
Re: One Piece - Dirty Mouth Freya

A stupid nerdy girl with a dirty mouth dies, meets gods (wow, thats new huh) and receives a new life. ------------------------ This is a Rewrite!

The_Sheep · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

Eh? Why do I hear boss music?

It's been six years since I reincarnated. I lost a lot of my memories about my past life, probably because many of them were trauma.

But I still remember my conversation with Frigga and some not so important past memories.

Until recently I was just a baby, so it's been not long ago since the memories surfaced. I think It's normal to remember these things more or less at this age, after all a baby at a very young age would never have a brain strong enough to have logical reasoning or even understand memories. Imagine remembering everything and having rational thoughts within the mother's uterus? This is so fucking creepy.

What Frigga said about my reincarnation being random made me a little scared, but it seems that she helped me a little, my situation is not good, but it is not too bad.

Currently I live in a church, which is also an orphanage. I didn't even know that there were churches in One Piece, I guess I wasn't that much of a fan if I don't even know that. About my parents, I don't know who they are and I really don't care. But back to the point, my situation is not so bad, even though it is a poor orphanage, we still have simple clothes, and we receive two meals a day, which unfortunately lacks meat.

I am currently in the dorm. The dorm is the largest room in the orphanage, it's like a huge hall, and on the sides there are several bunk beds with desks and small cupboards right next to the them. As everything was made of wood, practically the whole dormitory is brown, the floor, the beds, cabinets, everything. I am not gonna lie, It's quite depressing to live in a one-colored house.

Right now I am sitting on my bed, looking at a small mirror that I borrowed from the Head Nun. I knew that Marika Kato was cute, but not so cute, the animation does not live up to her beauty. I look at myself in the mirror and analyze my figure.

I'm wearing a long white one-piece dress, the dress reached to the knees and the sleeves of the dress extended to my elbows. Basically every girl in the orphanage wears this piece of clothing, while the boys wear a white shirt and a poorly worked leather shorts.

Looking at my face and body I see that I am about 1.10 meters tall, I have smooth white skin, round eyes and sapphire blue iris. I have a thin mouth with a pinkish color, a thin, small and slightly upward nose and pink hair close to salmon color that reaches up to the shoulder.

I am a really cute 6 year old girl.

''Okay, now that I have my memories back, time to plot my plans! I don't even have to think about the first step. Let's gain a good reputation with the adults and dominate these children with a iron fist! Wait for me, you bastards! Muahahahaha!!'' I laughed like a villain. I mean, why not? Everyone does it at least a few times in their life.

While I was doing my monologue that every lonely idiot does, I heard a noise at the door, and I could see my first possible victim, and my bedmate, Kenya. I hope she didn't hear my monologue, it would be a really embarrassing shit.

Kenya is a girl a little smaller than me, she is about 1.08 meters tall, but she is the same age as me. She has straight dark blue hair reaching up to her back and drooping eyes as if she is sleepy, her iris is black as the night sky and her skin is a very light brown, as if she were a little tanned.

She is very cute, but not as much as I am. She was standing on the other side of the door, peeking while shaking. Kenya is extremely shy, and is usually intimidated by the boys of this orphanage, and I kind of have a friendship with her, after all she is cute, and cuteness is justice!

I wave at her, ''Yo, Kenya! Those earth-eating fuckers are still bothering you?'' I said putting my most gentle smile. She is like a frightened cat, any rough movement and she will run away.

''Fre-Freya, please, d-don't curse, if the Head Nun hears, she'll p-punish you...and...they don't b-bother me....that mu-much....'' She says as she slowly approaches me while looking carefully around.

I see, Is this how a Pokemon trainer feels when trying to gain the trust of his first mate? Come to me, Kenyamander!

Ah, before I forget, something that makes me really perplexed. How in the fucking hell kids with 6 year olds are able to speak so well and formulate rational phrases in this world?

It seems that the people of this world really mature faster. After all Luffy with 6-7 years old could handle a punch from Garp, although the punch is very, very, very, very weak compared to the total strength of Garp. Even so, that punch still launches Luffy flying, and he always came back as if nothing had happened , he just appeared a little hurt while crying, and what makes people so resistant and mature in such a young age in this world?

According to the anime logic, is MEAT!

Yes, one of my plans is to get large portions of meat every day in some way, but I will think about it later.

I step out of my inner monologue and I I turn my attention Kenya again, ''What those mother fuckers did to you this time? And where's the stuffed rabbit that I got at the dump for you?'' I asked in an irritated tone.

Even though I questioned her, I probably know what happened, I just want to hear it from her mouth.

Seeing me getting irritated, Kenya starts to shake even more, and lowers her head, afraid to meet my eyes, ''T-They took Mr. Tri-Tristan from me, and they don't want to return it to m-me....uuuh...''

Seeing a cute and wild Kenya start to cry makes my heart break, how can they hurt such a cute creature? I really want to capture- I mean, I really want to make her smile.

''Okay, it looks like I'm going to need to teach those brats about who's the boss here!'' I got close to Kenya slowly, and started pat her head.

Ah, patting a cute little girl is so good, if it's not a sin, then God is crazy.

''Re-really?! But they are boys, and they are s-strong and s-scary.....it was my fault....I'm sorry....'' She said while looking up to meet my eyes.

I stare into Kenya's cute, droopy, watery eyes and wipe away her tears with my fingers.

I swear, for every time she gets sad, it will be a stake in the ass of each of the assholes who made her cry. But where am I going to get that many stakes like that? And I don't have enough strength to do them .... but to stick them in those bastards is another story.

''Kenya, it's not your fault that they caught Mr.Tristan, you don't have to cry. And don't worry, I will show that an angry girl is much scarier than a little boy.'' A sadistic smile formed on my face as I said that.

They are already dead, they just don't know it yet, Kufufufu.


. (Scene change)


After our conversation, I left the dorm and went to the front of the church with Kenya following behind while holding my sleeve.

'She is really coming along. She may be fearful, but she's not a coward, I like that.' I thought as I left the church towards the garden with a smile on my face.

We live on an island. I don't know its size or its name, I just know that there are some villages on this island. The church is located on the top of a small plateau, following the road in front of the church, you can see a village, that village is called Cobulo, its the closest village to the ocean, the other ones are more distant from the coast.

Behind the church is the beginning of the forest, I've never been there, but the Head Nun says that the deeper you go into the forest, more and more dangerous animals can appear. I think that's why the villages were built on the edge of the forest and not near the center, what could be there ? Giant monkeys like in the anime? Now that i think about it, I really want to explore the forest.

Yes, let's add that to my plans!

Anyway, It was still the afternoon, because the sun is still high in the sky. Arriving in the garden, I take a deep breath of fresh air and started to stretch.

The garden can be considered medium in size, but for a poor church like ours it is pretty big. On the right side of the garden the sisters and the Head Nun plant various vegetables and some spices, and there are also several fruit trees. In the middle is the road that leads to the village, and in the left is a open space, which is where the children at the orphanage play, and there was my destination.

Once there, I spotted my target.

I see a boy with short blond hair, sharp eyes and light blue iris, his skin is almost pink, as if he had never sunbathed in his life. Seeing his body, he looked very delicate. That's Albert, the guy who loves to piss off Kenya and he is surrounded with some friends. Meh, they're just mobs, I won't remember them anyway, what caught my attention was what was in their hands, the stuffy rabbit I gave to Kenya, it was almost tearing because of how much they pulled and shook the stuffy rabbit.

''Kenya, please step back a little, if you are sticked to me you can get hurt.''

Taking Kenya's little hand off my sleeve, I signaled to her to move away from me. She hesitated a little, but she did what I asked, what a good girl.

After I finished stretching, I stayed in a running position while looking at the boy who barely knew what was coming.

''Lets do this! Hitting girlish boys who are assholes gets me excited! Im fired up, bitch!''

'That fucking trap prototype, how dare he look more feminine than me!' I thought with anger.


'How can this guy who looks like he has a bird's nest on his head have whiter teeth than mine?'


'This asshole has more male fans at the church than I have!'


'Fucking bastard, this is unforgivable!'

Letting out all the accumulated anger I had for that pussy kid, I ran as if there was no tomorrow. I felt that all the female goddesses were behind me, supporting me, hoping that I could end that aberration.

When I got close, the boy noticed me , but it's too late to dodge now!

Getting really close to him, with all the momentum I had, I dive headfirst into his lower body.

Frigga, if you're seeing this, you're probably wondering why I used my head instead of my foot, right? Well, it's obviously because an idiot's head is ten times harder than any other part of the body!

His eyes widened in surprise as he realized what I was going to do,''What the-!''


I hit the target, and a strange cracking sound echoed in the church yard.


-Albert POV-

Why doesn't Kenya pay attention to me? Whenever she sees me, she gets scared and runs away. I am that scary? It really pisses me off.

She always walks around with that weird girl with pink hair, and when I look at her, she looks at me as if she were going to kill me, she is really creepy.

Today, I picked up Kenya's stuffed rabbit when she wasn't seeing, she always walks with him, that pink-haired girl gave it to her, I think her name was Freya, but I'm not sure. I was never curious to know her name, and they say she's a little crazy , so I want distance from her.

After I got the rabbit from Kenya, some friends of mine wanted to play with it in the garden, they see me as the coolest guy in the orphanage, some even look at me with a certain reverence, and strangely they like to caress me, but as they are my friends, I let them play with me.

While we're playing with the stuffed rabbit, I overheard some girls talking a little far away, but I ignored. Head Nun always says that peeping into other person's bussines is wrong.

Hm, looking closer, this stuffed rabbit is quite good to squeeze, I wonder what's inside this rabbit, would Kenya be mad if I opened it? I would sew it up afterwards of course, I want her to pay attention to me, but I don't want her to hate me.




I heard the voice of the same girl from before, but now she seemed to be really excited.


Why is she talking so loudly?

I turned to see what was going on.

When I turned around, I saw a girl, no, a crazy demon with pink hair running quickly towards me. She was already very close, I don't have time to dodge, so I put both arms in front of my body to try to defend myself, but to my despair, she didn't aim for my upper body parts.

I watched her dive headfirst into my wee wee, it looked like everything was in slow motion. In the end, I only managed to say a few words before she hit the target.

''What the-!''



The moment it made contact, all the air inside me came out, and I felt unimaginable pain. My body trembled uncontrollably as if I had been struck by lightning, my vision started to get dark, and for a brief moment I think I saw an army of men saluting while they cried for me, and then, I blacked out.


-Freya POV-

''Wow, that was really a headache, don't you think Kenya?''

"E-Eh? Do you have a headache Freya? Are you okay?''

It seems that Kenya is still not good with sarcasm. Well, at least her worry about me makes me happy.

''Freya, that wasn't nice, much less funny, you hurt Albert a lot. I know you were angry that they took Kenya's stuffed rabbit without her permission, but that's not a reason to use violence.''

''I know, Sister Lucyna, but Albert always intimidates Kenya, I just wanted to protect her from the bad kids, this is what you always teach us, to protect each other...right?'' I said while making a tearful expression together with puppy eyes.

Of course, it's just an act.

Sister Lucyna is a nun who helps at the orphanage, she is the Head Nun's right hand, and she is our teacher. She is always wearing the standard dark gray nun uniform, I don't know how these robes are practically the same, both in my past world and in this world, it's almost identical.

Lucyna is small, she's about half smaller than the average for women, and she always has a gentle expression on her face. Well, except when she lectures someone.

She has drooping eyes as Kenya, black iris, a long curly brown hair like Ojou-sama style, and her chest is really big. Basically she is an 'Oppai Legal Loli Ojou-Sama'. Yes, all together in the same package.

Now that I think about it, I really made a dumb decision. Why did I wished to be identical to Marika? She's almost a board, fuck! Why didn't I just ask only for her face?

Sister Lucyna sighs, ''Freya, wait here for the Head Nun, she wants to talk about your behavior, and this time, I will not be able to help you.''

It's been a few hours since I messed up Albert's future family tree, sister Lucyna brought us here to the Head Nun's office after rescuing Albert who was passed out. The Head Nun's office is really cool, looks like a old luxury office from my past world, carved wooden furniture, animal skin carpet, but I don't know which animal it is.

It also has several bookcases and cabinets full of books and scrolls, and from what it seems to me, these scrolls are maps. We're sitting in a normal wooden chairs, in front of us there is the table and the chair of the Head Nun, and just by looking you know it's expensive. Frankly, where the fuck does she get the money to get this shit? Our church is poor, for fuck's sake!

''Oh, you are here, Head Nun! We were waiting for you, welcome!'' Sister Lucyna said as she bowed slightly to show respect for the Head Nun.

I turned and saw the door opening, and I saw the silhouette of someone entering the office.

'Finally, the BIG BOSS showed up!'

This is a rewrite!

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The_Sheepcreators' thoughts