not only that I the biggest weakness of a vampire is completely eliminated I can survive being exposed to the sun.

Tap Tap Tap

Tap Tap Tap

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of two pairs of footsteps followed by the light turning on blinding me slightly.


"Sir here is the Experimental subject NO.17 real name Saito Ayami aged 4 from the prominent Ayami family of ice ability users."

—(flashback a few hours ago)—

This bodies previous owner remembers that scientist thats's the scientist who tortured the original owner of this body until he died thats where the memories of this body ends. I woke up later on with a syringe in my arm it had some blood about 25ml that was so dark it was almost black then after waiting a few minutes while staring at me carefully as if he expected something bad to happen after 5ish minutes he saw that nothing happened and was exhilirated he took the remaining blood and stored it away safely like it was the most precious thing in the world and after getting a scalpel he made a deep cut in my arm I winced and pretended to cry after he saw my wound close up at a visible pace he began laughing madly before running off out of the room leaving me still restrained.

—(Flashback End)—

The man who the scientist brought in with him observed me while smiling it was a fake smile though... how can I tell it was fake? I had faked most of my emotions in my previous life even creating personalities to suit whoever I was talking to.

"Good the stone tablet wasn't lying how much blood is left?"

'Stone tablet? what is that?' I think while listening closely pretending to be a confused kid.

"Not much sir not enough to do another experiment."

"That is fine after all we succeeded in creating an immortal soldier. Leave the remaining children in their cells we may have use for them for another experiment in the future."

I inwardly smile while thinking...

'So this is research to create vampire soldiers.'

"Now we will train him it's still to early to test his regeneration ability properly only do small wounds for now dont cut off limbs or anything. Take him to the other department for training and put a limiter on his mana."

"Sir is it really necessary I read the report even though he is the son of two powerful ice ability users he can only create snowflakes at best a complete trash in fact his parents have already adopted and forgot about him just 2 years since we kidnapped him and the Hero agency called off the search we thought they wouldn't give up so easily because he was from an awakened family."

The scientist said this while covering his mouth so I wouldn't hear but I heard it perfectly clear like I was wearing high quality headphones probably because I am a vampire now.

'Mana... and limiter? Hero agency?? interesting I need to collect more information on this world.' I think while keeping up my clueless expression.

"We won't take any risks he is one of a kind we won't let him out of our grasp."

"Yes sir, right away."

'So I have some time to come up with an escape.'

—(A few months later)—

I lay in my room while looking around nothing much to see plain white synthetic walls and floor they set up my room with a bed and some kids toys which I asked for just so I can keep up my act afterall I am supposed to be some 4yrs kid. Other things in my room are just some random furniture and household items such as a mirror there is also a doorway leading to a shower and toilet.

Tap Tap Tap

Taking me away from my thoughts I can hear some footsteps some 30 meters outside my room I can tell exactly who it is by the walking pattern and the destinct clacking of the heels I wait for them to approach the door while smiling to myself.

When the person enters my room I look back to see a women in a labcoat over some office clothes I run towards her and hug her leg.


I exclaim in cheerful childish fashion.

"Saito what did I tell you about leaving your toys out."

I look down towards the ground with a sad face elliciting some sympathy from her she sighs and says...

"It's fine just don't do it next time."

After my conversation with the female scientist she gives me a toy before leaving the room I pretend to play with the toy while I strain my vampiric senses to listen to one of the walls.


After the female researcher enters the room next to mine made to observe me without my knowledge a man says...

"Did he just call you mommy?"

"Oh, that's right, Hiro you were on a break so you weren't around at the start he started calling her that when he first met her after some questioning we think that either the vampiric transformation or the 'procedure' caused him to lose his memory of his real family."

"But I guess we won't find out which one caused it now that the vampiric blood from the stone tablet is pretty much used up isn't that right?"

"That's right."

"So what if he calls me his mom?"

"Don't tell me you actually believe he is your son. Hey if you're the mom I can be the dad eh??" He said with a perverted grin.

"In your dreams."

"Jeez Katoru this is why you're still a virgin."

"How could you do this to me bro? Critical hit."


Processing what I heard through the wall I inwardly smirk.

'Seems they don't know about my vampiric gaze ability'

My ability to use my eyes to brainwash people it came to me instinctually it seems powerful but the target has to have their guard down and so I spent a couple months growing close to this female researcher and successfully implanted the idea into her subconcious that she is my mother who will do anything for her son.

Everytime that she visits me I check if we are being observed and whenever we aren't being observed I activate my gaze and implant orders into her mind all this has been culminating toward the completion of my plan. My escape plan.

1402 words without A/N

I wanted to write the MC backstory first but then I thought I will just do short flashbacks or an auxillary chapter in the future.

Feedback is appreciated it’s my first proper novel.

Aetherbcreators' thoughts