
Psycho (Yoonmin)

Read full description (Or just scroll to the end) for the warning Y: “Jimin… you should leave.” J: “No Yoongi! I’m not gonna leave you behind!” Y: “Jimin… LEAVE!” J: “NO! And don’t shout at me. I’m not going to leave you. I want to stay with you.” Y: “You’ll regret staying with me. I’ll hurt you, I’ll rip your heart into pieces, I’ll kill you…” J: “I don’t care. I just want to stay with you Yoongi.” J: “Just let me stay with you. Please. You can hurt me as much as you want, you can kill me… but let me stay. Don’t erase me from your life.” Y: “If that’s what you want, fine! I’m sure you’ll regret, staying with a psycho.” Yoongi leaned in and whispered in Jimin’s ear: “But just know, once you’re mine… there’s no way of turning back and escaping.” A shiver ran down Jimin’s spine. “I’m ready to be yours, I’ll be only yours Yoongi… always.” Yoongi smirked before he leaned over and bit Jimin’s neck. ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Side ship: TaeKook I might make a side story about them after completing this story. Hehe who knows? ———————————————————————————————————————————————— WARNING: 18+ content! Also, there’s a lot of abusing, self harm, suicidal thoughts and a few suicidal attempts in this story. If this makes you uncomfortable in any way, then do not read this story! ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Started: July 14 Chapter 1: July 14 Chapter 2: July 15 Chapter 3: July 15 Chapter 4: July 16 Chapter 5: July 18 Chapter 6: ? —————————————————————————————————————————————————- Sorry if I made (a lot of) mistakes. I wrote this story, (yes I wrote it myself) on Wattpad and after that I decided to just copy paste it into here. I’ll check and (if needed edit) it later

Felix_xx · ดนตรีและวงดนตรี
5 Chs

Day 1: Audition day (Part 1)

'Yoongi knew his parents would never accept it. But he had no other choice than to just do it.'

He was sitting in the train, all by himself. He was on his way to his audition. He hadn't told his parents about it. They were both working right now, so they had no idea Yoongi was going to an audition. Yoongi's parents had never been supportive of Yoongi's work. But since it was Yoongi's dream, he couldn't resist it. It wasn't his first audition. He had auditions before. Today would be the last one, and it would be a special one. It wasn't a normal audition. They will choose one person who they definitely want to debut and that person will get to choose who the other members of the new group are going to be.

It made Yoongi pretty nervous. If he doesn't get chosen, the chance that he won't get to debut is very big.

Yoongi was very insecure of himself and he has always been. But he didn't want to give up on his dream. He would try as hard as he could.

A few minutes later, Yoongi had finally arrived at the place where his audition would be held. He stood in front of the building and took a deep breath.

Suddenly, he felt someone tapping his shoulder. Yoongi turned around in shock. He saw a boy standing behind him. He had a cute smile on his face. Yoongi just stared at him in silence.

After a few seconds, the boy spoke up. "Uhm... Are you also here for the audition?" Yoongi nodded. He turned around and wanted to walk away, but the boy grabbed his wrist. "Can I walk with you?" The boy had asked. Yoongi hesitated. He looked at the boy, sighed and then nodded again. A smile appeared on the boy's face. "I'm Park Jimin. What's your name?" "Yoongi." He simply answered. Jimin still didn't let go of Yoongi's wrist. He started to walk and pulled Yoongi along with him.

Together they walked inside of the building, towards the room of their audition. Once they walked in, they saw that a few other people were already there. Jimin stayed close to Yoongi. "So, are we going to practice or what?" He asked when he saw Yoongi standing there, not moving. Yoongi looked at him and started to move again. He began to practice and Jimin did as well. A few minutes later, they had to stop. It was time for the audition to start. Yoongi didn't understand why, but Jimin stayed close to him the entire time. Eventually it was Jimin's turn to come to the front. Yoongi didn't really focus on it since he was very nervous. But once Jimin started to sing, Yoongi immediately looked up.

There were sparkles in his eyes. He loved this voice. It was so angelic, so beautiful and so unique. He was sure that Jimin would get in and that made him want to try even harder his best to get in as well. He wanted to hear this voice every day, not only today. He had to hear this voice. After Jimin, it was his turn. Jimin laid his hand on Yoongi's shoulder and whispered: "Fighting! You can do this Yoongs!" Yoongi was a little flustered by the nickname he just got. But he had no time to think about that. He walked to the front, the same place where Jimin had just used his beautiful voice.

During his entire audition, Jimin kept looking at him. Yoongi tried really hard. When he was done and walked back, he couldn't resist but to whisper a soft "thank you" to Jimin.

The last people did their audition and then they could rest a little. They had to choose one person and that was difficult. Yoongi and Jimin were both nervous. Jimin saw that Yoongi was peeling his own skin off of his hand, so he grabbed one of his hands and held it tightly.

They rested a little bit and drank some water. Jimin saw how nervous Yoongi was. He tried to calm him down by saying sweet and lovely words about his audition. But Yoongi couldn't help being nervous. Jimin sighed and gave up.

Then after a few minutes, which felt like hours, they had finally made their decision and called all of the participants to the front...


Who's gonna get chosen?