
PVZ system by the multiverse.

Douglas died in an accident, knew God and ended up winning a system (plants vs zombies).

patinhoDEUSVULT · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
60 Chs


After meeting all the staff at the school, Douglas went to the garden which would later become his land.

Walking a little he arrived at the garden that was all messed up.

- Who the hell leaves a garden like that

- Well, we've been without a gardener for 3 years, so it kind of ended up being like this.

Douglas just shook his head and took things away.

- I'm going to start fixing everything. Don't disturb me.

He then took his shovel and started pulling weeds in the garden, then he took his hoe and started plowing the soil while throwing a little compost to mix it with the soil.

Soon after he dug some holes and started to separate the areas to plant correctly.


A few days later.

Douglas has finally finished tidying up the garden, at least the basics.

He took out the garbage, arranged the lots, made small wooden pens for the seedlings.

It was starting to take shape.

- Excuse me, little one.

Douglas turned his head to find a short blonde woman.

- Yea?

- You happen to be lost.

- No, I'm an employee here at school.

- How old are you?

- 10 years.

Yu frowned a little, thinking about who this boy is trying to deceive.

- Come, I'll take you to your parents.

- I already said I'm a school employee.

- Okay, I believe in you here, a sweetie.

She put a small sweetie in Douglas's mouth and took his hand and dragged him to a teacher

- Excuse me Professor Cementoss.

- Hello say please.

- I found this child in the garden I think he got lost.

- Well he didn't get lost, he's a school employee.

- AND??

- We hired him 3 days ago to take care of the garden so you can't know, besides how you are Douglas.

- I was in the middle of my job when this girl kidnapped me taking it all right.

The two then chatted as if they were old friends leaving Yu who was there looking at the scene in a strange way.

- Well Cementoss I need your help to build some platforms and a dome can help?

- Of course I'll go there later.

Douglas then handed a bag of thunder coffee to Cementoss and started walking back to the Garden.

- Hey, wait a minute.

- What's it?

Douglas asked Yu who held his hand.

- I would like to apologize.

- It's okay, it happens, besides, I'm Douglas.

- Pleasure Douglas I am Yu takeyama third year of the AU.

Douglas nodded in agreement and headed for the garden once again.


One thing Douglas did not expect is that Yu would start going to the Garden every day after school to talk to him.

He of course doesn't care much for her, but out of politeness he always served some honey and tea making her want to come back again.

He only had one thing I didn't expect.

She brought a friend one day.

-Nice to meet you, I'm Shinji nishiya.

Douglas nodded and started circling as he nudged his wooden body.

- Excuse me, you could stop putting your hands on my body.

- No.

<Shinji can only wait with a reluctant look while Douglas pokes his body and tries to scrape off some of the wood.

- Well I recommend you to eat gold molasses seeds to improve the skin of your body or you can also have a breakfast of earth wheat to gain a little more mass you are very thin.

Douglas then caught Shinji making him a little surprised at the child's strength.

Douglas dug a hole quickly and put Shinji in there then put fertilizer around and started watering.

Yu who was seeing this situation was holding on to laughter with all possible strength.


(I still love time skips)

time skips 2 years

Plantes vs zombies system)



age- 12 years

level-25 (16,500 EXP to the next level)

current world- My hero academia.









War Plants under Control-225

Douglas in those two years transformed the AU into a fortress.

He has war plants, and potted plants throughout the school protecting and ensuring that there should be no security breaches.

School and government officials are now all addicted to thunder coffee, and on the streets a packet of Rose powder is sold for $ 300.

Because of the calming and imaginary effects of the powder, the rate of suicide deaths among people without Quirk has dropped by 30%.

Of course, the police and other departments are still playing deaf to denounce the dust.

After all, it doesn't hurt and the effects are fast so it's practically legal.

In addition to helping to decrease sales of other drugs.

However, one of the most important things that has happened is that I have grown too much, I am almost 2 meters tall and all the people who look at me think that I am an adult. (JOJO)

Also for some reason the students started to picnic in the garden that I am taking care of, apparently before Yu graduated she told the other students about the garden and now there is always someone coming to nudge me.

- I think the hose is broken, I should go buy a new one.

Taking his bike, Douglas made his way to a convenience store.

However, at that moment, there was a confrontation between two heroes and a villan in front of the store.

The two heroes appear to have water Quirks and are fighting the Muscular Town.

Oops one of them took a punch and was thrown away I think I should help.

I take my gun out of the backpack.

- Breathing stone first form: JAMONGAN SOKYOKU

My ax and flail are thrown towards the muscular man who was about to deliver a blow to one of the Aqua Heroes.

(Impact noises)


Muscular was thrown towards the wall with full force.

- Who are you?

He said leaving the looks with some cuts.



Muscular couldn't even react before being hit by the Ball and thrown into the air where he was frozen dozens of times by his weapons.

Muscular didn't just die on the first stroke because his ax has no cut and his ball has no spines to prevent someone from dying when he attacks.


(Falling noises)

Muscular tries to get up but even with his Quirk providing a great deal of protection for him the blows still broke some of his bones.

Breath of stone second form: TENMEN KUDAKI

(Wind noises)


The ax and the ball met in his head knocking him out.

The two heroes who were fighting stood there with their mouths open and saw the dangerous Muscular man easily defeated by a teenager.

When they went to thank him, Douglas was already getting the fertilizer and was away on his bicycle.

- Dio huh, I hope I can thank you someday.