
Reborn As The 9 Tail Fox Kurama

I was reborn as the 9-tail fox, one of the strongest beings in the world of Naruto. Yet just days after I was sealed away

Itachi102 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs

Madara is Alive?

"Big brother that's her." a little boy pointed at Kushina who was heading home. Kushina frowned looking at the little boy who was around her age, and her elder brother who should be genin.

The shinobi system had its ranking, the lowest rank was an academy student. They were not even considered shinobi, instead, all they did was learn about this world and basic ninjutsu

Genin were considered shinobi as they could do missions, although that was not true missions. They were simply jobs that helped around the village, from walking animals to finding lost animals.

Above them is a chunin, they would go out and take real missions where they have real combat in missions, Kushina was strong but she was no match for a Genin.

"So you dared to beat up my little brother?" The teenager asked while walking up to Kushina, causing Kushina's frown to deepen

"It's because he keeps messing with me... And because he is such a wimp you know." Kushina said with a deep frown, the Genin looked at his little brother in disappointment before sighing

"No one could just bully my kid brother, I'm a genin, so I have the privilege of teaching you a lesson." He said with a smirk while walking toward Kushina who quickly retreated, She was a hot head, but not foolish. She was out-matched here

But the Genin quickly followed, shocked by her speed. But he took out a kunai and threw it at Kushina which she dodged, leaving her shocked by the fact he threw a real kunai at her.

She kicked off a tree, shooting backward and slamming her arm into his neck, sending the genin rocketing down to the ground, where Kushina landed coolly without looking back. But she froze when she heard the explosion going off behind her. She turned around and saw that the genin had turned into a log.

Her eyes widened as she realized this was the body replacement jutsu, She panicked but before she could do anything, a blow landed on the back of her neck, sending her falling to the ground. But before she could hit the ground, her long red hair was grabbed, forcing her up.

"You can even see through a simple body-replacement jutsu. You are nothing but a little girl." He said mockingly Kushina's face twisted in pain as she stood on her toes.

"damn, such stiff hair. It's as stiff as straw, I've never seen anything so ugly." He said mockingly, making Kushina slowly begin to cry. The genin little brother wanted to mock Kushina, but seeing her like this he paused,

"I hate my hair too... Are you happy?" Kushina asked softly. Stunning the little boy, who watched as Kushina suddenly took a step forward, wanting to rip her hair right out of the shocked genin's hands, but she and everyone froze in shock once they saw someone appear grabbing the genin elder brother's arm.

He looked at the adorable little boy, he instantly realized this was the transfer student. This transfer student had the same red hair as Kushina, only that he was brighter.

"... A genin picking on a little kid, what a big shot you are," I said as the sound of bones cracking sounded, Genin let out a scream as he let go of Kushina's arm and fell to the ground while holding the broken arm in pain.

I lazily eat the bar of chocolate in my hands while stepping on the genin's face, pressing so hard on his face his head was pressed into the ground.

"Picking on the weak does do something for a weak small ego like yours. But since I'm so amazing, I'm only feeling disappointed in myself for wasting my time on a little good-for-nothing human brat... Should I crush your head where you stand?" I asked coldly, my eyes sharp with killing intent which sent chills down everyone's spine

"Kurama, that's enough," Kushina yelled seeing as I might kill him... No, she was sure I would. I shrugged at Kushina's words and turned to look at her.

"Let's go home, I want to start my training," I said calmly, Kushina looked at the genin with a complex look and simply followed next to me with a downcast look.

"... Red is my favorite color. It's a bright and warm color, so you don't see me complaining that my human form has red hair instead of orange." I said lazily seeing her downcast look

"You heard all of that?" She asked in shock to which I simply pointed at her stomach. kushina eyes widened for a moment before she nodded, In the end, what she was looking at was my avatar, my true body was inside her... That sounded wrong

"... If I were you, I would have jumped backward, smashing my head into his jar. But forcefully pulling your hair off... That would have left him stunned, giving you a chance to beat him up. It's not like he is a battlefield warrior. I will rank that a 7.5 out of 10" I said with a smile, which Kushina gave me a weird look

"Shouldn't you be saying something to try and keep me from fighting? Why did you even break his hand, you went too far." She asked softly, to which I shrugged.

"Me and you are how one, disrespecting you disrespecting me. As you can see, I'm as handsome as a fox. Disrespecting me should be a sin." I said smugly, causing Kushina to give me a disgusted look

"I'm joking, I only care for one human in this world and that's you. I might be foolish for giving you humans a second chance, but what else can I do?" I said seriously, causing Kashina to go quiet

"Thank you for stepping in." She said softly, to which I simply shrugged

"Like I said, red is my favorite color. It would be weird if you grew up and went on to try and color your hair with something else." I said with a smirk, making Kushina freeze slightly before she laughed softly

The two returned home while I threw a look toward a blonde-haired boy who was watching them from a tree branch. He gave me a friendly smile, but I ignored him and left

"Alright, here are some leaves," Kushina said as she gave me a few leaves. I was new and needed to catch up on a lot of stuff. I of course didn't care about the classes, what I cared about was the hand seals and the other stuff that would be taught.

My body currently was almost a perfect copy of a human body. I had a heart, a brain, and other body parts a human should have and all were working well. Because of this, I can now use jutsu, but I needed to learn. There were many things I wanted to learn, from cloning techniques to Sage Mode.

Kushina gave me the leaves, which I placed on my forehead, and sat cross-legged. Forming a hand seal, the chakra came from my body, after which the leaf was held on my forehead,

This was hard for me, one should remember that I had a high level of chakra control—enough for me to take on this form. And now, on top of that, I was trying to do this. It was far harder compared to others going through this.

"Okay, let's go for 10 minutes this time," Kushina said calmly as she started the timer before going in to change her clothing.

It has only been 3 days since Kushina became my new host. On the second day, I entered the Academy, and ever since Kushina began helping me catch up to the others

So after training, I went on to cook Kushina and myself something to eat. After all, I couldn't have Kushina waste our money on takeouts. Of course, I know how to cook, but I prefer to not waste my money on takeout.

"I still find it hard to believe you can cook... Were you always dreaming of being a human?" She asked while she ate my food which she enjoyed. Which I ignored, I couldn't lie but it didn't mean I had to say anything

Kushina went quiet seeing this, she guessed that this subject was something he didn't want to touch. Anyways, after eating they went out to explore the village, Kushina had a lot of stuff to show me. And so, days went by

Since our apartment had only one bedroom, and it was annoying to create a new body, I chose to sleep in the same room as kushina, in my bed.

We wake up get ready, for the academy, return and train, find something fun to do, sleep, and repeat. It was robotic, but Kushina's life was filled with many street fights, a good show for me to watch. Many times she would get jumped, and many times other elder brothers would come to teach her a lesson, and those few times she was outmatched, I would step in to help her out. But I held my punches, as Kushina didn't want me to break bones

But 3 months later, something happened that snapped me awake from my slumber

"MADARA!!" My enraged roar at the top of my lungs from within my seal. kushina who was fast asleep was forced awake, jumping up only to see my avatar slowly disappearing

"... Madara? What happened Kurama?" Kushina asked in shock and worry, but I ignored her, while I boiled in rage, and a hint of unease... Or was it fear?

A few hours ago, one of my human puppets was fleeing for their lives. Behind him, a white humanoid was running after him,

"Tell me? How does it feel to poop?" the white humanoid asked while using wood release which shot towards me, and my puppet quickly jumped dodging the attacks.

"Who are you? Why do I sense bits of Hashirama all over you?" My puppet yelled, but it was pretty much just a lesser version of my avatar.

But this white humanoid ignored my words, forcing me no choice but to transform, entering the 9 tails chakra mode causing my body to be swallowed in a yellow flame-like glow.


I shot forward, slamming through the wood which I broke through, leading the wood to fall to the ground while it transformed it had tree branches grow out of them

But something happened that caught me off guard, this white humanoid body suddenly opened up, swallowing me whole, and began to absorb my chakra while stabbing an iron rod through me, It forced me to suddenly leave my 9-tailed chakra mode, leaving me shocked.

"this? Chakra rod?" I said in shock before I sensed my other puppets, all over the world suddenly being stabbed just like this.

"You beast, going around spreading your chakra all over the world... Haha, this is good." a deep voice sounded, causing me to struggle to turn around only to see Madara, Madara was now an old man, who couldn't even walk without a walking stick

"... Those eyes. Impossible." My pupils shrink seeing those eyes, Madara had. The Sage of Six Paths Eyes, the rinnegan. Purple eyes with a ripple-like pattern.

"impossible? Oh, so you know of the sage of six paths... So you would know of this." Madara said before summoning something which caused my pupils to shrink in horror. A statue with 10 eyes which were closed, upon its appearance it roared while facing me, before grabbing me and swallowing me.

The following horror, Madara ran all over the place swallowing all of my puppets, leading my main body to roar at the sky.

Madara should have died, there is no way he should be alive. I saw him die, I saw his lifeless body with my own eyes. I saw him be cut down, How could Madara live?

"Izanagi," I said while walking back and forth, realizing how Madara lived after being killed. Madara was a part of the Uchiha clan, a clan that has the Sharingan,

The Sharingan is an eye that gives the person an unmatched level of visual power. Giving them the power to see chakra which is colorless, see and read the slightest movement, copy jutsu that they see, and have unmatched powers in genjutsu

So much so that when facing them, one should avoid eye contact with them at all costs. A simple look and they would fall into a genjutsu. When a person masters the Sharingan, they would have the power to cast a powerful genjutsu called Izanagi.

With a normal genjutsu, a user will apply an illusion to a target's senses, causing the target to experience things that are not real. With Izanagi, the user applies an illusion to reality itself, giving the user control over what is and is not real for as long as Izanagi is active.

Users typically do this to protect themselves, negating any injuries they receive or even their deaths. When this happens, their injured self fades away as an illusion and their non-injured self immediately materializes in the previous self's place.

Madara should have programmed those eyes to take effect a few hours after his death, allowing him to come back to life. But why? Why would Madara do all this?

"he wanted to awaken the rinnegan... He bit off Hashirama's flesh before his death." I said in realization. The point of that battle was for Madara to get Hashirama's cells.

"Kushina, I want you to promise me you would remain quiet about what I'm about to say unless I say otherwise," I said seeing Kushina before me, looking at me in confusion and worry. But she nodded at my words, which I nodded

"First, let me tell you the truth about us tail beasts... Almost 1,000 years ago. The concept of us 9 tail beasts didn't exist, instead, we were all one, called the 10 tails fox." I said with my arms crossed, stunned Kushina

"The 10 tails is a combination of two beings, the god tree and the mother of the sage of six paths. I will skip everything and jump to the main important parts, she had twins. One being the sage of six paths and his brother, they went on to seal away the 10 tails inside the sage of six paths, making him the first Jinchuriki." I said leaving her stunned

"One could guess the old manpower... But as he neared the end of his lifespan, he cut the 10 tails into 10 parts. 9 became We Tail beast, and the last was the shell of the 10 tails which was sealed in the moon... To summon it, one would need the eyes of the sage of six paths, which Madara has. I believe you could guess what Madara is planning on doing." I said calmly, leaving Kushina stunned

"... He wants to bring back the 10 tails and become its Jinchuriki?" She asked with a pale face as she realized this,

"Indeed, he just got my chakra which was outside. A few people I allowed to have my chakra, he had captured them and fed them to the 10 tails. I will admit, my power is nothing compared to the might of the 10 tails. This world is doomed if he manages to capture all other tail beasts." I said leaving Kushina panicking

"Why do you not want me to tell the hokage? Allow me to tell him." She said quickly, to which I shook my head

"One, he is nearing his death. In his 60s right now, he is not capable of becoming the Jinchuriki. Most likely, he is planning on finding a way to come back to life, someone like Madara wants this power for himself. He would also want to capture me or else the 10 tails would not be 100%." I said leaving Kushina quiet

"I don't want you to tell anyone as I don't want Madara to be alerted. So train, grow stronger. The stronger you become, the better. If the current Madara was at his prime in age, he would be able evenly matched with Hashirama," I said softly, making Kushina stunned

"How can we fight that?" Kushina asked in shock, Hashirama was a monster. Madara and I working together couldn't defeat him, and now she was hearing that Madara should be able to rival Hashirama

"Madara was not my Jinchūriki, If he was then would would have slaughtered Hashirama. We tail beasts need someone to help us focus our powers. Mito with my power could rival Hashirama, but now that I have learned to focus my power. If we could work together, then we could both show power nearing the level of the 10 tails." I said calmly, making Kushina quiet

"If I was Madara... I would plan for my death, I would give someone my eyes to have them bring me back to life. But you would have to ensure they were going to do so, plus they must be physically strong enough to hold the rinnegan." I said calmly, while Kushina frowned while hearing all of this.

"Think about it... But how would he do so? How would he ensure everything goes as planned? He would not go after the other 9 tails, he is too old. In other words, you and I have time to reach our full potential." I said making Kushina have a complex look

"Everyone else is pointless, only you and I. You are the closest thing to Hashirama." I said to which Kushina gritted her teeth but she nodded after taking a deep breath

"... fine, but once the other tail beast is being hunted, we can't be quiet about this." She said to which I nodded,

'It is a leap, but Izanagi's power is limited, it can only affect oneself reality and not others. He also can't make himself live longer... I should find this person who he would give his rinnegan to, and kill them and devour the rinnegan.' I thought with a sharp light flashing in my eyes...