
Reborn As The 9 Tail Fox Kurama

I was reborn as the 9-tail fox, one of the strongest beings in the world of Naruto. Yet just days after I was sealed away

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Getting Ready For Madara Move

"... Do you think we can just sit still and do nothing after hearing all that?" a man with short black hair said while grabbing my shirt, this was 8 tails. I just now told them everything about Madara

"yes. You would we'll not make me come to the village hidden in the clouds to make you sit." I said coldly, making Gyuuki grit his teeth while looking at me.

"Don't let your fear control you, simply follow me and everything will be alright. Already trained you all to use your full power without the need for a host, and I'm currently teaching you all to use jutsu. We are all in this together, more reason for us to unite together... And we would need a host for this. We alone might not be enough, so find a host you find to your liking." I said while looking at disappearing, to which everyone nodded with unease

I had to get these siblings of mine strong, I had many plans I wanted to try out. So I needed them not to be sucked into the shell of the 10 tails.

Time passed, thinks although it was peaceful, it was not too chaotic. Madara did not move, at least for as far as I could tell. Me and Kushina trained, and quickly we ranked up, becoming Genin and soon Chunin. I wanted to build my combat skills and experience, the 9 tail fox was not a... Skilled fighter. So I needed to build this up

One day, a few shinobi from the village hidden in the clouds tried to kidnap Kushina, but I, of course, killed them. I had no time for their none sense

Years passed and in the blink of an eye, I and Kushins were on the battlefield many times. I fought my siblings many times, but I didn't hold back and pushed them, A few of them I killed because they didn't like their host and asked me to do so.

Well, Kushina went on to start dating Minato, Minato being the prodigy who I soon came to realize might be the MC of this world's son.

From the bits of memories I have of this anime, around the beginning of the anime, there would have been only 4 Hokage, Minato would be the 4th. But he would die saving the village from the 9-tailed attack... So I was against them dating. So, tried getting in the way of this which led to unforeseen events happening.

One thing happened, and I ended up in bed with Kushina. honestly, I was impressed that my chakra body was so perfect that even all human body parts were working as they should. I was not complaining that I lost my first time. but Kushina and I both agree that was a mistake, a mistake that happened at the moment. I had never seen Kushina that way, and it creeped me out a little as I pretty much watched her grow up.

"You have been lost in your mind lately, are you jealous that I'm getting married soon," Kushina asked while pocking my check, snapping me out of my thoughts. I slapped her hand anyway in annoyance before sighing in annoyances,

"My improvement had slowed down. I managed to compress my chakra and take on a human form which increased my strength to the level of Hashirama, I went a step further giving myself human organs which pushed my strength to another level. Now that I perfected this, I can say that I might be equal to a weaker 10 tails." I said softly while Kushina nodded slightly as she saw how monstrous my power was.

"Next, I want to use my chakra as raw materials to produce a new type of energy. So far I only compressed, but if I follow the process of nuclear fusion, I would be able to enter a unique form where my strength is enhanced further at the cost of burning through my chakra. but there is a risk that I might burn through my life, killing me. so I need to be careful." I said softly, to which Kushina nodded for a moment before speaking

"What about sage mode? you said something about the 10 tails being related to natural energy... I think." Kushina said to which I gave her a blank look, Did she forget her enemy's weakness? I might have regretted her being my host if she wasn't so powerful, Not even the future Hokage Minato was her match when she got serious, I don't think her strength is all thanks to me. She was the talent picked by Mito after all

"The Ten-Tails cannot be sensed through traditional means as it gives off the same sensations as the natural energy circulating throughout the world," I said softly while in deep thought, holding out my palm, creating a tail beast bomb with ease.

"I have mastered my chakra control to a point that it's unmatched... after to freely control my chakra for it to take on any shape or form I wish. unlike you humans, I don't need hand seals, it's a part of me. I can freely transform my chakra, to fire, wind, earth, and so on of the 5 elements. I can even fuse them to form kekkai genaki." I said as the tail beast bomb was released with a ball of wind which slowly began to turn into a block of ice.

let's go back to the time of the sage of six paths, back then hand seals were not a thing. the sage of six paths didn't need hand seals, and so did those who were around his time. but as chakra was spread, the next generation found it harder and harder to use chakra, causing one of the sages of six paths children to create hand seals, which help people manipulate chakra.

normally, a person couldn't use a Kekkai Genaki, it was like a bloodline-based ability. One couldn't just copy it. but as a tail beast, I was not limited to such things, every part of my body can be edited and changed. by fusing air and water, I could form Ice release, a Kekkai Genaki which gives one power of ice.

of course, the requirement for this is high chakra control, There are two types of chakra control, chakra transformation which covers the shape and form of one chakra, and Nature Transformation which deals with the moulding and defining of the nature of one's chakra, altering its properties and characteristics for use in techniques.

the natural transformations were Fire, Air, Earth, Water, and Lightning. but outside the 5 basic natural transformations were Yin and Yang, and yes I mastered them all.

All Jutsu I see I could copy so long as I have a good understanding of the jutsu, Of course just because I copy the jutsu doesn't mean I would perfectly copy it. there was a chance I would waste more energy, and leave many flaws. which I could remove the more I use the same jutsu.

I have created many types of jutsu, but a few unique jutsu I managed to create were Yang-based. Yang is related to the physical form, I mastered it first as I wished to use it in the creation of my body. The Jutsu I created was the rubber body jutsu, a jutsu in which one transforms the body into a rubber man

Iron body Jutsu which turns one into a metal man, of course, these two jutsu would need one to have Earth release. it confused me slightly at the fact no one had ever created a similar jutsu, combining Yang and Fire, and he created a fire body. combine Yang and water, you have a water body. although I do remember a clan that had the power to turn their body into water.

For Yin release, an element is mostly based on imagination and spiritual energy. this was a way for me to build and enhance my mental powers, so I put a lot of attention into the jutsu I could create, among them being telekinesis, which I was speechless that this world didn't have. the stuff that Yin release allows a person to do is unmatched once you sit back and think about it,

In a world where a person can recreate reality using a genjutsu, which falls under Yin release, you were honestly telling me telekinesis was much harder to create. in a world where people can teleport with a thought all over the world many times in one day, you're telling me it was harder to put some attention into Yin release, and instead simply use it for genjutsu? Humans are just stupid, these pieces of shit should just drop dead.

Anyway, I created a few jutsu to enhance my mind or use my mind as a weapon. after all, I don't want to fall under a genjutsu.

"Sigh... I guess I did all I could with chakra, Senjutsu is next." I said softly, chakra was simply one energy. Once a person gets natural energy absorbs it into their body and manages to balance it out with their chakra, they would enter Sage Mode and gain a new energy called Senjutsu Chakra.

entering this mode, Hashirama's power reached a stage where he could fight both me and Madara, giving us a good beating, while before he was holding his own, he was losing. then the guy entered Sage mode and started slapping us with a 1,000-arm wooden statue which was larger than me.

Part of me believed that Hashirama only suffered so many injuries because he saw Madara as a friend, by the time the final clash happened, Hashirama wasn't all full power due to his injuries. this might mean that I haven't seen the guy's full power...

"... I'm getting married," Kushina said seeing as I was lost in my thoughts, I froze for a moment while looking at her before nodding slightly, and returning to my thoughts. but this made Kushina unhappy for some reason.

"You know... I miss the days when you couldn't be far from me." Kushina said with a snort, Back then I couldn't be far. but after taking the shadow clone into mind while creating my avatar and Yang's release, my avatar no longer had a range limit or time limit.

"You do you I'm always with you right?" I asked to which Kushina snorted coldly, It was not the same as my main body put most of its attention on this avatar.

"Fine, today is your day. What do you want to do?" I asked with a smile, to which Kushina hesitated before speaking.

"One last time..." She said softly, causing me to freeze at her words. Just what did she mean by those words? Kushina blushed slightly as she lowered her head while playing with her fingers. I looked at her for a moment before realizing hit me

I couldn't stop her from marrying Minato, but what if I got Minato's child to be my child, That child would become the perfect host for me. but how would I be able to enter the child with Kushina not being harmed or injured? on that note, how did the 9 tails leave her seal in the anime?

My mind raced with many thoughts, What could have happened? If I were to steal the 9 tails, I would wait for Kushina to be pregnant, after all, thats when the seal that sealed me would be weakened. But to the village knows this, it would mean that... Madara. Madara would be the only person who could sneak past the village, Minato, and take Kushina.

but how? Madara is too old, what if he found i way to restore his life? fuck, I underestimated Madara... But I should be strong enough to bitch slap Madara... so come, this isn't the anime. I will even control Kushina's body to only get pregnant when I'm sure I'm ready.