
Re: One Piece - Dirty Mouth Freya

A stupid nerdy girl with a dirty mouth dies, meets gods (wow, thats new huh) and receives a new life. ------------------------ This is a Rewrite!

The_Sheep · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Dirty Mouth Head Nun

'Finally, the BIG BOSS showed up!'

Entering the office, the Head Nun slowly made her way to her seat, without even looking at us. When I looked at my left side, I could see that Kenya was shaking a lot while staring at the floor, avoiding looking at her.

I never got a good look at her, but now is a good time to do it, I hope she doesn't mind being stared at.

The Head Nun appears to be in her 20's, but I know she is much older than she looks. She is about 1.75 meters tall; she has dark red hair that reaches up to her big ass, and a piece of her bangs covers half of her face, leaving only the left eye visible. Her eyes are very sharp, and she kept them half closed, as if she were about to fall from fatigue, but I can see that in the depths of her scarlet eyes that there is a very strong glow there, showing that even though she looks like she is going to fall from fatigue at any moment, she still has a lot of energy.

She wore a custom nun outfit, it's almost like Sister Lucyna outfit in design, but unlike Lucyna's long outfit that hides everything, the Head Nun's outfit is very…...revealing.

Her nun outfit is black with red ruffles, her skirt is not so long, reaches to the knees and the right part is ragged showing her slender leg, her tunic is the same as normal nun clothing, but it is black with red ruffles in the sleeves, and she has a medium neckline showing that she have big breasts.

''Damn, now that I look better at her, she is really hot! If I were a guy I would propose to her without a second thought, even if the wrath of the gods fell on me.'' I murmured in a tone that only I could hear, but I could see that the Head Nun was looking at me for a brief moment, it made me shiver.

After sitting elegantly in the chair, she just stared at us in silence.



Wait, what is this strange smell? This smell ..... huh?

I turn around and see a whitish yellow liquid coming out between Kenya's legs.

'What the fuck Kenya!! Did you piss yourself?!' I thought with disgust.

The Head Nun seems to ignore Kenya who pissed herself and she stares at me, ''So, you're the shitty kid who's making the most trouble for me, huh? It looks like you need to be punished, how do you expect someone to adopt you if you are a violent and ugly brat?''

Holy crap, even her voice is sexy .... wait, did this bitch called me ugly?!

With a vein bursting in my head, I forced myself to speak calmly, ''I don't know what you're talking about, Head Nun, I was just protec-''

''Don't lie to me, you stinky brat. I can see in your eyes that you had other reasons for that. Are you going to tell me or I am going to have to force you to say it?''

For a moment I noticed a certain dangerous glint in her eyes, which made me shiver again. Damn it, she is really perceptive, my act didn't go through her!

She sighs, ''It's not really hard to read you, stupid kid.''

I look at her scared, 'She can read minds? Is that the power of an Akuma no Mi?!'

''I can't read your mind, it's just too easy to read you. Can't you understand what I say? Do you have a mental problem by any chance?'' She responds with some impatience.

I can feel several veins bursting in my head. So is that how people felt when they talk to me?

I raise my hands in surrender, ''Okay, I will tell you. After all it looks like I'm not leaving here until I tell the truth, but first, I want you to let Kenya go. This piss stench is making me super uncomfortable.''

She nods her head, and looks at Sister Lucyna, who was beside her, ''Okay, she can go. Sister Lucyna, take this girl to the bathroom and clean her up, and please call an assistant to clean the chair, I don't want a chair smelling like piss in my office.''

Lucyna, who hadn't realized that Kenya pissed herself, looked in surprise at her, ''E-eh? Did you piss yourself Kenya? Oh my, poor girl, come here sweet heart, let's wash you in the bathroom!''.

Sister Lucyna carefully picked Kenya up and carried her out while saying 'Shhh it's going to be okay'.

Seriously, Lucyna looks like an doting mother when it comes to Kenya. The two quickly left the office, leaving the two of us alone.

''Now that they're gone, you can talk, and don't even try to lie. For every lie you tell, it's going to be a week of you cleaning the boys bathroom.''

I get up from the chair at hearing that and I look at her like she's crazy, ''What?! What have I done to you to deserve this, you monster!''

Holy shit, this is worse than losing a finger for a lie, the boy's bathroom is the most disgusting thing I can imagine! Thankfully I didn't plan on lying to her from the start....just kidding.

I sit back in the chair and snort, ''Okay, don't worry, I don't plan to lie.''

She smirks, ''I know. I just wanted to scare you, it's fun to intimidate stupid kids like you.''

This fucking red bitch is asking for it.....okay, let's take a deep breath! Don't let her piss you off, she'll realize what you're thinking, and I don't want to go wash the pigs bathroom.

I was holding on to not curse her, I could feel my blood boil, ''I ... wanted to show who is at the top of the food chain, whether they like it or not, everywhere there is a hierarchy, and I don't want to stay at the bottom of it, I want to be strong.''

She raises her eyebrow upon hearing my statement, ''And why do you want to be strong?''

''Didn't I already say it? I want to stay at the top of the hiera-''

''One week cleaning the boys bathroom.'' Without waiting for me to finish speaking, she sentences me without a shred of hesitation.


''You were saying?''

''Ugh .... Because I....I want to be a pirate.''

''And why do you want to be a pirate? Shouldn't a 6 year old kid think about other things? Like eating poop?'' She says with a face that clearly seems to say 'What is this stupid brat talking about?'

I look at her with disgust, ''Ewww! Gross! First of all, what you said is disgusting. And secondly, it is because I obviously want to be the Queen of the Pira-!''

''Two weeks cleaning the boys bathroom.''


''Because.....I think it will be fun to be a pirate!'' I respond with tears falling from my eyes.

This this bitch don't feel bad for harassing a cute six-year-old?!

Fucking wretch, two weeks cleaning poop, piss and snot? Why the fuck did I come up with saying such a stupid shit like wanting to become the Pirate Queen!

She puts her hands together and looks thoughtful, ''Hmm, so you want to be strong to be a pirate, and you want to be a pirate because you find it fun. I see, so how the fuck do you think fighting children would make you stronger? As I thought, you have a mental problem.''

I hate to admit, but she's right, that was a waste of time, ''Well, I was planning to train myself in the forest behind the church when I turn eight. You know, surviving moments of life and death makes people stronger....right?''

''I see.'' She responds dryly.

Then she closed her eyes for a moment, and starts looking for something on her desk. Finding a document among several others, she started writing on it.

Confused, I ask, ''Erm, what are you doing?''

''Huh? Oh, I was filling out your death certificate. As I know you are going to die at the age of eight, I am already preparing it, I like to do my job as soon as possible.'' She answers me without taking her eyes off the document.

I get up from the chair again, ''Wait what the fuck! You can't just predict that I'm going to die! That's bullshit!''

She stops for a moment, sets the document aside, and looks at me with cold eyes, ''First of all, watch your mouth. And secondly, let's analyze the situation for a moment. You, a dumb child, and let's make this clear, you are dumb. You hardly have a balanced diet and you never trained your muscles; and I am pretty sure you don't know how to survive or fight, and you want to go to that damn forest alone when you turn eight? Wow, I must say, you are the first child I see at the orphanage who has a serious mental problem.''

When she puts it like that it really looks stupid...but that doesn't change the fact that she is seriously annoying!

''Can you please stop saying that I have mental problems? Because I don't fucking have it!''

''So that was a suicide plan?''

''For Frigga's sake, NO! I don't want to commit suicide and I don't have any mental problems!''

I'm really reaching my limit with her!

''Ok, alrigth, you don't have to be so mad, geez...and who is Frigga?''

''Ugh, never mind that. So, oh great and wise Head Nun, what would you do if you were in my place to get stronger?'' I say in a sarcastic voice as I sit on the chair again.

I guess I really neglecting the dangers of this world, I need advice, and since she's already here, why not ask this bitch.

''You're really asking me that huh, let's see....'' The Head Nun put her hand on her chin and started to think.

''If I was in your shoes, first of all, I would learn to hunt with Sister Cecily, even if she brings meat, it is still not enough for all the children to have a good fill. I would learn to hunt and would have my own source of meat, now how to get her to teach is a completely different problem.'' She shrugs, probably thinking about Sister Cecily's odd personality.

''Secondly, I would train my body, a fragile body without resistance is useless. And lastly, I would learn to fight. Here a piece of information for you, there is a retired knight in Vila Cobulo, If I was you, I would go to him and ask to train me.''

''That was strangely very specific.....''

Why do I feel like she is actually trying to helping me?

I place a hand on my chin and start to absorb the information she has given me.

''I see, train hunting with Sister Cecily, train my body and train with the retired knight...'' I mumbled with a thoughtful expression.

Suddenly, Head Nun claps her hands, pulling me out of my thoughts, ''Okay, you can go now, I have more important things to do than pay attention to a little shitty brat, and don't forget to clean the boys bathroom for two weeks, I'll keep an eye on you.''

A tear of blood flows from my eyes, ''Yes Ma'am.'' Looks like she hasn't forgotten about my punishment after all....

I got up from the chair and headed towards the door, but before leaving, I stopped for a moment, and without turning around I said, ''Thank you.''

Leaving the Head Nun's office, I create a goal in my head. I will become super strong before I'm fifteen and I will get my devil fruit then!

One Piece World, here I come bitches!


Unbeknownst to me, Head Nun had a smile on her face as I left her office.

''I hope you don't let me down, you would make a good recruit.'' She mumble.

This is a rewrite!

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