
Raymond Black

life is often unsatifactory. Here i write my story of how i got the oppurtunity to grab life by the balls Diclaimer I only own my own characters everything else is owned by DC and CW respectively I am of the Anti-Harem Sect English is not my ntive tongue but i think im pretty good. Enjoy the story or dont. Shoutout to all the authors who inspiered me to try this. Somenonebody, TomVanDyke, Daoist_Over_God,DemonicPanda,Soulcrystal and godfreyngsze. PinkBunny i also thank you for your part in introducing me to 'Les than Zero'

AsuraGodking · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
12 Chs

Next Step

Will POV

Will: Tell you what kid . You work on those studies as well as the course and missions I've set up for you in this next year and I'll get this done for you . You also might as well drop out of 1st grade . I honestly dont know how you stomched those classes sith your intellect leaps above anything they could teach . Not to mention the kids . My God what did you even talk about ?

Ray visibly cringed as I brought this up . Clearly this was a harrowing 6 months for him . Hahahaha.

Ray; It was torture I tell you pure torture

Ray said as he visibly shook

Will burst out in laughter at this scene. 'I've been trying to make this kid say uncle for an entire and all took was sending him to school , the irony' Will thought as he wiped a tear from his eye.

Will: Whew that was funny . Now onto business . Your next training course will be espionage and foreign studies. How many language have you learnt?

Ray: Well the libraries in the area haven't been all that helpful but through the dictionaries and literature I've managed French, and Latin . I also learned Spanish from Mr Hernandez across the road. He gave me a few books and a dictionary.

Will: Not bad but you'll need to get the accents down as well as their lingo . It's also imperative you learn Russian , Chinese and Swahili. I've got a few trusted friends who'll be taking over your training in the next year.

Ray: Friends ? Why not you ? Aren't you like a jack of all trades ?

Will: Haha yes I am but as the saying goes jack of all trades master of none. The people I've lined up are experts in their fields. Let me put it this way . Lets say theirs basic , Intermediate, advanced , master and grandmaster. These guys would be grandmasters in their respective fields and I would be a grandmaster in about only 4 or 5 categories and that's all military stuff because I've had decades of experience in those areas. But espionage is a different game. For instance tracking . While I could track you down in a jungle no problem the same cannot be said for tracking you in a suburban area. You understand what I'm saying ?

Ray: *nods head pensively * Yeah I understand. So what training would I be undergoing so I can better prepare myself .

Will: This will mostly be theory for the first few months . You need training in a few fields.

• Intelligence Analysis

• Foreign Languages and cultures

• Psychology

• Tracking

• Strategy

• History

• Counter Intelligence

• Threat Analysis

• Leadership and managerial skills

• Deception

After you've learnt all this we'll put you in areas around Starling City to complete specified mission so you may put this knowledge in action. So we can also track how you would react in the field."

Will: You get all that ?

Ray: *deep breathe* yeah I got it. So when do we start?

Will: You'll be starting in 1 week from now . Need to get everything ready . Preparation is key in anything you do.


1 week later

Will: I'll be using your alias for the duration of this year until your trainings complete. Understood ?

Ray: Yes sir.

Will then turned to see a blue crown vic slow to a stop at his training ground entrance.

Will: ITS OPEN !!

The car soon rolled in and 3 people jumped out . 2 middle aged guys who looked to be around 33 - 37 and a woman who was clearly in her early 30's but the make up confused anyone who saw her as to how old she really was.

Male 1: Good day sir

Will: Please guys for the duration of this year refer to me as Will .

All 3: Yes sir

Will: Well David these will be your instructors . These two men are Silver and Shade, this young lady is Miss P.

Silver was about 6'1 caucasian man with blond hair and a pronounced chin . A typical strong jawed looking kinda guy. While Shade was a lanky 5'9 pale man with dark hair and a protruding nose. The woman was 5'4 from what I could tell , with long straight brown hair up to her shoulders . Her facial features reminded me of a younger Meryl Streep.

Will: Silver here will be in charge of Counter intelligence, Threat analysis and foreign languages and culture. Shade will teach Tracking, history , and intelligence analysis. And last but not least Miss P will school you in deception, Psychology and Strategy. As I've said before this here is David Grey and his been entrusted to us by a Superior officer in our field to train him as early as possible.

Miss P: Si..Will excuse my ignorance but this child only looks to be about 10 at most. Why train him at all while still so young ?

Will: I'm afraid even I haven't been told that Miss P . But what I can say is that the boy is gifted . As you've said his only 10 years old but he's passed every test I've given him thus far .

The 3 looked at Ray will bewildered looks.As if saying really ? This kid ?

Will: *claps* ok enough of that . David go home while I talk to your instructors about your curriculum.


Ray: Yes sir

As Ray turned around he finally let his face relax in a confused expression at what he'd heard William say. He'd kept a straight face while Will lied through his teeth. As to why Will lied he had no idea. He decided to ask him when he gets home .

Ray then took multiple detours and deployed diversions on his way home just as Will had taught him. He did this out if habit as it was part of his evasion training regime. Little did he know that there was a man who had attempted to follow Ray before he lost site of the kid in a crowded bus station.

Ray got home and read a book on human cell regeneration studies while he waited for will

to come back .

Will arrived 2 hours later. As he opened the door Ray put his book down and straight at him.

Will: *hahaha* guess you have questions huh?

Readers come in

Wassup my readers . Kinda dropped the ball there by not releasing for 3 days . But I was in deep research mode. I aim to make this novel as realistic and factual as possible. But I will also provide plot armor when possible cause what's a fan fic without Plot Armor right ? Well anyway theirs gonna be 3 chaps today including this one as an apology for starving you.

Asura out

AsuraGodkingcreators' thoughts