
Raymond Black

life is often unsatifactory. Here i write my story of how i got the oppurtunity to grab life by the balls Diclaimer I only own my own characters everything else is owned by DC and CW respectively I am of the Anti-Harem Sect English is not my ntive tongue but i think im pretty good. Enjoy the story or dont. Shoutout to all the authors who inspiered me to try this. Somenonebody, TomVanDyke, Daoist_Over_God,DemonicPanda,Soulcrystal and godfreyngsze. PinkBunny i also thank you for your part in introducing me to 'Les than Zero'

AsuraGodking · TV
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12 Chs


Will POV

As I watched the kid slowly examine the targets.i couldnt help but think this damn kid is monster. To honestly think a kid who has even hit puberty yet could fly through the training regime it took grown men 2.5 years to finish in little over a year.

I weep for his foes on the battlefield. His surpassed my expectations at every corner. I'm afraid what will make him a true danger however is not his combat abilities but the sheer magnitude of his intellect. To have both of these abilities in one body is either a gift or a curse.

Ray: Looks like I won old man . I got 110 and you only got 75

This little shits tryna cheat me .

Will: What the bloody hell are you on about. 81 is the highest score you can get but I had a few shots extra so I went for other vital areas. But how the hell do you get 110?!

After my rant all that little shit did was grin at me and point to the targets . When I got a closer look I saw how he did it . On the head and heart X's there were bullet holes through the centre of the X and one on the left and right which joined the bullet hole into a triangle. "Hahahaha" smart kid .

Will: I see what you did there . Pretty smart .

Ray: I've been waiting for this moment for 2 weeks . We always draw at 75 so I thought of this after our last duel.

Will: Ok I get your extra 25 points , 2 extra shots to the heart and one extra to the brain but whys my score 81 ?

Ray: Well your extra shots to the neck , groin and liver prompted me to give you 2 extra points each . They are vitals after all .

Will: A con man to the end I see. Haha even gave me something to be happy about so I cant dispute your own extra points. Well play little man. Now ask your question . I'm not in the usual habit of giving such gifts .

I could see the gears working in the boys mind as he put his hand on his chin . I thought let me give him a clue .

Will: Choose your words wisely.

Ray: What army division or group are or were you in and if so what wars were you or are in currently .

After asking his question he grinned and I swear you could spot the grin on his face a mile away.

Will: Well that a difficult question to answer....hmmmmmm.... I served in Nicaragua under the US Marines and in some capacity am currently in the CIA. That answer your question ?

Ray: I feel like your leaving a lot unsaid . For instance what war are you currently in ? And after all that training I know you served in a special ops team. And you only listed 1 war as opposed to the multiple that have occurred sin Nicaragua.

Will had a sinister smile on his face after the kids response. Smart little bastard . He saw through the holes in the story . Honestly how old is he?!

Will: Honestly kid I've given you more information about myself today then I've given anyone in 30 years . What do you plan to do with this information anyway ?

Ray: This conversation isn't over but to answer your question . I want to know your capabilities and expertise so I know early on how much you can help out in the future. Like for instance I need 2 fake identities . Would you be able to provide that?

2 identities he says haha . I dont know whether to be intrigued or worried .

Will: Say I could get it for you . Why do you need it ?

Ray: Well to tell you the truth I've spent the last 2 years buried in medical books and I'm pretty confident in my knowledge of the human body. I've already got a few ideas on how to improve technology and medicine alike but I also wish to serve in the military . Do you see the conflict ? I cant effectively work in covert operations if everyone knows who I am . So I was thinking of asking Susan to run the company I plan to create under my own name. And I chose her because I've built a good bond of trust over the years not to mention her exceptional managerial aptitude. Shes also already in her third year in business school . So by the time I start my company she'll have graduated and will also have work experience.

His got a good approach. Susan's not only smart but also great with people and most importantly an apt judge of character. Being in an orphanage has also built a sturdy backbone. I have no doubt in my mind that even if the sky fell her will would not be broken .

Will: Has she agreed to this ?

Ray: We've had a discussion about it. Shes the one who told me to wait a few years.

Will: Ok. So what's the plan here ? Dont lie either I already know you've thought at the very least 10 years ahead.

Ray smiled at this statement.

Ray: Well I plan to enlist under the name David Grey, but before that my plans are to get my masters in engineering and physics from MIT , which has a relationship with Harvard Medical to which I wish to obtain my MD. I then want to go abroad to Oxford to further my medical studies. Then join the military at 17 . So I have exactly 9 years to accomplish that.

'Shot this kid really has high aspirations '

Will: Let's say you are capable, what would lead you to believe these ivy league universities would accept you ?

Ray: Well I've already applied under different aliases before and been accepted every time so I'm pretty confident in my chances . But once again if I am able to accomplish all this, you can imagine the media frenzy I would be under. This is where you come in . How do i get my degrees and name out there without my face being planted on every newspaper out there?

' hmmm.... this is kinda interesting. i haven't had a challenge like this since France in 43.' will thought as a smile creeped onto his face.