
Psycho (Yoonmin)

Read full description (Or just scroll to the end) for the warning Y: “Jimin… you should leave.” J: “No Yoongi! I’m not gonna leave you behind!” Y: “Jimin… LEAVE!” J: “NO! And don’t shout at me. I’m not going to leave you. I want to stay with you.” Y: “You’ll regret staying with me. I’ll hurt you, I’ll rip your heart into pieces, I’ll kill you…” J: “I don’t care. I just want to stay with you Yoongi.” J: “Just let me stay with you. Please. You can hurt me as much as you want, you can kill me… but let me stay. Don’t erase me from your life.” Y: “If that’s what you want, fine! I’m sure you’ll regret, staying with a psycho.” Yoongi leaned in and whispered in Jimin’s ear: “But just know, once you’re mine… there’s no way of turning back and escaping.” A shiver ran down Jimin’s spine. “I’m ready to be yours, I’ll be only yours Yoongi… always.” Yoongi smirked before he leaned over and bit Jimin’s neck. ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Side ship: TaeKook I might make a side story about them after completing this story. Hehe who knows? ———————————————————————————————————————————————— WARNING: 18+ content! Also, there’s a lot of abusing, self harm, suicidal thoughts and a few suicidal attempts in this story. If this makes you uncomfortable in any way, then do not read this story! ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Started: July 14 Chapter 1: July 14 Chapter 2: July 15 Chapter 3: July 15 Chapter 4: July 16 Chapter 5: July 18 Chapter 6: ? —————————————————————————————————————————————————- Sorry if I made (a lot of) mistakes. I wrote this story, (yes I wrote it myself) on Wattpad and after that I decided to just copy paste it into here. I’ll check and (if needed edit) it later

Felix_xx · Music & Bands
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Audition Day (Part 2)

"I'm definitely not gonna make it. But Jimin will. I'm sure about that."

Jimin grabbed Yoongi's hand and gently squeezed it. They walked forward, just like the other participants. Yoongi was sweating and squeezed Jimin's hand harshly. Jimin flinched and wanted to scold Yoongi, but when he saw how nervous Yoongi was, he immediately forgot about it. He wanted to calm Yoongi down, but he couldn't since he was nervous as well. Once everyone was there, the director began to talk. He praised a few people and gave advice to others.

Since it was such a big group, he started to eliminate some people. Saying that they didn't make it and could go home. Yoongi thought it sounded very harsh. He was a little afraid that the director would send him home as well, but he didn't. Now there was a group left of twelve people.

It was now time for the director to choose the one person that he definitely wanted to debut. And he had already made his choice. He looked at the twelve participants. His eyes stopped on Yoongi and Jimin, who were holding hands. The director raised his eyebrow and then continued to look at the others.

He then said a name, which didn't surprise Yoongi at all. "Jimin!" Jimin looked up. He looked confident. "Yes?" "You're not the chosen one." Yoongi's eyes widened when he heard the director say that. He was angry at him. Jimin sighed and looked down again. If Jimin didn't get chosen, then he definitely didn't have a chance.

The director continued. "The one that I and the others choose... Is no one else then... Kim Namjoon!" Yoongi and Jimin looked to see who it was. Namjoon bowed and thanked the director and the others. "So, step forward and choose your fellow members." Namjoon stepped forward and stood next to the director. He looked at all of the participants, trying to remember their auditions and who would fit the group. Out of the 11 participants, he got to choose 6. It was difficult, but he had to do it. He tried to look confident and started choosing people. "Kim Seokjin and Jung Hoseok." A smile appeared on their faces. They stood behind Namjoon. He continued. "Kim Taehyung." Taehyung smiled his happy boxer smile and also stood behind Namjoon. Yoongi got nervous. He had chosen three participants, only three left to choose. "Park Jimin." Jimin looked up and immediately looked at Yoongi. He squeezed his hand and whispered: "I'm sure you'll get chosen as well." Then he walked forwards. Only two more... Yoongi was really nervous. He looked at the others and saw how nervous they were. He understood how they were feeling. "Jeon Jungkook." Namjoon continued. Only one left... Yoongi's hand turned into a fist. He looked down and bit his lip, hoping that he would get chosen. Jimin looked at him. He wished he could calm him down, but he couldn't. Namjoon stayed silent and looked at the left participants. His eyes stopped on Yoongi. "And last but not least, Min Yoongi." Yoongi looked up. He couldn't believe it. Did he just say his name? Yoongi smiled a cute gummy smile. Jimin had finally seen him smile. He loved this smile, it was cute. He was really happy. He took a step towards Yoongi, grabbed his hand and pulled him to the front. Yoongi couldn't stop smiling. He was happy and proud. Of himself... And he was proud of Jimin.