
Reborn in another world with Sharingan

A teenager who dies from a fatal car accident closes his eyes for the final time his soul transported to meet the goddess. There was an error in my luck stat? all my luck was accidentally transferred to my brother!? How could a god make such a mistake I lived a life of hell because of such a stupid god... anyway lets calm down first. “How is it possible for a god to make a mistake.” — S-Sorry! It was my fault I was busy so I made such a terrible mistake. Please don’t worry I have prepared compensation please accept.— “what kind of compensation?” — 1 ability of your choosing, choice of what race you can reincarnate as and finally 1 wish of your desire.— “Is that so? Then give me the sharingan and all its evolution's for my first wish...” ... A/N ~ If you don’t like dumb Mary sue MC who thinks with his dick and spills secrets then this story is for you.

Aetherb · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Escape Plan

After the three scientists leave the observation room next door and I can no longer hear them I grab the toy she gave me and go under my bed to hide from the camera.

The toy she gave me was this worlds version of the rubiks cube I am not interested in the toy but what is inside it I tear the cube apart causing the pieces to scatter in all directions you would think a 4 year old child wouldn't have the strength to do that but now that I am a vampire I can't be considered human.

Inside the toy was a rolled up piece of paper I unfurl it and read it's contents. Yes, I can now read they tought me how to read and write. They were quite suprised to see me master reading and writing in just a few months already showing genius traits so I had to fake being dumb when it came to other subjects so they would dismiss it. I don't want them increasing security of my room because they start to fear my genius.

Processing the knowledge I now confirm that I will go with the first plan I had.

The security around this place is way too much for me to bypass laser grids, automatic gun turrets and even rooms that can cremate you in 60 seconds they really don't mess around here. I am not stupid enough to think I am untouchable just because I got some boons from the goddess.

I give up on escaping by myself.

I got that women to subconciously send me information of the outside world and the place I am currently located. She doesn't even know what she is doing and carries out my orders and has no memory of ever helping me this ability is useful.

I plan to leak the location of this place to the Hero Agency along with all their activities.

That's right this world has Heros along with villains just like all the anime or manga I read in my previous life thanks to the info from my unknowing slave I know some of the general history of this world it is called Landia there isn't much difference from this world and my old world except this planet is many times as big as my old world I guess the laws of physics work different here since I am experiencing normal gravity right now.

The major difference is that due to a tear in the dimension a strange energy named 'mana' by scientists leaked into this world changing this world forever most people in this world are born with mana in their bodies they can use this to strengthen their body or control the elements even powering cars but there are a different class of mana users called awakened caused when a mana user 'awakens' a unique ability but for simplicity they are called Mages they are extremely rare who have powerful abilities that are seriously overpowered and can be passed on to children so Mages only marry other Mages to keep their blood pure.

Some of these Mages have mind shattering powers such as timestop, immortality, Super strength and psychic abilities.

A powerful mage can study at a hero academy to join the Hero Agency to become a hero.

'Why should I risk my safety when there are people who make it their job.'

I put the paper in my mouth and eat it to get rid of the evidence the I get out from under my bed and start putting the cube back together.

—(Timeskip 4 years)—

As I stand in a large all white training hall breathing heavily from my physical exertion I hear one of the trainers call me over.

"Subject 17 come over here for your meal."

Walking towards him I see he has two almost naked female captives previously they would collect the blood and then bring it to my room but starting 2 weeks ago they let me live feed. I recognize one of them they are members of an entire group of captives held only to satisfy my need for blood and taking turns to recover after I feed seeing this I get the urge to drink blood while smiling.

'He brought 2 this time are they trying to see if my strength increases if I drink more blood? either way I can't say no to more blood.'

The trainer must be afraid of blood or something he avoids watching me feed which is good for me I want to be alone.

It has become my new guilty pleasure it tastes so intoxicating I can't get enough of it but I only drink blood from women it tastes way better while mens blood tastes like shit.

Thinking such things I grab the the womens head moving it to the side and exposing my fangs causing the women to remember the last time I fed on her I sink my teeth right into her neck making her shiver along her whole body not in pain but in pleasure I asked my informant about it turns out they discovered my fangs secrete a chemical compound that does three things replaces pain signals in their nerves into pleasure signals, the pleasure is multiplied, increases sexual sensitivity of whoever is under its influence.

I think you know why I don't drink mens blood now it gave me quite a shock when I first tried it when the man started moaning and had a raging boner while looking at me with his tongue hanging out while smiling in pleasure like he was gonna jump on me at any moment I responded by punching him breaking some ribs but because of the properties of my saliva instead of feeling pain he reached an orgasm. I refused to drink mens blood after that.

It took me weeks of taking many showers until my super senses couldnt smell it on my body anymore.

After that 'incident' the scientists learned about my salivas properties and decided to only let me feed on females.

After confirming her reaction I start sucking her blood through my fangs.

Becoming a vampire really changed my thoughts on blood the taste is unique everytime depending how much mana she has and her body temperature even what she ate that morning. I can't even describe the taste it is so addicting it sends a high through my whole body I don't think I can live without it now.

Pushing her onto her back I stand over her on all fours sinking my fangs deeper and sucking more blood my bodies natural aphrodisiac floods into her viens throughout her whole body turning her whole body into a pleasure zone.

I look around to checking they haven't added any cameras since last time I can tell with my eyesight confirming nobody is observing me I look into the eyes of the women now that I look at her I notice she is quite a beauty.

Dazzling blonde hair with slight curls smooth skin pale skin and her eyes... her eyes... I bring my face closer to look into her clear blue eyes until our noses are almost touching I feel her warm breath against my face whil she looks at me with longing eyes almost inviting me.

I bring my face to her neck once more to continue sucking her blood but this time I grab one of her soft breasts sending a jolt through her body and start rubbing her nipples why am I doing this? because the blood tastes WAY BETTER the more pleasure they feel I discovered this by accident last week and since then started experimenting on the women.

Once you are under the effect of my saliva your entire body becomes sexually sensitive to my touch I bet I could make her orgasm from tickling her stomach... probably.

After 40 seconds I then grab her breast firmly causing her to moan finally reach an orgasm I then draw more blood up from her neck through my fangs.

Oh. My. God. This heavenly taste I need to get more of this. I look to see the blonde woman is now laying down with a distant gaze in her blue eyes.

It would be dangerous to take more blood I don't want my 'weak and innocent' mask to break because I suddenly start killing.

I then remember the other woman on her knees who is looking at me frightened and confused.

I smile gently oblivious to the blood around my mouth and sharp fangs making her frightened then I stand and face her before leaping over to her.

1444 words without A/N.

As you can see from this chapter I wanted to show some information about the world but didn’t want to info dump so I will explain the world gradually.

I wanted to show some of the Saito’s vampire side afterall he isn’t a vampire just for show.

The sharingan will come soon.

Aetherbcreators' thoughts