
Reborn in another world with Sharingan

A teenager who dies from a fatal car accident closes his eyes for the final time his soul transported to meet the goddess. There was an error in my luck stat? all my luck was accidentally transferred to my brother!? How could a god make such a mistake I lived a life of hell because of such a stupid god... anyway lets calm down first. “How is it possible for a god to make a mistake.” — S-Sorry! It was my fault I was busy so I made such a terrible mistake. Please don’t worry I have prepared compensation please accept.— “what kind of compensation?” — 1 ability of your choosing, choice of what race you can reincarnate as and finally 1 wish of your desire.— “Is that so? Then give me the sharingan and all its evolution's for my first wish...” ... A/N ~ If you don’t like dumb Mary sue MC who thinks with his dick and spills secrets then this story is for you.

Aetherb · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

This world is a prison



"Oh my God!"


"Calm down dear. Somebody call an ambulance this man was just hit by a truck!"

'Ugh it hurts this pain... I can't move how many bones are broken.'

The truck driver opening his door said with panic.

"I didn't see him!! You have to believe me Sir! PLEASE!"

"Shut up just call an ambulance already!"

"O-okay sir... "

Finally this idiot calls an ambulance. I look down towards the mangled body of the young man who was just hit by the truck driver.

'I can see his bones jutting out from multiple areas... there is no amount of first aid that will save him let alone an ambulance this poor kid is a goner I should at least get his name for the emergency services'

"Don't worry the ambulance is on it's way as long as you don't go towards the light you will make it. Say, what is your name kid?"


'Saito Ayami'

'That's my name but why isn't my voice coming out?'

'I can just about hear what the man says to me but I can't move my body or talk either'

'I guess all I can do is just lay hear and wait for my death... so even after all my hardwork and everything I sacraficed in the end it doesn't even matter.'

As I close my eyes I can feel my conciousness start to fade as my soul leaves this world forever.

'So this is the en-' my thoughts are cut off by my soul leaving my body but this wasn't the end it was just the beginning.


In the darkness of an infinite void a lone souls drifts slowly and soundlessly to an unknown destination.

A godess pulls the soul towards her and says...

"— Awaken.—"

The soul stirs after hearing the voice and 'looks' up to see the goddess.

"W-where... am I? and who... are you?"

The soul asks still waking up.

"— I am the goddess of reincarnation responsible for your world and you are in the waiting area for the reincarnation of souls you have unfortunately passed away and now waiting to be reborn into a new world.—"

"Waiting area? Reincarnation? why am I still waiting is there something wrong with my soul." The soul inquires while absorbing this new information and collecting it's thoughts suprisingly calm for someone who just died.

The goddess pauses for a moment a look of conflicted thoughts on her face before she finally says.

"— That's right there is an issue with your soul from your previous life there was an error that was made in your stats.—"

"What kind of error?"

"— The error... was in your luck stat, it was accidentally transferred to your twin brother giving all your luck to him and leaving you extremely unlucky, if you are going to ask why didn't I fix it if I knew about it that's because reincarnation Gods can't interfere with a soul after it has reincarnated so I had to wait until after you died but now it is fixed.—"

The goddes said regretfully and anticipated the anger of someone who lived a hellish life because of her mistake but to her suprise the soul just said with a calm voice.

"Is that so? Then when am I going to be reincarnated."

"— Er... Thats's right your rebirth... it hasn't happened yet because I have to compensate you for my oversight or I will be punished by my superiors.—" The goddess replied in slight shock at his reaction before she continued

"— You will get 1 bloodline of your choosing, Choice of what race you reincarnate as and finally one wish your desire.—"

The soul said nothing before asking

"If I ask for the sharingan then can I unlock all its evolutions including Rinnegan."

"— That's completely fine it's the same bloodline afterall by the way you won't go blind with the MS or need to take anothers eyes to get EMS you will unlock them over time or with gradual use.—"

"Then that is the the bloodline I choose."

The soul said with a hint of amusement that one wouldn't notice unless paying attention.

"— Then what do you choose as your race it can be anything you want just know it will affect the danger of the world you go to we wouldn't reincarnate a dragon into a peaceful civilization or we would be responsible for it if the dragon comes by itself though then it is a different story.—" The goddess says slightly interested in what race he would choose.

"I choose my race to be Primogenitor Vampire that can walk in daylight perfectly fine."

"— Interesting then it will be done but only you will have this resistance to sunlight and because you chose such a strong race you will be born into a fitting world and for your final wish? it can be anything within reason."

"Before I tell you my wish will I keep my memories from my previous life when I am reborn?" The soul asked without any excitement you would expect from someone given a literal wish from god.

"— No you will not keep your memories they will be wiped unless you use your final wish to keep you previous life experiences.—"

"Then I wish to have perfect recollection of my previous life memories."

"— Okay but you will be sent to a modern world slightly ahead of your own now once more I apologise for the trouble I caused you good luck in your next life!.—"

with that the soul was sent on it's way to be reborn into a new world leaving the goddess alone in that void.

'what an interesting young mortal after reading his file I expected him to be foaming at the mouth with rage with the amount of tragic experiences he had to endure especially his brother who existed just to rub his misfortune into his face living the perfect life adopted by billionaire couple... not only that he chose a race that was immortal and strong one could say he got two wishes in one the only thing I don't understand is keeping his memories even I would want to forget if I was him... oh well off to the next soul.

1037 words without A/N This is a story I wrote to pass the time don’t expect a mary sue MC He will be RUTHLESS in order get his goals he is cold hearted calculating and puts on fake personalities to gain trust truly manipulating but it doesnt mean he cares about nothing.

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