
Raymond Black

life is often unsatifactory. Here i write my story of how i got the oppurtunity to grab life by the balls Diclaimer I only own my own characters everything else is owned by DC and CW respectively I am of the Anti-Harem Sect English is not my ntive tongue but i think im pretty good. Enjoy the story or dont. Shoutout to all the authors who inspiered me to try this. Somenonebody, TomVanDyke, Daoist_Over_God,DemonicPanda,Soulcrystal and godfreyngsze. PinkBunny i also thank you for your part in introducing me to 'Les than Zero'

AsuraGodking · TV
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


Will:*sigh* First things first , not everything you see in the world is as it seems. You need to always be vigilant. You probably didn't notice but someone followed or at attempted to follow you here.

'Someine tried to follow me ?' Ray thought with a shocked pensive expression.

Will: Your expression tells me everything I need and that's honestly another problem you have. You cant wear your emotions on your sleeve. Unless you really trust someone always keep your guard up. Never let them know or see what your thinking.

Ray: i understand that to some degree and I admit I'll have to work on it .But I thought you said those guys were your friends . Dont you trust them?

Will:*shakes head* This is what I meant kid. While I trust them to not betray me or our country I cant guarantee that they won't trade information about either of us down the line for some benefits. Maybe one of already works for another group in the agency that might or might not be against my own faction . *sigh* But those are issues for another day kid. Basically what I'm telling you is to always be vigilant of people as well as your surroundings. Comprende?

Ray slowly stood up while in thought and replied in kind

Ray: Oui je comprends

Will: Haha good , keep practicing everything you've learned whenever possible and absorb every single thing those bastards have to teach .



?: So what did Will call you out for?

?: Its to teach some kid named David Grey. He says he was charged with his instruction by a superior officer as part of a new initiative .

?: Did he or the kid show any signs of suspicion?

?: Will is still impossible as ever to read but the kid did show micro expressions of confusion . But I dont know whether that was because he was nervous or if it was something Will said. His body did however visibly relax more after he'd left. Which leads me to lean towards it being nerves more then anything.

?: Did the tail we put on the kid get anything ?

?: No! It seems Will has already ingrained evasive maneuvers into the kids daily routine. But the tail also reported that the kid didn't notice him either. So now we know why he gathered us. He wants us to fill the gaps.

?: Wills a crafty old fox . But his time has passed. But it remains that the amount of influence he has is too dangerous to leave unchecked . We need to find something to derail his prestige in the agency. You do everything Will asks of you till further notice while I try dig up on this supposed superior .

?: Roger that.

?: Oh and did you find anything on the kid?

?: Nothing yet , i believe Will also has a hand in that.

?: Understood you may leave.

'What is that wily old bastard planning ?!'

While this discussion was happening a similar ones were being held at various locations.

While just outside the orphanage Will was standing near a phone booth as if waiting for something .

*Ring ring *

The phone rang twice then dropped

*Ring ring ring *


After hearing this Will made his way into the booth.

*Ring ring*

Will picked up the phone

Will: Delta Tango Foxtrot

?: Delta Alpha Foxtrot

Will: Whsts the situation?

?: You've stirred up one hell of a shit storm. I'm getting Intel that both factions have been holding meetings since this morning. So you definitely have rat in house . I've also received multiple enquiries about a 10 year old kid named David Grey. Not that I could find anything other than a birth certificate.

Will: So they have nothing ?

?: Correct. But I'm sure they'll start putting tails on the kid as soon as he pops up.

Will: What I need you to do is cover the kids tracks and detail any credible Intel they bring and keep me informed. I'll take care of things on this end best I can .

?: You need anything else ?

Will: Yes actually I do . I need a full black ops surveillance kit delivered. Equipped with a sniper rifle and a Winchester 22. All black .

?: Timeframe ?

Will: 48 hours

?: Done! Anything else ?

Will: Yeah hows the recruit doing ?

?: Kids good , already finished basic training . Currently awaiting deployment.

Will: Tell him I got an assignment for him. I'll deliver the details at the usual drop site . And thank you for doing this.

?: My pleasure sir . I'll be seeing you

*call drops *

'This should be an exciting year' Will thought as he angled his baseball cap slightly to cover more his face .

Back at the Orphanage

Ray was lying on his bed face up thinking about todays events and their possible implications.

' Let's start with what we know . Wills in the CIA , possibly a high ranking agent from how his peers addressed him. But they also call him Will while everyone else clearly has fake name. Which either means his confident they cant touch him or William Kent is also an alias. Will has also clearly not hid my existence seeing as I was tailed soon after introductions . So we can assume all these factions already know about me and will probably start tailing me regularly to find out more about me . This is all because of my relation to Will ? If I assume that train of thought then I could be seen as one of 3 things in their eyes. 1) A sentimental relationship with Will. And I were them I would use me as a chess piece against Will at critical moments. 2) They see me a protege . Somewhat of a successor to Wills legacy ,thereby making me a future threat if I show potential. 3) I'm just a puppet Will is using to draw out the hidden threats so as to thin the heard .' hmmmmmm.....

'I think the best course of action at this moment is hide my skill and play the role of a novice until they show their hand. Will was right. I have keep my guard and facial expressions on a tight leash so as to not give anything away. But if I really am disposable to all parties involved I'm gonna need an extraction plan and troops. And that needs money that won't draw attention.'

Ray's lips slowly curved into a smile .

'I might just have the perfect plan . Well then let the games begin'