

After several negotiations the two sides reached consensus and shook hands.

- I hope to work more with you from now on.

- I, too, director Nezu, moreover, I think you could take this bag of thunder coffee with you, I believe it will be of your taste.

- Please don't have to. Nezu quickly picked up the coffee bag.

After all the negotiations douglas will enter the academy as an assistant to the recovery girl when he turns 10.

He could plant in any area that does not hinder the trafficking of students and the school would pay for its products in addition to paying for fertilizers and other things.

What nezu doesn't know is that Douglas plans to turn the school into a complete fortress.

Bamboo mortar, corn artillery, potato chips, watchtower cacti, pits with plants in each corridor, a squad of boxing cabbages to suppress anyone who stood in the doorway. Hell, he'll even secretly plant a nuclear cucumber under the school and use it when he finds the location of ALL FOR ONE.

- Young Douglas I hope you will become an excellent hero in the future. Allmight said.

- No thanks, hero life is for people with plenty of time I have a plantation to take care of.

Allmight was a little down on the answer but smiled again at the same moment.

- Well I think we have to say goodbye, see you at the next meeting.

Douglas said goodbye as well and took them out of the house and returned to his plantation shortly thereafter.


In the dead of night the door to Douglas's room opened and a figure quickly approached the bed.

she stopped on his bed and looked at the figure sleeping peacefully.

Midnight to make sure he doesn't wake up she released some of his gas and looked at the small figure on the bed.

She took off his shirt and started looking at the Muscles that 8 year olds shouldn't have, their firm hands full of callus from the days working in the garden.

A faint smell of earth and grass was on him.

However, Nemuri stopped his movements completely when he saw that mountain under the cover.

At that moment, all her thoughts went to something that mothers should never have in relation to their children.

The eyes started to shine and even a little drool came out.

When things were about to get dangerous, a hero appeared.

Shard (window sounds breaking)

a man in black broke the window and entered.

BAM (broken door noises)

- Mrs. Midnight please do not resist we are the FBI and we received a report that you were about to molest a child.

- Whatever you say can be used against you in court remember that.

Nemuri looked at the FBI men who normally never appear in those lolis-filled fanfics.

However, her gaze wandered to the door and there was a smiling sunflower holding a phone.

- It was you, it wasn't your flower, I thought we were companions.

- eeeee, hummm hmmmm (tease dance)

- Even if you arrest me now remember that Douglas will not be a minor forever and I will be there for him when the time comes.

After that, the FBI handcuffed her and took her away, leaving a note for Douglas.


The next day Douglas went to the police station and asked to release Nemuri.

After knocking a little on the police station attorneys he went out the front door with a woman tied to vines behind.

( I love time skips)

time skips 2 anos

Plantes vs zombies system)



age- 10 years

level-21 (1350 EXP to the next level)

current world- My hero academia.









War Plants under Control-64

Today is the day he works at the UA.

Nemuri stuck to him and made him promise that he would visit her every weekend.

He of course consoled her like an abandoned puppy and made some promises.

However Douglas had a hidden reason to be leaving Nemuri now, he is entering puberty and as someone affiliated with plants he has a lot of vitality so it would be dangerous to stay with Nemuri who had attacked him before.

(No porn for you horny guys)

He then entered the school with his golden divine spade on his back and headed for the principal's office.


-come in.

He opened the door to find Nezu along with the other AU teachers.

-Well we may not have an appropriate party but welcome to AU.

- Thanks.

Douglas then threw a bag of thunder coffee to Nezu who caught it in the air and hid it quickly as if he was afraid of someone stealing it.

- Nice to meet you, I'm Douglas, I will be an assistant to the Recovery girl and school gardener.

Greeting all the people there they were very friendly with him because of his thunder coffee bags.

Next chapter