
Primordial Dark Knight Of Marvel

What would happen if batman gets supernatural powers in Marvel..,..

Voilenthell · ภาพยนตร์
3 Chs

Before Rebirth.....

I was a normal everyday guy with same routine and no fun in life. The only thing that makes my blood rush and I felt alive when watching spy and detective and army type of movies. Now many people will be thinking why the fuck you get excited while watching a normal human spy action movies instead of a ton bunch of superhero movies and fantasy stories or supernatural animes. So my answer to all those questions is very simple, I just ask you to imagine a guy who is fully trained for carrying any dangerous mission but at last is a mortal human who can just be killed by a single bullet get supernatural powers.

I can guarantee you that such a person will become a walking God among those supernatural beings.

And as superheroes are concerned, my personal favourite are batman in DC and Ironman in Marvel. And between them my choice will be Batman. I mean Ironman is good but his character only show what humans can achieve with their technologies but Batman he is on an another level. His character shows what a human can achieve both with his body and technologies. He was a great leader and tactician too which Ironman can't compare to otherwise there will be no civil war. His character can be said to be the mixture of captain America and Ironman which most heroes can't be compared too. And if you compare the villains of both Ironman and Batman movie series you would find out that all three villains in Ironman movie series are his personal enemies who are after his wealth or technology or people he offended in past and whereas batman movie villains are people who want to harm people and city.

So, I always had a thought, what would happen if batman got supernatural powers. Just imagining it will make your blood rush. I mean without any powers he kick superman ass for ten minutes and also tried to fight toe to toe with him but we also know that if Superman goes full power from start and without thinking about the consequences of destroying the city and killing the people, he would killed batman before he can reacts. But my question to you now is what would happen if batman and superman have equal raw power. And answer to this question is the result will be opposite. I mean you can simpley imagine a match between a normal adult vs a professional UFC fighter, a single kick to the head or a single punch to the cheek and game over.

Now, you all would be imagining why I am talking so much because I died and after death, there is no heaven or hell but just complete darkness and I don't know for how long I am floating here and talking to myself for keeping my sanity.